Happy new year everybody,
I'm interested in hearing, if anybody knows, how common it is for an ADD/ADHD person to also have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and / or ODD (oppositiona defiant disorder). What do the statistics say, anybody?
My spouse was diagnosed with tourette at the age of 12, OCD at some later stage. I also found out, not so long ago, that my spouse had also at some time been diagnosed with ODD. Only recenty (about 9 months ago) my spouse was diagnosed with ADHD.
After doing some basic reading on OCD and ODD, I can't help to feel that it does explain why me and my spouse, just don't seem to be able to have a discussion about anything were we don't share the same view (especially our relationship) without going in circles or get stuck on some (often) minor item (minor in my view). There is just never any resut from our conversations.
Happy New Year to everyone,
Happy New Year to everyone, also.
Interesting find. I'll have to do some reading on ODD. My spouse and I have the same problem in our discussions, with very few results, for the exact same reasons you mentioned above.
Incidence of ODD and CD with ADHD
The answer to your question is this: According to Russell Barkley et. al. the likelihood that AN ADULT with ADHD also has ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder) is 24-35% and the likelihood of having CD (conduct disorder) if you are an adult with ADHD is 17-25%. These figures, according to Barkley, are below the rates for children with ADHD.
In all, 80% of adults with ADHD have some other psychiatric issue at some point in their lives, including depression, anxiety, OCD, ODD and CD.
These statistics come from Barkley's book, ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says. It's a great resource for those looking for statistics. It doesn't provide suggestions about what to do about these issues.
Yes, Yes and Yes to your questions
My son has the triad of ADHD/OCD and Tourettes Disorder...and when the OCD is acting up like right now..he appears more Oppositional if his rituals are not met. He is 14 in Grade 8 in high school and has had this for the better part of 7 years. Ebs and flows....and can be difficult......like these past few weeks - far too much shouting in our household and my guilt runneth over. I consider myself a great parent. I do everything, read everything, try all sorts of therapies from natural to pharmaceutical and have learned CBT and practise with my son as often as possible. But still I sometimes feel like an abusive parent when I lose it because he can't make a decision about clothes and it takes 2 hours to get dressed and then he pulls the zippers up on his pants and jackets so hard he breaks them off and we have to start all over again.......I have promised to breathe when he is under so much stress, but the problem with OCD is you can't give into the rituals because it just breeds them. I have seen such incredible progress with my boy over the years and our Physciatrist and Physchologist both are very impressed with how far he has come...so I know he has it in him to beat this thing. Sometimes I think I am obsessed with his OCD therapy - ironic isn't....but if we don't keep the tool belt full he won't have the skills to keep beating this in times of trial. I am worried about myself and my reactions and need help in controlling my frustrations with him. Shouting does nothing but make things worse and sometimes I have to restrain him to get him moving forward or getting dressed or we simply won't get out of the house. I realized this puts fear into him......which is also the wrong thing to do as well. Gosh....feeling the need for some kind words and support around this difficult topic.
I have much experience with this triad of disorders and have tons of advice if anyone else wants to swap my frustration/anger. I just want my son well and to live. Really live.
Thanks for sharing....
...this. I'm very much interested in hearing e.g. what kind of natural therapies you've tried. E.g., have you tried sorting out something from his diet, what about use of computers / TV, exercise,.....
Also, can you tell me some more about "but the problem with OCD is you can't give into the rituals because it just breeds them". I've seperated from my spouse, but we have a son (only 3 years of age) and eventhough he is very young I wouldn't be suprised, due to some rituals / behaviours, if OCD would pop up as a formal diagnosis later on. I'm no sure if his behaviour is of the OCD kind or if he is just trying to boss us parents around, but he sure does seem in a lot of "pain", when he doesn't get his way. And for me it seems strange when a 3 year old has the energy to cry and shout for maybe 30 - 40 minutes, because something wasn't done exactly like he wanted.
Can you distinguish between when ADHD, OCD is at work (probably a stupid question!)? Does your son have severe tics and when did they start? When did he get his diagnosis? What came first in the line of diagnosis?