Forum topic: Please help

Please, I need help. I feel I am I am finally becoming unable to cope.

 Actually I have often felt despair swamping me over the past 5 years since my husband sent an angry email threatened divorce unless I did certain things he wanted. He ended by telling me that "You are a good lay". That feel upsetting too. But things have always been hard to live with with him. He now curtly refuses to discuss the matter of his marital plans. I try to cope with the uncertainty.

 I am long term married to a guy who certainly has ADHD but goes undiagnosed of anything and thinks everything is either my fault or my responsibility to fix. I have often thought he trys to push me into a mother role. I am a kindly mother but I can't be a mother to my husband; that seems like incest to me emotionally though I have no problem helping with regard non intimate and impersonal matters.

My husband has always been very abusive and controlling and uses punishment and withholding a lot. He is constantly negative and blaming and is threatened if I try to talk things through or disagree, voice my needs or won't do what he wants. He says often that he is "head of the household" and has told me what to do. He now sleeps in another room and barely speaks to me. His anger is like a thunderclous with lightning around him. His face has always been so mean and angry around me that people can shrink and shudder when they notice. He controls everything and makes  poor financial decisions. He has motgaged the house and plays the sharemarket and spends without planning and unwisely.

I have been on a long growth curve involving much since I married him. I try to be assertive and not to be brought low by his dominance and destructiveness. I know I have learned a lot and am a lot more mature since I married him, not that I think I was ever really immature. I am still trying to improve. My biggest challenge is to find serenity and hope in my uncertain, unloving & toxic circumstances. I now feel i am losing this battle. 

We have been to counselling several times but he won't really participate and becomes very angry with me afterwards if I speak frankly. The last time we went was 5 years ago after I said I would divorce him if he didn't come. This was after he seemed to dissociate and attacked me physically & then shouted angrily that i was shouting at him when i was just quietly trying to get him to stop attacking (I couldn't escape). That counselling time he insisted I was crazy and everyone knew it. Now he refuses to go to counselling.

Please don't just say to go. There is too much at stake for that. But I think I can't go on as is.


Please don't just say to go. There is too much at stake for that. But I think I can't go on as is.

Consider this as you try to cope.  When you write that you don't want to leave because there is too much at stake then staying must have a tremendous payoff for you.  But it comes with a tremendous price.  You are going to have to decide if it is worth the price it is costing you. 

My story includes staying an extra 19 years in a miserable marriage after I was pretty certain I would end as soon as my children were raised.  At 34 years of marriage I acted on that early decision and filed for divorce.  A counselor asked me what my payoff was to stay for so long.  She said we do things because there are payoffs (maybe not good ones, but payoffs nonetheless).  In my reflective moments I discovered that I could bury my own pain to have control over who came into the lives of my children.  I could not bear the idea of some step uncle molesting my young daughters.  This kept me in an unhappy marriage and it was my payoff.

Since he will not go to counseling, go for yourself.  You need someone to help you see objectively and help you make some decisions and learn some skills.  I wish I had done that while I waited for the kids to grow up.  Perhaps I could have extinguished some of the pain years ago.


Nettie's picture

...go to counseling yourself, build a network of support for yourself, and take care of yourself to keep up your strength.

So true. That helps :) . I have long tried to do that sort of thing.

But it doesn't help enough. Also it is hard to do all that well enough when one is feeling really distressed & demoralised..

Thank you for replying. Sorry for any delay. I didn't realise how the site worked.

My firm view is I get to decide if I stay or leave. I want to work out how to cope if I remain. My staying is not negotiable at present.

I have been to counselling & I am a counsellor, lol. But I still haven't arrived at enough of a way to ease my coping in my situation. I do know a lot & I try to apply it & it does help. But I still need a breakthrough. 

I've coped myself into depression, despair and apathy. If you're looking for something different, you're going to have to do something different...

Coping with that kind of abuse can still hurt you even if you avoid him as much as possible. Can you insist he see a doctor to see if any medications would help him? That worked for me...

I'm sorry Clarity. I just found your reply as I was investigating "My account". I was thinking I'd get an email notification.

Re your kind reply, yes, "coping" may not be the right sort. I'm hoping I can find a sort that works. It is hard. I'm about to try meditation in a regular way, prceeded by walking as exercise. This week I'm off to 2 1/2 days for a meditation workshop.