My husband and I have been married for ten years. He has a 14 year old daughter from a previous marriage, I have a son of the same age, and we have a 6 year old daughter together. He is not taking any form of medication or therapy.
Over the time we have been together, it has been a struggle for me to deal with his lack of reliability and inconsistency and it has gotten progressively worse. I no longer feel happy in our marriage.
The overwhelming bulk of organising, scheduling and being responsible for our family's wellbeing falls to me. I never feel as if he is there to support us. Its as if he is incapable of seeing what happens around him or thinking of pitching in to help. He is unreliable and inconsistent. Even when i ask for help or tell him how i am feeling, he brushes me off, making jokes, or makes promises he never keeps. I have tried numerous approaches. It always ends up me being at the point of exhaustion and desperation and it blows up. The end result is always the same. He is defensive, angry, turns it around on me, makes out like i constantly criticize him. I usually get the silent treatment afterwards which feels like a punishment, and then afterwards he pretends it never happened, with no apology or communication. It doesnt ever feel resolved. but it happens again and again, the same underlying issue in different situations, which is he doesnt see me or how i am struggling despite me telling him. After a fight he will bustle around doing chores as if to say "look how much i do", but it never lasts.
Over the years we have also dealt with many health issues with my son. I have always been the main caregiver and mostly felt entirely alone in carrying the burden. To the point of terrible anxiety and depression.
As well as the day to day things, whenever there is a time of difficulty he leaves me to manage it alone. I feel most of the time he is living his own life first in his own head, knowing i am there to handle everything else. Its exhausting and makes me resentful. He just doesnt see what happens around him.
He owns his own business, works from home and sets his own schedules. Yet i am always having to plan the familys needs and schedules without his input because he seems to only be able to focus on one thing at a time. His work, or what interests him at any given time. Or what he thinks is priority. While i have a full time high pressured job myself and have to juggle everything else for the family. He could help out more because his work is more flexible, but he chooses not to, because we dont seem to ever feature on his mental list. I rely a lot on my mom to help which upsets me. I have a husband who could help but doesnt. Its embarrasing and i find i make excuses for him a lot.i dont have anyone to talk to about things either.
Example...My car broke down and has been in for repair for weeks. He took on the job of taking it in and communicating with the mechanic which has been a disaster. He doesnt keep me up to date with what is going on and i constantly have to ask what the news is. In the meantime i have had to juggle getting kids to school and me to work, relying every day on my mom for help. I have to make these arrangements and he takes it for granted that i will. He has a car which he uses for work when he goes out to see clients. Most days he is home before us and could pitch in but in all these weeks he has not done so once. I have told him how much strain i am under, and how its frustrating taking advantage of my mom. But it has no effect on anything, he has not once made an attempt to communicate what is happening or pitch in to help with transport. I have also directly asked if he could help out, and it is a non committal answer, that he will see, he cant give me a definite answer, it depends on how his day goes. It eventually blew up into an argument where i said i felt like he just is incapable of putting himself in my shoes and the urgency of the situation.
The inconsistency and unreliability in so many areas makes me feel my feelings are worthless in the marriage. Most of my stress and energy goes into constantly having to be flexible and think on my feet due to his inability to commit and his lack of planning. Im let down a lot. And the fact i cant approach him about it without repercussions makes me wonder if this marriage is salvageable.
I could also go into the many typically ADHD symptoms and behaviours such as hoarding, untidiness, disorganisation and financial management which also cause a great deal of stress, because those are other issues which causes a lot of problems too. I think the lack of communication and inability to feel empathy and act on it really hurts. I feel the load is too heavy to bear on my own. He seems to just live life in his own head and his children are left on the outside. Its devastating.
Hi Taurus....
(The overwhelming bulk of organizing, scheduling and being responsible for our family's wellbeing falls to me. I never feel as if he is there to support us. Its as if he is incapable of seeing what happens around him or thinking of pitching in to help. He is unreliable and inconsistent)
This statement is the reason this web site has drawn most of us to it....It took me years to fix this....So how do you fix it?....You can pack and leave...Or, if you stay you will have to do a few things...First you will have to read this statement you wrote above, and know it's not going to change (who he is) and totally accept it...Because if you don't accept it as his reality, you will destroy your emotional state going forward..Period!
So if you can relax, and just realize you have married a man, who may have certain strengths, but, he is a person, whom you will never be able to depend on in area's of life that are very important...Period..Once you come to peace with the realization that you are alone in many area's, ONLY then will you be able to peacefully start changing yourself...You will set boundaries that stops you from depending on him, when you know the product of the thought process, (him being different) will only cause you pain....You learn to live in many area's like he doesn't exist...Because he don't....
That means many things for each of us, who are in your shoes.....Here are a few things it has meant for me.....(We do not share finances, we do taxes married filing separate, I usually never ride w/ her, it's usually full of trash, and she refuses to not use the phone, we have vacationed separately many times over the past several years, because it's proven to be a very high likelihood that we will have peace destroying arguments, a place I've refused to go any more....Our marriages aren't common, they will never look like many others, (two responsible parties) so accept that....
An add/adhd spouse can be very loving, and very faithful, but, their lifestyles will usually be very intrusive if you don't set boundaries....,When you see a person living in away that you would never live, you can walk away and not be affected...When you marry a person who lives in away that you would never live....You accept their reality, You do not enable it in any way.. (never mother,, or turn co-dependent)...Boundaries limit sharing...But, it's the only way I've found to limit the chaos, and maintain my peace....My spouse's life style has gotten better because of the boundaries...She hated them at first, because it exposed her when I wouldn't take part in things that I was going to have to do most all the work....Holiday gathering etc.....Add minds have all the same desires every one else has....They will easily turn dependent and use you up, for their own selfish desires....It's up to us, to recognize the dynamic, step aside, and say no thank you.....I don't care how mad she gets...Her anger at my boundaries, just mean's there helping, and she is learning....And after several years of this, it's helped her to stop and consider the cost of excusing selfishness and her self absorbed mind....And because I know exactly who she is, I can love her, and share with her, in the ways that are possible....Ways that are healthy for the relationship.....
Bless you...