Forum topic: My partner is newly diagnosed and I’m worried about how obsessive he has become about his condition.

Hi there,


im new round here but as per my subject, my partner is newly diagnosed and I’m worried about how obsessive he has become about his condition.

He was diagnosed in February and is on a mixture of Concerta 36mg and 10mg Ritalin which he uses to top up through the day by 1mg amounts. 

Im supportive in his research and his treatment but he has become so obsessed with his condition and different ways to treat it that I believe he has crossed from a healthy interest in to some sort of hyper-focus or obsession. 

There now seems to be nothing in his life other than his condition. He never stops reading books/forums/studies/scientific material/opinions and with every different opinion he sees, he mixes his medication or routine up... sometimes having disastrous consequences. He literally talks about nothing else, thinks about nothing else, every problem he perceives in the world can be ‘fixed with dopamine and ritalin’, if I’m tired, it must be because my dopamine is low (not because I’ve done a 12 hour shift and then come home to do the housework) and whilst yes, his condition is a big part of him and yes he should understand it. It’s taking over every waking moment of his and our lives.

Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried?  


I can see how that would be difficult for you to live with, but I think it's better than the alternative which so many others experience where the person doesn't put any effort into understanding their condition.  My advice is to bear with this.  It will pass and meanwhile he is learning a lot about something that affects his whole life (and maybe you are too);  trial and error is part of learning. 

He is hyperfocusing.  It will almost certainly pass. 


I am sorry you have having trouble right now and I understand completely what you are going through.  Sounds like the hyperfocus of his ADHD has taken a new path.  This is not such a bad one, in my opinion.  It will pass and at least he wants to get better.  If you are interested in staying together try to give him time to get the correct med dosage and hopefully things will settle down.   I think it is better than him denying he has a problem like many on here.  Is he open to talking to you about these sorts of things?  My husband doesn't even know he is hyperfocusing until I let him know it is to extreme.

Jean Marie