I've recently started to look beyond these repetitive situations that keep reappearing and looking for the patterns in them. The conversations that come from them are fairly worthless in that my wife (suspected of having ADHD) appears to have no perspective and no memory of the last time she reacts (the same each time) to the same thing. As if it had never happened before. (repeatedly)
What she says each time may vary slightly....but the meta conversation that appeared not to be taking place...... is not that it hasn't been said or established at some time in the past. Something was not getting through, even with the acknowledgments and seeming....resolution....each time we moved past these situations each time?
Coming back to revisit this again.....this pattern was pointing to something???? But what was this behavior? It seemed to be a combination of things:
-Initial over reaction to an event (could be extremely minor and had nothing to do with me or precipitated by me actually .....or..... it could be something even bigger or had some legitimate merit on her behalf where...... "I failed to do something"..... on my part....... and/or "I was either to blame/partly to blame" but keeping in mind. As an adult and living in a world knowing.....that "shit happens" all the time and things don't always go the way we like them to go.
Any one of these "things" ..."even if"...... chronically annoying to my wife...."should be" able to be put into their proper context and perspective and talked about even if you are becoming upset or it's frustrating to you directly, in connection to the original event that triggered her over reaction. Saying. These isolated events...."even if" they add up and her becoming angry or upset over them...."should still" get the same response to the same thing happening with the same connection to the problem and why she is so upset each time they happen. She "could" say....."I'm getting really fed up with you doing this "thing" each time and I am losing my patience." but also identifying this "thing" each time directly connected to her anger and why she is so upset.
This "should be" the pattern (a normal pattern for a secure person) if something else isn't coming into play here? These are just "things" that happen. What's the big deal? (for now assuming...these are not things that are causing any direct catastrophe or problem like getting hit with large money penalties or causing you to lose your house and home type stuff. This is the little stuff that adds up...and that can lead to a bigger overall disharmony for sure.....but for now....I have to look past that because that is not what I am seeing where this problem we are running into is coming from)
The consistent here is involving "disappointment"....and a seeming, inability to process that emotion?
Which then follows with "disapproval overtly" said in many ways (either very hurtful and punishing..or...with silent indifference and pouting/punishment)
This clearly appears to me as the dismissive pattern of attachment in terms of attachment theory ie: "the infant not getting consistent nurturing from mother. Mother leaves the infant....the infant becomes upset. Mother returns from leave of absence....the infant remains upset and angry at mothers absence and does not get over the abandonment it felt while she was away. Instead of getting over this perceived abandonment and moving on....the infant remains angry even when the mother returns and acts out against the mother in a form of punishment or retaliation for this perceived threat or fear of being abandoned and the fear and pain the infant feels each time the mother leaves."
As "if".....she is "always gone", "always leaves"...."and never really ever returned in the first place each time." It's an "all" or "nothing" kind of experience this establishes so the infant....."always" feels left and abandoned. "always" feels "disappointed" and "always" acts as if the mother is leaving the infant and feels this chronic feeling like the mother is "never" going to return even when the mother is there and returns each time.
"Disappointment" is an emotion that my wife seemingly, has no ability to control or keep in it's proper perspective. This is the Meta-Issue here in terms of the pattern I find ourselves in and the one that have had to gain my own perspective on since, within this pattern....I am not going to get anywhere very fast. If I am fighting against something....this is what I have been fighting against which is a waste of time and energy but more importantly....disrupting both our abilities maintain calm and happiness together. Knowing this part at least...is really helpful to see this as it is and work directly to the source of what my wife's emotions are and knowing why she is feeling them. It is an irrational response no doubt. No need to dwell there anymore. Getting to her "heart" and finding a way to soothe her fears is what is really the source of my own anxiety and frustration and or course....being able to look past some of the things she says which are usually directed at me no matter how insignificant or even indirectly related to anything I did on my end. What I did is not so much the issue we have in relationship to this pattern
As it appears..........
-she's not really listening or not really hearing me
-locked in stubbornly with one idea or concept and blocking everything else out
-actually thinking one thing....but saying another: saying anything to stop the conversation, capitulate, withdraw, agree, disagree, etc. Just to stop the conversation from going any further
-strange or even bizarre out of context accusations that weren't happening ie: defense mechanisms coming into play back to the pattern
and finally
-insecure pattern activation ie: dissmissive/fearful avoidant pattern of statements emerging which are really the most hurtful and unproductive of all aimed as punishment or retaliation against me specifically
Okay then. What is the meta conversation? Can't really have this one with any good results but I have tried to bring this up since this is exactly what our therapist told us both but with limited success.
And of course....yesterday it happened again. This is no surprise or shock to me so nothing new....moving on forward. Stating the meta issue first.
I told my wife..."look, this is your pattern. (point blank) I have mine and I'm not going to start in with mine and join you" (stop)
I said (in context you will understand) "I'm not sticking a dagger in your heart when I make a mistake. These are "just mistake" on my part...that's all they are. Every time I make an "error"..."mistake"...or forget something that you want...you over react with this same pattern and you know why I do. There is no elephant in the room here.....You know I have ADHD.....You know why I do these things sometimes.....You know they are going to happen again even if I'm trying and working hard at improving and I can't be "perfect"....as in......"never" going to "disappoint you" in some way "ever." These little mistakes or errors are all they are. They mean nothing in the big scheme of things and they prove nothing in terms of why you get upset with me."
Moving on to the next part, I said " What you want from me....I can't give you right NOW. Don't you understand that?"
"You just can't wait.......as it appears for me, for me to improve and get to doing these things in a more consistent way. All it seems you can see is how upset and disappointed you are and cannot see the problem for what it is. And this need to punish me for making a simple mistake is getting out of hand and is just plain rediculous."
So I went back (again for the umpteenth time) to restate what I was seeing as the problem for me on my end and what it appears to be a problem on my wife's end in not understanding or getting through in her head.
Restating the (apparent) meta conversation again (now in context)
"I did not grow up in the same household situation you did. Our house "rules" I'm sure were different than the ones you knew as a kid"
This registered.
We ended up having a meaningful conversation about the differences in our child hood experiences and I (again...repeated the same things) I've said before but the conversation now continued (past any point) it had been before and she was listening and responding without conflict on either one or our parts.
Without going into all the boring details of the conversation....I established "ONE" fact with my wife even though I had tried many times before to do this.
The "fact".....I have never had to (not once in my entire lifetime ) had to "maintain a standard of living" as far as the environment I lived in ( I repeat...MAINTAIN)....to the point of "constant hyper vigilance" and doing this in a continuous on going basis like my wife does. What I mean as a "constant" here....is a "maintenance level" that exceeds any experience I've had (even in my own home but that would get into the details which we talked successfully over) or skill in trying to maintain this standard to a degree that it is causing a disruption in my life. So much...that the anxiety and failure rate over just attempting to do it with this same "over reactive"...... "disappointment/punishment" response from her was putting me six feet under and no air to breathe.
Even knowing this....the things that emerged only recently were "contempt and hatred" directed at me for any perceived failure in terms of "errors" and "mistakes". And I told her this straight up as part of our conversation. I told her again...if this is so horrible to life with and I am really that bad as you say.....then why are you here with me and why are you punishing me and yourself over these "things" that I cannot control or would even want to try?
"I don't have a dagger in my hand....and I'm not stabbing you in the heart!!!"
If you go back and plug that right back into the pattern....this all makes perfect sense.
What I'm now really wondering in terms of myself and my wife now in the ADHD context has to do with emotional lability and going all the way back to the beginning. All the way back to the infant child mother relationship that caused this pattern and why it exists?
I have not read word one on this at all or heard this said directly in relationship to any discussions about ADHD and the higher percentage of people with ADHD who experience problems associated with "insecure attachment" and the theory itself ......but I have my own theory on this even though I can't prove it...but I going with my feeling again because I feel that I am right and I would lay money on it just from my own personal feelings about this.
If you can't remember the experiences that caused this pattern of insecure attachment that you experienced as an infant...and you born with ADHD and have emotional processing limitations right from the get go....normally perceived...normally incurred variation in nurturing and mothering are going to be established or perceived as "not normal to you" or "out or scale." These over emotional reactions as the infant...are going to be perceived the same way....as "always"...."nothing"....."never"....and "disappointment" will be perceived in terms of "absolutes."
Absolute thinking could also be termed as being stubborn. Putting in bluntly. As my T pointed out to me recently..."persistence gone bad."
As I stop and consider all of this...and reflect on myself...I have no problem saying that my own "persistence gone bad" is a problem for me if I don't pay attention to it when I doing my everyday duties in life....but in terms of someone in denial of having ADHD...I'm now wondering if this isn't exactly what I'm seeing with my wife as well?
It does seem to make sense and the pieces of this puzzle seem to fit together nicely? Again....I'm no trained physiologist or expert...but I do have one who gave me the pieces and some of them in direct relationship to my wife but without saying so directly to me?
Does this sound familiar to anyone if you stand back and look at this puzzle in it's entirety and apply it to what you are seeing with your ADHD spouse?
The part on my own about the emotional infant processing ability applied here was just thrown in there because I personally think it may be true.... but I can't hold that into this as meaning anything more than just an "exacerbating component" not the cause.....but none the less....I think it's there and possibly a real reason for why this happens more often for people with ADHD without any proof to say otherwise? Just a thought?
Apparent Wind and Forces of Nature
Apparent wind is the wind experienced by a moving object.
"In sailing, the apparent wind is the actual flow of air acting upon a sail. It is the wind as it appears to the sailor on a moving vessel. It differs in speed and direction from the true wind that is experienced by a stationary observer.
In nautical terminology, these properties of the apparent wind are normally expressed in knots and degrees. On boats, apparent wind is measured (see "Instruments" below) or "felt on face / skin" if on a dinghy or looking at any telltales or wind indicators on board. "True wind needs to be calculated or stop the boat."
A feeling...is "what it feels like to you." Apparent wind is deceptive since it feels different than the true wind that is moving in a different direction as measured by "the degree difference" from what "you feel" as you are moving with the boat at the same rate of speed...and the direction of the true wind itself, moving at a different speed and direction than the one you are moving in yourself along with the boat as being ONE in the same.
In terms of "emotional lability".....this describes it as far as I can tell by what it feels like to me.
In as simple an answer as I could give anyone....the difference between being "in denial" of having ADHD.....and "not being in denial" can be explained simply by using this to reference the experience you have....before...and after.
In terms and respect to this concept....if you are the center of your Universe, and you are the Earth....then you are not moving...and everything is is moving around you. Your perception will be deceived in the same way in terms of apparent wind and true wind.
I truly believe that having ADHD is neither the true wind being everyone else who doesn't have it...as it appears to them and they being the Earth.....or in terms of a person with ADHD being the True wind and everyone else's is using the "wrong true wind" to gage the "apparent wind each person feels." The "degree of variation" of the apparent wind in comparison to the True wind is neither "right" or "wrong" in terms of which one is "correct."
The actual "True wind" is the constant force of nature between the two. The only difference is in the "matter of degree" "Wrong" and "Right" has nothing to do with it.
Speaking in these terms. To combine the two....a correction needs to be made in direction in degrees only...however....a compromise between these two differences will feel "different" for both individuals based solely on the apparent wind both will feel like.
Which means...if it doesn't feel different to you...and you keep sailing in the same direction your going in because you don't like the new apparent wind and how it feels on your face....your marriage will end up on the "rocks"...just as a sailor who is sailing his boat in terms of apparent wind instead of paying attention to the "tell tales" on the mast and the sail to navigate by and only using what it feels like to steer the boat right off course into the rocks (that is with no other means or a compass with a constant to check in order to make corrections in navigation)
So for a person who is in denial....they don't realize this difference and don't like the way it feels when the direction in terms of the apparent....changes course and feels different to them by only what it feels like to them.
That's my story....and I'm sticking to it:)
Thinking you have something here,J.....
I have seen my H "try" to "enjoy" something out of his element and.....what I see is he can't tell if he likes it...or not (more confusion? Oh NO!) We have talked about it and he admits he just isn't sure. And if he doesn't persist and instead goes back to the "comfort zone"....he will never know for sure either way. It isn't about doing something you flat out don't like but engaging for a time in something appealing(?) but you're not sure(?) so try it for awhile.
This is interesting you brought this up as I had just this kind of experience this past week........I spent time at camp(3 days). I eat what and when I want, take hikes, read, take naps or just "rest", do crosswords etc.) It is quiet there. I adventured in the woods after dark. I watched a flock of 20 mourning doves congregate in a tall dead elm. When I returned home( apt) in the afternoon I found I was really tired and it bugged me.......how can I BE SO tired after 3 days of total rest?.....and it hit me......I was not tired.....I was calm, relaxed. I had forgotten what it feels like....OMG.....I have lived with stress, chaos and anxiety for so long! I FORGOT WHAT CALM IS!!!
NOW......for the better of both of us.....I am PRACTICING calm in the middle of chaos(not just with H but all).....so wish I had learned this long ago. Stress is a very insidious creature that slithers in.....Talk about denial......I have been in it for years in regards to this. Stressed? ME? Nope!! got it controlled....everything's fine.....WTH!!!
And, my experience also helped me see that this is where my H lives. I cannot help him. I cannot nor would I even think of making him try. THAT is his journey. I also believe, as I have said before....there are "things" with my H that are NOT ADD and expecting from him what he cannot give is unfair. I am learning how to "love" from afar because together again....is just not going to happen.
Zapp I Think What You Just Described
Is "THE" feeling. I think it is all about comfort zones and they are not going to be the same. End of story.
I had to think about this going back to my sailing days. When you first try to sail a boat....everything is all screwed up. The apparent wind screws you up. The fact that your steering is in the back not the front like a car screws you up.(like driving in reverse but your facing forward. Try that some time and see what happens. Driving in reverse is hard to do anyway for the same reason.) The fact that you're not "steering" like a car...really screws you up. OMG!!! lol What you're doing is making corrections to direction you want to go in. What EVERYONE does is over correct because they're trying to "steer" like a car. This does not work!!! lol
So now....you're driving in reverse but facing forward so every move or minor turn of the wheel (in a car that is) is amplified and is way more than your use to.( if you can't parallel park...this is why? you're over correcting each way each time you turn the wheel and it gets worse and worse with every turn you make. All you can do is start over again and approach it again once it gets too out of whack )......back to sailing......
driving in reverse, every tiny move you make gets amplified, there's a delay between when you correct the wheel and the boat actually changes course so if you over correct you don't know that until the boat already went to far and know you over correct to try and compensate and it goes back the other way too far and now your just zig zagging back and forth while trying to actually go in a straight line forward....
And at the same time...the wind is shifting and changing speeds while you're just trying to keep from zig zagging back and forth while you are frantically over correcting and everything you do is on time delay so you are just compounding the problem and making it worse and you and it feels like you are out of control because....YOU ARE!!!! LOL
That in a nut shell.... is what it's like on your first day trying to sail a sail boat right there. lol Forget about comfort zones....more like controlled chaos!!! It's completely disorienting, counter intuitive and panic is usually all you feel!
I just went through the same thing with my wife as well. She went out of time for her job and returned and the minute she walked in the door...she started blaming how she felt on me immediately attacking me for everything that ails her. I felt more calm and at ease when she was gone too like you....and then when she came home it was like getting caught in a tornado!!! lol
This is it Zapp. You and I didn't immediately go....what's your problem!!! I was fine before I came home and now I not fine. You made me this way....I was fine until I walked in the door!!!! LOL ( none sense )
I think what I described about the first day trying to sail a boat must be what it's like for someone who is in denial ( ADHD person) and trying to sail the boat ( in a relationship ) while having a back seat driver (possibly the non-wife since the Capt.s usually the husband ) and trying to use their own apparent wind to navigate....but the non-wife ( using her apparent wind) and is screaming....I'm soooooo uncomfortable go this way!!!!!! ...and the ADHD Captain of the ship is Zig Zagging all over the place and doesn't know what to do??
BINGO!!! Comfort....should not be used to determine which way to go by how it feels if you are both inm the same boat together. This WILL not work!
If you want to be "comfortable" and "comfort is the goal".....get your own boat!! Done deal. Marriage is work...no one ever said it's "suppose to be comfortable". If you want comfort....go to a day spa. lol
You are right Zapp...this is probably what it feels like to your H. And I coming from the other side...trying to navigate our boat as Captain...with a back seat driver who is not comfortable. I can't do anything about her comfort....if she's cold, she needs to wear a sweater....not to turn the thermostat in the house up to 85 degrees? I can't navigate or do anything when it's that hot.( 68 degrees is my perfect comfort zone ...I can accept 72.maybe 73 tops at the extreme outside end) Beyond that...all that does is give me a splitting head ache, makes me lethargic and all I want to do is strip down naked and jump in and cold shower!! lol
The Eagle Has Landed
I sat down with my wife today....and dropped the bomb on her. "You know....I was thinking about this alot...and I just can't get past something that really been bugging me. If I didn't know better....I'd think you have ADHD too?"
She's.....thinking deeply and considering this but she was Okay.
I said a few more things but she only resisted a little bit. After I was done drawing some connections (all the things I've learned here) she's quiet and reserved...but the wheels are turning.
I told her....." most importantly....it changes nothing in the way I feel towards you and if anything....I Love you more not less if that makes any difference to you. As I'm saying it...it makes no difference to me one way or the other....but I do feel it's a positive difference only on my end and for us in the future. I knew there was a quality about you that I felt very drawn to you that is part of why I Love you but couldn't explain it before. If anything...this explains why I Love you so much and why you are different than any other woman I've ever been with before."
There you go. I'll just let that simmer for a while before I say or do anything more.....:)