Forum topic: Merry Christmas!

I just pulled up my history on this site and my first post was 2 years, and 8 months ago...WOW:)...I've been thinking that I should step away from the forum for a while...It's hard! :)...I've come to really depend on this site...It's been a great dose of reality,...But, on the other hand it can keep me a little to focused on the negatives....So after this post I am planning on pulling (will probably go read only a while, cold turkey may be to much:)..) back for a period of time....

Several months ago I made a statement to my wife; it was something that I had just posted the day before, that I though was appropriate for what was happening in our communication at the time....And without blinking she said *"That was something you posted""* It wasn't a total shock that she had been reading my posts....To be totally honest, I feel her reading behind me on this forum is the greatest gift I could ever give her....It's not why I'm stepping away....It's just time, for me.....

I really appreciate all of you that I call friends, and all the truth that has been spoken to me....

I will just leave this one thought with you all.....Love ferociously!!!... While we are blessed with the gift of today!


2 Corinthians 4:11....



My husband called me today and in a rush (I was engaged in something else at the time he was talking, it has been the WEIRDEST day) he told me he has also been reading my posts. He says he will stop (I personally don't care one way or another). Maybe they love us more than we could ever imagine! Anyhow, he told me he loved me, that he was sorry that he hurt me, amd that he wanted to do better. We all want to do better. I am glad you are taking time for yourself if you need to and I hope you will find some wonderful things for yourself in your search for positivity. Merry Christmas. And thank you for your peace, your solidity, your strength and your insight. It has served me well on many a rough night. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

Do.....I caught this and thought about what I was saying yesterday about......"thinking you are better than someone else?"  Hmmm?  Thinking you are....versus......doing?  Ironic isn't.  That's good news to here?  I'm glad for you and your husband because that is a big deal indeed!!  I wish mhy wife would read my posts and the things she will not allow me to say to her?  If she would do that...I wouldn't be here and I would be saying things differently to her face....if she allowed me to same them differently in the first place?  Shutting me down...and shutting me prevent me from saying it the first time without a major conflict....would alleviate my need to come here and vent so often...since what needs to never getting said...and with that ...nothing ever changes and everything stays the same?  Nothing ever gets resolved if you can't even discuss your differences and come to some kind of compromise....when the first word out of your mouth to try and tell  my wife  what she did had jurt me in some way......without getting that thrown back at you to shut you up...and then stone walls you to avoid fixing anything after you been muzzled for trying to say it in the first place?   You can't fix what's wrong...if you never think there is nothing wrong with what you've done? Doing....not....what's wrong with you the person?  It really isn[t about being the better's about improving and being better yourself?  If you can't improve. ( or do better yourself ) and you think you done nothing wrong ( and won[t even hear of it?  Then nothing gets resolved....nothing ever changes.....and nothing ever get better for anyone including that person?  And if you can't even hear it in the first place?  You will never do better yourself?  Not be better and improve?   If that's  the will never hear "I'm Sorry I hurt you"....which would be the greatest thing for me to hear amd ,male ,my Christmas for sure!!!  It would be the best gift my wife could ever give me...and it wouldn't cost her a penny and I would need nothing else from her?  But ......I'm  not holding my breath that this will ever happen?  I am glad for you however....and I applaud your husband for having the courage and saying so to you.  It takes a lot of guts to man up like that.....I think that is a good sign for you...and sign of strength and character for your husband as well. it is extremely hard to look at yourself this way and really is a big deal and I think that is awesome!!!

Good for both of you!!!   I wish you a wonderful holiday season as well :)



Most of the reason for the yelling and frustration in my life was being stonewalled so hard my head would spin for days. The rest of the reason was the complete inability to apologize for even a tiny infraction. 

My husband rocks. Most days. Like I rock. Most days...

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony.