What are the options for children and adults when they come to the realization that their day to day lives are being lived in a irresponsible manner?
1) Continue to ignore it. (This is as for as it gets for most who have no mirror i.e. (parent, spouse, teacher's, friends).
2) Blame and denial...(do all they can to turn it around and blame someone, make someone else responsible for their actions. This is the common results for those who do have mirrors, it gives them the illusion they need to be able to continue in this lifestyle with no convictions to change it, it allows them to feel good about themselves.
3) Recognize it, learn from it, accept it as theirs alone, work toward correcting it. (This is the painful process that allows growth and makes this person someone others can enjoy being around)
#3 is the answer C
the law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant—it is said to be conserved over time. Energy can be neither created nor be destroyed, but it transforms from one form to another
Translation? I've discovered that my ADHD can be as much an asset as it is a hindrance if you learn to harness it's power and wield it for good use. My hyperactivity, hyper focus, curiosity and obsessive nature is energy and it has to go somewhere? I only run into problems (as does everyone else! lol ) when I don't have a place to put it. Every negative aspect of ADHD has a corresponding positive side. If you are in denial....you are denying everything and trying to sweep it all under the rug. This is a monumental mistake on our part. The mistake or error in thinking of everyone else is that you would like it to just all go away. If that were possible, the good parts would go with it. Learning how to harness that energy serves everyone and that is what should focused on. It's what I'm trying to do everyday and the more I practice at it...the better I get at doing it.
There is a gift with having ADHD....the only problem I see is not knowing how to use it. When ever one door closes...another one opens somewhere and having ADHD is no different. You cannot create or destroy energy but you can learn how to use it better. I'm a firm believer in this theory:)
Hey there!
And .. ohhh.... J- It's so refreshingly old to read your thoughts!! Said in the highest regard! Familiarity is extrememly comforting right now, so....thank you. As mentioned, just jumping in so it's gonna take me a sec to update and catch up. Just say hey!
Old or Odd? ha ha
I'm both...whadda ya gonna do? ha ha I think C and I have good perspectives coming from both sides of things. Everyone has to find their own path that works for them....I think for most of us, just finding it in the first place is half the battle:)
Being Human creates one major problem for the energy theory...
There are limitations for us human's to produce productive energy on any consistent bases....I want go down the list, because I would just be listing the things we all deal with everyday in battling our own minds as these things arise, or as we observe others live life....
Albert Einstein one of the great thinkers of modern history said: "No problem can be solved at the level of thinking that created the problem"
If the current struggles of life are getting you down, producing stress, despair, a sense of being forsaken and a sense of being destroyed, you must understand all anxiety is being produced by your own thinking. You simply must understand that the real problems of life are not coming from what you are seeing and experiencing in the physical or earthly events.
But, the reason for our inability to come to this understanding is because the carnal mind will always think the human sense's can save him, his intellect, his emotions, and his will. This is all we have to run to in our present state....It's the reality of all flesh and blood. The physical side of man, his flesh and blood body, will always be in an adversarial role against the spiritual unless the human mind is controlled by God. So, if c ur self seeks to solve his troubles with the same mind that created his troubles, (my view of life) I never find a real answer for my woes...
So this is the answer to all the folks like me who must vent about marriage relationship stress for 5, 10, 20, 30 + years....The reason it never completely goes away is because with-in ourselves there is no tool to bring back innocence! The mind does not have the ability to change how it thinks...Unless!
Unless we experience a spiritual mind...So to quote a friend's prayer: A simple cry from the heart by seeing God...Jesus save me!!..."I spurned the working of my mind" is the only answers for the anxieties of life. "Open my spiritual eye's and let me see you God! Take me past the physical events of my life! Open my understanding to the spiritual reality of your presence! " Let me know the real story behind the story of my existence!
Job said it this way: "I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul" Alas, how often have I mirrored brother Job:(
hey there!
...ohhh...appearently, it doesn't matter how much time it's been. Reading your post always seems to ground me with subtleties of a grin. .. :-). I'm just jumping into the site again...so it might be a second before I comment or express...just wanted to say: "Hey!"