Forum topic: I'm stunned at what I tolerated

Hi all, 

I am reflecting on my 3.5 year relationship with I believe undiagnosed adhd man, I'm 53 and he's 49.

When we met I still had teens at home, and a couple of sweet grandbabies from kids who had left home, that I help with.  He was a bachelor and owner of an investment property in the form of a liquor store in a bad part of town that the city is redeveloping.  The liquor store figures largely into our issues, but I recognize it's the underlying decision making that really did us in.  There are many area where we clashed, you've all listed them in your posts.  But I am seriously dismayed by how everything evolved and ended.  I was on a dead end one way road and didn't realize it.  That's on me, I sacrificed wayyyyy too much not knowing it would never pay off for a better future with him.  The long term plan was to sell that store to developers for the land, and move on to something else. CoVID slowed that down, as did the economy.  He lived above the store, and had the means to find another abode that was suitable for his woman and the grandbabies he came to adore, but he refused, and I don't get it.  He never was willing to make the adjustments that a couple makes to joins lives.  I Was expected to get the passenger seat and live life on his terms.

Hindsight is 20/20, and I see clearly now that I made a lot of compromises, swept things under the rug, minimized and denied his reality, and thought I could help,  or change things, or wait it out, so I could eventually have the relationship I wanted with him.  I never just accepted reality. Again, it's on me.  I'm not beating myself up, just acknowledging the fact.

From the beginning, our time was dictated by the long hours he worked at the store.  We never had a relaxing full day together unless on vacation, that I can remember.  He did not prioritize the relariltonship with his time from day one.  I guess I thought we would grow into that.  I attributed it to the demands of the store rather than it being his CHOICE.  He had an employee, he had the ability to do things differently, but is a miser and would never add an employee or pay the one he had for one single day to spend with me as a couple.  It was always his agenda.  So I can see a conflict in values.  I am a person who prioritizes the relarionships and responsibilities of a family, as a single mother I've had to be and it's natural.  As you well know, he is not that person if he has adhd, but I did NOT understand that.  I do now.

There was a period of time that he didn't have an employee and rather than hire one, he was working 10am-1am, 7 days a week, for 5 months. I moved in to his apartment above the store so we (I) could maintain the relationship.  I did it to myself.  I don't have to explain how miserable it was, you know.   I should have given him the relationship he made himself available for... none.  I should have left. I wasn't ready.  And also, I know he loved me, the best he could.  Always affectionate, he seemed to adore me in many ways.  As long as I fit into the slot he made for me and didn't complain. 

Once he hired an employee, we tried to get back on track, but here 6 months later I've broken up.  In one week, 3 crimes on the property, one after I broke up.  An armed robbery that forced us to come home from a date to handle it with police, then two nights later at 10pm he sees a cracked out thief steal something on his security screen in the bedroom, jumps out of bed to go accosted him, as I watch the struggle with a dead cell phone fearing what will happen, who will get hurt, when will this end.  

I think maybe he got dopamine from living in that environment maybe, encountering the danger and rushing in full force to handle it.  It simply traumatized me.  I am shocked that I entered into that, but it was because there was also a lot of good, he brought a lot of good things to my life too.  But the fact that he thought that lifestyle was appropriate for his relationship, in spite of my protests which really are common sense for most people, blows my mind.  I told him over the last year how depressing, negative, and frightening it was to conduct our relationship in that environment.  I had moved back to my apartment, which isn't a very good accommodation for the both of us.  His place was the primary place, again because everything is HIS WORLD and I was supposed to just go along.  And I did, loudly and hoping for the eventual sale of the property, until I couldn't take it anymore and the relationship died.  

The day after I broke up (he was stonewalling me after an argument about the deteriorating conditions, and why wouldn't he consider another living arrangement for our partnership and family? I broke up over text during the stonewall, just can't do thst anymore..) anyway the day after I broke up, a tweaked out guy came in the store, broad daylight, started yelling at the clerk, and went outside and threw a huge rock at my biyfriends car, causing damage.  How fitting.  Such chaos.  I felt vindicated for leaving, but also stunned at what it all had become in spite of him claiming he wanted a future with me, and was an amazing grandpa, a family oriented man, very involved with them, very supportive of me in many ways but not in the critical area of LIFESTYLE.

I didn't realize that even with deteriorating conditions, he would never deviate from his original plan.  3.5 years in, most couples are able to make accommodations for the relationship, build a cohabiting plan that works for both, build a future together.  That seems nowhere in his consciousness.  I wonder, narcissist or adhd, or both? It doesn't matter really, because the thing I have to look at is what was going on in ME to sign up for that chaotic ride.  I'm figuring that out.


The gift of this relationship was, he opened my world to lots of positive adventures, it wasn't all like living in an episode of COPS.  We enjoyed our favorite hobby together, that was a big part of the initial bond.  I learned to communicate well! In order to try to navigate what looks like the RSD described in this forum, I worked hard on that, to no avail but I developed skill whether he appreciates it or not.  And I learned, finally, to let go in order to honor myself and acknowledge my own delusions about the relationship and what it was, what it could be.  I decline to be neglected and verbally, emotionally, psychologically abused because I am able to voice my needs.  I stopped excusing his behavior and overfunctioning to mitigate it.  I am owning my own toxic pattern of lowering the bar in relationship.  I'm going to grow.  Right now its just mind boggling to see it all and not understand how he was two people .   One sweet, caring, loving guy ... and one cold, selfish, domineering bully.  Shaking my head.  It was confusing.


The hoarding! I literally thought the mess and piles of junk in the back of the store were left over from previous owners, he bought it out of foreclosure from an old man... no, it was all his.  

The dangerous driving.... he was a pilot in the air force reserves, I thought maybe he knew what he was doing if he could fly fighter jets... until we had an accident on vacation in a rental car, his fault for not paying attention.  He never took responsibility and also got angry anytime I expressed fear or alarm in the passenger seat.

His ability to say the most inappropriate, insensitve things in response to me bringing up a serious topic, a concern, or a question.

The chaos was all around, and upset my nervous system.  I was often in fight or flight in the most mundane cuecumstances... and I believe I went into fawning in order to try to preserve the relarionship.  It looks like a trauma bond, looking back.  I'm doing meditations to release the toxic relationship, and even if his motivations were not dark as with narcissism, I am finding meditations and talks about narcissistic abuse helpful as well (as that is in my past and I'm sure contributed to my blind spots here).

I went through a period of a few days of panic because I triggered my own abandonment wounds by leaving! I played out the demand side of the Withdraw/Demand dynamic, looking for answers.  That's always humiliating lol, and of course doesn't work.  So I'm 2 days into no contact. We will have ongoing contact around the grandbabies as he is a primary sitter for one, and he does good with her.  He's such a mixed bag.  So my No Contact will be not engaging in further toxic dynamics around our relationship.  He's not related by blood to my grands but is worthy of a co-grandparenting relarionship if we can pull it off.   As he isn't raising them, but only playing the fun role and taking care for periods of time, it seems to work fantastic for both he and the kids.  And it saves my family a ton in daycare costs.  So that's something.... yeesh what a weird situation.  I'm going to have to figure it out as I go.  He's currently out of town on a dopamine seeking adventure... will return in a couple days and then we start the new normal of being broken up and exchanging a toddler with frequency.  We shall see.

So similar to my ex and I feel asides the ADD/ADHD they have terrible personality flaws layering that.

My ex was so selfish and morbidly stingy he would not share anything t with me or the kids from his car to his phone to his keys  even to investments . When we were married I reduced myself so much for him,  I even had a nickname for him "won't share, can't share". It was seemingly a joke them but in hindsight iit was my reality . I and the kids were  never a priority to hin although   he "says " we were but he was just  words, no action. 

He was easy going and could be loving as long as he didn't have to apply any mental or physical efforts to another person. It was so bad that he wanted to walk anyway from the marriage without any commitment to his minor children and start a new life with his mistress. it can be confusing but you made a good decison to walk away. ADHD doesn't manifest solo, it comes with a barrage of personality disorders that can leave you confused and gutted. 

A lot of us are shocked at what we tolerated when we look back over our relationships.  I know I certainly am.  Things that contributed to all I tolerated: poor boundaries, exhaustion, being kept very busy and distracted trying to raise our ADHD kids, bewilderment at the crazy way he was living his life, and fear of splitting up the family. It is such a poor mix.

I'm still tolerating some things, but it is less than it used to be.  The worst things have stopped, due to one factor or another, and because now I am making the choice for reasons I am firm about while also having my eyes wide open.  It feels completely different.  I'm no longer thrown off balance by the stuff he does and the way he thinks.  


So true , the being kept busy and distracted is so true . I was raising our 2 kids  all on my own -one has ADD and the other is dyslexic. He played zero part in even managing their condition rather he was an emotional , physical and financial liability to me .  It was like having 3 kids 

He is now with his mistress  who is literally mothering him and he has no day to day responsibilities so displaying their "love" all over social media . I feel a bit slighted  as  he is playing the part of a great guy because  he doesn't have to apply any physical or mental efforts but I know time is a revealer and time also heals.

I pray we all heal. 

I had a major epiphany.  I have come to understand how I was so vulnerable to the relationship that clearly did not work for me.

We met just before the Covid shutdowns.  We had been dating a month when my business was shut down, and at that time I also learned my dear son was addicted to herion.  My adult daughter's partner experienced devastation in his business, they have been driven to financial ruin.  Then my youngest son nearly drowned trying to save his best friend, who did drown.  I was able to restart my business (I'm the sole supporter of my family)  but not before having ti find work in a desperately toxic company just to get through the pandemic, all while my two teens were in the worst of their life trying to go through school at home during the shutdowns.  

All this during the relationship that was incompatible but which I clung to in a desperate bid to survive and find some good while enduring wave after wave of tragedy.

Oh, and my son had a baby while coming out of his addiction.. he is clean two years now but just now finding stability after ending his toxic relarionship and becoming a single father, with a stable job and home.  I was there for all of it, offering emotional, practical, and financial support while also navigating the horror of his addiction and early recovery.  The fear, the pain.

My boyfriend did help and support me.  But his behaviors were often oblivious, and insensitive and out of touch.  I was so vulnerable, and I leaned into an unsustainable dynamic just to not face one more defeat... it all came over me like an avalanche, relentlessly.

I see it now.  It makes sense.  I got abused by his emotional dysregulation, his neglect was profound at times.  Trauma trauma trauma.

Now I must retreat, regroup, heal from all of it.  Some things have improved, some are still very challenging and painful.  He is not the partner for this, indeed I am best without a partner as I navigate my own healing.

I am thankful for the clarity.  His unaddressed symptoms were not the whole problem, of course.  But I couldn't make a good choice for myself while beset by the overwhelming circumstances that developed in all the major facets of my life... my health too, as I began a very challenging time of perimenopause in the midst as well.

Holy smokes.  I've got to rest and focus on healing me.

My dx husband can also be kind, caring, fun, funny etc. And definitely has the ability to think ahead when he wants to, but too often gets lazy, leaving all the fallout for me to clean up. The dangers in our scenario include leaving the oven on, leaving the door unlocked,  cooking with expired food etc. I am at a stage where I am trying to accept him as he is. I don't know where that will lead but I have never accepted that there can't be change. So we will see.