Hello, my husband was diagnosed with ADHD in March 2018. He was prescribed adderall and has taken it daily since his diagnosis.
In the last few months, he's been talking about trying to get off adderall. The negative side effects (anger, anxiety, dehydration, constant urge to pee) are wearing on him. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, we moved from Alabama to Tennessee. He still had one written prescription from his doctor in Alabama. I went to fill it yesterday and the pharmacist refused because it was not on tamper-resistant paper (never needed that in AL). So, now he's off it cold turkey.
Going cold turkey makes him nervous, but we don't have much of an option right now. He says he just wants to go for it and see what happens.
Has anyone stopped their medication cold turkey? What were the effects? Is there anything he can do to make the process of it leaving his system any easier?
Thanks for your help. If you have any advice or recommendations for TN ADHD doctors in the Nashville area, please send them my way.
Every one is different....
My wife gets zombie like when she leaves her meds off...She also say's and does things w/o filter much worse....She also will sleep much more....Has depression type symtoms....I would suggest over the next few weeks you give him his space, limit conversation,, and walk away from any sign of irritability.....
Since Tenn's and Ala, join, I think I would drive across the state line and have it filled....Then he could reduce his doses a little at a time....
Best wishes...
He's confident he wants to be
He's confident he wants to be done with it, so I think he's going to try to tough it out and get through the withdrawals. He's had some cold sweats, irritability and depression symptoms. I'm trying to make healthy meals and remind him to drink water to help with the detox. He had a lot of adverse side effects from taking it and wishes to control his ADHD with behavioral modifications instead of medication.
It’s his decision of course...
The only thing I would suggest is just guard against (Stay aware of) allowing the side effects and the reality of his struggles, to impact the relationship negatively... So many times a spouse who loves them, and just attempts to show concern, by pointing or suggesting things, just becomes the place they dump their blame and misery...We can't afford to do that to ourselves and the marriage.., Best wishes...