Two weeks ago my ADHD husband woke me up at 2 a.m. to tell me that he had cheated on me two days prior. He says that he was very lonely, and he had been feeling this way for a few months – he says he missed me and the way our relationship was before we had our baby (we have an 18-month-old daughter).
He said he didn't tell me because I'm so busy with the baby, and then with trying to spend some time with him after she goes to bed, and he knew I couldn't do anymore than I was doing already. So he started talking to people on some iPhone app, because he felt so lonely. He made plans to meet up with a woman at lunch to just chat. But I know my husband – the thrill he gets when women pay attention to him, especially if they come on to him in a sexual way, is more potent than I'm comfortable with, and I've known this about him for a long time. Attention generally, but sexual attention from women especially, really turns his head. I see it in his eyes – he is just energized by it. We have been together for 18 years, and he has never done more than flirt (non-sexually) and bask in the attention. I've always trusted him to know where the line is. Our relationship has always been very important to him. We both know we have a good thing.
So he meets this girl to chat, and he says that the flirting started to get sexual. And the adrenaline rush, the thrill of it, kicked in. He told her he was married. She said, "why don't we go somewhere more private?", and he agreed – he says that he didn't think anything would happen – it was a game of chicken, he says, the two of them testing each other. Again, I know my husband – he also likes competition, games, playing with risk. He got into her car, and honest to God, he says he had no idea what was going to happen next. Could anything else be more thrilling to an ADHD man (*Sigh*). I think I get it, but I also think he passed the "this is a stupid bad idea" line waaaaaay back. He tells her he's married again, and that they shouldn't be doing this. He told me that he expected *her* to stop it (?????). She says that it'd be better if they sat in the backseat. They do. She asks if she can kiss him, he says no. She starts to give him oral sex, and he says at some point, he told her couldn't do this, tucked Mr. Happy away, and got out of the car.
When he told me this, he started to cry, and said he knew he had put our relationship at risk, that he had done a really stupid thing, and he hoped I could forgive him. He said our family means so much to him, and it kills him that he might have thrown it away. He says he felt so lonely, and so low, and he needed to feel something. He said he knew it was a bad idea while doing it, but he stupidly felt like he was in control the whole time, and that he would never let anything happen. He says he should have stopped it sooner, and I told him he shouldn't have been flirting with strange women at all, virtually or in person. I told him that counselling for him is a must-do, no more fighting me about it (he has resisted seeing a therapist to deal with this ADHD for years). He also told me that he took an STD test, and will be taking them for the next three months, because the doctor he spoke to at the walk-in clinic told him that you actually can catch STDs from unprotected oral sex. And since he had sex with me the evening this happened, I might have to get tested too.
At this point, I feel alternately numb / resigned / furious. I don't know what this says about me, but while I am hurt that he didn't stop it sooner, or even talked to strange women at all, I am not exactly shocked that it happened. Does that even make sense? I feel like as soon as he told me he was meeting a strange woman for coffee whom he chatted with on an iPhone app, I already knew how the story would go. When he gets low, and lonely, and sad, he makes terrible decisions. He said that he usually leans on me to get him through it, but now that we have a family to take care of together, he realizes that he relies on me too much to get him out of his moods.
I feel that because I know him, I can see my way to forgiveness because in 18 years he's never messed up like this. Oh, he's hurt me in other ways, in worse ways maybe, but I could always count on his fidelity. On his realizing, eventually, that what we have built together is a good thing worth fighting for. But that's a certainty I don't have anymore – I feel like some part of him wants our relationship to explode, like he's testing the limits of what I'll put up with as proof of ... my love for him? his worthiness as a person? I just don't know.
I am troubled by the "rush" he says he needs to feel to make him feel better. I understand that after 18 years together, he's probably not going to get that same thrill and high from me, and while my younger self would have been deeply hurt by that, I now understand that long-term relationships have pros and cons like anything else. Familiarity and security are wonderful, but the cost (especially for someone with ADHD) are the brain cocktails they need to feel good – the thrill of risk, impulsivity, sexual newness. I am at a loss for how to deal with the anger I have, that he put our family on the line for a sexual thrill and ego boost – selfish desires. In my head, I scream at him 'why are you so weak? is the ego boost so important to you? what about us?' I know that someone else's mouth was on his penis and I want to vomit. He let it get that far, and I want to kick him and slap his face and humiliate him the way he's humiliated me. But this anger contradicts the faith I have that we can get through this, because he does seem genuinely remorseful, and because after 18 years – I know my husband. But what happens when he gets lonely and low again? Will he have the willpower to avoid chatting with strangers, or will he just succumb because I didn't kick him out?
I know this is long, but I need help. On top of this, I'm trying to take care of my baby daughter. I get through the day ok, and he and I are operating as normally as possible, but I feel like I'm just barely keeping it together. Any advice, please.
I think your husbands
I think your husbands behavior and excuses for the behavior are APPAULING.
There need to be serious repercussions for this actions- at the least.
Husband who cheated
Maedi, I ready your story all the way through hoping that you would get some good feedback and I see there are no comments... how are things now? Has it happened again? You are describing a very familiar story and I could definitely use some advice as well.
First time posting. ADHD + Ex cheater.
First time posting here. I'm only 32 years old, but I was a cheater throughout my entire sexually active life until just a little over 2 years ago. I'm ADHD diagnosed and going to a psycologist to deal with it, and searching for a psychiatrist in order to evaluate medication alternatives. Anyway, as an ADHD partner who cheated profusely, in my experience, I had NO idea of the pain I was causing with the cheating. It just wouldn't occur to me to understand how I was hurting my partners, and the 3rd persons as well. I have a severe problem with lack of empathy, which I have researched and is rooted in my ADHD. This lack of empathy almost made it seem to me like this huge surprise/knife stab to the heart when I got caught. And I got caught multiple times. It took a lot of effort to stop cheating, but it was because my partner stuck by me and I was there to presence the hurt I caused, the repercussions of it all, and how I changed both our lives. I have been a non-cheater for over two years, but it has not been without problems. I am a lot less sexually active than before, I approached my partner ( got dumped recently) a lot less than before for sex, and the approaches that did happen were just terrible most of the time. While cheating, we had much more sexual chemistry, maybe because something in my brain was being fed something it needed for me to feel good about myself, and feeling good about myself made me be a better sexual partner. There is SOMETHING in our brains that needs stimulation, and sometimes we find it in the randomness and James Bond-ish feeling of having a woman be entirely attracted to us and so willing to please. ADHD'ers seem to be very selfish and self centered, egocentric, etc. But NOT by choice. I have been struggling with understanding other people's feelings, particularly my (ex)partner, and empathy is truly a challenge to me. He has to pinpoint his needs and share them with you, explain them to you, and evaluate how you can make them work for the both of you. But then again, that could also be selfish because we ADHD'ers are great at requiring our needs to be met, and terrible at meeting other people's needs. But, regarding the cheating, there's certainly a problem with us and understanding how that behaviour could hurt our partner, and it wasn't until I lived it and saw it in front of my eyes, all the hurt, crying, suffering, that allowed me to change these ways and realize that I have to pinpoint my needs and satisfy them some other way. I haven't truly found how to satisfy them, but I found what I needed to NEVER EVER cheat again. I've been told many times that my behaviour is gonna get what I want, a break up, to destroy us, etc, but it has NEVER been what I want. He very likely does not want to test the relationship, see how much you're willing to take, etc. He is probably confused as to how to understand himself. BUT on the other hand, I am an ex-cheater, and my opinion could certainly be biased. Repercussions are a must, but mutual understanding, and open communication must follow it as well. Open communication about what happened, how it felt, without anger or resentment DURING the conversation ( in order to promote further talking). If communication is what you want, try not to provoke fear in him from your reactions, that's what happened to me and it made me clam up to the point of fearing my partner. Also, going to a therapist is a must for the relationship to survive. He must truly commit to absolutely every option available to help him, you, and the marriage. You cannot fix what you don't understand, and therapy will be his encyclopedia of the Self. He MUST get his ADHD treated, learn about it, and do whatever it takes. It's the ONLY way he can start becoming a better partner ( asides from Yoga, working out, meditation, mindfulness, proper diet, etc but Therapy is a mandatory first step). Best of luck, and above all, don't let any of this act as a measuring stick to your worth as an individual or a partner. It's just NOT true that when we cheat it's because we want something better. It's just not the reasoning behind it. It's just something wrong within ourselves and our condition, and LOTS of confusion. I hope you can feel better soon. Be good to yourself.
Thankyou so much for your
Thankyou so much for your post! Its really informative, and its really nice to get this perspective from someone. I am the non ADHD spouse in a soon to be ending marriage to someone who has zero empathy for me at all. And while he has not cheated that I know of - he has certainly lied to me more times than I can count, put porn, video games, and so many other things in front of me and our marriage. Its ending now because he doesnt want to do any of the work that real treatment requires (he thinks that "thinking about thing" while in a therapist office is working on things- when once he is out of that office, its business as usual).
I am really impressed at your self introspection, and I do wish you continued luck on building yourself and your partner (or success with a new relationship!) back up. It sounds like you are on an amazing track here - and that you are reaching out and helping others says alot about how far you have come with your empathy issues. Keep moving forward, and stick to it and you will be very successful, and you will finally find that happiness that has eluded you, especially now that you know that you wont find it at the end of the path of cheating (or like my H will find out again eventually that it is not down the path towards isolation and a computer screen).
Keep rising - keep fighting... I hope you will post more here! You will find that most stories are coming from "non" partners, and I will warn you - they can be angry, sad, frustrated stories. But take from them what you can, and learn from them just like we do - and you will find support and friendship and maybe some advice that makes your journey better. :-)
*** rising from the ashes like a phoenix ***
Interesting Perspective AB
I'm an ADHD man...but shared the same conundrum as you. Until I was your age (me 59 now ) ...I had an intense need to have different sexual experiences that were new because of that intense need for that kind of stimulation. It is very self serving and selfish speaking in those terms. What I did was a little different than you in how I dealt with this in that I didn't cheat. Cheating itself was a line I drew for myself that I didn't cross but not to say I didn't want to. That's not saying....that I never cheated in the sense that when I was done with a relationship....that when I met someone who I was sexually attracted to and they with me....that I didn't then take advantage of that but left my previous relationship entirely and never went back.
But also to say....that these relationships I had during this time....were with women who were more open in this way....and less committed to me as well. I chose more.....friends with benefits...without any real commitment so the unspoken rule or idea of cheating...was not the same as it was with a committed relationship where you say so up front and there is an automatic assumption....that it be exclusive forever.
What I found however....that this is a very shallow and rather immature type of commitment and the relationships reflected that for both people involved. Without any real commitment.....your just friends who remain independent....who also have sex together.
Truth be's a fallacy to believe that only men are like this. There are plenty of women like this too and are commitment avoidant and are perpetually "on the market" and available when the opportunity arises. I found and sought these women out myself when I was in any commited relationship...because of that open...uncomitted freedom that was spoken up front and understood to be that way.
I found these relationships were ultimately very unfullfilling with a lot of suspicision and mistrust involved. They were not on any deep level and they appeared missing mostly....any real deep connection or feelings of Love and remained in that perpetual state of immaturity and shallowness indefintitly...and never grew or went anywhere emotionally speaking.
This kind of came out of fashion in a sense....from the carry over from that period of time in the 60's of experimenting with free Love and open sharing of everything in an idealistic...and fatally flawed way of seeing things in a communal way. That carried over into the excess's of the 70's in the Disco era...where life is just a big party all the time..with no rules that anyone had to adhere to or follow as far a sex and commitment goes.
It was interesting to hear what you said as far as you being the way you are compared to myself back at that time. In the essense of what you said....I was no different for the very reasons they are for you....but "cheating" was seen differently....when everyone is experimenting like it was....and not one was considered actually "cheating" in those terms if everyone is free to "cheat" and somehow....this is considered Okay?
It was ...kind of Okay.....and kind of....not Okay....if you understand what I mean. Having ADHD during this time meant....that I fell into the cracks of society at the time since this attitude was really prevalent...and it wasn't that uncommon within this failed attempt to go against nature. It really was a failed attempt and an experiment...that ultimately didn't work. All anyone who went this route had....was a very superficial attempt at anything meaningful...and what you ended up with....was shallow and lacking in depth of any kind. It was almost like a "Green Light" have an arrested state of any meaningful relationship...and the relationship remained in this "immature" state.....indefinitely.
I found....there were plenty of woman out there just like this...and were fine with it...the same as it was with me at the time. But I eventually became very dissalusioned with this immature kind of relationship...and ended up wanting more. My first marriage (if you can call it that ) was to one of these woman I met and fell in Love with....but she quickly left me for another man and ran off with him even though I was ready for more and wanted a commited lifetime commitment and was ready to move past "sowing my wild oats" and got that completely out of my system by that time. I was ready....she wasn't....but she wasn't any different than what I knew since that was the type of relationship I had been in and was use to. It sort of went with the territory and was not that broke my heart and was deeply hurt because I was ready for more...and willing not to cheat and be married at that time.
It's interesting your age AB. For was right at this same time...that I decided to get married and stop doing what I had done...and was ready to be in a "real" commited relationship and stop being so shallow and superficially any more. Once I made my mind of and came to that place.....I have never cheated on any relationship I've been in or when I was married...once I made that kind of commitment. It didn't mean that all those urges went meant....I stopped following them and used that promise as a means not too and draw the line between my"urges" related to ADHD and stimulation....and other peoples feelings and the harm that I might cause them as the way to say "NO" myself.....first and foremost.
In some ways for me.....having got "all that out of my system" first....was my means to stay faithful without actually "cheating" by only being with other "cheater" at the time. It was part of the culture for some during that time period however....and it was more common and more accepted to be that way ....but only for that time during that failed sociologic attempt to by-pass nature. It was a failed experiment...and you learned the hard way why it failed.
If I could give you any solice as means to put this into may have caused a lot of harm and hurt those who were not following this kind of "no Love....and nothing is written in stone" path....but had you been living possibly 20 years earlier doing the same may not have been seen as such a horrible person since a vast majority of people during this time...were doing the same thing you did but you would have fit the time better and would feel like you are such a bad person for having these tendencies that you follow because of your ADHD. You and I are both the same in that way (as I was at your age)...but how it was viewed then...compared to know....was seen entirely different by society at large during that time. It's all in the eye of the beholder...and how people see it that way during the time.
( I had NO idea of the pain I was causing with the cheating.)
This kind of mind is easily fixed; All you have to do is after an episode of cheating, Is to sneak back home to find your faithful spouse bent over your sofa being hammered by another man! PUFF! Your ADHD blindness is gone!
All of a sudden you see yourself...It's like magic when you find yourself in their shoes! NO more excuses, it's an amazing cure!