Forum topic: How to Communicate It's Over

Long story short:  I have been with an undiagnosed ADHD boyfriend for three years.  I found this forum when one day I googled “chronic irresponsibility.”  I have done everything for my boyfriend. I have taken care of him like a mother does a child and have experienced many of the same experiences and frustrations I have read about on these forums.  When I first met my BF I thought he was kind, gentle and sweet, but now I can see he’s quite the opposite:  chronically irresponsible, creating new problems for himself at every turn, all with a touch of explosive anger—the type that gets him fired from every job he’s ever had due to interpersonal issues (this is not an exaggeration).


I’ve decided I don’t want to be in the relationship anymore, mostly because I feel powerless to help him. Every time I help solve one problem, he creates a new one.  We live our lives moving from crisis to crisis.  He has a ton of debt. He closed all his bank accounts so creditors cannot garnish his wages. He now needs me to pay all his bills through my checking account.  I’ve had it.  I choose not to live my life this way. I am choosing a life of fulfillment, not one of constant chaos and aggression.  I don’t even like his personality anymore, especially as it is much different from the personality I thought I was getting at the beginning of the relationship.  There is no hope in restoring our relationship. I am already sold on the concept of moving on.


Here’s my problem.  I don’t know how to communicate in a compassionate and mature way that the relationship is over. Every time I’ve tried to create boundaries in our relationship, I've said so in a very direct way, which usually resulted in him exploding at me. I don’t know how to communicate boundaries other than saying them matter-of-factly. Last time I tried communicating with him he said “I don’t need to know your boundaries,” so maybe he’s just not willing hearing them.


Breaking up with him will have really bad consequences for him and really positive consequences for me. He really does depend on me for all his needs and I am his only friend.  I worry that after our breakup he will eventually drift into homelessness.  I wish I could help, but I cannot.  It hurts to help.  He really is someone who “bites the hand who feeds him.” He yells at me.  Maybe there’s verbal and emotional abuse.  I am shy and amiable. He is aggressive and angry.  There’s no way it’s going to work in the long term. This is why I can no longer provide him assistance. But how to tell him when he may end up homeless as a result of the breakup?  


It sounds like you can absolutely communicate this to him in a loving way, and it will be most effective if you can think ahead of time about what you'll say verbally, and keep that message brief but compassionate. I think if you also give him a letter expressing your sadness and frustration, he will be able to reread it, and maybe even get more out of it as time goes on.  Plus you have the opportunity to consider your wording so that it is honest, but not hurtful. You won't be able to change him if you stay together, and as hard as it is, I think you are doing the right thing. Good luck!

Whether you admit this or not, you are afraid of him. Get support and get out.  Quick before you get pregnant. 

Does he live with you and you are on the lease?  It doesn't matter what you say to him....I have a feeling that his feelings will not be hurt...just his anger, ego and entitlement will be shaken for a little while.    Get support from friends or  family.  Don't let his words or guilt or shame work on you anymore.  He will not be homeless.  He will find someone else to do his work for him just like he found you.

I suggest you contact some responsible adults, friends or family to be with you when you do this...Also, i would suggest you change your locks and put a restraining order against him...Based on your post he has so controlled you and this relationship, he will definitely try to intimidate you, if he can't manipulate you into seeing it his way...Anyone loosing jobs because of anger and uncontrollable temper is a dangerous person.