I stumbled across a blog. today of a young lady who has in her words, "full blown" adhd. As I read what she had written I knew right away about her struggles...What she say's is real, and it's the hope I've held onto for 8 years. If My wife could have said these things to me in the beginning, I think our lives would have been so much better. If she could speak openly and peacefully now (without the chip, and anger) it would change our lives. Maybe some day she will, I still have hope! And if I could thank this Young lady for encouraging me in my hope, I would love to....
I'm posting the website in case some of you would like to read it....It's entitled...The adhd Christian, and The adhd Christian part 2.....She has another one entitled I'm getting married, but he's not "The One" There all good...But, she is a believer, so if Christians offend you, you may not want to read them.
Here it is....
Yes, too
I too, stumbled on her a couple months ago. Very insightful and thought provoking. I sense that our spouses are very similar in their actions/ reactions with ADD. I once said to my H. "If you were born with this perhaps God knew you could be of great value in helping others through your own journey. It may not be what you wanted to do but who says you can't do what that is too? Is it possible your denial of the ADD doesn't sit well with God? You could be such an asset to ones who "struggle" with this thing." It has been awhile since that was said and I can see now a s.l.o.w. progress of dare I say "acceptance"?( And I don't mean MY words were ANY sort of an eye opener to him.) His faith is major to his life and I have been perplexed at his not "taking it to God" a bit more seriously but perhaps.....the nature of not understanding how the ADD affects him yet(so that he can see) is delaying that. However,while I have said that my own journey with God through this, God has stayed silent(HE is WITH me, but silent) I believe I have been reminded that in that silence with me.....HE may be talking to my spouse.....which is what I have prayed for all along cause I was screwing everything up:) Ah.....patience.....such an admirable quality.
Zapp 10....