Forum topic: Help balancing boundaries/frustration and love/warmth

Hello all! My husband and I have been married for 10 years, 2 young kids. He has ADHD. Refuses medication (says it makes him "really mean"), but does do hard work with a therapist. Some aspects of his functioning have greatly improved, but his contribution to our household is often times minimal and oftentimes a lot of drama, stress and chaos.

I'm having trouble protecting myself from those aspects that he brings to our family dynamic without at the same time being closed off to him emotionally. I cannot count on him for really anything and have had to take over most household/child tasks. Nothing he says he'll do gets done and he'll get upset if I remind him. For instance, he'll promise up and down to do something in the evening and then it'll inevitably get left to the next day. I've explained how this just puts more responsibility on me the next day (meaning then I do all the regular tasks while he finally completes the one), but it falls on deaf ears.

While I understand a lot of this is the ADHD, sometimes it feels like part of it is poor character. Maybe that's unfair? I feel bad for my kids that they don't have an engaged, warm dad. I compare us to the families in our lives and I feel so sad for my kids and myself. He's constantly on devices, but thinks that sitting next to someone while completely ignoring them counts as spending time together.

I don't know how to shield myself from his behavior and the resentment and stress it causes in me without disengaging too much.

He blew up at me today and was really mean, again. I'm tired of always being the one to extend an olive branch despite being yelled and cussed at and I just feel so overwhelmed. It flabbergasts me, but I feel like he's going to leave me. I want our family to stay intact, but I am starting to feel so burnt out


Hi treehouse,

I can't give you any advice as I'm in exactly the same situation - apart from that my husband has not been officially diagnosed yet - the process is taking a very long time here, but we might get some answers tomorrow (fingers crossed).


But for the rest of it - leaving responsibilities/household to me (and I'm scared it will continue with taking care of our baby (due in 2 months)), saying he'll do something and it never gets done (always 'tomorrow' or 'later') and getting aggressive with his tone and words and occasionally kicking things from frustration when I remind him or ask for some help around the house. He also has a lot of negativity and fear of change and changing opinions and not wanting to work and just wanting to do and spend how he likes with no thought of responsibilities or finances and feeling overwhelmed with a lot of things that I see as 'simple' (finishing a task, filling in paperwork etc)... It is exhausting and I try to help find solutions - and he has ideas himself too - but like with everything else, nothing actually gets done.


Sorry I can't be of help but I'm with you in solidarity and following along incase someone comes by with some advice.

Take care of yourself