DH is thinking we need a vacation to help us with our disagreements in the relationship,so we are headed to a 7 day vacation in the most romantic place in the Caribbean, and we are on our way this coming Wednesday,hopefully this might help us and hold some memories for us to hold on to.The mood swings and some of the anger disappears when he is next to the sea or ocean....so I know for sure we would have a wonderful time,but still I have to be careful,anytime he could change...
Keep me in your prayers and wish me good luck...
have fun!
Enjoy your trip! Keep positive! Focus in all your strengths and love . Love the Caribbean!! My birthplace!
Best of luck
Personally, in our marriage, vacation has never been one of the best times to reconnect or make things better. Needs to start before we go. I can't go away with him when we are at each others throats. I'm so afraid of fighting on vacation and then wasting all that money, and the chance we could have had, to have a wonderful time. Vacations can be stressful. Time constaraints, different foods, lack of sleep, can make people irritable....I CAN ONLY HOPE that this is not the case with you. Just sharing my experience, and why it's like that for me.
Have a wonderful vacation and may it be all you want and much much more.
OMG!!!!OMG!!! vacation was awesome!!!
Just came back with DH from our 10 days in the Caribbean vacation...it was soooo incredibly amazingggg!!!! I had a wonderful time...we cooked...we slept,we swam,he went diving and fishing,,while I waited by the resort sipping wine....I had a romantic time with him....it was amazing!!!! he was not in any ADHD mood....it disappeared(environmental factor)I believe in that now....