Forum topic: Exhausted and don't know what to do.

I'm exhausted and don't know what to do. Please seeking advice and guidance. Apologies for the lengthy post. 

Me (28 y/o F) and my fiance (29 y/o M) have been together since about 2015 and got engaged in Summer 2022.   He has an ADHD diagnosis since he was a child.  Currently un-medicated.  As of 2021 he has discussed his feelings of depression and anxiety with me. (I've encouraged therapy and professional help on multiple occasions but he refuses).  Since getting engaged we're not getting along and I feel like I'm losing my sanity. 

For background, trying to summarize as best I can -- After getting engaged last summer he went on a bender of drinking alcohol and smoking marijuana beginning all day every day for about 2 weeks. He'd previously been a weed smoker for years but not to this level of abuse.  I expressed my concern a few times.  He only stopped once we had an enormous fight about it. He admitted afterwards that he uses marijuana as a crutch to deal with his emotions.  He said he was experiencing a lot of emotional difficulty at getting engaged because it was such a big life change, his childhood is over, etc.  Due to this, I suggested we try couples therapy.  I wanted to work through his substance abuse, depression, etc. with him in therapy.  We went a few times but he refused to continue and said "we need to learn to deal with conflict ourselves." I, of course, felt awful.  Being newly engaged, this was supposed to be a very happy time and it wasn't. It seemed like couples therapy gave him license to turn his substance abuse and mental health issues on me and make them my fault.  He would say "you're the reason I'm depressed", "it takes two to end up in therapy", etc. 

Since that time, for about a year, we've continued to have issues.  The issues have escalated and I need help, I'm at my wits end.  He is extremely difficult to talk to.  I feel like I'm losing my sanity.  Every time we argue I feel smaller and smaller.  I feel like I'm living inside a vacuum and when I step away from him I'm like oh ... "wait a minute, I remember who I am."  I feel like I don't know what a normal argument is anymore and what I am allowed to be upset about.  Whenever I'm upset I feel like he flips it on me and somehow I always end up apologizing when I was the one who went into the discussion feeling upset!  In arguments if I say "when you did X, it made me feel Y" he always replies with "you are accountable for your own emotions. I am not responsible for how you feel." Or "I can't help the way you feel, you need to control your own emotions".  We can never have discussions about hurt feelings where I say I was hurt, and he simply apologizes for being hurtful.  He always has a convenient way to make it my fault.  I am tense around him because I don't know what his mood will be or how he will reply.  He flips angrily and becomes paranoid and the simplest things.  I find myself agreeing with his logic just to stop the argument and come to a peaceful place. 

He is either extremely disciplined, or not.  Which I believe is characteristic of ADHD people.  And when he is disciplined, he is extremely arrogant about it and lords it over me.  Constantly telling me that I am not accountable enough and need to be more like him.  I am constantly not doing something right in his opinion and he is constantly critiquing me.  When I bring up that his critiques wear on me he tells me to stop playing the victim and be accountable.  He rarely asks questions of my activities and just tells me what he would do.  When I disagree, he tells me that I don't listen to him. 

Recently, I put on a pair of gold hoop earrings to go to dinner with him.  He told me he didn't like them and wanted me to take them off.  I told him I liked them and wanted to wear them anyway.  He asked me, why wouldn't I want to dress in a way that is attractive to him and said that it is disrespectful to him (as my fiance) to go against what he finds attractive.  I said I did not ask for his opinion and asked him to respect my wishes.  He said "why would I ever compliment you again if you don't listen to me when I'm telling you now I don't like something."  I get so stunned at how such a simple thing escalated into an arguments. It is making me feel crazy because he always finds a way to manipulate the argument into a way where he is right.  I have had dozens of arguments like this.  I cant even remember them all anymore.

I lost it today and am strongly considering calling off the wedding.  I can't take much more.  He is involved with coaching after his regular 9-5 job.  I was leaving for work this morning and making polite conversation when I asked him "if he had practice tonight?"  He suddenly became irate. He started angrily repeating the question and following after me yelling "Do I have practice tonight?!  Answer the question yourself!  Do I?!"  I was so stunned and replied that I wasn't sure of his schedule because he hadn't given it to me.  Over the weekend his dad shared the schedule with me and I forgot that I had it.  My fiance continued to stomp after me yelling "You're asking a stupid question!  My dad gave you the schedule!  Stop being a liar!" I walked out.

I was stunned at how quickly the situation escalated and sat in my car before work to reflect on the situation.  I wondered, as we approach getting married, that if I had a child with this man and he spoke to me in that manner in front of our child, would I be proud?  Would that be appropriate?  Would that be something I'd want the child to witness? No.

I texted him this morning from my car saying "No one deserves to be spoken to the way you just spoke to me."  He texted me "Stop playing the victim." He can just never apologize for his behavior.  I get it that I had the schedule but I really don't feel my question warranted that response.

I feel like I cant have a conversation with him anymore.  I don't know if its NPD or ADHD related but I am emotionally drained and stuck.  I love him very much and that is why I struggle with what to do.  It is difficult to consider ending things with someone you love but I feel like he isn't the same person anymore.  These arguments seem incredibly abnormal.  Do people who have been together almost a decade just have these issues?  Please help. 


EDIT -- I want to profusely thank everyone who has taken the time to weigh in and help a stranger in a time of need.  Your thoughts are appreciated and have been very helpful in sifting through the chaos. 

EDIT (again) -- I ended the engagement and relationship.  It has been personally very difficult but your advice helped provide clarity on something I had been struggling with for a while.  Thank you.  


ADHD or not, nobody deserves to be treated like that. He is verbally abusing you. You said this escalated when you got engaged.  I think the commitment aspect might be exacerbating these bad behaviors. Just think if you married him, I'm afraid he would get even worse. I fell in love with a guy like this, but I never married him thankfully. It was still a messy breakup, but you can't allow someone to treat you so poorly. I mean come on... your engagement time before marriage should be the happiest time where you feel so lucky to have found your special person. He's using you like a scapegoat. This is not sustainable, and it's not healthy or safe for you. 

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

Sorry to be so blunt, but this is controlling and abusive behavior and he seems to take no accountability even when completely at fault. I know I'm just a stranger on the internet, but once you're married and intertwining your lives all the more it's even harder to leave. To answer your question of if it's normal, it is absolutely not and there are so many partners out there who would treat you with respect and talk out issues like an adult. It's hard to see just how off the wall this behavior is when you've been in it for a while, but I promise this isn't healthy. I would highly recommend getting a therapist just for yourself (versus couples). A third party on your side alone can give you perspective and help you see what's happening clearly so you can decide how to move forward.

Sometimes it helped me to ask myself, "would I want a relationship like this for my mother/sister/best friend?" I knew I would tell anyone else to leave the nightmare I was in so why was it okay for me? It wasn't. 

So glad you reached out here. Whatever you do, be safe. ♥️

P.S. Good for you for wearing those gold hoops! I bet they looked amazing!

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

I agree 1,000% with the other commenters. There are so many red flags in his behavior. Please, please listen to the warning bells going off for you right now. This is verbal and emotional abuse. I've been in a similar situation before. It can happen so gradually that you can't see the forest for the trees. It seems like you recognize the struggles he's going through - depression, etc. - and want to be there for him. However, you can't single-handedly save him or return him to the person he was before these struggles, and you will burn out completely while trying. I understand that you love him, but he has to seek help of his own volition at this point, and it would be best for you to consider not just the harm this dynamic would have on a future child but the real harm it's doing to you right now. I try not to judge others' relationships or draw conclusions without hearing both sides, but I recognize these issues all too well. I'm glad I listened to others at the time and gathered the courage to move on. I hope you're able to do the same with the help of loved ones around you.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

My take on this is that your fiance does not want to get married, and he's trying, consciously or subconsciously, to get you to call off the engagement.

I think you shouldn't marry him.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

This must me a whole lot of emotional trauma for you. However it's possible he may have had a wrong diagnosis of ADHD as the behaviors you have mentioned here are more controlling and abusive which is likely narcissism. I don't see you mention inattentiveness, lack of executive function , being unreliable/forgetfulness or the infamous parent- child dynamic . This is more of a case of Narcissistic Personality Syndrome  which is very difficult to manage and almost impossible to cure 

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

I agree with everyone else who has posted here that you should protect yourself (and actually him too) from an unhealthy and abusive dynamic and get out. Call off the wedding and certainly don't bring a child into this either. It will only make everything harder. Perhaps the engagement changed something or maybe it's something that has nothing to do with you whatsoever. I noticed in my own relationship with an ADHD partner that symptoms change and grow stronger over time, and that things that are super difficult now were not issues in the past. It doesn't mean you were fooling yourself before, or that your memories of a happy relationship are any less real. I believe some of these things come on with age, but it's also how the pressures and stress of adult responsibilities pile on with time. This is not your fault and there isn't anything you can do when he is this stuck and unable to discuss feelings or apologize. If it's this hard now, it will be even harder in the future. The warning signals are strong from everything you so clearly describe, and I think you should get out and set yourself up for a happier and less complicated life. If you think calling off a wedding is hard, announcing a divorce can be even more heartbreaking. He sounds genuinely unable to commit to being the partner you need him to be. Good luck and best wishes.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

Hi. Im sorry you are experiencing this. 

Let me say know your gut feeling? The one that told you to reach out to the ADHD community and ask whether this is normal? Listen to it!!! Never let it dull or question it. You asked because you know this isnt normal.

Let me tell you a story: there once was a 22year old who ignored red flags of aggression, sexually explicit messages to another woman and messages to an ex. She still got married because surely he learnt his lesson and wouldnt betray her again? Wrong! Fast forward to a 40year old who has children with ADHD, whose husband smoked pot for 15years, got fired for sexual harassment......set up a dating profile......continued messaging other women to chat.......continued watching porn and camera girls. Dont be that girl.......listen to your gut!!! 

Thank you for reaching out for help!! Xx

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

This sounds all too familiar.  I ignored and tried to explain away a lot of issues and should have just faced facts earlier. I married my husband and had a child with him and all I do is think back wondering how much better my life would be if I had only left when he ______. I didn't know about the ADHD up front like you do, we only recently found out 9 years into our relationship. It's a lot more complicated to leave when you're married, own a home, have kids....

When people show you who they are, believe them.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

Hi, an ADD husband here.

I think that what you're looking at is not exactly ADHD, or at least, not only ADHD

If he had ADHD, or ADHD only, he wouldn't diminish you, not would he abuse you like this.

Although, I see the response "you are I'm charge of your own emotions" and notice I started using it too... trying to explain that sometimes I just CAN'T unload a washing machine, or I CAN'T pick up the piece of paper lying on the floor. Not right now. I need to build up the momentum, or whatever it takes to make me do it (although I'm on meds).

Sorry for going off topic a bit. So.

If this behavior of his persists, and shows almost everywhere, even when you are positively NOT doing anything, then maybe it's something other than ADHD, and maybe he needs better diagnostics. Still, I think, you should keep explaining to him that you are human, and you are not to be abused.

Live and learn

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

Do not marry this guy.  No way.  You'll regret it forever. So many reasons to leave him.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

I don't typically weigh in on relationships status, however...This is a good description of an abusive relationship.  You are not yourself (and not for the better); he is volatile and self-centered; he diminishes you and you are miserable.  Furthermore, he has a substance abuse issue, refuses to own his issues, and refuses to work with you to improve your horrid relationship.  If a friend told you what you have told us here, would you suggest that she commit to a life with this person?  I thought not.

Forward motion, including an engagement, is hard to push back against.  But your best option here is to put this relationship on hold.  For your best set of options I would suggest breaking the engagement completely, which will provide a greater sense of freedom and (hopefully) put your focus back on taking care of yourself.  If you can't do this, make it clear that you will not marry until he as completely cleared up his act and is actually a good, healthy, non-abusive partner.  Then stick to it.  That's not the path I would recommend here (for reasons stated below) because I think the result is that you'll waste several more years hoping he will engage and change, but that seems like a real long shot in this case.

I don't hold out much hope he's ready to do the work needed given he has been given the opportunity to do the work with you and refused. be clear...this is not actually about ADHD, though the volatility and substance abuse are likely related to ADHD symptoms.  This is simply about being an abusive partner.  Don't sign up for deserve better.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.

shevrae's picture

I'm sure this is a very difficult situation for you. I'm sure it's not at all what you thought life would be like when you started dating this man. But from my own experience, marriage will make all of these things worse. My husband started physically abusing me after marriage. His temper tantrums increased in frequency and duration. His determination to blame me for every. single. thing. (constantly accusing me of taking/moving his stuff when he couldn't find it) started after marriage.

I agree with Melissa - it's not ADHD that makes him behave this way. I have raised 4 daughters with ADHD and not one of them acts this way. That was actually the thing that made me finally stand up to my husband - if CHILDREN could behave better than him when dealing with this condition and life's frustration - what was his excuse? A lot has changed in my house because I set some huge boundaries on acceptable behavior and made it clear divorce is absolutely on the table should he choose to return to his old way of being.

But if I could go back, knowing what I know now, I would never have married him. Never. It's been 25 years of pain, confusion, and exhaustion. Of losing myself and becoming a shell of a person who had to tiptoe around him and manage his moods constantly. Even though with treatment and medication, our day to day life is much improved, I still wonder if this relationship is really worth staying in. I'm still really grieving the life I wanted and wondering if there's still time to make that life for myself. Can I ever get there with him? I don't know.

So that's my bit of advice/venting. Best of luck to you. You deserve someone who treats you with kindness and understanding.

To begin to live differently, we must first see clearly  - Andrew J Bauman

Thank you for taking the time to read about my situation and comment your thoughts.  Your advice and the comments of others on here validated my feelings of abuse and gave me the strength to make the best decision for myself and end the relationship.