Forum topic: Do Therapists Ever Charge on a Sliding Scale?

I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and am currently taking medication to help with the symptoms.  While this is helping, I recognize that I need regular therapy to help me better understand my condition and improve my overall self-esteem. I know that until I do this, I will struggle to improve my marriage and that when I land that next job, i will come across the same problems I experienced in the past.  I am recently unemployed however, and while I am on COBRA, there are very few therapists on my plan, and most have little if no focused training on ADHD. 

I have two questions that I need help answering.  1. Is it better to see a therapist with minimal background in ADHD vs. not one at all 2. Do therapist ever charge on a sliding scale based on your financial situation?  If so, how do I find out who they are?  I live in the Washington, DC area and I have had a hard time locating experienced (and not overly-expensive) ADHD therapists. I have inquired at the local universities with minimal success and am not sure what my next steps should be.  I appreciate any personal experiences or advice.


I can't make a generalization about therapists and their charges.  Someone out there ought to be affordable (call me naive!)

As a general rule, if you are trying to sort out how ADHD has impacted your life then a therapist who understands ADD will help you and someone who knows nothing of it won't.  That said, there are lots of other ways to learn about it, too.  Start with some great books - Delivered from Distraction by Hallowell and Ratey, and Ari Tuckman's new book "More Attention, Less Deficit" is also an excellent resource.  If you have issues with organization and time management, Nancy Ratey's "The Disorganized Mind" is a great resource.

Another inexpensive way to start learning a lot, and meet others with the same issues, is to join a local support group.

Find out from your local CHADD and ADDA groups who the docs and support groups in the area are that are the best and see if they match anyone on your list.  D.C. has a number of good ADD experts.  You'll just have to ask how they manage their charges.