The divorce looks inevitable to me now. He was diagnosed a number of months ago, after he had what looked like a nervous breakdown and left. He's on meds (as far as I know), but is with a non-ADD therapist (again, as far as I know) who, according to one other professional source I've consulted about this, knows almost nothing of the condition or how it should be treated. So, my husband is largely untreated and thinks all of the problems with the marriage were due to me, or, in his "kinder" moments, some vague sense of incompatibility.
OK, so I'm entering into a divorce with a husband who has severe inattentive ADD, is largely untreated, is in almost complete denial over his condition (he thinks it's responsible for just a few "endearing personality quirks" - !), is *amazing* at hyperfocusing when he really wants something, and is living in an alternate reality. He doesn't remember things either of us have said and done--or, worse, makes them up.
The saddest part is, deep down below all of this rotten shell, he is truly a wonderful person. He's rather like a Jekyll and Hyde. On the rare and fleeting moments that he "gets it" that he's done an enormous amount of damage to me and the marriage (or, as we know now, his ADD has done this), it breaks my heart to see him. You've never seen such sorrow and heartbreak, and all I can think of is "there's hope in this yet!"
But it doesn't last, and something in his brain just shoves all of that away, goes back to blaming me, and refuses to deal with his problems. It's been many months since I've seen or heard him act truly sympathetically. He has, in a way, "brainwashed" himself into believing that he's "fine," and that I was the problem. I should mention that he also has very little real empathy. It comes out in drips and drabs, but mostly he thinks that when people tell him that they're hurt, or upset, or sad, that they're lying and trying to manipulate him.
Has anyone here gone through a divorce with someone like my husband? I'm concerned that this is going to get very ugly--or at least very strange because of the way reality warps around him. Does anyone have any advice to offer?
I just want to get this over with and move on with my life. My heart has been broken enough, and I can't bear anymore from him. I wish I could forget everything that's happened in the past several years, but I know that the scars are going to be with me for a long time. I need to cut my losses and try to salvage some happiness and fulfillment in this life of mine.
I'd like to know!
Even though my ADD husband is making an effort (and it does make one think there is hope but, it's like false hope) Just the thought of going on can be so disheartening... I can't help but wonder if there is more to this life... after all the struggling being alone seems like it could be real nice... There's no $ for divorce but why not just leave? What have I got to lose? What if I was able to barter services or volunteer for something just to get away for a while? I need some options.
I'm Contemplating On Looking For A Room-mate
Same thing here Clarity. My husband finally just started consistently taking Concerta after 7 years of being initially diagnosed. Total false hope. What I thought of that initial breakthrough of him doing something different to change, only crushed my hope once again when he started to drag on following through w/the therapy part. Although there is an effort, there is a true commitment that is lacking. Everything he does is half as_. I don't know if its because he waited too long before he did anything about it, and I lost the love along the way, or if I'm just tired of putting in all this effort into trying to salvage the marriage and because of his half as_ efforts, I'm predicting the same outcome and don't want to waste my life on him anymore. Although I have the money for divorce, my plate is full enough w/trying to prepare for my exit. Realistically for me, because there is no children or financial ties with him, its just a piece of paper to me. I can easily just walk and deal with the legalities later. Wanna come to hawaii? I'm contemplating on looking for a room-mate to cut the cost of my living expenses. Right now, I'm already looking for places to move to, and I'm really looking forward to this journey of finding/getting my true self back again...even if I gotta do it all over's soooo worth it!!!
Drugs + No Therapy/No Commitment = No Better :(
My husband forced the issue in the beginning--i.e., he blamed me for everything and left--but I think at this stage I'm the one who wants the divorce more. I think he'd let us linger for years in a limbo state, and I just want to be free and clear to move on, heal, and re-create my life.
LOL! I wish I lived closer to Hawaii! I'm going to be looking for a new place soon. Too many memories here. I can't sleep or work properly.
I Hear You On That One
Not only memories are the reasons for leaving. Anyone out there live in a condo where your neighbors constantly hear you fight? I am so embarrased, and cringe when my neighbors exit the same time as I do...let alone catch the elevators with them. Our neighbors must think we're nuts, and I definitely know they'll be so relieved when we do move. Finally THEY also can get some peace and quiet! lol
If I was 20 again
I would consider it. LOL! at 50 I'm feeling too broke, old, tired... It would be nice to dream again... (:p
Are You Kidding Me?
You're never too old to dream, and make things happen. That only stops the day you die. Besides...I'm only 5 years younger than you are...I think that we still have lots of charge left in our batteries. lol It's all in the mind and attitude. : )
I wish I could say it will be easy
I wish I could tell you it is going to be easy. My divorce was finalized in Oct-09 after 3 long years. My Ex also blamed me for everything as he walked out the door and through much of the marriage. And for a long time I believed him daughter was diagnosed with ADHD last year and shortly thereafter he realized he had it as well. It was a big Ahhaaa moment. Everything made so much sense. I finally realized it was not me and I was not crazy. Although I was not perfect in the marriage, I realized that much of my anger and frustration towards the ex was due to just trying to live with his tornado of a life day in and day out and not knowing that he had ADHD.
Our divorce dragged out for so long because he could never get all the paperwork in that was needed to assess the financial aspects...child support, etc. It was extremely frustrating because things could have gone much quicker but he just could not get it together and that made the process drag on and on. His first attorney fired him and his 2nd attorney now wants nothing to do with him since everything is over.
My suggestions:
-Gather all the paperwork you can from the marriage so you do not have to depend on him to gather it and get it turned in.
-Make sure if you own anything together that you set strict timeframes for liquidating it and put in strong consequences if there is no cooperation on his part. I am dealing with a situation with my ex now where we own several properties together. We agreed in the settlement to sell them, yet I can not get cooperation from him at all to get them sold. I will probably end up having to go back to court. So frustrating!!
-Take your name off everything possible once you separate so that his financial irresponsibility does not drag your credit down during this process.
-Don't waste anymore time or energy in trying to make him understand that it was not all you. I have been down that path and it is a battle that can not be won. My ex to this day still thinks I was all to blame even though he was having an affair and was basically absent mind, body and soul most of the marriage. Not to mention he was undiagnosed ADHD his whole life. The quicker you can resolve that this is just who and what he is the better for you.
My ex is still untreated to this day even though he knows he has ADHD. He has convinced himself he can manage it with excercise. 3 years later, and the loss of his family, and his life is still a big mess. I did not want a divorce and did not understand it when he left me with a 7 month old and 5 year old to raise on my own. I look back now and realize how much better my life is now without him. I was always fighting his fires as well as working full time and raising kids. It was exhausting and I was depressed. Although life as a single mom is not easy, it is sad to say it is easier than trying to do it with him and his untreated ADHD.
Get your ducks in a row before you make a move as much as you possibly can because it sounds like he is alot like my ex. Going through a divorce requires them to do many things they are not good at...get documents organized to turn into lawyers, show up at court on the right day at the right time, meet deadlines. All these things proved to be extremely difficult for my ex. So the more organized and together you can be, the easier of a process it will be for you.
Sorry you are going through this. I know from experience it is not easy. I also want to say that I am not advocating that anyone divorce. This is just my opinion on my situation. For me it was not a choice I was made for me. But looking back I am so much more at peace.
Good Luck,
Same boat
MY wife was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago and it has been a constant battle since the day we got married (18 months ago). I am also feeling very frustrated and am thinking about divorce. The tough part is that men never get any sympathy in a divorce court. So my hopes are doubly shattered, since I don't really think the judge will be favorable to me.
Other options
Mediation? What happened?