Forum topic: Didn't realize how much I was carrying

I just want to share a recent boundary that I set for myself and how much enforcing it has positively affected me.


When we were first married I took care of all the finances because he worked away from home for weeks at a time. When my husband came home he would throw my carefully planned budget for a loop, 90% of the time I went along with it and made it work, 10% of the time I let him know that whatever it was, just wasn't in the budget at the moment, but if it was important that we could figure out how to add it in. Since he only was home for a week or two at a time, it wasn't a big deal. However, about a year ago multiple things changed at once, we had our first child and he took a lesser paying job that kept him home. Now said carefully planned budget was blown out of the water and we have less money coming in and more expenses. Over the last year I've been trying to hold things together with chewing gum and twine, and it has been a major point of stress for me. I have tried several different methods of recording and sharing the budget and what is available, and he has put in some effort to be involved, but ultimately it was all on my shoulders.


One source of stress was being the one who had to figure out how to make sure the bills got paid, food was on the table, doctor's visits and medications were paid for, and try to still have something left over at the end of the week to have some fun. Another source of stress was that because he wasn't invested and responsible for the budget my husband would either talk about the things he was going to buy with our nonexistent funds or asking permission to spend the littlest amount. Both put me in an uncomfortable position where I was the one saying yes or no to his request. I don't want to tell him no. I don't want to be the one to make all the decisions about where our money goes, and I don't want him to act like they are all my decisions to make. I'm not his mom and I want him to stop acting like I am. Since the beginning of our relationship he has asked permission for all sorts of stupid things, and my response, unless it has been a request that would have a detrimental affect on our family, has always been that I'm not his mother and he doesn't need to get my permission. 


But now, I'm done. Taking care of the household finances is a major point of stress for me and he never took being involved seriously, so instead of trying harder to get him involved and share the burden, I'm trying different. He frequently told me that he didn't understand why there wasn't enough money for the things he wanted to do. After all, when he was single he was able to go out whenever he wanted and always had a good sized cushion in the bank. So last month I shared that what we were doing wasn't working for me. I shared a sample plan where household bills were split so that the ones I was responsible for comprised the majority of my take home pay, leaving me with enough money for gas and a few extras each month, but not enough to be relied upon for expenses, while his share of the bills would negatively impact him but not necessarily the household if unpaid and there would be enough left over that all other expenses (groceries, doctor visits, annual expenses, oil changes, etc.) would be his responsibility. I made a list of our annual expenses and roughly when they are due so that he wouldn't be blindsided by them when they come around. I told him that I had no doubt that he would do a great job, after all it wasn't something that was a problem for him before we were together, and it wasn't something I took over because he was bad at, but because he was frequently gone. I told him that I would help and support him in any way I could, but that ultimately it was on him how that money was spent. I told him that I know that he will do a good job and I wouldn't butt in and question every purchase, that I would assume if he was spending the money on something, that it was available to spend. 


Last week was the first week in the transition. After all the weekly bills were paid out of the joint account, what was leftover was transferred to his account. I can't see or access this account so I have no way of knowing what is and isn't available in it. I can't tell you how awesome this last week has been! We went to the grocery store and I wasn't keeping a running total in my head of what was in the cart. I wasn't stressed about every "extra" thing he was putting in and trying to figure out how I would make the grocery budget work with the extras or constantly telling him that no, the super fancy cheese isn't in the budget this week, please stick to the list. He splurged one morning and bought breakfast; I didn't stress out because of the sudden loss of X dollars and how I was going to account for that expense. I thanked him for his thoughtfulness and enjoyed a nice breakfast with him and our daughter. Before he headed to the store to pick up wine for a holiday dinner we were hosting, he first asked me if that was okay. My response was simply to ask him why he was asking. He thought about it, said that he didn't know, and rephrased to tell me that he was going to pick up wine instead of asking if it was okay. I just said okay and again, felt no stress about the purchase. He did make one comment at the beginning of the week asking "how am I supposed to work with only X dollars?" I said that we could come up with a plan together, but that it wasn't any more or less than would have been available to me to work with.


I didn't realize how much stress I was carrying. I didn't realize how much the responsibility weighed on me. I know there will be hiccups along the way as he figures out how to manage household finances again, and I'll be there to do whatever I can (except contribute monetarily), but it is absolutely amazing to not have that responsibility on my shoulders and to work towards no longer being asked permission by my husband every time he wants to make a purchase. I feel amazing! Boundaries are awesome!


Good for you!

I imagine under the happiness, there might be some extreme terror as well. 

I HATE it when my husband asks me if he can: 

a. Do something. (He asks if he knows the answer should be no, but he puts the ball in my court).

b. Buy something. (He asks if he knows the answer should be no, but he puts the ball in my court).

I recently have handed those things back to him so he can buy whatever he wants (with the 10000 dollars he makes a month) and do whatever he wants. 

I don't want to say "No" either. So my answer, when he asks, is going to be.... you can do whatever you want! And then, instead of deflecting his guilt and anger at an irresponsible person towards me when I say no, he only has himself to deal with. Brilliant!

I am on my second month, so far, so good. I pay the bills, he pays the mortgage. And while our mortgage went unpaid for a couple of months (he didn't notice ... ) he recently had to shell out $5000 to catch up. Not my problem. If he loses his job, mind you, we won't be in a great position, but that is a trick for another day. 

I grocery shop by myself. I order food by myself. So when groceries go bad in the fridge or food at the restaurant goes uneaten (because really, two appetizers and a main?) it is not my guilt, or my finances wasted. His problem, not mine. 

I would love to hear an update about how this goes for you for the next couple of months. I refuse to be the parent as well. Good for you. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

I'm with you DO.....I HATE this!!!


having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

"some loved her, some hated her, few were ambivalent about her"

synonyms:equivocal,ambiguous, indefinite, noncommittal, vague, imprecise, inexact, inexplicit, hazy; unclear, cryptic, enigmatic, pettifogging; ambivalent, uncertain, unsure, indecisive  OMFG!!!

"an equivocal statement"

I LOVE the word Petti-fogging though!!! .....definded: Placing undue emphasis on petty details. OMFG!!

"I'm working on the broad business vision here, not pettifogging little details"  That would be me here!!! OMFG!!!

antonyms:definite?  Which is what?  To be "definitive" and actually have an answer?  Like "yes" or "no" ? OMFG!!!

uncertain or questionable in nature. OMFG!!!

uncertain, unsure, doubtful, indecisive, inconclusive, irresolute ( lack of resolution), of two minds, undecided, torn, in a quandary, on the fence, hesitating, wavering, vacillating, equivocating,

Like lack of trust ( in herself )??? OMFG!!! lol

blowing/running hot and cold.  You mean like moody? OMFG!!!

  I Hate this!!!  ALL OF IT!!!  OMFG!!!

I HATE it when my ( wife ) asks me if she can: 

a. Do something. (She asks if he knows the answer should be no, but he puts the ball in my court).  Not 100% sure....but pretty damn sure... she actually doesn't knows however?  Thinking  NOT? (denial and ambivalence filter I think? I "think" means....what I actually believe but have no way to prove it? Absolutely )

b. Buy something. (He asks if he knows the answer should be no, but he puts the ball in my court).   "Buying "IN"...or to "buy in to something".....or in other be sold.

I recently have handed those things back to him so he can buy whatever he wants (with the 10000 dollars he makes a month) and do whatever he wants. 

I don't want to say "No" either. So my answer, when he asks, is going to be.... you can do whatever you want!  

Yes Yes Yes!!!  They are trying to get you to "buy in" too so don't take the bait!!!!  WARNING!! WARNING!!  DANGER WILL ROBINSON!!! Don't Do IT!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She did it again to me just last night.....wait...strike that.  She did it again to me last week and I "bought in" know I have to pay the price for my failure to remember not to do this?  I have to keep reminding myself that I cannot trust my wife good judgement or thinking about anything that includes me because....when ever I fail here....I am allowing here to make decisions that will have an effect on me later.....and they are ALWAYS.....PROBLEMATIC FOR ME!!!!  Every time I allow her to bait me into doing this with here but I got my answer last night and now I regret it!!!!

A week wife gets an invite from a friend of hers to come join her in a dinner party she was having on New Years Eve and asks me if I want to go?  I have been to this womans parties before and she is actually a very Jolly likeable person.  The problem is......I get this very strong feeling that this woman is rather lonely ( she lives alone with one grown child who is married ) and when ever she has had these parties before.....these things always happen.

1)  There is a ton of food that she makes and puts out for everyone....enough to feed an army....but there is no army ever there?  In fact...the people who usually comes to these events are her co-workers or associates or associated friends from work or her bussiness dealings.  And for the most sounds like she spends most of her social life in the local bar in the little town she lives in which is of the coziest and down home little bars I have personally ever been too myself?  It's like Mayberry RFD ( or Cheears )'s a tiny community with one bar...that services the entire town which is both very comfortable and everyone is very welcoming and it has a really smal town down home feeling since ...everyone knows each other and it appears to be the social hall for the town?  And the town centers around farming and agriculture and horses mainly....if you include Harley Davidsons as "iron horses"...then what you've got is a mixture of cowboys (Rodeo Guys and Gals ),local  farmers and bikers intersperced with the normal eclectic mix of poeple you'd find anywhere all rolled into one big happy family and the times I have been there before (twice)....was a lot of fun with live music and dancing and "hoot-in-nanny-ien" since the favorite music seems to have a country bend to it?  Not hard to imagine really?? lol

And even though....this is not the norm or what I usually gravitate to muscially's kind of fun when everyone is in to it and doing all the country western "line dancing" stuff that I have no idea what I am trying to do.....but no ones keeping track of my dancing including me and I don't really care!!! LOL

The problems are only this:

-This is quite a ways out of  town is not very close to where we live and it's a pretty good drive out in the country to get there which is really the only concern that I have for myself personally since I'm the one who's driving....not my wife?  As I call New Years Eve....."ametuer hour"....since seemingly....all those who never drink or get drunk ever....seem to pick the same night to do it all at the same time!!!  Another one of my pet peeves.....those who can't hold there liquor!!!   Enough said there....but I'm the one who has to drive!!!  Capiesh?

- Every time we've been invited to one of these swarays.....this woman gets real drunk and then wants everyone to stay the night and she is really quite insistant and almost  pushy about it....and always says the same thing...."and in the morning...I can make breakfast for everyone" which again....points to the same thing I am saying and I always....always......definitively say NO!!!  And I've told my wife this repeatedly..."I'm not in college anymore and I want to wake my own bed in the morning!!!!!! OMFG!!! lol  I have said this in front of her freind, my wife....and everyone in the room...more than once!!  Actually.......about 7 or 8 times before.

-When we get is not like a Party in the sense I am use to?  It like a bunch of people sitting in a circle in her living room that don't know each other and with our "Host" being the center of attention?  Ge the drift?  And then after about an hour....people start leaving they say "going to another party or engagement" which shows me....this was a courtesey drive by hit and run just to make an appearance and then everyone just "splits".  Which always leaves just my wife and her freind and go over to the local meeting hall and finish the eveingin there with Barney Phife,Andy, Goober and the rest of the gang which is the fun part as far as I see it? I'm not making fun here ( or of the people ) I'm merely painting the pciture and like I said...I enjoy everyon and everyone seems to have a good time togheter including me?  If it wasn't for that.....I wouldn't go!!!  But like I said...

everytime it;s time to leave and drive wifes friend ( who she works with too ) ztarts trying to twist my arm and getting me to stay which my wife kind of thinks sounds fun....but I do not!!!  When I am the 3rd wheel is the same as I have always been as the 3rd wheel at any time in my past and the condition it creates...are overwhelming not in your favor which is: 2 votes to 1....and the 3rd wheel will lose the vote  everytime!!  I HATE.... being the 3rd wheel which I stopped and have refused doing lthat like back when I was really was in college!!!  The stories I could tell but bottom line......I hate being the 3rd wheel....anywhere, anytime, any matter what?  It's even worse...with two women who have been drinking and all they want to talk about is.......everything I never want to talk about or than I am the least bit interested in.. and I have control this what so ever  or have a say in the matter more importatnly and  especially....when I want to get the Hell out of there once I have had enough!!! Simply put. lol  It is clear to me. even from this woman saying so out loud in fron of everyone...that she is planning on moving closer in to town and this woman is lonely...and kind of desperately looking for company!!!  CLEARLY AND UNAMBIGUOUSLY TO ME!!!! lol   Most DEFINITELY!!! LOL

So....last wife gets invited and I ask. "what's the party and who'c going to be there?"  And my wife says...."Well, a bunch of people including ( a couple I know since that couple actually owns the bar in town and the guy is really a charactor and fun to talk to and I enjoy him the most of all in the poeple I've met there before )  And I said....."well...lets wait and see what we really want to do later since I haven't even thought about it....this far in advance since it's like the day after's just a party we can stop in and stay for a while and if we want to do something esle we can leave?  Which is actually what I said?

And my wife comes to me later that day and says...."well....we've turned her down already a couple of times ( since she has these on every holiday or special day (Saint Patricks etc.....) and I don't want her to think that we are not interested in her friendship and I want to make sure she doesn't feel that way about us?  ( us or you"  who's this "we" !!!!!....she's your friend and co worker!!!......Here we go again!!!! Thinking and feeling for someone else again!!!!  OMFG!!! )  

I should have caught that one ahead of time but I missed it which is my fault for not being sharper and on my toes!!! LOL  Foo me once...shame on you....fool me twice....shame on me (you idiot!!! me again here lol ) I am defintiely learning from this mistake..and it will NOT happen again!!!!! OMFG!!! LOL

So last night...this woman calls my see what we want to eat because she was planning how much food to buy ( which just sounded vaguely familiar???? LOL )  And at the end of the wife hangs up and goes...."why is she calling me to see how much food to buy and asking me what we want to eat?? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then...she says....."oh and I guess no one esle is coming and it will only be the 3 of us??" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I said......"Huh?  What happened to everyone else?"

And she said "Well she invited a bunch of people and no one esle is coming?"

And I ran down the exact same things I just said previously and said....."So lets get this were commited to going over to K's house for dinner with only HER  there...and then,  I am going have going to sit and listen to the two of you talk "girls talk" all night and watch you two get drunk since I'm driving 35 miles out into the country on "Ametuer Hour" night....and every Cop and his cousin wiill be out looking for drunk drivers esepcially....on New Years Eve?  Which means....I have to baby sit a couple of drunk women...because you know K likes to drink!!!  Boy that sounds like a lot of fun....and not what I signed up for in the least!!!!"

And wife said...( are you ready for this?? ).....:"well....we could spend the night? "  LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But's the best part?  She said......"I told you that when you said yes" ( and she firmly believed this which is what I am trying to show here )

LOGIC Reigns Supreme!!!!! LOL

I said...."wait a moment.  Back up here for just one minute?  You asked me if I wanted to go to a party over there and you told me who would be coming right?"


"And I said I would think about it  but you were in a hurry to answer her?"


"And now those same people you said WERE coming...are NOT coming.....and it's just going to be just the 3 of us now..... but you didn't know that until 5 minutes ago...when she told you the other people weren't coming?  Right?"


"So how do you told me that those people weren't coming....and told me that it was only going to be the 3 of us.....back then when I said yes...... to go to a party with a bunch of people .....who aren't going to be there, and it will be only the 3 of us?? But as you say...."you told me when you asked me.....that it was just going to be the 3 of us?? Please advise? "  LOL

click  errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I HATE this more than anything!!!!

But....I Love my wife.....I just have to be a little quicker on the draw next time.  That's all!!!  Fool me a 3rd time....and I deserve to be fooled!!!! LOL

Life without Logic and Chaos!!!!!!  Fucking "A"(narchy)!!!!  LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Round and round we go....and just keep going more time!!! motion.    No beginning..and no end. And definitely.....Not moving forward!!! lol

When life hands you Lemons......go to the bar and get drunk with Barney.  I Love Barney....he's such a me!!! LOL




And then, instead of deflecting his guilt and anger at an irresponsible person towards me when I say no, he only has himself to deal with. Brilliant!  "Fool Me Twice....shame on me!!!!"  I'm with you here DO.  Brilliant!!!   OMFG!!!  lol

PS...My wife considers herself......"A Planner."   GOOD PLAN!  I'll keep that in mind for the nest time!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I wanted to include something I did just the other day which on my end.....could have been avoided and it was totally my fault.  I took my wife to a doctors exam ( scheduled exam that took a couple of hours ).  So I dropped her off and went home and decided to rest and read to kill time?  Next thing I know....the door is opening and my wife walks in after taking a cab from her appointment?  I had dozed off (the Rip Van Winkle effect lol )...and I had slept past the time I was suppose to pick my wife up?  This wasn't an ADHD moment....this was me....not remembering that I actually fall asleep or doze.....really fast!  Like I'm out in a matter of seconds sometimes but usually not the in the morning like that?  I really should have known better but this has never happened before either?

And I did apologize profusely...and offered to pay for the Cab ride home or make up for it...anyway I can?

I just wanted to include that after my little vent...but with the purpose of illustrating this more than anything else and I am really not angry with my wife over this New Years Eve thing?  Not's just the position it puts me in on our vacation last summer on the house boat.....same thing there too with her "friends" for the exact same reason and I did not account for that ahead of time?  This isn't that big a deal really....but my ability to put an end to this for myself.....really is a big deal and why I included it here?  All the things....and words in there are saying the same thing?

Denial....and only seeing what you want to see...and nothing more?  And why I do beleive in my heart of hearts....that this is NOT.....on purpose or with any awareness of it....more important point to make here?

This is not.....lying....if you are unaware that it is not the entire truth...if the entire truth is missing....and you are not seeing the entire picture?  I guess the point in me even showing it to to fill in the create the entire picture in it's entirety which goes right back to me saying the same thing repeatedly.  Forest?  Or...the....Trees?

I'm a Forest person....and my wife is a Tree person.  I can see the Forest...and all the trees in it...and my wife can't see the Forest.....if there is only ONE tree in it?  This isn't being selfish or dishonest or lying in the things she says......the only dishonesty that my wife is guilty in her emotions and nothing else?  If you don't even know what your emotions's hard not to be emotionally dishonest which is why I was saying the other day about saying "I'm sorry"....when you're not really "sorry".  That's the only thing dishonest about my wife.....but it still means I can't trust her decision making ability because of this kind of emotional dishonesty which she has no control long as denial is preventing her from being emotionally "honest" which is not a crime......BUT!!!!

Look at what happens....when 2 people are emotionally the same time!!!!   I'd rather have someone straight up lie to me.....than the net results of emotional dishonesty....any day of the week!!!  I'd least I would have a definitive answer.....even if it was a lie? ( in a hear beat ) Because everything that I just showed you.....comes from emotional dishonesty....and nothing more.  Literally.....not one single other thing or explanation to this chaos.....other than that.  It's not an excuse.  But it is the reason for it.

And as long as I can control it.....then it's no skin off my nose since I'm clean here....and that's the most important aspect of all to me?  Not "clean" in my actions just like dozing off and missing the time I needed to pick my wife up........but "clean" in my emotions and feelings.....because I always know what they for the most part?  If I need an answer....I only need to look...."no further than my own front door"....since Dorothy doesn't live in Oz anymore and Dorothy is is awake...from her ...I mean, his dream and I'm clean.  I mean...I am awake.....unless I doze off and fall asleep!!! LOL

I get to make up for it now.....just like I asked for and my opportunity was given to me.....because I asked for it!!  Just as I said?  God mysterious ways!!! LOL







Yikes, I think you can find something more fun for your New Years.

Two of the four New Years I have spent with my husband, he canceled our plans at the last minute. One New Years we spent with my family at a condo at a ski hill. Last New Years was a gong show involving my husband changing plans at the last minute, overpacking his back pack for the overnight winter camp because he NEEDED his drone, his SLR digital camera and his other camera along with 6 bottles of coke, some rum, beer, fireworks. And he was going to either share all that stuff for me to carry (no effing way) or carry it all himself ON SKIS on a snow shoeing trail (steep, covered in roots and trees, not for downhill AT skiing). Needless to say, within a kilometre he stabbed himself with a ski pole after falling off a bridge but refused to go back to the ER because he "didn't want to ruin my New Years". So I ended up carrying up all of his gear and his fireworks and ended up having to go walk the trail a second time the next day because he was so crisped from his experience the day before, his extremely heavy packs, his multiple falls on skis and the time he had to spend trying to find the dog pack that fell off his dog because it was too heavy. And about 6 people had to help him carry his gear down. I love my husband, but his stubbornness and ADD got the best of him for sure. 

This year, I am hanging out with my girlfriends in a beautiful home on the coast and going to a New Years party and eating delicious food and drinking delicious drinks (she is an amazing host). One of my friends is even flying in from out of town. I started making these plans super early, because I was fooled three times... before I learned my lesson. 

I have learned it. Going to have a great time. Next year, I will attempt another New Years with my husband, but this year, its all me. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

The skiing part at least!! LOL   For me?  I have one bag I take skiing.  That includes my clothes for a few days just in case?  I have this bag...pre-packed at all times ready to go!!  In it....I have a zip lock bag with 2 pairs of fresh socks, 2 pairs of underwear, and an extra set of gloves and liners.  A complete change from wet to dry at all times (twice if needed )  Those live in my bag at all times and are just waiting.  I never have to remember it because they are always there!!  Then I add what ever else I want to take along with it.  That includes a first aid bag with everything I might need including a space blanket, Coast Guard Beacon ( to spot you from a plane or Helicopter ) and a water pump ( for get potable water anywhere....even out of mud puddle )  That stays in my bag or pack always too so I never have to remember it...and I can just grab and go!  And if I can't get it my doesn't go.  Period!!  One bag, one set of skis, 2 poles and 2 boots ( which I wear when I'm there the whole time anyway) The safety bag ( zip lock ) goes in my back pack which has a water bladder built in....along with the safety bag and some energy bars, water proof matches, and a knife (with attachments) just in case I get get stuck somewhere and I can't make it out.  If I had to spend the night out in the woods up on ski slope or where ever...I will be just fine once I find a suitable place to dig a cave, or bore into a snow drift or build a shelter in the base of a tree..and sleep on tree problem!  I actual did need to do that once.... since I got lost coming back down a Mountain in the dark and couldn't find the trail?  Funny thing was...once the sun came up....I was only 20 feet from the trail!!! LOL  What can I say? LOL

I've got to say.....I've had this set up.....just like that for years...and even I forget something....I never forget because it's already there!!! LOL  Work smarter...not harder know what I mean?  Packing the way to go!!!

And as far a New Years Eve goes....I will have a great time regardless.  But....I will NOT be spending the night!!!!  No way!!! LOL  The thing is....I have only been officially "drunk"....once this entire year and those times are few and far between now anyway...and have to be spontaneous and be is a rare mood anyway any more?  So....I don't need to drink ( a ton ) "ametuer hour" night I really don't mind if the girls....want to "chat" and have a slumber party......since the bar is in walking distance....I am ....a rather social creature after all?  I'm just fine partying with the herd...and listening to music and having fun with or without my wife and her friend?  The only thing I won't baby sit and sit and listen to the girls talk about...wight loss products, hair products, nail products, womans fashions....etc etc etc......

And if my wife really wants to stay...her friend can drive her home in the morning.......that will be up to them....not me!!!LOL

All I I'm waking up in the same bed I woke up in the morning before.....that's the only demand I have...or need to have a good time!! LOL


It's a work in progress.


Last night he asked me if it was okay if he went out with the guys on Friday. I don't know what my answer SHOULD have been, I do know that the one where I told him he didn't have to ask my permission and that I wish he would stop doing so sure as heck wasn't the right one. I do know that saying anything about how he got paid this week, and suggesting he plan a menu for the next two weeks before grocery shopping to make sure that he didn't overspend at the bar wasn't the right one. 


I apologized later for saying anything and told him that I had all the confidence in the world that he was going to do a great job and I was sorry for saying anything. He accused me of splitting the bills and handing over household spending to him as a way to get one foot out the door, that I was doing a test run to see if I could afford to live on my own. When I tried to reassure him that this was not the case, he brought up something else entirely, and while I did not deny that I had done said thing, I did not apologize for it. Then, everything became my fault and never my fault and I was always twisting everything he said to make him the bad guy and me the saint.


I reiterated my boundary that I would not discuss anything that didn't have to do with the running of the household or our daughter with him and left the room. I was followed. I moved rooms again. I refused to engage. 


I apologized this morning for suggesting that he plan a menu. I told him that it was something that worked for me, but that I wasn't directing household spending anymore and I was sorry for trying to insist on my way of doing things. When he tried to further the conversation I refused to engage as said conversation didn't directly relate to the house or our daughter and instead was starting on how horrible of a person I am.


I know it will be a process.

It will be a long process.  One that might backfire too.  The thing to remember is the two of you are still living on the same amount of money. If it didn't stretch far enough while you were captain it will not stretch further while he is piloting the ship down the whirlpool.  It was easy for your husband to be thoughtless in his spending while he was oblivious to the bookkeeping magic going on behind the scenes. Now he has to watch his spending and accuses you of things that are untrue. He wanted you to say he should go out with his friends so that when he overspent it would be your fault, after all, you said he could go.  This childish mentality and the blame is so infuriating.  While it is nice for you to enjoy meals out and not worry about where the money is coming from to pay the bill, (since this is now his responsibility) it is also naive to think he will have his finances together all month and tweek his spending so there is money in the end.  He is not thinking on the second day of the month where he will get money for the electric bill which is due on the 27th.  He will worry about it on the 26th. While he was single he had plenty of money to do whatever he wanted. There was probably very little restriction on his spending. Now that he is has to temper his spending because reality just booted him in the butt, he is looking for someone to blame. I don't have the answer on this one, I think many NON spouses deal with money issues, including myself.  I suppose you have to decide if you can live with the uncertainty of bills going unpaid.   

I absolutely agree that it will be a long process and might backfire. I don't expect him to magically be able to do it flawlessly right away, or ever really. I didn't take care of everything perfectly and I don't expect him to. What I do know is that I can't handle the stress and responsibility of being the only one making daily/weekly/monthly financial decisions. It has become too much for me. 

I think I can live with the uncertainty of his portion of the bills going unpaid, but may find out differently. We did split the bills so that he is responsible for things that, for the most part, if unpaid will only impact him negatively. Internet, cell phone, his credit card, the mortgage (house purchased prior to marriage and in his name alone), and half of daycare costs are all his responsibility with what is leftover going to run the household. If he chooses to take a day off then he will have to figure out how to account for the smaller paycheck, and by the same token, if he chooses to work over time then any "extra" is also his to choose how to spend. My portion of the bills comprise things that could negatively impact both of us if unpaid like the car payment and insurance, utility bill, my credit card and student loan and half of daycare costs. It is divvied up so that I have enough left to put gas in my tank and not much else so that I can't be relied upon as magic source of money to bail him out.

My intention is to be a team about it and not hang him out to dry, but I do need to learn to drop the rope, not let him put the responsibility back on me, and not engage when he gets angry because I won't make those decisions anymore.

Good for you. Most of the non spouses who are somewhat successful in their relationships often have a similar approach. I think it should work and would love to hear how it goes. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

I don't have the blame problem. My husband does not blame me for his problems, and for that, I am grateful. I will have to read back through your posts to understand why your boundaries on the things you do discuss is so limited. Must be a bit awkward. 

For me, it is definitely a work in progress too. I will say what I really think he should do or try to correct his behaviour, and then have to apologize immediately and say sorry, that was a reflex. You are an adult and are more than capable of being responsible and making your own decisions. 

I find the one sentence answers the best as well. The minute I engage, defend, explain, forget it... it all goes down hill into the endless discussion where in the end I have no idea what we are talking about and the blame returns to me because I am angry and hurt by that point. 

You are not a horrible person and it really sounds like you are finding your way and trying some new things. I think that it is awesome that you are no longer bearing the burden alone and have shared the burden in a responsible way. 

I, too, now just accept the gifts and the dinners and the groceries, without worrying and enjoy them a lot more. Good luck. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

Thank you for the kind words and support!

The boundary limited topics of conversation is because when we talk about things directly relating to our daughter or the running of the household, we get along well and don't fight (generally). However, when conversation veers off into feelings and emotions territory, suddenly I'm being told what I think, what I'm doing, how I am, that I twist everything, etc. I am mocked, dismissed, put down, and attacked. I try to enforce the boundary by calmly stating that I am not going to talk about things not relating to the household or our daughter and walk away if he continues. Of course then I'm yelled after about how its all about what I want and how I control everything and if I don't want to talk about it we don't and so on.

Example: Christmas day was awesome. Heck we had spent the previous three days together without any problems. We spent the morning opening gifts and playing with our daughter and her new toys. That afternoon we took a walk when his dad calls to invite us to do something the next day before they came over for dinner. He told his dad that we were out for a walk and that he would talk to me and we would figure it out.

H: Would you like to do X at 1pm?

Me: That sounds like a lot of fun; when would you prepare dinner?

H: After we get done.

Me: But X thing takes 3 hours. When would you have time to make dinner? (he was planning on making a special dish that he does incredibly well but that is very time consuming)

H: You could go without me.

Me: I could, but I really don't want to go without you. We've been having a good couple days and I would like to spend the afternoon doing X with you.

H: I'll make it when we get done. Dad and I can work on it while you guys hang out.

Me: I'm not okay with that. I like everyone, but I really don't want to play hostess for four hours while you and your dad cook, and I doubt anyone will want to eat that late. 

Me: I don't know if this would work as I haven't made the dishes before, but could you prep everything in the morning? That way we could do X together, everyone could come over after, and you would be able to hang out with everyone while the stuff does the final step in the oven. Would that work?

Him: NO! You hate my family! You don't want me to spend any time with my family! I want to see my dad!

Me: I don't hate your family, why would you think any of that?

Him: (I don't even know because at this point he's yelling at me on the street with our daughter in her stroller so I stopped listening. I still don't understand how we got from "That sounds a lot of fun" and "I would like to spend the time with you" to "You hate my family and don't ever want to spend any time with them.")

Me: None of this has to do with the household or our daughter (me hating his family and so on) and I refuse to engage with you. 

At this point I started towards home and just flat out ignored his existence because he was several paces back shouting at me and telling me that I needed to stop walking and I was a horrible person and everything I did or do is wrong and what kind of example am I setting for our daughter. At one point he threw her sippy cup at my back. It hit the sidewalk behind me and busted open. I calmly picked up the pieces and kept walking. When I couldn't find the last piece he mocked me saying that he could see it. I foolishly said, "that's nice" and started back for home. If he could see it, he could pick it up. I say foolishly, because he came back with "oh, so you're talking to me now" and escalated. I continued to ignore him and when I got home took our daughter upstairs where I locked the door.

I am at a loss. However, every time I had to speak with him the rest of Christmas day I had the recorder going on my phone so he couldn't gaslight himself and me about what was really said. I should probably start doing so whenever we are around each other. 

I hear you. I feel your pain. I always lost the battle when I questioned how my husband would accomplish all these incredibly difficult tasks in the three hours before they were due. I always get that deep feeling of dread, when my husband proposes some harebrained scheme, recognizing the insanity that is about to happen. It is amazing, isn't it, how we lose our ability to enjoy spontaneity, because we can see what a cluster - bomb is about to go off. I have been somewhat successful at a solution to this one. 

I find spending more time doing the things I love helps me to better manage the time I do spend with my husband so I can be more gracious about the chaos. I have learned to not ask those questions about time management and coordination and have just let him make his crazy plans. I stick to a simple yes or no when he asks me if he wants to come along. Sometimes I enjoy the adventure, and sometimes I learn that I would really rather not go along the next time, but instead, invest that time in my happiness. Other people will often intervene if it does get out of hand or just watch along with me and accept him. 

Your proposal to prep ahead of time seemed pretty damn perfect (best of both worlds). My guess is his anger was triggered by some sense of threat or shame that you have busted him in a ADHD moment again. I am sorry your husband didn't get on board. And you are right not to accept the abuse or respond. I have been in a very similar situation and you are right, responding just escalates. I have walked down a public road with my husband with both of us yelling at each other. He said and did some pretty spectacular things and I did not respond well.  Very shaming, for both of us when we cooled down.

After a couple of months of forced acceptance of our differences and with the ultimate goal of me one hundred percent not responding or discussing issues we can't get around, we have gotten to the point where if I am escalating, my husband just says, do you really want to fight about this? And I realize I don't. I DO NOT want to throw another inanimate object ever in my life. I do not ever want to feel as though I am losing my mind. I never want to feel completely out of control or subject to incredible pain, loss, or grief. And so we both stop, go cool down, and apologize. If my husband is the one escalating, I just walk away, like you and close myself in a room or go for a drive and do something I enjoy. And try not to take it personally, because I was there myself at one point. 

And amazingly, we are both getting better at not fighting. And are enjoying each other more. The issue is still there, sitting in the middle of the room, unsolved, but we have worked our way around it. And my awareness of the triggers is getting better and better all the time. I will get that feeling of dread, will go to say something, and I will actually stop myself, just take a minute to myself to think things through, and decide, that if my future is going to involve x (x being whatever hare brained scheme he is currently proposing), what do I want to do about it? And then do that. Without feeling guilty about it. So we enjoy our time together (mostly) and we enjoy our time apart. 

Good luck. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

Thank you. Just thank you.

FWIW he did prep the next morning, and we did try to go do X, but when we arrived at the meeting point (which was a mile from the trail itself) and found out that everyone else was still 20 min out he decided to head back to the house so the toddler could nap in her bed instead of her stroller while he finished up prep and relaxed on the computer before everyone got there. I was really proud of him for making that decision and not changing his mind when his dad tried to talk him into waiting around for them, and made sure that I told him so.

Dinner itself was a success. Food was great, company was great, etc.

I think part of why I wanted to make sure he would have enough time to do everything is because I didn't want to be put in a situation where I was the bad guy for not jumping in and rescuing him. That's a me problem and I need to get over worrying about what other people think about our relationship and me. Just because they think I'm the bad guy doesn't mean that I am. At one point one of the guest graciously asked me if there was anything they could do to help and I just shrugged and suggested they ask hubby since he was running the show. 

Another example of him getting mad at me for not, I don't know, figuring out how to adult for him:

Him: My car is really low on gas.

Me: Okay.

Him: I don't get paid for another two days.

Me: Okay.

Him: I have to go to work tomorrow

Me: Okay.

Him: What do you want me to do?

Me: I don't know. Put gas in your car?

Him: But I don't have any money.

Me: That sucks. What do you want me to do about it.

Him: I don't know.

Me: Okay, let's brainstorm solutions. What are some other ways you could pay for gas besides your debit card?

Him: I could use my credit card.

Me: Okay.

Him: I could take it out of savings.

Me: Okay. Which do you think is the better option?

Him: I don't know.

Me: Are there any other possible solutions?

Him: *anger switches on* Well you obviously already have a solution, why don't you just tell me. I thought we were in this together and you were going to help me pay the bills. 

Me: I don't have another option in mind (I did), that is why I am helping brainstorm solutions, but I can see this no longer about the household or our daughter and I'm not going to continue the conversation.

Him: Yelling about how it is all about me and what I want and I'm always right etc. 

Me: Picked up our daughter and left the room at the very start of his tirade.

Later that evening I offered my car since I was going to be home the next two days and we live within walking distance of everything I would have needed during that time.

Why did "Hey, I'm out of gas and broke until I get paid, do you mind if I take your car to work while you are off?" not occur to him???

My daughter has inattentive ADD and CANNOT think herself out of a box. I am trying to help her a bit by not offering immediate solutions. And checking in after a couple of minutes have gone by to see if she can come up with a solution. And only saving her if she is about to jump off a cliff (PS. My daughter is 17 and in Grade 12... not something I would suggest with a younger child). 

I think you should have stopped at the "That sucks" part of the conversation (my opinion... take it or leave it). Offering to brainstorm or asking what him what you need to do is only offering yourself up for more suffering. If you left him alone to come up with a solution, maybe he would have figured something out ie. Ride a bike, call a friend, borrow your car.

My husband would easily be able to come up with a solution, it would just be the most complicated solution on the face of the planet with about a 50% chance of success. He pulls it off a lot though, so who am I to judge?

In those situations, where I feel myself being hoodwinked into something I don't want to do, I pull a "Deus Ex Machina" moment in my own life (God from a Machine). I just find an excuse to go somewhere else. Interject with a, "Excuse me for a moment, I just have to quickly do _______." Half the time, I leave it pretty vague and he is so bewildered with the interruption, the problem drops off my lap and back into his. The moment has passed. Which makes it less likely my boundaries will make him defensive. 

So weird, these skills I am learning. I am glad you had a good time with your husband over Christmas. Appreciate those moments, and then let the rest of the world take share the brunt of his ADHD by removing yourself as the barrier between him, his ADHD and the world. Go do something fun. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

Thank you. You are right. I should have stopped after "That sucks."

The last time he got himself into this situation his solution was to call out from work, after all if you are staying home and playing video games then it doesn't matter how much gas is in the tank. When he did this before I offered to take him to work, but that didn't work because reasons, so I just said okay. We weren't married, we didn't have a child together, and he was working a job that had paid time off. This time, while he does make a decent hourly wage and gets full time hours, he does not get full time benefits. So any days that he takes off because he is sick, our daughter is sick, vacation, heck even holidays that the business is closed for, he does so without pay.

But you are absolutely right (no snark or sarcasm), I should have stopped after "that sucks" and gone on with the rest of my day.

I can't tell you how much I appreciate your input and perspective. 

So crazy. My husband "mostly" goes to work. It amazes me that he has a job, given the number of times he does similar things. He just does whatever he wants to do during his work hours. Regardless of whether he is supposed to be working or not. And he gets away with it. Sure, his boss gets pissed sometimes and ties him down at the office if he is really behind... He does what he wants in so many ways in his life and gets away with it. He has gotten out of multiple speeding tickets, cell phone tickets, parking tickets, I don't get it!

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

That is a tough one, right. Wanting to solve their problems so that your life doesn't get detrimentally affected. 

That is why my life has evolved as it has: Separate finances, separate savings, separate retirement fund. I feel the need to be fully dependent on myself for my financial health as while he is able to keep his head above water, it is without any safety net. If he gets sick or injured, he is sunk (we are sunk?). Like I said, this is a trick for me to sort through on another day. I have been asking him to get illness/disability insurance for two years. I think this year, I will sit down with him and get it done together, because this one will affect me too. 

It is hard. It is not easy. That is why this forum exists. I used to tell my husband he gave me no good choices, that I always had to choose between two things I didn't want. Someone here showed me that there can be a third way. Or a fourth. And that you only have to choose a good thing, not the good thing. 

Must be exhausting, being his parent as well as the mother of his child. I couldn't do it, because I burned myself out and was no help to anyone. I wish you the best of luck. Keep asking questions. There are lots of people on here who have some good advice. 

To live content with small means; to be worthy, not respectable; to listen to stars and birds, babes and sages, with open heart; to study hard; to think quietly, act frankly, talk gently, this is my symphony. 

Sometimes I wish I could figure something out. But I'm working on it too. I think having adhd and being the one to hold down the fort is making me try and come up with new ideas. 

Survival is living through something. Endurance is surviving with joy and hope. I want to endure.