My husband of 15 years has undiagnosed ADHD, our last marriage counselor suggested he be tested and treated a few years ago but hasn't done it. He'll bring it up every now and then but never follows through.
We have been living in a cycle of chaos that goes something like this:
Phase I – X gets depressed by something (me, work, kids) and starts drinking more, smoking pot more, griping more, generally making everyone miserable so he doesn't have to suffer alone. Can’t talk to me about it. I try to cheer him up and be supportive but it sometimes doesn’t work.. which leads to Phase II.
Phase II – I get upset that X is self-medicating by drinking more, smoking pot more, griping more, falling backwards instead of making progress. Anxiety and frustration at not being able to help him and just dealing with being miserable all the time lead me to a bad mood. I can’t talk to X about it, that would be nagging and is unacceptable.. would result in a skip to Phase V immediately.. I distance myself, less touching, less intimacy.
Phase III – Tension builds until X picks a fight with me over one or more of the following things (money, sex, raising kids, don’t respect him or his things, I like for things to get broken). I give in because there is no communication going on. X just wants to get his feelings out but doesn’t want to hear my feelings so he bullies me with screaming and yelling. I just want it to be over since it is pointless to argue when he throws a temper tantrum like this.
Phase IV – X feels better for venting and getting me to apologize about whatever the argument above was about. Now I am left with frustration at being yelled at and bullied and not allowed to have my feelings validated. So I distance myself from X even more, less eye contact, more coldness, because I am frustrated and angry at having no voice and being disrespected so terribly in the argument.
Phase V – Tension builds again because of my distance until X picks another, bigger fight over all of the topics above. I am the root of all X’s problems and frustrations.. Nasty intimidating looks, nasty comments in front of the kids about me, possibly suggesting divorce again. I usually cave at some point, just begging for the chaos to end.
I honestly don’t know how much longer I can stay in this cycle. I'm so dang tired... We just completed Phase III again and I'm thinking that this Phase V will be our last because I won't cave, he won't get help, he'll ask for a divorce again, and I'll be too tired to fight it anymore. Our poor children :( Shoot, I know I’m not perfect and need to improve my communication skills, but what’s the point if we are stuck in this chaotic cycle of non-communication.
I just needed to vent with people who will understand. Thanks for listening.
How aware!
You've really figured that out! I go through the same phases here thought it's much better now that he is medicated. I would insist that he follow through with that diagnosis. My husband "let" me find a doctor and make an appointment for him and he got a prescription for Concerta at his first visit. He took a pill the next day and noticed a difference immediately! He tried to not take the meds for a while but I found that intolerable! I'm really glad he will take his meds even though he won't counsel, it has made a big difference especially with his irritability and short temper.
Thanks for the encouragement!
I wish he would follow through.. I tried to find him a doctor and make an appointment when he was feeling he needed help but he never followed through and got defensive when I asked about it so I told him it was all in his court. I heard there was some new medication that was not supposed to be addictive and I told him about it so hopefully he will do something but I'm not holding my breath. I've just started Al-Anon and it's helping me a little to detach the focus off of him and onto myself and making myself happy and not letting his attitude affect me. I can't help him, I can't fix him, I can't change him. Just struggling with the realization that he will probably never get better from ADHD and alcohol and I have to either learn to live with it and be happy with myself and my kids only .. or not live with it and divorce. sigh..