Not sure what to title this. Maybe I am nitpicking but my 57 year old DH dots the i in his name with a happy face. I do not say anything to him about it but find it weird and childish. It is even more disturbing when it is on our business forms and papers such as contracts. Is this an ADD trait?
My H is 69 years old and sometimes talks baby talk and cutesy. He mispronounces words on purpose. It is VERY irritating because it seems to me that he thinks he is being personable but it comes off as weird and, like you say, childish. Sometimes he acts like a naughty imp putting on an act like he is cute. Sometimes he says potty words like a child...then....hehehe. He is often giggling over things that to me are not really funny, but that are "naughty". This from a man who also had not been able to be financially responsible and cannot communicate on an adult level is VERY unappealing. Writing this, I am embarrassed of myself to be with him. It seems that many of us on this site are here because of the immature, irresponsible things our spouses say and do. It could be that lack of self awareness and lack of environment awareness of ADD causes them to be in their own Peter Pan world. My H's focus is on his being independent and defiant. His independence includes his freedom to act like a child...and not have to have the responsibility for a family's well being.