my marriage is on the verge of devorice. My huband has ADHD and is now taken medication for four days only. Its all I can figure. We are on totally different levels I don't understand how he thinks. He tells me he wants to grow up, and I swear he tries but he don't get verry far verry fast. and with our third kid on the way I need him to be more responcible. I need help. Not another kid. He acts like a teenager. Wants to be out with his friends all the time everyday. No harm done other then all the responcbility of raiseing kids goes on me the 8mo. preg. woman. I make all the bottles, change most all dipers, give both baths most every night, makes sure there in bed at that certin time, ext. ext. He does somewhat help with the house chores.Its just not fair to me I work to and this stuff is getting old I need a helper. A Nanny/Maid.
see if the meds help him
Your husband may not be willing to help out with the kids - many men don't see themselves in this role, not just ADD kids. Do yourself a big, big favor and get yourself a responsible mother's helper. This can be a responsible high schooler if you can't afford an adult caretaker. This will give you at least some of the breathing room that you need to stay sane. And it's much cheaper than divorce.
Melissa Orlov
Yes I've had the baby things
Don't throw away the possibility of medications some time in the future. According to Dr. Hallowell, they can provide some of the surest relief for ADHD symptoms if you do end up being comfortable trying them (and there are many good reasons why it's low risk to do so).
Melissa Orlov