We had a bit of a break this summer, and I really chilled out. My parents were mostly taking care of the kids most of the time and we were around a lot of people, which always makes my husband behave better. I've been worrying about what would happen once we got back to our normal life, just us and the kids, and needing to be on a schedule for school. Well, it's all fallen apart quickly. Since we've been home from my parents, he's been staying up until all hours, scheduling things he needs to do in the evenings, leaving me alone with the kids, not doing household chores on his list that we agreed to (like dishes), and this morning he totally bailed on the first day of school. He didn't get out of bed until ten minutes before we had to be out the door, then the little one fussed about her socks, and we were all off schedule. I have a back injury, and ended up straining something in the rush, and I can't really sit in the car without tremendous pain anyway, so the ride to school was horrendous for me. I was a little snarly, yes. Once we got the kids both off, we were alone in the car, he was saying that he would not bail tomorrow. And I expressed that I was worried because we seemed to be getting in back into the bad pattern of him being up late and not functioning in the morning. He then got mad at me. And when I said "shit" in the context of , "Let's stop at CVS and pick up what we need, I don't give a shit if takes an extra minute for me to get to work, I told them I wouldn't be in until 10am." He went ballistic, banged the gear shift into park, banged the steering whell, threw his glasses and started screaming at me. He doesn't like my cursing. So that was my big failure of the day. When he pulled up at the next stoplight and was still screaming. I got out of the car and walked home (painfully, slowly, miserably). When I got home, he started a monologue from the other room as he banged stuff around saying things like, "Well, if you thought it was bad before, you ain't seen nothing yet" and other miserable things. I just ignored him and signed on to work. He was just properly diagnosed with ADHD at the beginning of the summer, but is not yet taking any meds but Wellbutrin. I posted about that part of the process before. Now I'm just venting, because I had been trying to stay in a positive mood all summer, but now it's all fallen apart so quickly. I really don't want to get a divorce and split up because of the kids, and because I think he can get through this if he gets proper treatment and anger management help. And because I love the person he is underneath it all. But I can't live with that anger, and the level of mismanagement that comes with his ADHD.
Ticking time bomb
These kinds of setbacks are a
These kinds of setbacks are a kick in the gut. When you get a glimpse of happiness and something resembling normalcy..hell, when you just manage to make it through a few days without a fight..it really hurts when it all comes apart again. It makes no sense. I am so sorry.
One thing I thought might be worth mentioning...my husband took Wellbutrin a few years ago. (he was misdiagnosed and took a few meds before getting properly diagnosed) and it made him very irritable and hostile. Was your DH like this before meds?
before meds...
My husband was crabby and angry before meds. He has been off the rails for about a year now. It was manageable for me in the 7 or so years before that -- not fun, but I never thought about leaving. Turns out the last week was about him NOT taking the meds. He told me yesterday that he had flaked for a little bit, not taking the Wellbutrin or his diabetes medicine. So on top of being crabby, he didn't feel well because his blood sugar was wacko (which also makes him crabby). Wellbutrin is obviously not the right med for him, but he won't go back to the docs and try something new. He needs to get a stress test before he can take anything on the ADHD list, but he hasn't made any move about doing that since June. And every time I mention it, he barks at me. I decided over the summer that I need to let it go. It's his ADHD. His brain. He has to deal with it on his own. I can't do any of this for him, and it just makes it worse when I get involved in it. He gets angry at me for meddling, I get disappointed in the lack of follow-through and progress. But that doesn't leave us any place good. Because if I dont' get involved, nothing happens. So we are still in the same bad place. He has to decide to make changes and he won't. The only thing that's keeping us together is that I haven't worked up the will to leave yet. I'm not financially dependent on him, but I'm emotionally committed to the idea of our family. At some point, I will break.
Hey loops
You might be doing something I spent years doing, but have been recently learning to "nip in the bud". It's called catastrophizing, living in the future, it's way more than just normal worry. It happens when you are in a situation where you don't have all the facts, and you put the worst possible face on them, then take them out to their "logical" (NOT!) conclusion, which is usually disastrous, and leads to an argument, or something even more horrible happening, and all this is happening only in the mind not in the world. Does this resonate with you? Is that the "dark place" you're talking about? Have you ever had conversations or arguments with your husband that never even happened? And they leave you feeling crappy? Let's say I'm driving home from work, and I think I've got to talk to my guy about the finances tonight, then I imagine what I'll say, then I imagine what he'll say, and it won't be good, then I'll imagine feeling hurt, then I'll imagine him not being sensitive to my being hurt, then I'll imagine me feeling more hurt, then I'm home and I'm walking in the door feeling hurt and withdrawn and we haven't even exchanged ONE WORD YET! Man I just realized I have totally confessed to being certifiable. Oh well. What the hell.
Anyway here's how I'm trying to break myself of the habit. When I feel blue or down, I ask my self "Right this minute, are you okay?" I don't mean feel okay, I mean actually okay. No one is hurting me, I'm not starving, not in jail, my lights are still turned on, I have a job, etc. So when your hubby called to say goodnight, and afterwards you were creating a horrible future which did not exist, you could say right this minute am I okay? Next I ask Is what I'm feeling based on something that is true, or which I just think might be true? There's enough actual crap in the world, we don't need to make up more. If I'm totally off base here, just enjoy feeling that at least you don't have this problem! :)
And for the naysayers - I've already been there, I've got you covered. You might think "well, I have enough experience with these "situations" (for example pjloops "knowing" her husband was drinking) that I can pretty well predict how well they will go." Sorry, I ain't buying it. There's time enough in the future for dealing with any crap that comes along. Don't be living it twice --first in your imagination, then in reality. Cause guess what? Your imagining it will make it more likely to happen. Promise.
Thanks gardner, i did do the