ADHD Effect on Marriage - New Book - available as an eBook from Barnes & Noble? Are there plans to release this as an eBook from Barnes & Noble for the Nook?
Thank you
ADHD Effect on Marriage - New Book - available as an eBook from Barnes & Noble? Are there plans to release this as an eBook from Barnes & Noble for the Nook?
Thank you
Eventually there will be an ebook
We are not quite ready to release the book as an ebook, but at some point in the future will do so. We are also looking into an audiobook version, as we have had quite a number of requests for this format for folks who have difficulty reading for sustained periods of time.
Hey there
I would love to have a copy of this as an ebook, that way I can read it on my iphone, computer, ereader etc and help with my ability to sit down and read a physical book!
Help! Need Audio Books Now, please?
I am having the hardest time finding audio books on this subject. My 19 year old is diagnosed, my husband is not. I am trying to introduce good info to both of them and neither have the attention span to sit down and read a book!
ADHD Audiobooks just seem obvious to me.
According to your posts, it looks like I am not the only person who appreciates quality work by you, and others yet need it via an appropriate vehicle to suit your audience.
ebook availability?
Hey there.
Do you guys have any plans for the ebook yet?
Kindle Version
I would have loved to get this book for my Kindle!
Any 2011 Update on ebook version
Are there any updates as to when an ebook version of your book will be available on any format?
Phil Thomas
E Book Update
My publisher has an ebook in the works, but is on vacation until the middle of the month so cannot ask him the exact status. Hope to have it finished ASAP. Also, am talking with him about a possible audio book....stay tuned.
Please send an email blast!
Will send as soon as I know
As soon as I know when the release will be I'll let you know and will send an email blast to everyone who is registered at the site.
End of August for EBook
Sadly, the ebook won't be available until the end of August, according to my publisher.
Better then than never!! I am
Better then than never!! I am waiting very patiently (or not?? LOL ) for the audiobook. I am about 2/3 of the way through your book and my husband refuses to read he simply cannot sit and read it right now. (as you know, he is untreated) I TRULY feel he would listen to the audiobook though. Maybe someday?
This book mirrors my life!!!
I can't thank you enough! It's like you were in my house writing this book from my life! I have spent every spare minute reading it and can't wait to read more. It would be awesome for this to be on audio book so my ADHD husband could listen to it as he would never sit down long enough to read it.