Forum topic: Canadian coverage

Hi, I'm new here and asking a lot of questions!

We live in Ontario, Canada, and my husband is not as yet formally diagnosed. In order to be diagnosed by a specialist, we need a referral from our GP. She is new to us, and doesn't know my husband well enough to go on anything but our word. Still I think we will be able to convince her about the need for an appointment.

Well in any case, I would like to know what is covered by OHIP in diagnosis, treatments and/or medication.

Anyone have any experience with this?


I'm also pretty new on this site, live in Toronto, and wondering the same thing.  I was told by my therapist (an MD) that to get a really thorough diagnosis it would cost about $1000, not covered by OHIP (perhaps she had in mind a psychologist rather than a psychiatrist).  She also said there may be a chance of getting an appointment with someone on staff at the psychiatric hospital in Toronto (Clarke Institute) who was doing research in ADD--that would be free--if we could get an appointment.  This was about 3 years ago, and I didn't follow up, as I was tired of the whole thing, and had found an MD who did Imago coaching, and was hopeful of that. 

The latter did help a little to stop the fighting, except once we had mastered the 'dialogue' method, and were 'discharged', nothing much changed.  The main change I was looking for was some equalizing of responsibility.  Yes, it's like living with a child.

My husband has been seeing a psychiatrist for depression medication for some years, and I get the impression the doc does not think ADD is a big thing.  So just any psychiatrist covered by OHIP is not a solution.

Now I'm thinking now that it's worth pursuing a formal diagnosis, even if we have to pay for it out of our own pockets.  I don't want to convince either of us that's what's going on, if it isn't the problem.


There is a "support group for ADD folks" --I think it meets in Toronto--see the Meetups web site.  Wish there were one for spouses.

If you come across any Toronto or Ontario resources, I would love to know about them.  And I will share here if I can find anything new for Ontarians. Thanks.

Consider having a look at the following page:

Scroll down to the heading "Psychiatrists and Others dealing With Adult ADD/ADHD".  You could ask your GP for a referral to anyone one the list.  Some specialized clinics like the Toronto ADHD Clinic and the Bilkey Clinic in Barrie do extensive intakes but they'll cost you $500 and $1000 respectively.

You can look up their registration records at:

The doctor search function used to tell you whether the doctor is accepting new patients, but it's possible that feature's been discontinued.

Thank you Con Sarnit. I will have a look. Hoping for someone in the Hamilton area to avoid that fearsome drive to Toronto.

We'll see what our GP says... maybe she has some connections.

There is, or at least was, a CHADD contact in Hamilton.  She might be able to offer you information about local physicians.  I'll avoid posting her contact info here, but it's available under the "Hamilton" heading on this page:

I don't know if she's still active.

Thanks.  I noticed that there on that website there is a link ooto another page for adult ADHD--the page lists several physicians in Toronto.  Guess I'll start investigating in the morning.

As of yesterday, they charge $875 for an assessment.  Is there a huge advantage in going that very expensive route rather than a 1-hour assessment from a an OHIP-covered psychiatrist who also does meds treatment?  Thanks.

That's hard to judge. I'm not familiar with the details of the intake process at the Toronto ADHD Clinic.  But it's a perfectly reasonable question you may wish to put directly to a physician at the clinic (sadly, Dr. Turgay, the clinic's principal, died in April).  An initial consultation should be covered by OHIP but will likely require a referral from your GP. For $875 they had better be able to outline some substantial and specific benefits.  If you're not satisfied with their answers, you know your course.

You may also wish to ask if there are other services beyond the intake which are not covered by OHIP and will cost you out-of-pocket on an ongoing basis.

Either way, I would prefer a physician whose diagnostic intake is thorough and careful.  Someone who reaches for the scrip pad too quickly would give me pause.