Hello all,
this is my very first message here on these forums but I’ve been an active reader for years and years and have gotten a lot of mental support from all of you guys here (thank you). English is not my first language so bare with me if I write something unclear. My husband is an English native speaker and does not speak my language so the language between us is English.
I’ve been together with my husband (who has severe ADHD, childhood traumas and dyslexia) now for about 6 years. We live in my non-English speaking country, he moved here for me. 99 % of that whole 6 years has been filled with unhappiness, walking on egg shells, mentally abusive fights, soul crushing loneliness, weekly nights of crying myself to sleep and so on. First red flags appeared during the first few days together and I hate myself for dismissing those, not trusting my gut and ending up in this situation where I’ve wasted years by thinking it could all change for better.
I’ve finally realized this year that my husband has strong NPD traits and symptoms, just like his mother, and I’ve decided to finally proceed with divorce.
Divorcing a narcissist is really, really hard, and I have no idea how I’m going to survive this mentally. We will have to live together a month more, I’m expecting lots of financial fights and at the same time I’m grieving the future I always thought and hoped we would have. I am now 33 years old and without kids, so I’m also fearing that I’ll never have a family of my own when I now leave him.
I wanted to write this message here to hold myself accountable and to remind myself that I just have to keep calm and walk through the fire and also to receive support to go through this mess. I’ve written myself a list to remind me why I wanted to divorce for those moments when I miss him like crazy and regret my decision.
During the past 6 years…
- I’ve been called a cunt, a bitch, waste of space, fucking psychotic woman, controlling cunt and other lovely names on a weekly basis
- He would never join me to any events or parties after the first year of being together, I’d always have to go to couple’s engagements alone even if it was just a casual family dinner. If he rarely joined me, he could suddenly walk out in the middle of it (even one wedding years ago) and leave me absolutely ashamed and everyone filled with confusion
- He refuses to speak about anything serious or to do with feelings, the reaction is always “don’t start with me again” or “what the fuck are you now crying about”
- He has massive substance abuse problems and has gone through rehab for benzos but also has problems with sleeping pills, painkillers and sometimes beers too. When we’ve travelled, the first stop is always a pharmacy and he buys anything he can get without prescription as the country we live in has quite strict availability with things like codein etc.
- Massive financial abuse. He has taken expensive loans for nonsense spending (for pills, take out, nicotine, beer, coffees) and I have paid 90 % of our lives since we got together, also because he has been unemployed most of these years due do covid. He gets really good benefits but never has enough money for things like his own bills, his clothes, food or even gas, as it goes to substances, subscriptions and other bad financial decisions. I’ve had to buy him everything from boxers to winter gear and to hobby equipment “to heal his depression”, it’s like living with a child. As a result I’ve ended up in 11k euros credit card debt and 15k euros car debt myself. He convinced me to buy the car for us saying how “he’d be the happiest man alive if I did so” and how he’d pay half of everything… He hasn’t paid a dime.
- I’ve borrowed him about 30k and given around 20k euros by paying his private bills, vacations clothes, cosmetics, hobby equipment etc. I’m never expecting to see that money again.
- Constant screaming and mental abuse over mundane things like asking him to take the trash. Slamming things, breaking things like dishes, furniture and damaging wooden floors with tools, crashing glass frames etc.
- Very, very unclean: trash, used dishes and clothes everywhere. Sometimes he does get a lovely burst to clean and does an excellent job but often needs 17 reminders to do so. Also moans about the cleaning equipment that I have bought for us but he won’t spend his money on things like hoovers or mops. It’s like my money is ours but his is his.
- Complains about the food I cook but never helps planning it, doing groceries or the actual cooking
- Does not consider my mental or physical wellbeing in anything, for example I’ve had to start working remote as I just don’t have enough energy to go to the office to work (it takes me 1 hour per way to go to the office). He regularly starts fights about this and has twice even called the 911 to moan about me always working from home, asked the police to remove me from the house?! I have never been as ashamed as then.
- We have zero common interests and never spend any time together, max 1 hour a week.I do everything alone, whether it’s home renovating (big or small), home shopping, training, events, amusement parks, nature walks, Christmas decorating, storage organizing, restaurants, movies.
- We live in completely different rhythms, he sleeps until at least midday and I start my work day at 7am
- He loathes my hobbies and tells me how stupid and worthless they are
- Doesn’t make special occasions like anniversaries or birthdays special to me, they usually end up in fights no matter how low I try to set my expectations
- He spends most of his awake time in front of the TV and phone, literally at least 15 hours a day screen time
- He has a language barrier with my family and as a result he just leaves the room when my family comes over, he has lived in my country for almost 6 years and has attended 3 language courses but always drops out after a few classes
- Constant blame shifting, nothing is ever his fault - always mine, this country’s, the welfare system’s, his ex boss’s or whose ever but never his own.
- He is always late, usually 15-45 minutes but sometimes even hours and this creates enormous stress for every day living as he has missed lots of important appointments due to sleeping in for hours
- I can’t rely on him doing anything he promises, so I do everything alone
- He sometimes makes very worrying misogynist and even racist comments, I can’t for example mention that I’m having period cramps or all hell breaks loose and I’ll be attacked for “PMS’ssing” for days in a row.
- Sudden rage attacks over anything, whether it’s neighbours, our home, the mess, the traffic, money or jobs
- He has been unemployed for years and that has caused him to have a depression which could explain lots of the above but then again he was almost as bad when he still had a very well paying job
- I have had to start medications for anxiety and high blood pressure during this relationship and my migraine attacks have increased greatly
- He has massive childhood traumas that he just won’t deal with and a narcissistic mother who he has clearly learned all of the above from
- He mocks my English skills in fights: “learn to speak” or “I’ve never met another Finn who speaks such lousy English” when I actually speak quite well and have studied in UK too
Why have I stayed this long then? It doesn’t make any sense but here are a few reasons:
- when things are good, they are really good
- when things are good, he has a lovely and very fun personality
- he would never cheat on me (like my ex did)
- I love him so much but I think it’s a trauma bond
- my friends used to tell me that he looks at me like no one they've ever seen look at anyone, with such love. But I don't see that love in a rage fit
I am not myself anymore, I’m a shadow of what I used to be. Please help me stay true to myself and to get out of this marriage. I have a bank appointment coming at the end of the month and I will then know, whether I’ll be able to buy him out of this home. My income is well enough, but the debts I’ve gained during this marriage might affect the bank’s decision and I’m really scared of that because due to decreasing house prices, selling isn’t an option. We have more mortgage left to pay than what the apartment is worth of.
If you made it this far, thank you.
It’s totally relatable
I'm not native English speaking either as you can surely tell. Good to have you here on the forum.
I sometimes think ADHD genes have succeeded evolutionarily because they make their bearer so endearing. It makes total sense to me that despite all, you've felt the deep connection and that he can love you like nobody else. I've lived that too. It's confusing beyond description when the ADHD partner then turns out to be abusive.
Your list of misery is proof this marriage isn't in your best interest. Of course you need divorce. I'm glad you're in your native country and among your relatives. Is it possible for you to stay with some of them, or a friend, for that last month? Are you sure it's safe to even have contact with him? Some of the things on your list sound illegal (I think here and Finland have similar legislation).
I was surprised at the level of aggression my ex showed during divorce, and he's known by everyone (but me) for his gentle character.
Please take care. You're absolutely right to divorce him. Try to protect yourself as much as possible though this.
I am so sorry you've gone through this
Your situation has classic abuse written all over it, as well as possible mental health issues beyond what you suspect. I don't diagnose, and so won't go further on that topic.
Your partner sounds volatile, at a minimum. I do not know if such services are available where you are, but you may wish to speak with abuse experts (such as at an abuse hotline) about making sure you stay safe through this next phase.
Divorcing may seem like a bottomless void at the moment, and very scary, but you will find that your life is significantly better without the abuse in it. You will find your future family one way or the other, and be able to proceed into something new and better. I hear you when you say the next months will be hellish - make sure you have on the ground support and people to whom you can turn locally should things spiral out of control. If he starts throwing things, physically threatening or touching you in ways you don't wish, it may be time to physically get out. (Again - the hotline folks can help you assess the safest methods for this.)
You mention passing by obvious signs that things weren't right between you, and staying because you hoped that your partner might change. These things concern me for your future and I would strongly urge you to get individual counseling for yourself around how you have coped with the abuse of this relationship. I would think that it would be impossible for you to not be injured from this experience - healing can be aided by someone who can help you explore your strengths, as well as your pain. What you don't want to do is enter into your next relationship in a similar (or even more injured) mindset that allows you to ignore signs that you know are there.
The 'things are really good sometimes' aspect of abusive relationships is called 'breadcrumbing.' It is providing just enough really good stuff (bread crumbs) to keep you attached, even through all the bad stuff by restoring hope when things seem horrible. 'Maybe now things will change!' is how the thinking goes.
I am glad that you have spoken up in this community and asked for support. I hope that folks help you hold to being strong and getting through this.
Yes, this sounds all around
Yes, this sounds all around abusive. You deserve better. Thank you for writing, I did read all of it. It sounds extremely painful. I hope you can surround yourself with supportive people as you work through this.
Sending hugs and support and strength
I'm so glad you posted, you are so very welcome here. I read every word and echo those of who have commented and offered tangible and practical suggestions. I'm so sorry you are going through this. I'm sending you some strength.
Hi ForestFin....
I got a little emotional reading your post....As I can Identify w/ you so well...My heart breaks for you...The many faces of Narcissism among other mental Illness's and how those play out in a marriage relationships is quiet beyond the ability to be comprehended by outsiders who have never lived it....In physical presence you may be across an Ocean, but, in reality of living, you are in my (many of us) mirror, to a large degree...After enduring many years (16) of these same toxic traits, plus a few different one's, I too have filed for a divorce...(Something I hate and never wanted to be associated with) I just got to the point that I realized I wasn't doing either of us any favors by staying....
When a mind is so self centered, so locked into denial and blame, with no ownership, empathy, and justifies their abusive words and behaviors, there will never be any hope...Hoping against Hope is a photo of myself....I'm not saying in Christ there is no hope....I'm saying unless we see our need, repent, and seek him, there is no hope for change....
What I can do for her, is walk away (pull out the enabling crutch) and force her to have to be an adult...She will have to take on the adult role she thoughtlessly used me for....She will hopefully have an opportunity to consider her life and how she got to the place she will be in...That is my prayer for her....As for me, I want be persecuted by an abusive life that is present only in fleshly form, but, who's mind and heart is oceans away....I can clean my house, for the first time in years!
I'm broken; but there is healing for me...And for you!
Much love and prayer!
Only a small portion of what you describe sounds like ADHD symptoms. You need a lawyer before you need a banker. I don't know the laws in your country. In the U.S. I would say try to find one who knows both divorce and bankruptcy. Getting a fee from the bankruptcy estate is probably the only way they will get paid. I am so thankful you are not tied to this man by joint children. I highly suggest moving in temporarily with anybody to avoid cohabitating any longer. The fact that he called the police to remove you from the house is very alarming and indicates a new level of aggression. He can easily accuse you of many crimes and if he plans ahead enough for that he can make you look guilty. He can call your job and accuse you of violations of company policy so you are fired. And after all that he can still tell you with a straight face that everything will be better if you just make a baby together. I have seen so many people fall for this. Making a baby can be many things but I predict the number of times it has solved an abusive relationship is 0.
Thank you for the comments
Thank you all so much for the support and lovely and encouraging words, they mean so much to me and held me accountable for the past month.
Our divorce has now been finalized and he moved away yesterday, flew back to his home country. Airport goodbyes were so freaking sad I can't even express it. As we are from two different countries, for our whole relationship the airport has been a happy place for reuniting, nut now it was a place for goodbye.
The divorce process went surprisingly well, no aggressions, abuse or fights etc., And no lawyers other than to draft the basic papers. We spoke a ton every night for a month, really went through the issues and what went wrong and so on. He also gave me the apartment without a grudge as he did owe me so much money and wouldn't take anything in return for himself. All in all it was very amicable and unbelievably sad. We were both shattered and repeatedly saying "it's just really, really sad when love just is not enough", because we both have so much love for each other. I miss him like crazy, I can't believe it would be over for us. Logically I know this was the right decision, at least for now, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that I still keep hoping that MAYBE if he gets CBT in his own home country and it works to lift his anxiety and mind and behavioural patterns and IF he finds a job, we still might have a second chance one day, maybe after a year. There is just so, so much love and connection. And 99% of our issues came from his personal issues that he has always had because of a very disturbing childhood and now the unemployment stress.
With time I might also recover and refuse to ever give any new chances knowing the history, so who knows how feelings and situations develop. Right now I'm just very, very sad, drained and crying because I miss him so freaking much.
Dear ForestFin,
Dear ForestFin,
Please make a plan and leave. What you're experiencing is undeniable abuse. Please put your well-being and mental health FIRST! It will be scary to deal with the unknowns but you sound extremely competent. It won't take long for you to rise above this from a day-to-day functioning perspective. Find a qualified mental health therapist to heal yourself. YOU CAN DO THIS!