Forum topic: Ready to Walk...Again

Every single time I locked myself in the bedroom, through tears of sadness and anger, my Google searches have led me here. Every time, I found kindred spirits in all the women dealing with ADHD husbands, and there was some solace in knowing I was not alone. Then, as every other time before, he would make a bid for connection, and I would accept. There would be promises, empty ones for sure, but they soothed me for a while, and he managed to keep it together for a handful of days, mostly until the hurt on my part passed, and then he would go back to the same behaviors and attitudes that brought me to this site. This time, I registered because I feel that there may be nothing he will say or do that can change things. This time, I may be ready to walk, so I guess I may need some support from those who have been through this.

A little background. We have been together for 15 years. Things were never great, but we both wanted it enough that I ignored the red flags and he put up with my displeasure and with me telling him what to do. It was not long before things got worse. He was only diagnosed a few years ago. Instead of it being a source of relief that there was a reason, he took it really hard, did not want anyone to know, and became even more negative about how life is unfair to him. I have a really hard time with people who adopt a victim mentality. I have my own medical issues, but I have never let that slow me down. I am very successful, and I tend to be positive and believe that we can choose how we deal with everything that comes our way. He is currently in therapy, with someone I don't think is particularly effective, and only because I told him he needed to work on this if he wanted to stay together. It has not gotten better, and I don't think it will.

Our problems are both about the everyday stuff and the deeper, more love-related stuff. In terms of the household, he is disorganized, he makes piles of everything, he can't seem to put anything back in its place, he cleans, but not well (bare minimum effort), and it takes prodding and arguments most of the time, and things that are not on his list are just off his radar, which leaves me with the labor of being his mom or manager. On top of that, whenever I have to ask for something or point something out, something I do not get any enjoyment out of and would prefer not to do, he gets activated, and there is heavy sighing, eye-rolling, hunching over like he's been asked to go wrestle an alligator from the swamp from dinner. He complains that he does most of the work, but I work twice as hard as he does, make twice what he does, and pay for a lot of things. Not only that, the labor of managing him is a lot, and he doesn't recognize that. On top of that, I have always been the one to organize anything social, plan all trips, dates, etc., and I can't count on him for help with any of that. He understands what the issue is, but he refuses to consider solutions. Then there is the emotional part. He doesn't initiate anything physical. He will hug when hugged, but he does not seem to have a real interest in a lot of contact. We have not had sex in the last six years and I can't remember the last time we made out. I am a sexual person, but I am no longer attracted to him because I think of him as an overgrown child, a project, and also because he does not make me feel wanted, loved, desired sexually, or seen in any way. He's forgotten my birthday and our anniversary, he has bought me really bad gifts, and he can be pretty cheap. He can also have very hurtful attitudes and say hurtful things. He makes unilateral decisions after making promises and does what he thinks is better regardless of having given me his word. He has lied about just about every aspect of our life together as well. He also lies and minimizes issues in therapy, which means it's all pretty worthless. He is selfish and he makes my life harder in every way. I understand these are all issues that can be related to the diagnosis, but when I see him act like a different person with friends or at work, I am reminded that this is also something on which he can work. I have asked him repeatedly to spend time doing research on how to change things around. There is so much out there in terms of help nowadays. He is a smart man, but he will only put effort when it's something that matters to him...which I guess means me, us, this family, we are just not important.

I am not without blame. I have become the epitome of what I never wanted to be...the so-called nag, and he'll tell you all about that and my fits of anger. He'll tell the therapist plenty. I have become angry, and it has started to affect my other relationships because my unhappiness seeps into everything. I have become more physically unwell because I cope by eating and watching TV as I escape. I yell when I have asked for the same thing for the 500th time. And I can also say mean things. I am not proud of that, and I am working through that in therapy. I am a live wire, though. I am exhausted, sad, angry, and disappointed. I don't want to hurt him. I want him to be happy, and I think he would be happier without me, or at least with someone who does not have as many needs or expectations. I know a huge problem is we both have so much resentment, but I can't see that changing. I tried the strategy of not pointing out mistakes. He just becomes more brazen about them because now no one is getting on his case. It hasn't yielded a lessening of the resentment or more responsiveness on his part. We have seen 6 therapists. Not one has been able to move the needle. My therapist asks me why I stay. It's a combination of things, as everything. I feel sorry for him. I worry he will decline, even if I think he could have a better life without me. He plays the victim when we fight and has the poor me, long face, hunched shoulders, soft hurt voice down-pat. I also worry I will miss the companionship, and thanks to our culture and media, I also worry that I will end up alone, even if I have come to understand that this would not be worse than where I am now.

So, we are at that point again, where we had a huge blowout, I said things cannot hold like this, and he is doing his best impression of a loving man who cannot please his shrew of a wife, even after I remind him of the fact that I have never lied, and I have, for example, never left her to fend for himself in a foreign land so I could go get drunk at a bar or neglected to check in on him at the hospital after an operation. Somehow, I am the one at fault because I can't just leave things well alone and be okay with a dirty, disorganized home, a sexless marriage, and a feeling of not being important at all. I have started looking at places to rent, but the process is rough, and I fear that the nuisance of it all combined with his sorry-for-myself act will make me stay for another few years.

That is all for now. Thanks for your honesty all these years as you write about your lives. It's been very helpful.

Much love.

Devastated Girl




Do you even remember the person you were 15 years ago?....What about him?....When mothering, controlling, arguing, (toxic living) is our daily diet, we shouldn't look for our relationship to improve....The reason he keeps going back to the person you don't like ever week are so after you have your meltdown's is because that's exactly Who he is!.....If life is a big square spectrum, most of us are on opposite ends of it, like my wife and I....And if we don't learn to live and let live, we have no hope for a peaceful life...Just be truthful with yourself....Do enjoy wasting your day's w/ negative emotions? Do you like disrespecting him by non-acceptance of the brain and life style he lives in, whether by choice or by nature? Do you like burning up your own life not having a healthy sex life w/ a loving responsible spouse? 

I hope you find peace for yourself, and your spouse/partner also.....When we have all these major difference's we have to find a way to have a peaceful life....Some times that may mean not together....Some times like in my marriage it mean's a lot of boundaries, and a lot of acceptance of our huge difference's....When we are with someone so different, we have to be content w/ "What is POSSIBLE, and peace be had"....Never what we want....All that does is start disrespectful word wars, and trips to a locked bedroom and more teary eyed goggle searches....

Blessings to you both, I hope you find a peaceful life, no matter what it takes....


I don't think I could just be content and accept. It's a life that is less than what I deserve in terms of how I am treated. You focused only on my behaviors, which are a reaction to his. I took responsibility. There is no need to punish me. I also know more than what is had now can be had since I work in mental health. I don't think he wants it. I've seen it being turned around by the use of good strategies and of trauma work. I think I need to not be with someone who has no interest in making changes. That's the part perhaps you missed. It's not about just the neurodiversity. It is also about whether someone makes an effort and is ready to take responsibility, be honest, and try earnestly instead of expecting others to accommodate. There are some that may want to make it work even when it's not ideal. I don't think I want to settle anymore. Thanks for helping me see that again.

Bottom line: you have to decide if you can live like this and be happy because what you see after making up and 2 weeks pass is the real him.  Some nons are willing to accept their spouse as is and lower their standards to bare minimum allowing a filthy home and other things they would normally find distasteful in order to stay together.  I do not judge as I too have accepted more than I ever thought I would for medical and financial reasons. We tend to focus on our spouse's behavior and forget that we do not have the power to make them change.  I sort of equate the struggle to change with toilet training a toddler.  Yes it's time to lose the diapers, yes it's time to grow up and be a preschooler.  Everyone can see it but the kid who is so comfortable with exactly how things have always been. They do not want to change, it's always been this way. Ultimately, the power lies with the kid though.  Same with an obstinate ADHD spouse.

Eventually you must decide to stay and accept him or move on.  Change requires a herculean effort on his part which, let's face it, is not something an ADDer wants to do.  If you put aside the notion of him changing and examine what you have relationship-wise you might see more clearly what direction you want to take. No sex for six years would be a deal breaker for me. For all those who site their vows as a reason to stay and endure a broken marriage, no sex is breaking the vows. 

I focused on the dynamic...You are here, he is not....I in no way seek to punish you, or anyone else...You and I and many more here do, and have done, a great job of self inflicting our own punishment.....I can empathize with you, I can agree with you about the struggles that is forced on us and the relationship due to the intrusiveness of "their" living of life....Which isn't going away without complete miraculous change in my experience...If we don't shock our selves w/ hard to accept truths about real life issues, nothing changes....You said your behaviors were responses to his living of life...That is so true, and probably true for most all of us here...But, I finally come to the realization that I had to deal with the person I become, (get along with most everyone in the world and 3 minutes with her and it's a war?, and my completely peaceful day vanishes) when dealing with a person who as no ability, or conscience, to consider or change the impact of her living of life on me....

So it became my responsibility to be a better me, no matter what is going on in her life....How that works for me is "boundaries on me"....One, turn my attention on where abundant life truly comes from, which is never found in a man or women....Two, my number one self discipline item is live in the truth that my emotions are my responsibility....That means praying, ignoring, walking away, it has meant apologies even when I didn't start the conflict....It means humility.....I definitely know what I was created to be in my marriage....And just because I have a wife who may not respect that fully, that's not my deal...The only thing I can do for her, is attempt to be a good example of love, and I can pray for her, but that's it....She isn't interested in my thoughts about HER life...So I'm only forfeiting my own peace when I attempt to emotionally point out the dysfunction of her living of life....There is a real reason why a person has limited, to no ability to look in the mirror....If you and I emulate that, instead of disciplining our lives, and setting boundaries, we forfeit our own lives and peace for the sake of attempting to FIX what isn't fixable by another human....Especially a spouse.....


I was with my ADHD husband for 20 years. The house was a disaster, we hadn't been intimate in 10 years, no gifts and all special days forgotten and a whole host of other ADHD symptom fallouts similar to what you described. I understand how hard ADHD hits every part of the relationship--and how devastating it is to see the changes that could be made to improve things so clearly... only the person who needs to make most of the changes is completely unwilling or unable. I stayed for too long like this and it has taken a huge toll on my health. Moving and divorcing were major stressors that I had to take on when I was at my weakest and most broken. It's tough and I wish I'd done it earlier.

I had the same fears as you do about being alone. I have been alone for the 1.5 years so far since we split (not "alone alone" since I have a teenaged child). I just wanted you to know that being alone actually feels okay most of the time... at least for me. I am happy to finally keep my home to my standards instead tornado central. (I am shocked by how easy that is when he is not creating constant messes.) I am happy to have predictable days that are not constantly derailed. I still don't have sex, but at least I don't feel rejected and undesirable (and if I wanted it, I'm 100% sure I could find it! LOL). I am finding out how strong I am on my own. I am paying the bills, raising a child and making all decisions all on my own with MY best interests in mind. As a result, I have less fear of being alone... I can do it and I'm okay. I haven't tried dating yet, but at some point I might. The marriage depleted me to a point where I know I have nothing to give a partner. I am giving what I have to myself and my child. But I feel my strength slowly returning since I am finally able to tend to myself instead of someone else's undertreated ADHD.... and hope one day I'll be ready to share my life or just some time with another person again--this time, a self-sufficient one. I am also surprised by the support that has come from other women - you will find a surprising whole new world of divorced and single women who have your back. It is not so bad being alone. Not to mention, you seem like a pretty awesome person - so even if you start out alone, that doesn't mean you will remain alone. :) 

All the best to you.