Forum topic: Comment SPAM checking from authenticated users


In reviewing the logs of the site, I noted that today some of our registered users were having their comments categorized as SPAM, and either being asked to enter a CAPTCHA code and/or having their comment banned altogether.  I just made some configuration changes to the site to eliminate any SPAM checking by those of you who have registered. My sincere apologies to those who have experienced trouble (this means you newfdogswife, amongst others).  I have you SPAM filtered comments in the database logs.  I will dig them out and post them soon.

We know those who register are real people, as we check the email address both when you first enter it (we actually look up the domain name of your email, verify it has a valid DNS entry, assure that it has a properly configured mail server, and then contact the mail server to verify the account actually exists on that server) while you are typing it in.  Then we send an email to that address, requiring you to click on a link to confirm the email address was actually yours, all before we allow you to login to the site.  Why?  We want to keep this site useful for you, which if any of the 50 or so spam emails we get a day actually got posted, you might be offended.  And yes, we don't take advertising, either.  We do this not for commercial benefit, but because we want to help those whose relationships impacted by ADHD.  Both Melissa and I know how devastating that can be, and now, how it can be avoided or fixed.  We hope that message gets out.

If there are other issues with the site, or improvements in its layout or operation, let me know by leaving a comment below.


The deluge of comment spam has gotten so large (over fifty comments that passed the text analysis and had correct CAPTCHA in the last hour and thus had to be moderated), that I disabled anonymous commenting.  If you want to leave a comment or post a new forum topic, you must be registered and logged in.  Much of the SPAM is coming through TOR gateways which anonymize the real originating location of the comment spam.  Until I find a better solution (and I have diligently looked, and unless I change the underlying infrastructure of the site, there appear to be no good laternatives at this time that work), you will have to log in to post.  Let me know if this poses a great inconvenience.

As always, we guard the privacy of all who register, and the site is very secure.

Hi George, Thanks for your excellent work!! I am not trying to be a pain, just hoping to help make the site better. I just recently decided to try the RSS feed. I use Thunderbird to aggregate my RSS feeds. When I open up the rss feeds from I am getting some less than optimal results.

  1. There is no subject.
  2. There is no sender.
  3. each group of rss posts seem to be coming at the same timestamp.
  4. the body of each rss post starts with something like the following:
comment 5939 at
From: < dc:creator
Clinging to Life
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Thank you for everything and
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

<title>Thank you for everything and</title>
<base href="">
<style type="text/css">
[... content removed by pogo ...]

I am admittedly not an RSS expert, but the other RSS feeds that I get don't have these problems. I thought you would like to know.

Thanks again,