Trying to find ways to help my partner be more aware of how his adhd impacts our marriage and wondering if anyone ever tried going through this site with their spouse and spent a little bit of time a day to digest some or this information together. Desperate to find ways in how we can improve our homelife... we don't fight often but when we do it's terrible and in the past it was way worse. I've adjusted my expectations which has helped but I think there's a lot of work that needs to happen on his end and I'm looking to leverage this source amongst others. Any experience on this would be great.
Lead an ADHDer to methods of mitigating symptoms
You could invent the cure for ADHD but the cure would fail if the ADHDer has any responsibility to do anything consistently.
The book is a good read together
Hi 316RDC - Melissa's book, the ADHD Effect on Marriage seems essentially designed for couples to read it together. At least, it probably works best that way. I have seen a lot of partners post that the ADHD partner absorbed more when listening to the audiobook version (maybe it's hard to focus on long passages of text for the ADHD partner).
I agree that all the adjusting should not be on your end. There is a good article on this site, "For Men with ADHD Who Aren't Convinced it Matters."
I did not have any luck with the above with my (ex) partner, however, some have. All the best!
Work on his end....Going through this site together.....
What has driven so many of us to this site for understanding, is add, and spousal denial of it's effects, and in many cases just a selfish and self centered spouse....So if you have a spouse who is aware, and takes ownership of his behaviors, then you have something good going for you...Most of us just accept the reality of our spouses living of life, and set boundaries to keep us from wanting what's not available, so we can protect our own minds, and emotions...
Preach it bro...
I am like "Alice in Chains" and have been "Down in a Hole" for the past few years... Mind you, it hasn't been all bad.. My wife is a cool, fun loving chick when she's taking her (Adderal/Cloz) as prescribed... As of late, she has not been and Vodka isn't helping. Not an alcoholic... But has a couple drinks every night after work.. If she is working from home, it has started as early as 10a.m... Fridays and Weekends... Forget it!!
I have gotten to where i don't even have a drink anymore...
Sorry to OP... This post is not about me.. Not trying to take over thread... Just re enforcing "C"'s comment.