Forum topic: Why am I still here?

I’m new here and this is my first post. As I work my way through what you’ve all written, I see my life in so many of your posts. I’m on the verge of tears constantly. I’m so over it. I’m hurt, I’m angry, and I’m scared. I don’t know if this can be fixed anymore. I’ve been married to my ADHD spouse for 19 years. About 10 years ago we went to counseling separately and then had one joint session together. Two therapists agreed I’d gone as far in my individual counseling as I could without my husband getting further individual counseling and possibly medication. He refused and that was the end of it. Since then, I’ve asked him to leave twice. He refused and insisted he wanted to stay to work on things. He didn’t make any effort. In fact, it all seemed to get worse and I feel as though it gets worse with time.

More recently, he finally agreed to try medication. I was thrilled… until he told me why. It was not for us and not for our family (we have 2 teenage girls). It was strictly so he could focus more on work and get more done (he works from home). He now sits at home in his office every day with a noise canceling headset on and ‘works’ (although we see him wandering the internet, watching videos etc, so ‘work’ is debatable). He does this from 6am to 10pm, except for his daily naps which he insists are necessary for him and that help him cope.

He is like a stranger in our home. He has very little interaction with any of us, spends little time with our girls, and seems to exist in his own world. The meds seem to have made it all worse from our perspective. He takes them only Monday to Fridays (again, they’re for work and he insists he doesn’t need them on weekends), so maybe they aren’t working because of that??

The house is a mess. He does nothing. He comes and goes as he pleases. We can talk to him but it’s as though he can’t hear us, or he will literally tune us out mid-conversation and drift off. It hurts EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

After 19 years of this, I’ve told him I’m so angry I don’t know if it can be fixed anymore. He will seek treatment only for work reasons. That speaks volumes to me about how he feels about us and our family, but he insists he still loves me and would hate to see our marriage end. Every time I talk to him about it he acts surprised, like he’s never heard it before, or like he’s doing everything he can to fix it (which seems to mean working harder to earn more money?).

I myself have tried working full-time, part-time, and not at all in an effort to do everything around the house, take care of our girls, and keep things together. When the girls were younger, I’d come home from work and find them trying to cook food in front of our fireplace while my husband sat oblivious in his office on his computer. He never understood why I would get angry. I’ve done therapy (three times) and every therapist has agreed I’m overwhelmed and have too much on my plate. They all tell me the same thing – he needs help. He refuses.

I’m now working part-time (looking for full-time) and have opened a private bank account in an effort to put away my own money as fast as I can. I am ready to leave. I love my husband, but it seems to me we’d both be happier apart at this point. I can’t handle the anger and frustration anymore. I’m 53 and never expected to be starting over, but it seems like nothing will change if I stay. I ask myself and my husband, why am I still here??


I was just setting here reading over a few threads, and saw what you and a few others have written.....One thing is very clear about your spouse, my wife, and most everyone who posts here spouse's, they determine (if it's determinable and not just the only way) a life that works for them, and they pursue it...It really doesn't matter what we think, or how it effects the spouse and children.....The trouble with that is we don't handle it well...We expect the same loving effort and energy that we give...So the emotional battle rages with in us....

Learning to accept this truth, could have saved us many years of attempting to communicate with a brick wall...I hope you find a peaceful place....



Thank you for taking the time to respond. You're right. My husband has a life that works for him and he's happy that way. I am honestly grieving over that realization. It doesn't seem to matter that the rest of us in the house are not happy. We will never beg, cry, or yell enough to get him to change.

I've read other posts here that say we (as the non ADHD spouses) need to make a life of our own. In the past week, I've accepted and begun to do just that. Somehow I seem a little calmer having made that decision. 

Take care of yourself. 




I would be guilty....What happened to me, and what happens to most everyone who finds themselves in our shoes, is we lose our selves...We become over burdened and over focused by the actions or inaction of our spouses....

Instead of stepping back and saying NO NO!....We allow their living of life to suck us down...That's not love....I love my wife, and the best thing I've ever done for her, myself and this marriage is to accept her just like she is...Which means I have to have boundaries...Boundaries on myself to do just that!....If I'm going to bitch and complain (like I did for way to long) about her lack of effort and energy in our marriage, then I only make her, and myself miserable...I had to learn to do some simple things....1) Not take anything she does or says personal...I'm only accountable for what I say and do....2) I had to learn to not reply and walk away from anything disrespectful, things I know she is going to regret...3) I had to realize she has a mental condition, that makes it very difficult for her to consider other's ahead of her self...Self absorbed...4) I had to place boundaries that limits sharing, especially in high probability area's of life, and there a lot of those :)....Finance, travel, taxes, any thing where she loses respect, and insists on control.....

My wife is a good person...loves her family, loves her church family, never meets a stranger etc....She just has a mental condition, and the one person who can't laugh with her, then hug her and go home is me, the spouse...LOL.....The more I don't talk when words aren't helpful, the more I just live my life, the more she wants to pursue me, and the more she has learned to respect our God given roles in our marriage....


It’s not too late to reclaim the happy peaceful life you deserve. I left my ex of over 10 years when I was 60, and I’m so glad I did! I felt like life was passing me by as he did absolutely nothing to address his issues.  He contributed absolutely no money to our home. He was constantly glued to his computer, doing things he called “working” but he never got paid for any of this “work”.  He kept surfing the Net, as different topics constantly distracted him online. He irresponsibly spent lots of my money on useless, broken items he promised to repair and then re-sell to bring in some money. That never happened and instead, our home filled up with this junk as he insisted on just buying more junk.  He was chronically angry, paranoid, messy, hoarding, and never finishing home improvement projects that I had to later pay professionals to completely re-do so that my house was safe. He would leave dangling live wires left where the attic light switch used to be, etc. Nobody deserves this type of life. You have paid your dues for almost two decades, and you deserve a better life. It must be obvious to you after all of this time that he will never change. If you want a better life, you have to go out there and find it. You can pretty much predict what the next 20 years will be like with him.... and in my experience, he got much worse as he aged, so please don’t waste your life on someone you know you can’t help. You were never meant to be a martyr, stuffing your emotions until it literally makes you sick, while he remains totally oblivious to your pain.

Just a few months after getting him out of my life, I met a wonderful loving man who is now my husband. I have never been happier. If I can do it at 60, you can do it too. Please get out there and find the love you deserve. Sending you hugs and encouragement. 

Wow, my husband does seem to be getting worse with age. I was afraid it was just me becoming angrier and more annoyed by his habits, but it's true. He withdraws from us more and more as time goes on. There are days I want to scream to get his attention. Even today as I came home from work and walked past his office, he's oblivious. No welcome. No acknowledgment. And I know there will be nothing for the rest of the evening. 

Thank you for being honest. You're right, it is obvious to me that he'll never change. I don't want to be sitting here crying 10 or even 5 years from now. I've asked for a separation twice, and told him I was researching apartments and lawyers. Nothing phases him. He is happy in his world and we're not enough to change that. My health has suffered and I'm done - physically and mentally. 

Congratulations on being strong enough to make a change yourself. I'm so glad to hear you're happy and doing well. I've decided over the past week that I'm done and I am calmer for it. I don't know what the new year will bring exactly, but I know there are big changes ahead. I hope my transition turns out as well as yours. 

Take care and stay happy.



Wow, I read your post, and can SO relate. TODAY, I am particularly having a very difficult time from the MASSIVE amount of unfiinished "home improvement" projects that H keeps thinking are WONDERFUL, but they're all a giant mess. He never COMPLETELY finishes ANY OF THEM, and keeps starting new ones, every few weeks. These things are ALL.over the house. He just told me he "finished painting" the bathroom. (It only took 3 years to do it,, and there isn't 1 complete wall in the ENTIRE room.. there's very little wall space. Well, it's passable, but the paint is very wiggly against the flooring, shower, baseboards,etc.. it doesn't look good,but he thinks it's "awesome". But, he would NEVER, EVER let anyone ELSE get away with a paint job like that. (Double standard)

. He has most of the house completely covered in his "stuff", and NEVER puts anything away. He's 65 years old and STILL tells me "Nobody TAUGHT ME" how to put things away.

UM, SORRY....."I JUST CAN'T "with that excuse any more. When he wants to do it, he DOES......but,, the rest of the time, he doesn't. Our house looks like a hoarders house right now, and he can't see anything wrong with it. 

     I'm at a physical pain level now, where I CAN'T physically clean and keep UP like I used to. I just turned 65.also, and don't have the strength to clean and run behind him like he's a toddler any more.  The kitchen turns into a giant mess, even when he HEATS UP something in the microwave. He LITERALLY is the messiness person I'VE ever met. Why? This doesn't have to be. We've had many conversations about it, and he STILL insists that "NO one taught me HOW, to put stuff away"  At 65, ANYONE.....CAN PUT THEIR TOYS AND THINGS WHERE THEY BELONG, it's NOT a hard thing to do.  When he takes the salt from the counter and then puts it on the OTHER SIDE of the kitchen instead of in its PLACE right in front of him,  (UNCALLED FOR). And, to me seems like he's getting back at me somehow, by BEING messy. But, he's always done this. His mother NEVER MADE him pick up ANYTHING, or clean his room, and hang up his clothes. But, dang, as an adult, it's BASIC BEHAVIOR 101, like to  hang up his coat, when the coat closet is IN FRONT OF HIM when he walks in the door,........instead of walking through the foyer, and living room,  to the dining room and putting his coat on a CHAIR in the DINING ROOM......every single day. Even after being TOLD....NUMEROUS TIMES, not to do that. In fact, He himself will tell OTHERS to hang their coats IN THE CLOSET, but not himself. WHAT IS THAT? HIDDEN ANGER? COVERT ANGER? DOWNRIGHT HOSTILITY? I despise this covert hostility and trashing of our house, when it's not necessary, doesn't have to BE and is childish. He doesn't WANT to take the "time" to do the clean up things, and instead of do the lazier, throw the item on the floor, or spread it around until EVERY FLAT SURFACE in the entire house is COVERED with bits of junk, tools, papers, pens, mail, boxes, etc. Etc. And it's so not fair to have me be the only "put-away person".  Relate anyone? So sorry, just HAD TO VENT TODAY. thanks for listening. (vent, vent, vent......feel better. Thanks guys) 


I can totally relate to everything you said. I was physically injured in a fall while living with him so I’m in pain frequently. I hear you about following him around cleaning up after him like a toddler. I’ll write more later, but to answer your question, I think it’s a matter of fighting hard to control their environment. Does your guy feel threatened by the slightest disagreement?  Keeping a room messy (knowing you hate it) maybe makes him feel in control? Like he’s winning the fight?

Thank you sick and tired, for your reply. H is trying better to be a better husband, but after 37+ years, I stopped caring whether he desires me or not any more. He has spent the majority of our marriage "on his computer, "working", and like you's NOT really "work", he's just LOOKING around at stuff. He comes over to me later and hands me reams of printed off paperwork saying, "You gotta see this", when I have NO interest at all in what's watching. Some of it seems so childish, but it definitely wastes a LOT of time, that he could be actually DOING SOMETHING that makes money. "His number one worry and complaint, all the time". (That we don't have enough money)

    Speaking of money, he keeps saying, "I wish someone would have TOLD ME I was good at math, and what I could have done". It STILL flabbergasted me to this day. 

    Here he went to a very good high school, got straight A's ALL through school, and college, honor roll, etc. Spent 7 years STRAIGHT in college to get his masters degree, and he says "NO one told me what I should BE". I said, "Wait a minute, All those teachers and other students in high school AND ESPECIALLY COLLEGE who were going to school to BECOME something, that they were CHOOSING to become(lawyer, doctor, pharmacist, engineer, accountant......whatever) and you NEVER THOUGH ABOUT "gee, I WONDER WHAT I SHOULD DO WITH MY LIFE AND WHAT CAREER TO HAVE"?.......and he said "NOPE, NEVER". SEVEN YEARS IN COLLEGE?  

    I AM SURE that some teachers talked to him about it, or his friends, but he wasn't PAYING ATTENTION TO IT, UNTIL HE HAD TO ACTUALLY WORK, AND GET A JOB.......and then he really freaked OUT. THAT is being  stunningly oblivious, or he was just avoiding what he didn't want to face. I KNOW that....THAT is an adhd trait, but he STILL had to "grow up", and he couldn't stay in school any more without making SOME kind of money.  He did finish his PhD, and that was good, but then he made a decision to take a job he never should have taken. It WASN'T where we were supposed to be, and it wasn't the right job, and it's never panned out, and didn't give him any success that he was POSITIVE that it was going to. He took this job against my better judgement, and went to a new state, etc, and I begged him not to take the job. It WASN'T the right one for him OR US, and the school ended up at, didn't really want  his department to grow anyway. A job he PROMISED me was only going to be a 2 or 3 yr placement, has ended up being almost 20 years now. And, now he's retiring, from a place we NEVER should have been at, and didn't make ANY money at. 

    (Which was why he finished his phD, to be able to have better EARNING power. But, the job he picked, was the lowest end of the job market. It has been VERY VERY HARD. Plus it took us far from our grown children and their families, which He REALLY regrets now, but those "decisions" they make without thinking THROUGH THEM, can be devastating and damaging for a LONG TIME, and now we're facing retirement. I'm having a hard time with dealing with him being home EVERY SINGLE DAY NOW FROM NOW ON......I WILL LOSE MY MIND.......

THIS past year of shutdown from covid, almost made me have a breakdown from his constant "being underfoot", messing everything UP, and I CAN'T GET ANY CLEANING DONE. As well as having no money, on TOP of everything else.  It's frustrating as hell!......SO sorry for the language, I AM SO FRUSTRATED....AT THIS!!. ADHD, covid and retirement......OMG, I WILL GO NUTS! He is STILL not taking his medication on a regular basis. He takes it when he thinks he's going to "need" it, and then FORGETS. It's also frustrating beyond belief, because he's so much better ON the medication......and REGULARLY.

I still would advise anyone thinking about marrying an adhd person.....NOT to do it. ONLY if the adder was in treatment and on medication, consistently would I ever advise that now. That sounds harsh, but they are Very stubborn and make rash decisions that affects EVERYONES lives, that it makes life a thousand times more difficult in SO MANY WAYS. 

    Sorry, still venting guys. I JUST NEED TO TODAY.....OR I WILL CRACK. 

Hi Dede. I'm pretty new here but am thankful for having a safe place to vent. I could have written your first paragraph myself..the endless hours wasted just wandering the internet looking at 'stuff' when the house is a total shambles and that time could be much better spent, its absolutely beyond frustrating. Or when they finally pull their face away from the computer screen and try to pass it off as work or stuff that had to be done.

And the impulsive shopping and snap decisions....(sigh), I'm over it. 

Over the past few days, and after reading countless posts and comments on this site, I've tried to change my way of thinking. My husband is a stranger in our house and if he's happy that way, then I'm treating him that way. I'm leaving this marriage - today it's mentally, but soon it will be physically. I can't change him. He doesn't see us or our family as important enough to make the effort. His actions still hurt, but maybe now a little less than before. I'm calmer (even my daughter commented on that yesterday). I don't ask him for anything anymore. I don't nag or remind him of anything anymore. When I leave I'll be on my own, so I'm acting that way as of now. The decision and the mind switch has helped. 

Like you, I face retirement alone with my husband and am NOT going to do it. He works from home now (he did even before COVID) and the mess he leaves as he goes about his day is ridiculous. And guess who gets to clean it all up. He has no time for us because he's working, but he always has time for the gym, going out to eat for lunches, running countless errands, and sleeping three times/day. I can't live that way for the rest of my life and like someone pointed out so honestly, I know it's not going to change. We are not partners in any sense of the word.

I hope you're a little calmer today and can find a little peace in your day. Go and do something for yourself and take care of you. 
