I just read a critique of a book which has these sentences to describe the main character and it reminded me of many of us on this forum. She said it better than I could:
"Her longing to be a part of something larger than herself renders her more emotionally vulnerable than she might care to admit. Finally, buckling under the pressures of work, play and love, she allows herself to be sucked into a vortex where bad behavior is the norm."
THIS is what had happened to me in the chaos of our marriage. The bad behavior was my H's. His bad behavior became normal and acceptable imperceptibly, bit by bit. I had been "sucked into a vortex where bad behavior is the norm." because I wanted to be part of a good marriage, a family that did not quarrel.
Putting something into words helps me to see things more clearly. Wanting was not enough. Seeing clearly is better than wanting something that will never be. Again, acceptance.
"The author said it well"
Our desire to be part of "good things" does draw us, and as you say, it does blind us...(loss of sensitivity to the reality)....This reminds me of a post I shared on FB this morning....This human drive to experience the "good life"....Mostly has just caused me a lot of pain, and caused me to miss the beauty of what God has for me....
The post:
I haven’t watched the news, (evil, and propaganda) or read the news, except on rare occasions for at least 20 years...I made this decision as a born again believer, who was sick of digesting the wickedness of a lost an out of control society...Every thing that went/goes against my convictions for life, and broke my heart to hear. (murders, rapes, child abductions and molestations etc.)...Since the lock down, and because it’s shared so much here on FB, I have been reintroduced to it, and I can tell you, it’s worse than ever...After witnessing the effects of it on the minds of people I love and care about, I realize separating myself from it, was one of the best decisions of my life...If you once were filled with faith in the living, and abiding Jesus.. But maybe now days your finding yourself fearful and highly opinionated (entangled) in a world that has already been judged...You may need to ask yourself why?.., And you may have to look no farther than the stuff being pumped through the air ways...