Hi, I am new here. I have been reading the blogs and feeling a strange comfort in knowing that other people are facing some of the same problems that my wife and I are facing.
First a little background. I met my wife four years ago and fell deeply, madly and very quickly in love. (like most add people do) We got married, bought a house and now have two children. It all happened very fast.
Throughout the short courtship, I noticed quirks about her personality that made me wonder about her organization and prioritizing skills. She was quick to make assumptions about other people and to shift blame away from herself onto the nearest object.
I soon became that object.
At first, I thought there were things about my person I had to change. I had to cut out some bad habits, pay attention more to my surroundings and take better care of the things I own and care for. And these are things that I am still working on. In my quest to change behaviors to save the new relationship I stumbled upon the fact that I may have undiagnosed ADD. I also learned that my wife displays a lot more of the traits of severe add than I do. Somehow along the way I have been able to control my ADD by becoming an organizer (personally and professionally) I forced myself to be accountable to my choices and also understood that my choices affect other people’s lives, and I have to take into mind other people before making life choices.
My wife has not reached this point. She is still in denial about having ADD.
She is extremely emotional and angry and her anger is displayed in grossly offensive language about me, my family and anything she believes I hold dear.
Although after hours of arguments and finger pointing she will admit that she needs help and has an anger issue. If we talk about the same subject the next day she tells me that she would not be so angry if I didn’t piss her off so much.
She is quick to offend and even quicker to forget she offended and wondering why you are pissed off.
This is where I first noticed the serious lack of focus. She attempts to run a business and has had a business license for over 8 years. When I met her I thought this was a sure sign of responsibility, until I got to know her and saw how she is running her business.
Two major issues:
- She gives treatment but doesn't collect money.
- It is a common occurrence for us to receive a handwritten letter with a check stating “I hope this is how much I owe you. Tried calling and emailing but no answer”
- She sets appointments and forgets
- Clients of hers spend 30-45 minutes regularly waiting for her to arrive, that is if she hasn’t already canceled on them.
When I realized how disorganized and irresponsible she was treating her clients and her business, I stepped in and tried to help. I helped her organize a business plan, set a website up, automatic emails and provided her with a tracking system to keep track of her appointments.
I also took out a business loan in my name to help her cover some of the expenses of the business. (I know, I know.. but a fool in love)
Fast forward three years. She never implemented anything I gave and I have defaulted on the loan because she did not repay me.
The latter part did cause a lot of resentment from me. I could not understand how a person could take money from someone they loved, tell them they would pay them back. Then, when it was time to pay the monthly installments start fights over how I demand money from her.
Those fights were monthly, she never paid. Until I defaulted on that loan and some other credit cards I was using for her business and home goods.
Of course, her opinion is that I defaulted on those credit cards and that loan because I overspent and used my money poorly. It had nothing to do with her breaking her word.
Until this day her reason for not paying that loan was that she believed that I “had it covered” Even though I told her very clearly that I did not. I told her in conversation, written in letter form, I even took her for a very slow walk around the block before we got married explaining to her our finances and my need for help before I went under water.
I went underwater.
Its ok though, everything is a learning lesson and I learned to not overextend myself emotionally and financially.
Before the birth of our daughter, she saved up several thousand dollars. She informed me that this money was going to help her pay for her car, insurance, and rental property bills.
She makes most of her money through a rental property on AirBNB. Her responsibility for this property is mainly paying the mortgage and utility bills, making sure the listing is rented and cleaned by a housekeeper.
She manages to accomplish these goals (with the help of her mom) But this distraction is so important to her she took all her savings and set it aside for an upcoming mortgage balloon payment and remodel. She has become fixated on the possible future value of the property and has deprioritized paying for her bills.
But wait there’s more.
Since the birth of our last child in April she has been able to stay at home without working. I can pay the mortgage, utilities and basic goods.
Now she is telling me she cannot pay for her end because she doesn’t have any money. She won’t admit that she is saving up her money to remodel and use her rental property and her business location.
When I bring it up to her, she tells me that I “play” in stocks. When I inform her that I have that money available to spend for our family when needed, she moves on to the next point of assault.
I know being a mother is extremely difficult, i believe there is such a thing as a 4th trimester, but my wife has had these problems since before the children, they have doubled upon themselves with the addition of more responsibility.
Which brings me to the most important issue that I have, and what has brought me to this site. My wife cannot keep her word. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt and think that she has severe undiagnosed ADD. The alternative would be that she is purposefully using me for financial stability and an emotional punching bag.
In anger, she called me a psychopath, sociopath, gaslighter, verbal abuser a bad husband, bad father and an overall bad man.
The words don’t hurt like they used to.. but now I am wondering how far her projection goes.
We are in counseling, but I am pretty sure she needs individual therapy to get past traumas.
I don’t trust her and I am very sad about it. No matter how hard I try. It is never enough.
you are not alone.
before i knew about ADHD, and after our quick courtship, I started to realize certain personality hiccups exposed.
at first it was:
irresponsibility (unpaid tickets),
-easily overwhelmed with basic adult tasks (eggs always burned),
-forgetfulness (missing appointments),
-impulsive spending.
then after 1yr of knowing her there was a 2nd level of personality issues revealed:
-inability to complete and remember daily tasks, even those important to her
-inability to keep or get a job.
-piles of mail/laundry etc. hidden around the house, stuffed in corners.
-alcohol abuse.
-more and more untrustworthy as a friend
Then after some years, we are working with all the prior issues plus:
-blaming. her actions are the fault of externalities, never her own.
-anger expressed in screaming, lack of intimacy.
-lack of basic communication/listening skills since ruled by defensiveness, creating diversions.
-stealing money and pretending it is a mistake or misunderstanding. over and over for years.
-playing the victim card when asked for basic responsible adult behaviors; suggesting to family, neighbors and even strangers she is being verbally abused by being asked for basic performance (like not stealing money from kids' bank accounts).
-for my part, treating her like a child due to above.
Now we are at the stage of her being diagnosed recently.
-denial, lack of participation,
-and then contempt when called out avoiding behaviors.
good luck working through it all. i am still unable to forgive her for all the years i endured untreated ADHD, and maybe i never will, or never should.
Holy mother of Batman...
This is my husband. This is us. Since you've both written on here, have either of you found anything that has worked? Are you still in therapy? Does it seem useless to go to therapy bc your partner can't follow thru with what the therapist says needs to be done? Are you feeling hopeless?
Me too.
I had to quit. It was too much. Now i just sit around on weekends wanting to see my kids.
Why did you quit? What was
Why did you quit? What was too much? Why do you sit around on the weekends and wait for your kids? Can you see them during the week at all? Do you have any hobbies? Friends? Therapist?
Was there a possibility of
Was there a possibility of shared custody? That is what my Ex husband and I did. It turned out to be a good arrangement for us. For him, it gave him the chance to "step up to the plate", and share in responsibility for things like school events, appointments, etc. He had no clue what I did with the kids, hardly spent time with them when we were married, because I did everything...
In your case, it could ease your mind about the children's care. It was a bit rough for our children at first, going back and forth every week, but my Ex agreed to it, he was the one who suggested it.
ADHD spouse with ADHD, compliment
First, let me say how impressed I am with how well you've grasped your ADHD diagnosis, and managed your llife with these difficult symptoms. BRAVO. You are truly an inspiration to me and to many others. Thank you, SO MUCH.
I don't have ADHD, but my husand does. He was diagnosed in his early 50s, after we had been married about 24 years. He has many of the same behaviors your wife exhibits. He got diagnosed and takes Concerta for it, but wont do the behavior therapy, beause he's still in denial of the extent of the behaviors, and their effect on himself and others.
I am so sorry, that you are having to deal with this, especially after working so hard with your own life. It does show that anyone can fall in love with an amazing person that just happens to have ADHD. The hardest part is when the person STAYS in denial of the degree of symptoms. There are many here dealing with this same thing, and I hope you wont take offense if sometimes we vent. We all LOVE our spouses, and that's why we're here too. (sometimes to vent, but mostly for support and information on how best to handle things) Like you, we are just simply at a loss sometimes on how to best live with a spouse in denial. Sadly, so many end up divorced, even though they worked many years to not have to do that.
Dr. Russell Barkley has some good videos on Youtube, and Melissa Orlov (owner of this site) has some great books on this thiss site, as well as wonderful seminars that have helped save many marriages.
I dont have much advice for you, but did want to welcome you here. There are many tfolks here who are caring and helpful.
Married 10 years here....Wife has add....We've come light years....But started much like yourself...I want go through all the hurtful arguments and fights...But let me say this....No One Can Change you or her...Except you and her....Counceling is a good thing we did it 8.5 months, and got some good out of it, but, the battles continued because the same mind sets continued....
We separated for 11 months....It gave me time to pray about my anger and bitterness that took me over dealing with (all the things you have been dealing with, and then some) her....But it also gave me time to decide what would have to happen for us to live together again.....
I had to put boundaries on myself and her....Every major thing we fought about, I changed....(add boundaries)....In our case, I was like you trying to help her w/ her rental property (which she would not take care of or even keep a renter in, and it is setting empty today w/ knee high grass, and I'm sure angry neighbors....But I wouldn't know because I washed my hands of the place...I will crank her old lawn mower for her and I will blow the pine straw off the roof on occasion....But after she got ugly a couple of time when I was trying to help....I walked away and placed a boundary on myself to not discuss it and move on....I do my taxes separate, and we have separate finances....Ive paid our common bills for 10 years (house is paid for)... I just recently asked her to pay half...(Her income is as much or more than mine) Of course she balked, but, I told her, she can't live free, and I'm not going to be freeloaded on....So we either get this thing right or she can go somewhere and pay all her own bills...I meant it, I'm tired of fighting...I told her she must carry her load, and be happy to do it....(There is no victims in marriage, two has to do the work) Just like I've done for 10 years...It don't matter how much I love her...It has to work both ways or you have nothing...So, I think she has thought about it all....She has already been showing more commitment, and investing in us much more recently....We have every opportunity to live out our days very happy...It's a choice....Add causes disorganization and distractions etc....But it don't give us a black heart and make us cheats, liars and freeloaders..That's not add....LOL....
Based on your post...IF you want to have any chance of happiness w/ her and the children....A few things in my humble opinion needs to change....One you have to stop watching her life!...Friend, it's not changing!...It's a terrible cycle....1) See her dysfunction and chaotic behaviors...2) Attempt to FIX it by calling attention to it...3) Emotions rev up because she don't want to listen, and she want!..Fight or flight usually kicks in....And she can't do anything (very little) about the disorganization anyway if it's add....So you two end up staying at odd's much of the time... Sex? it may be great, but who wants sex w/ someone you don't even like, much of the time?? So that will suffer...So your focus (your life) is lost on her way of living, and you stop focusing on your responsibilities...(Being a great and happy Dad...Being a faithful and hard working employee, taking care of your mind and body, Just breathing, and smiling, and being thankful, calm and peaceful....Loving life!
Back off and institute boundaries to protect you both....Do not mother her....Separate your finances...Do not share w/ someone you can't fully trust...Never!...Someday, if y'all both see the light, and are doing the work...Things can revert back to a more typical H/W arrangement, but you can't force it.....So believe what you see...Accept it for what it is.....Learn to separate your real acts of love toward her, from mothering her because you don't trust her....You've got to respect her (each other) as your wife, and love her w/ all your heart....Regardless if she crashes and burns some times in business due to how she lives....She can't grow and learn if you don't walk away, stop mothering and/or running interference for her....(That is way you separate everything for now) Make sure any expectations you place on her, you also place them on yourself, and never place expectations on her, to think and behave like you think and behave...LOL....You will end up hating each other....Live and let live....Grace!
There is many many people on this site, who did not make provisions or set boundaries w/ a irresponsible life mate...Now they feel trapped in situations they view as bleak...Just pray for wisdom in all of this...If you pray...
Just my suggestions...I hope you can find some stability and peace moving forward...I will pray for you guys...
I wanted to update this. It
I wanted to update this. It has been about a year since my post.
We are divorcing.
Its ugly, and hurts and she can not admit to anything that she has done.
Best of luck to all.
I might have made the smart move , but it really really hurts.
I'm so sorry. Divorce sucks no matter what.
I divorced my ex. It was the best decision ever and it sucked. I went to a divorce support group and it helped me feel less alone.