Forum topic: Doing better. .. and then, pain. Literally.

My husband and I have been doing a lot better the last few months after I said I had to take the choice to leave our dysfunctional marriage to improve things for everyone, and made a plan for a trial separation. He has started back at his therapist's, started medication after a 2.5 year hiatus, and I have my own counselor that is helping me see the patterns of emotional abuse and gaslighting in my relationship and is helping me articulate my boundaries. I am also working with an acupuncturist and naturopath to get my PMS and irritability and emotions under control. He has been checking in more to help us schedule our weekends (busy life with two kids makes this necessary!) and is more attentive to me. Things are on the up and up overall. 

I continue to struggle with my husband's (apparent to me, at least) lack of compassion or care for me and my feelings. 


He's a wrestling coach and an avid wrestler, and we often 'play' wrestle as a family. 'Horse-around', I guess. It's fun for our young children and our son has started club wrestling as well. I do often let him know, though, that sometimes he's too rough with me.  

Last night, in front of a friend of my H's that also coaches wrestling and that had stopped in to pick him up, he and my five-year-old son started play wrestling. I asked a question about why they are permitted to use their hands on an opponent's face, and my H said "I'll show you", and then grabbed my neck by the two pressure points at the base of my skull (it hurt so badly!!) and held me down. I couldn't get out of it, I was freaking out, for lack of a better term, and in my attempts to get out of it, my nose got smashed on my knee. It's bruised today. I was so so so upset, on the verge of tears and basically told him to 'f-off'. That made him pissy, so he said a begrudging/snarky sorry and left for the night with his friend. I spent the rest of the evening in tears over it, and pretty emotional. More calm, I tried to talk with him about it this morning and how it hurt me and wasn't appropriate, he said that because I told him to 'f-off' and it's my responsibility to not feel upset about it. That's on me. The conversation went downhill from there and he walked out of the room and then left for work angry and defensive and that it's my fault. 

These type of interactions are not unusual for us (the verbal part, not the wrestling), and he's got me questioning everything. That I'm ridiculous, that it's my fault he didn't say a better sorry. When I think about the way he held me down, I get a pain in my chest and tears in my eyes. This isn't right, is it??

I'm not sure what to do. We were supposed to go out tonight and tomorrow for dates/events with friends, and I've told him I can't go out with him. I'm hurting too much. . Am I over-reacting? I can work on accepting it, if I am. 

Edit: I just received a phone call from my spouse and an apology and acknowledgement that he didn't understand how much he had hurt me and that he won't do it again. So that's progress and improvement. . Usually after these type of interactions, it would take him a couple of days of stonewalling me before an adult conversation acknowledging behaviour would happen.  


I am so sorry to hear this. We put up with all sorts of emotional abuse from our ADHD spouses. But when it drifts to physical abuse we start to question our own sanity.


It’s impossible to predict their next obnoxious act. It’s impossible to be prepared. It’s impossible to head it off before it happens. It just comes out of nowhere and humiliates us. Even when they sincerely apologize, we know it’s just a matter of time before we get humiliated in a whole new way that we never expected. 

Hopeful Heart:

I do agree with you.  Although I am happy to see my H's newfound contrition and personal responsibility, I was absolutely, completely and totally not prepared for this latest humiliation.  I don't trust this new behavior, nor do I think it will last or that there will be any follow through. 

I have forgotten to crate the dog for the last three mornings.  It's just one response sympton to the shock.  I told him that these shocks kinda mess with my brain a bit - well, a lot.  He kind of snorted.

That's the kind of response I am used to and I was perversely happy to see it before I got too sappy about the new behavior.  That's still there.  One evening of repentence and regret does not make a permanent change. 

Yep...There is real repentance (to turn from)....And then there is sorrow I feel, that is basically just my way of bathing my own conscience....You really don't have to wonder which one I'm experiencing....All you have to do is watch how I live going forward.....It will be manifested either way....


The true test is, as always, actions.  How does he behave after his enlightenment?  

I, with great sorrow and exhaustion, say I can't wait around any longer to find out. 

We had a short moment of real, direct communication where is he was receptive to what I said.  I can't build a life on a moment.  

I do, however, feel prepared and excited about what is to come. 

This is common for many of us....(not the wrestling hold, but the over all incident)...It's sad to have to stay on alert, and not allow our selves to comfortably engage our own spouses in playful ways....But many do not have the ability to regulate their behaviors...(no ability to Reason in the moment)....Act first, think later.....

When my wife and I were dating, (she was 46, I was 50), my step son (16 years old) had a friend that stopped by...My wife had heard or thought, that he had messed w/ some pot....So instead of asking him respectfully about it, she just tackles him in the front yard...I'm watching this and really don't know what to think....The kid was a pretty humble kid, and I guess he was use to her ways of acting out, and saying about anything that came to mind, so he didn't say much...

The first year or so of our marriage she put her hands on me several times inappropriately....She would justify it when I questioned her...But she eventually learned not to do it....I remember one time we were saying good night to our daughter and son in law who had stopped in for a visit.....We hadn't been married long, and she just reached over and put me in a head lock standing in the kitchen....And I didn't think to much about it, but, my patients wore a little thin with the antics after she didn't turn me loose when I asked her to....My daughter and son in law, didn't know what to think either...But she eventually learned to not do that....But you know, she tried me physically later...She wanted to see if she could handle me....That didn't take long:). LOL....

I'm sorry that you got hurt....I'm also glad he apologized...I'm especially glad things have been better for you guys....There is enough things in this life, that can create problems for us....Our spouse should not be one of those....The reality for many of us is, we just can't relax to the point we would if were engaging a spouse who can reason in the moment...This inability to reason and to filter thoughts and behaviors isn't a fixed thing that is present all the time, and it's not a problem for some adhd minds....There in lies the problem....It can, and does just come from seemingly no where, at any time....So we must be aware, and not be shocked by it....Many will think when they read this....It's not fair!....Life isn't fair, but, if you want to live a calm and peaceful life...And your spouse is add, and acts out like this at times....Then you better accept it, and learn to manage your life the best you can around it....Just my thoughts...


This sums up my feelings about life with my now ex-husband: "There is enough things in this life, that can create problems for us....Our spouse should not be one of those...."

Yes, I agree.  Your most intimate relationship should be a source of strength and joy, not a source of trouble. Especially if you are personally doing everything you can to provide the strength yourself. 

Three things.

This is from my 22 year old daughter.  She said you need 3 things.  You need to be happy where you are - home, location, etc. - happy with who you are with - and happy with what you do - to make a living or otherwise. 

Wise young woman. 

I always find your commentary to be very helpful, objective and totally on-point. Reading what you write on this forum is always a good reminder to live a peaceful life, for myself, and one which holds a respectful place for both me and my spouse. 

Thank you, everyone, for your responses and your comments. It's very helpful to have the community here.