I feel like I'm at the end of my rope (again) with my adhd husband and marriage. He is in deep denial and won't treat his adhd, hasn't taken meds for 2.5 years and I can't be the 'parent' and request that he takes his meds, I get that. We've done six years of marriage counselling, to no avail, done Melissa's seminar in 2014, read the books (well, I have), done workbooks together and subscribe to the weekly marriage tips. I always had this hope that if we just tried better and learnt more about adhd and it's impact on us, we would be able to have a happy marriage. But, I can't remain hopeful anymore. I also can't make him see that it's his adhd. He feels just fine as he is. He won't acknowledge the parent-child dynamic we've spiralled into, and his typical behaviour is retreat, retreat, retreat. I'm just so. . .. . tired and exhausted.
We are generally good throughout the summer months when he isn't working (he's a teacher), but as soon as September hits and the stress of teaching, commuting and coaching are added to the mix, his symptoms become unmanageable. These include the anger and frustration, the procrastination and distraction around marking and report cards and planning, the lack of interest in me and the put-downs and belittling attitude towards me. Also - any intimate advances on my part are generally shot down. I've been conditioned to now only expect sex when he wants it, not when I'd like to initiate it. I feel like I'm craving touch and connection with someone. . . anyone!
I've tried to stay 'lovingly detached', but I feel like now I'm just detached and barely love him anymore. Add two small kids, demanding jobs for both of us, and a house that's on the market but taking so long to sell and I'm breaking down. . . I'm also the one to keep the place clean for viewings, do the grocery shopping, cooking, pick up/drop off the kids at daycare, and keep our finances in order. He's too busy to do any of this.
I try to keep my chin up and just get through this understandably stressful time, but it's always stressful for us. It has been for over five years.
Without him taking any action on his adhd, are we doomed? I don't want to wake up in five years and be in the exact same place. I don't know how to get him to wake-up to this, without taking a trial separation.
(btw: I've done work on myself. Regular couselling sessions, self-care, accupuncture, having an independent life).
(his denial stems in part from deep shame and a father who's undiagnosed and unmanaged adhd left him unable to hold a job, or leave the house, or care for his family in any way).
Heart's Desire, I've read
Heart's Desire, I've read this post of yours over and over today. I wish I could put my arms around you.
You are awesome Hearts Desire!!!!
Here's another big hug ((()))...It just seems to be an inescapable fact of life for many....My W just seems to jump from the happy go lucky child who has to be her own hero....To a complete victim, when I point out this irresponsible behavior and her inattentive actions towards me and all things related to her responsibilities as a wife.....There is no balance, no seeing the big picture of life, or maybe there is just no ability to do differently...I just keep telling myself to not allow her actions to create a unhealthy mind in me :)....I have to Pray a lot, count my blessings, and like you said, live my life....
We have 4 adult children 3 married...I told her a couple of days ago after she was yet again defending her actions for putting me off and pushing me away, to just treat me like she would counsel our daughters and daughter in law on how they should treat our Son and Son in laws...It was like she went into shock...She couldn't say anything...Then she broke out w/ some kind of rash on her face....Maybe nerves?, she didn't sleep well...It's the saddest thing I've ever seen....I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not? It's hard to not be selfish enough to expect her to give (approachable, loving and available) what I have always been open to giving of myself?
When I asked her to leave or to stop the victim and controlling stuff, a few months ago, we had about 3 months of the best marriage we've had in over 9 years...Her whole attitude changed, she was putting in the work and she even initiated sex one night (first time in five years)...
I"ve lived with this so long, I don't even know what it would be like to have someone who was capable of giving their time, attention and care to me and our marriage....I do know this! That God is good, and he loves us....
Blessings Hearts Desire!
A wise person here once said...
..that one person cannot keep doing all the heavy lifting. I would agree.
Thanks everyone for the hugs!
Thanks everyone for the hugs! I appreciate it. Feeling a bit better and we were able to get a date night in on Sunday, and some extended time just chatting last night. He also apologized for how much of a toll the past few weeks have taken on me with his busy schedule. Perhaps his ears were burning??
loosing hope
I think you might be married to my H, LOL. yes I am in the same boat know you are not alone in your hope battle. I am just done fighting it. It is what it is. Now what do I do with that? Is where I am at. 2 small kids, one on the way....I feel your pain.
Sorry to hear this
Heart's Desire, I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I will say that Melissa is very clear--if he doesn't take action on his ADHD (and not just any action--real, effective action), then yes, you are doomed. You can stay in the marriage but you can't fix the problems by yourself. Good luck. I hope he finds a way to "wake up," as you say.
Big Hugs...and I am in the same boat...
I signed up for this site over 2 years ago, because of my frustration and confusion.....It is now come to 5 years into our marriage, two diagnoses, one from a psychologist, and other from a psychiatrist so he could get meds. He knows all the right things to say to the Drs and anyone for that matter, even me, at times. He told the Dr he would do whatever it took, after she gave him a new diet and asked him to stop drinking. Oh, by the way, my husband is also an alcoholic and narcissist. As soon as we got in the car, he threw the paperwork on the floor, said “I am not stopping drinking. Cancel that next appointment.” A year later, he is drinking more than ever, raging continuously, blaming me for everything, and not lifting a finger around the house, or rather RV-we are full time RVers to accommodate his music tours, all the while furious with me because I don’t bring in an income..... endless cycle! I m going crazy,
I know I need help in my responses, but I cannot be the only one dong the work..... HELP!!!