Forum topic: I let myself get my hopes up

I thought I was making progress in getting my wife to look into the possibility that she may be affected by ADHD.  She had asked for a list of experts to see for an evaluation.  She had said her therapist had said that ADHD could be part of the problem.

There are have some serious problems that could be related to ADHD recently.   Yesterday, she told me to turn over the laundry when we woke up.  I reminded her that the laundry room was flooded.  She then decided our uncooperative, probably ADHD son should do it instead.  I said that I did not think this would be a good idea because it was likely he would drop some of the clean clothes onto the puddle on the floor.  Oh, and she had forgotten that the laundry room was flooded.

I went down and fed the cats.  I turned over the laundry when I was down there.  I started eating breakfast.  There was screaming and shouting upstairs--I believe I heard both of them, but my wife claims it was just him.  He eventually came down and discovered I had already moved the laundry.  My wife then became angry at me for undermining her--we had agreed our son would do it--even though I had said specific reasons why he should not do it.  I went upstairs and started getting ready for work.  I expected our daughter to be dressed when I got down, but she said my wife had told her that the clothes were not ready.  So, they weren't ready when I put them in the dryer at 6:00, but I should have waited until our son did it at 6:30?????

So our daughter's case manager visited the house yesterday.  She asked at one point if either of us had any developmental issues.  I said, trying to be as gentle as possible, that I suspect that my wife may have ADHD and that it may be contributing to our problems.  My wife then told the case manger that I was "trying to diagnose her."  I responded that no, I am not trying to diagnose her, I am asking her to have a professional evaluate her precisely because I am not an expert.  She then changed the story about her therapist--from ADHD may be part of the problem, to ADHD is not likely, to ADHD is not the problem.  Then she added that the family services therapist said ADHD was not the problem and that the marital problems were due to the difficulties were were having with the kids.

I have never met her therapist, but I have spoke to the family services therapist alone, and that is not the impression she gave me.  Furthermore, behaviors such as constantly interrupting me, failing to pick up on signals that I need to do something important like use the bathroom so please hold that thought, and ignoring me when there are more interesting complete strangers predated our kids--and even our marriage.  My wife also recently ignored me in favor of strangers at an event we went to TO CELEBRATE OUR ANNIVERSARY--and the kids weren't there.  No, this is not just about the kids misbehaving.

I put something quite bluntly--would it be better if ADHD was causing her to blurt out mean things about me and other people, or if she just does it because she is an asshole that doesn't give a shit.

I told her that I can't accept spending the rest of my life feeling unheard, unwanted, unloved, unimportant, and uninteresting.  I explained how I saw an ADHD explanation as a source of hope--aha, this might be something we can finally address.  I told her I could not go on if she refuses to consider something that could improve our relationship with each other and with our kids.  Then she seemed to soften her position and suggest that she would try to see one of the experts.  But now I am afraid of getting my hopes up again only her to dash them on the rocks again.

I am in a tenuous situation right now.  I am going to be having surgery in a few weeks that will leave me without the use of one arm for a couple of months, so I need to be able to depend on her.  Granted, she was good the last time I had surgery.  

Oh, and she also told the case manager that the messiness in our home was "moderate" when the woman could see right before her eyes that the place was a complete disaster area.  The disaster area is going to make my recovery from surgery more difficult.

My wife recently became very upset that a neurologist said our daughter is emotionally disturbed--when it is plain to see.  Hearing the label bothered her.  She thinks it should bother me.  My response has been, "Well, we need to know what the problem is so we can fix it.  So having a diagnosis is hopeful because it may be the beginning of a solution."  I explained that I saw her possible ADHD in the same way--she may feel bad being labeled, but it is good if it helps us solve problems.

Oh, she also objected that she feels like I am telling her that there is something wrong with her.  I responded that there is something wrong with the way she treats me and the kids.

My wife also tried to explain away the remark about me diagnosing her as "a joke that fell flat."  I pointed out that that kind of inconsiderate joking is characteristic of ADHD.  "Well, everything can be charachteristic of ADHD!"


I feel for you, and I can Identify with you also...

Just my 2 cents worth here....My wife is clinical level add....(adderall) And your explanation of your wife's living of life, sounds just like her in many ways... And your state of mind, and your feelings about her actions is exactly where I was the first 4 or 5 years of our marriage....

I want go into a bunch of details, but the engaging strangers, talking to someone like that w/ no thought  of the passing of time. And the fact you are just standing there being ignored...I can't tell you how often that happens or use to happen.....

It's not intentional....But, our relationship was almost destroyed before I realized it, and before I got wise enough to put in proper boundaries to protect against it....You can never assume that she will have **in the moment awareness** of these actions....So when you get angry about it and point it out....She will fight you, or blame you...Because her reality will be..."I've done nothing wrong"...Justification of her thoughtlessness will probably be how you will see it...And how most by standers would see it....But because it feels natural to her mind, she my have trouble coming to awareness of what it looks like or feels like to you...(This would be something good to put on your list for a counselor)

So how to deal with? I can only suggest to you a few things I have done (tried to do)....1) Don't expect her to not be the way she is, nor expect her to think or feel like you... Or even understand how you feel about things...2) She feels shame about her life style...that is way her story keeps changing concerning the messiness and hoarding (if she hoards)...We all want to feel good about ourselves, and when you keep pointing out her short comings (no matter how true) she feels beat down and unfit...(When she may have thought everything was fine in her mind)...It is very difficult to not point out things that make us feel unloved and unappreciated...Weather you like it or not, or I like it or not....In many instances add behaviors will mirror child like maturity...If you refuse to guard against this with boundaries and acceptance of the reality of it, then good luck with your emotions....

I started placing boundaries on myself to not allow myself to put myself in situations where the percentage is high for conflict....Many of my boundaries has produced behavior changes in her...And me also, I've learned more patients with her, as I've learned she just can't help some things...Or she refuses to try thinking it would be hopeless....She hits snooze several times over a long period of time....That probable want ever change....I will probably always sleep w/ ear plugs :)

Example: Travel was one of the first things I did....She had no convictions to go places on time...So I leave and she comes when she's ready....After about 5 years of strict adherence to this, we are going together more often these days....I will be ready 20 minutes before time to leave, and she will still be standing naked in the bathroom piddling (lost to time)...I just tell her leaving in 20...She will usually make it to the truck these days even if she puts on make up while we drive....It's like my quick little reminder wakes her up, and she will begin to get intentional with getting ready.

We don't share bank accounts or credit cards....We don't even do taxes together....we tried a couple of years, but she would claim like 3 dependents all year while I was claiming 1 and she was causing us to pay taxes and blaming me....So I told her that's an easy fix...So for 3 or 4 years I have filed separate and got money back, while she has paid a ton...:)

Boundaries....ADHD at the level you are talking about mixed with independence and denial is almost impossible to live with unless you separate your self in many area's through boundaries....You also will find that there is no winners in conversation that is not calm...(learn to stop and walk away at the first sign of interruption) you must grow a thick skin, and not take adhd outbursts personally (Its about the one doing it, not the one it's directed at, but try to not provoke it)....And you must master walking away and not addressing behaviors you know she will defend to the death....If you need to apologize and ask her for her forgiveness, for your part in an argument, do it, and walk away no matter what she says or how she says it....

Got to be wise!

Blessings and best wishes