3 years ago my husband was on Adderall for adhd. He was was have outbursts of anger. He told his Dr and he was put on meds for anger. We eventually split up over it. The day after we split up he got charged with a criminal case due to his anger. After the Dr found out he was in trouble he dropped him. My question is, has anyone had a situation like this?
anger and Adderoll
I noticed this post while browsing this forum. My husband was also on Adderall and experienced increased anger and eventually violent and self harming outbursts. His doctor said it wasn't the prescription and kept him on it. I was the one to tell him to stop taking it. IT was apart of an agreement we made after he physically abused me and destroyed two rooms in our home in front of my kids one night. Since stopping he has gained weight, his moods have stabilized and he sleeps a little better. He seems to think clearer although you can tell he misses the increased ability to stay focused. I think soon we will explore different medication options, but DEFINITELY no more Adderall.
I have been hoping someone else here would have had this experience, since the increased anger was so obvious in our case. My husband briefly entered and Anger Management program and a counselor told him to never take the medication again. He also told him is anger wasn't related so much to ADHD as it was to his fear of abandonment and fear of failure. I think my husbands lack of communication skills and learning disability play into effect too.