My husband's personality changed six months after he started taking adderall. He became mean and irrational. He accused me of threatening our teenage kids. Even though the kids told him over and over that I didn't threaten them, he still kept insisting. I convinced him to quit taking the medicine and he returned to his old self, but it wasn't instant. It took a little time for him to get back to normal. If I were you, I would talk to the dr. That prescribed the adderall. He may need to try another medication.
I agree with Hopeful Heart--talk to the doctor who prescribed the Adderall immediately and please please tell the doc that your DH smokes pot with it. I cannot stress this enough: tell the doc about the pot. Here's why--I have two sets of experiences with this: both my DH and my oldest son used to take Adderall, like for many years, and it worked for both of them incredibly well. When my younger son was also diagnosed with ADHD, it made sense to try him on the same drug that worked for his dad and brother. Well, nope--the stimulant of Adderall made him NUTS--like he tried to jump out of the car while I was driving nuts. The changes in your DHs personality could very well be the Adderall. The second thing: my now 18 year old has been through drug addiction and he was absolutely not himself while smoking. I cannot imagine the combo of the two things is helpful or safe. Please tell the prescribing doctor both things and if it is a general practioner writing that scrip, then I beg you to see an adult psychiatrist for medication management. It is my opinion that regular docs should not prescribe psych meds. I know plenty do, I do not agree. And I have three men in my life who have been on various psych meds for different things at different points in their life (yes, I live on Planet ADHD...).
Please--talk to the doc and be 100% honest. Let us know what happens.
Yes, I'm going to see if I can talk to the psychologist. I let my husband know. He's afraid he'll lose his job if he gets off it. But, i think the opposite! He has an appointment next week.
I think the pot made it way worse too, I guess it takes a while for that to wear off to (like a month).
My daughter had what I call a "near-psychotic" episode while on Adderall. She accidentally took too much (the prescription was mislabeled). It was a terrifying experience for me and even worse for her, I'm sure. I agree that talking to the prescriber is a good idea.
I certainly am not an expert of drugs and drug combinations but, when it comes to stimulants and Pot, I am familiar with both and since my drug of choice back in the day was Pot, not alcohol, I can speak from just what I know and have observed over countless situations with myself and other people, As fare as I know, that are no drug interactions ( dangerous or otherwise ) between Pot and any drug that I am aware of including alcohol, stimulants and even antidepressants or any others you can name? When I was a teenager, we use to have "smoke outs" and go for "mass effect" meaning, it was like the movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" with Jeff Spicoli and his friends opening the door of the van and smoke just pouring out in a thick cloud. One time, we decided to see who could smoke the most in a hour and all that did was give us a head ache and made me want to fall asleep. In fact, some guys in my dorm in college, did fund raiser even to raise money for our dorms Beach Weekend, and they held a "Bong-a-thon" with events scheduled just like the Olympics. LOL And all these events were based on some kind of contest or team event to see who could do the most or in the shortest period of time. As we use to call it "Mass Qualities" which was pretty close to what that was. It was kind of brilliant idea since they went around and got pledges for money based on the numbers totaled times a pledge amount and there was a huge contingency of spectators and betting and the whole nine yards. I think they raised over $800 for the weekend which was pretty good for a bunch of broke college kids as a spectator sport as such. LOL The point of saying this is simply to say that I have never seen anyone OD or smoke too much pot at once and even if they did, the effect is limited and then it really doesn't do anything beyond that point. Except, with these new high concentrate and "Dabbing" as they call it. This is really going to the extreme and I only did that once, and it was way way too much. That is a sign, of someone who is addicted and having such a high tolerance that they need that much just to get "high". I actually to use it now at night or have to calm my nerves and reduce stress but the amount I use is one or two tiny hits which is like having 1 beer? I am way past those days of "Mass Qunatities" to the point that that sound awful to me now, 1 beer equipment is fine for me. And because it actully makes me tired or relaxes me has a counteracting effect to the stimulants and I can use it that way if my stress or anxiety is high already. My T and I talked about this, and he didn't seem to think it sounded like a bad way to go compared to a lot of pharmaceuticals you buy. I just having heard of anyone having any adverse reactions when combining pot with anything? Alcohol, on the other hand, will have a marked change in mood and personality when combined with either pot or stimulants. Wich alcoholic, it alllows you to drink a lot more than normal and still not get so drunk yet, you are. That's not such a good thing accept alcohol does the same thing and kind of balances the effects out? And the same with Pot too. A lot of drugs with alcohol can have an amplifying affect..and it some cases, it can be dangerous as a combo and it get away from you before you know it.
To be honest with you, it sounds like your H is self medicating which really is just another way of saying an addiction or dependency? I am fortunate, not to have a real addictive personality and I have never been a self-medicator in my history aside from with pot only but only when I was younger. I quit when I wanted to and didn't have a problem not using it? There have been times in my past, where I drank way to much way to fast like taking shots one after one with people before? That is the only time, that I have changed dramitically but for the most part, I have benn known for "holding my liquor" and being able to function and maintain including other drugs as well? I don't have drug sensitivities which is what I am trying to say? And with the people who I have seen who do have them, they will change personalities right in front of my eyes like a light switch. And it doesn't take much for that to happen either? I must have some Irish in me I guess? LOL I've been known to drink a few people under the table and and still get up and function for the most part, under the circumstances? I'm getting the impression, that the more sensitive you are to drugs in general, the more dramatically they can effect you and change your moods or personality? Those few people who are like light switch and change in front of your eyes.....usually become kind of assholes, belligerent and completely uninhibited and what ever lies underneath when they're sober, just comes out more once they've had a couple to drink. My wife is one of those people and she when she drinks, and she has no recollection of the events or what she did during those times. That and the self medicating with pot and drinking as means to adjust her moods and reduce stress. As I have come to understand now, when that happens ( and she has these dissociative episodes )....that is getting into "other disorders" or co-morbid issues not just ADHD. I think I can safely say now, that ADHD is my issue and I don't have any real problems with anything co-morbid aside from stress and anxiety but I am very aware of myself and my body in that way? As I have come to these "dissociative episodes" side of the brain...."turns off" and you're only operating on 1/2 your cylinders? What I have observed at times when my wife "splits" like that...she becomes a different person, and yes.....not a very smart one, and not one who has any idea of what she is doing? Very much "psychotic"'s not just neurosis and anxiety at that point anymore. The crap that comes out of her mouth at those times, is less than memorable and highly frustrating and down right mean at times. I do not have that component with my ADHD, but I do know what it looks like....I thinkl the drugs...just exacerbate it, it is not the cause or source. And unless he is "Dapping" with really high concentrated almost pure THC....a leisurely amount combined with the proper dose of Adderall I don't think is a dangerous combination or anything to worry about? And like I witness in the "Bong Olympics" in college....those competitors did amounts in quantities that would blow your mind!!! LOL I mean, when they had these "Gatling Bongs"...with five bong bowls on a turret or turn-style, which means you could load 5 bowls at a time. and rotate them after each one. I watched 3 finalists....take a hits, hold it in, blow out and take another hit without taking a breath of fresh air. And the winner, did something like 48 of those in a row....which was beyond ridiculous. Or they had Teams given an entire 1 oz bag of pot, and raced to see how long a team of four, could finish the entire 1 ounce bag in a race? This was "Mass quantities" to the extreme, and all the contestants made it through the events and of course, there was the Decathlon? That was 10 events in a row, and no one went postal or psychotic? I think the spectators got more wound up on that day, the contestants ended up demanding Pizza delivery, and a good time was had by one and all? Like I said, I was impressed with an $800 dollar take in the contestants knew, the more they smoked the more money thaey made? I have never personally seen anyone do that before or after, but they all seemed just like they normally were, except a lot more laughing, and a very strong need for Pizza at the end of the competition. LOL They of course, ordered enough for everyone and like I said, no one OD'd or went psychotic? I think it's about one of the safest drugs your could take, in combination with Adderall but I'd still check with the doctor and I'd been asking a different question? Namely about self medicating behavior and drug seeking to be honest? That points more to an addiction than anything esle from the sound of it. Addiction and abuse......that would account for the change in personality alone if you are really unaware of the amounts and how often if the addiction is being kept a secret? And if it is an addiction, then there may be other sources that you are not aware of in fact, I would almost count on it, from people I've seen like that? That and drug induced "dissociative episodes" which falls into a different category than just ADHD by itself? That definitely looks "crazy" from an on lookers point of view. Not a lot of "sense" coming out a person, when they lose the the other 1/2 of their brain to operate with? ( missing a couple of cylinders to two or three in under those conditions ) and then return to normal, but with no memory when they do? Not a fun thing to experience on the receiving end of it. No use in reasoning with them either....logic and reason have left the building along with Elvis I'm afraid. I remember having a friend who use to do that, and we had to tackle him and hold him down, to take his keys away from him once? To give you an idea of how reasoning with a person like this, is a major waste of time. ( it was kind of funny though, he had a hissy when we hid his keys, under her own front matt of his car. He spent hours looking for them in the party...and we all laughed at him and played "hot and cold" with him until he started to get physical with us? It was like 3 against 1, and he was smaller than all of us, so that got him no where! LOL We just kept repeating that he'd never find them which only made him look harder and make of fool of himself. We knew him since we were kids so everyone was in on it, except for hims? He never found them either, until the next day when we told him where they were!! LOL That was almost the funniest moment of the entire event in the morning when we told him, after being entertained for hours with an obsessed psychotic person who was obsessed with driving somewhere? I don't even think he knew quite was just that we told him no, jumped him and stole his keys and hid them from him more than anything. The more we said no.....the more upset and hostile he became but we could care I said, we ( as in our group of friends at the party ) had known him and each other since we were about 5 or 6 years old? There wan nothing we had not seem him do, and when he drank and got hostile...he was known for picking fights and getting into trouble. He crashed at least 3 cars while driving drunk...until he crashed the 4 and last one, and they he knew his insurance would cancel him at that point? In 3 years no less? And since, his father owned a bar, and he knew everyone in town ( anyone and everyone to call for favors...less than legal that is ) and somehow, his wrecked car got stolen from the parking lot, and when recovered is was wrecked even more? But of course? A little on the ODD and conduct disorder side of things for him, I'm afraid? I had to cut him off as a friend, since he got addicted to Cocaine later as well? Alcohol and Cocaine...are not a pretty combination when aberrant behavior like that comes into play? Every time we took him to a party....some girl especially would come up to me or my other buddies and tell us that a "hey FYI.....your're friends an asshole!! Thanks a lot for bringing him, now can you take him out of here please!!" I can't even count, how many times we had to leave a party or a bar or some public place, because of an angry mob that was forming, and our friend was the source that that conflict. He was short, and had a bad case of "little Man syndrome" for sure. With a chip as big as Monatana...that he carried around on his shoulder. He was the responsible one of the two brothers....I already told the story of "Day of the Chicken" and "Chicken Polo" on a dirt bike where he destroyed the lawn and half the flower beds as well as the Chicken order to "punish" this one chicken who was faster than we were and we couldn't catch it. As he clearly stated, "it needed punishing" !! LOL I told that story somewhere here already if you want to find it somewhere ( hysterically funny as teenager but you had to be there I guess ) which highlighted his little brother...the "Menace to society" as we use to call him. It is what happens, when a child of 6 six years old, is put in charge of his younger brother who is 2 years younger? A six year old parent, is not the best role model that's for sure. Ironically, the Dennis the Menace didn't change personalities per se, since he was in a permanent state of havoc and chaos which was normal for him? All the time. LOL You could barely tell if he was high or drunk since he always was like that even when he wasn't. I would doubt, if he is not in jail as we speak? Or dead? After his 4 DUI...the gave him "Antibuse" that he was forced to take which makes you violently ill if you drink alcohol right? He would drink anyway, thow up for 15 minutes, and then continue to drink after that, which he said didn't make him sic, once he got it "all out of his sytem." " No problem" as he would say? He'd also say, " I don't know why they say I have a drinking problem, I drink, I fall down, I get back up....No problem? " LOL And he wasn't kidding in the least, nothing was going to keep these two from doing anything they wanted, since their parents were never around and they never got "parented". It was one reason I love going to their house, since the rules were so strict at my house, and there, we were free to do pretty much anything we wanted to do? Except go the jail, even that was frowned upon in his family at the very least? But that would be more likely to happen to his older brother....the one who could piss off and entire party in record time! Once he started drinking. What I'm saying is.....these two were like that as long as I ever knew them? That didn't just happen when they turned 21.... I can vouch for that having know them all my life until I had to divorce them, since I didn't want to go to jail myself? They danced a fine line, at all times and sometimes would step over and then back again which as the odds go....the odds were not in their favor that's for sure. Wreckless...would be putting it mildly. We did have fun though, hiding his keys on occasion? At least it was entertaining for us at a party since it kept him busy and out of other peoples hair. :)
I have never been diagnosed as manic. I've seen way more psychologists than she has. I've worked on my issues and she is accusing me of crazy things. I'm the one with ADHD..... now she says after reading about ADHD she thinks she has it.
My wife is accusing me of being manic. This is complete crazy thoughts that she is believing. What can I do to save my reputation and dignity. She is trying to ruin me. Her abusive patterns are getting worse. Now she is on the internet writing false things about me.
My husband's personality
My husband's personality changed six months after he started taking adderall. He became mean and irrational. He accused me of threatening our teenage kids. Even though the kids told him over and over that I didn't threaten them, he still kept insisting. I convinced him to quit taking the medicine and he returned to his old self, but it wasn't instant. It took a little time for him to get back to normal. If I were you, I would talk to the dr. That prescribed the adderall. He may need to try another medication.
I agree with Hopeful Heart-
I agree with Hopeful Heart--talk to the doctor who prescribed the Adderall immediately and please please tell the doc that your DH smokes pot with it. I cannot stress this enough: tell the doc about the pot. Here's why--I have two sets of experiences with this: both my DH and my oldest son used to take Adderall, like for many years, and it worked for both of them incredibly well. When my younger son was also diagnosed with ADHD, it made sense to try him on the same drug that worked for his dad and brother. Well, nope--the stimulant of Adderall made him NUTS--like he tried to jump out of the car while I was driving nuts. The changes in your DHs personality could very well be the Adderall. The second thing: my now 18 year old has been through drug addiction and he was absolutely not himself while smoking. I cannot imagine the combo of the two things is helpful or safe. Please tell the prescribing doctor both things and if it is a general practioner writing that scrip, then I beg you to see an adult psychiatrist for medication management. It is my opinion that regular docs should not prescribe psych meds. I know plenty do, I do not agree. And I have three men in my life who have been on various psych meds for different things at different points in their life (yes, I live on Planet ADHD...).
Please--talk to the doc and be 100% honest. Let us know what happens.
Thank you!
Yes, I'm going to see if I can talk to the psychologist. I let my husband know. He's afraid he'll lose his job if he gets off it. But, i think the opposite! He has an appointment next week.
I think the pot made it way worse too, I guess it takes a while for that to wear off to (like a month).
I'll let you know what happens.
Amy - all there is is hope
My daughter had what I call a
My daughter had what I call a "near-psychotic" episode while on Adderall. She accidentally took too much (the prescription was mislabeled). It was a terrifying experience for me and even worse for her, I'm sure. I agree that talking to the prescriber is a good idea.
Ishopeful I Might Add What I Learnred Here Too
I certainly am not an expert of drugs and drug combinations but, when it comes to stimulants and Pot, I am familiar with both and since my drug of choice back in the day was Pot, not alcohol, I can speak from just what I know and have observed over countless situations with myself and other people, As fare as I know, that are no drug interactions ( dangerous or otherwise ) between Pot and any drug that I am aware of including alcohol, stimulants and even antidepressants or any others you can name? When I was a teenager, we use to have "smoke outs" and go for "mass effect" meaning, it was like the movie "Fast Times At Ridgemont High" with Jeff Spicoli and his friends opening the door of the van and smoke just pouring out in a thick cloud. One time, we decided to see who could smoke the most in a hour and all that did was give us a head ache and made me want to fall asleep. In fact, some guys in my dorm in college, did fund raiser even to raise money for our dorms Beach Weekend, and they held a "Bong-a-thon" with events scheduled just like the Olympics. LOL And all these events were based on some kind of contest or team event to see who could do the most or in the shortest period of time. As we use to call it "Mass Qualities" which was pretty close to what that was. It was kind of brilliant idea since they went around and got pledges for money based on the numbers totaled times a pledge amount and there was a huge contingency of spectators and betting and the whole nine yards. I think they raised over $800 for the weekend which was pretty good for a bunch of broke college kids as a spectator sport as such. LOL The point of saying this is simply to say that I have never seen anyone OD or smoke too much pot at once and even if they did, the effect is limited and then it really doesn't do anything beyond that point. Except, with these new high concentrate and "Dabbing" as they call it. This is really going to the extreme and I only did that once, and it was way way too much. That is a sign, of someone who is addicted and having such a high tolerance that they need that much just to get "high". I actually to use it now at night or have to calm my nerves and reduce stress but the amount I use is one or two tiny hits which is like having 1 beer? I am way past those days of "Mass Qunatities" to the point that that sound awful to me now, 1 beer equipment is fine for me. And because it actully makes me tired or relaxes me has a counteracting effect to the stimulants and I can use it that way if my stress or anxiety is high already. My T and I talked about this, and he didn't seem to think it sounded like a bad way to go compared to a lot of pharmaceuticals you buy. I just having heard of anyone having any adverse reactions when combining pot with anything? Alcohol, on the other hand, will have a marked change in mood and personality when combined with either pot or stimulants. Wich alcoholic, it alllows you to drink a lot more than normal and still not get so drunk yet, you are. That's not such a good thing accept alcohol does the same thing and kind of balances the effects out? And the same with Pot too. A lot of drugs with alcohol can have an amplifying affect..and it some cases, it can be dangerous as a combo and it get away from you before you know it.
To be honest with you, it sounds like your H is self medicating which really is just another way of saying an addiction or dependency? I am fortunate, not to have a real addictive personality and I have never been a self-medicator in my history aside from with pot only but only when I was younger. I quit when I wanted to and didn't have a problem not using it? There have been times in my past, where I drank way to much way to fast like taking shots one after one with people before? That is the only time, that I have changed dramitically but for the most part, I have benn known for "holding my liquor" and being able to function and maintain including other drugs as well? I don't have drug sensitivities which is what I am trying to say? And with the people who I have seen who do have them, they will change personalities right in front of my eyes like a light switch. And it doesn't take much for that to happen either? I must have some Irish in me I guess? LOL I've been known to drink a few people under the table and and still get up and function for the most part, under the circumstances? I'm getting the impression, that the more sensitive you are to drugs in general, the more dramatically they can effect you and change your moods or personality? Those few people who are like light switch and change in front of your eyes.....usually become kind of assholes, belligerent and completely uninhibited and what ever lies underneath when they're sober, just comes out more once they've had a couple to drink. My wife is one of those people and she when she drinks, and she has no recollection of the events or what she did during those times. That and the self medicating with pot and drinking as means to adjust her moods and reduce stress. As I have come to understand now, when that happens ( and she has these dissociative episodes )....that is getting into "other disorders" or co-morbid issues not just ADHD. I think I can safely say now, that ADHD is my issue and I don't have any real problems with anything co-morbid aside from stress and anxiety but I am very aware of myself and my body in that way? As I have come to these "dissociative episodes" side of the brain...."turns off" and you're only operating on 1/2 your cylinders? What I have observed at times when my wife "splits" like that...she becomes a different person, and yes.....not a very smart one, and not one who has any idea of what she is doing? Very much "psychotic"'s not just neurosis and anxiety at that point anymore. The crap that comes out of her mouth at those times, is less than memorable and highly frustrating and down right mean at times. I do not have that component with my ADHD, but I do know what it looks like....I thinkl the drugs...just exacerbate it, it is not the cause or source. And unless he is "Dapping" with really high concentrated almost pure THC....a leisurely amount combined with the proper dose of Adderall I don't think is a dangerous combination or anything to worry about? And like I witness in the "Bong Olympics" in college....those competitors did amounts in quantities that would blow your mind!!! LOL I mean, when they had these "Gatling Bongs"...with five bong bowls on a turret or turn-style, which means you could load 5 bowls at a time. and rotate them after each one. I watched 3 finalists....take a hits, hold it in, blow out and take another hit without taking a breath of fresh air. And the winner, did something like 48 of those in a row....which was beyond ridiculous. Or they had Teams given an entire 1 oz bag of pot, and raced to see how long a team of four, could finish the entire 1 ounce bag in a race? This was "Mass quantities" to the extreme, and all the contestants made it through the events and of course, there was the Decathlon? That was 10 events in a row, and no one went postal or psychotic? I think the spectators got more wound up on that day, the contestants ended up demanding Pizza delivery, and a good time was had by one and all? Like I said, I was impressed with an $800 dollar take in the contestants knew, the more they smoked the more money thaey made? I have never personally seen anyone do that before or after, but they all seemed just like they normally were, except a lot more laughing, and a very strong need for Pizza at the end of the competition. LOL They of course, ordered enough for everyone and like I said, no one OD'd or went psychotic? I think it's about one of the safest drugs your could take, in combination with Adderall but I'd still check with the doctor and I'd been asking a different question? Namely about self medicating behavior and drug seeking to be honest? That points more to an addiction than anything esle from the sound of it. Addiction and abuse......that would account for the change in personality alone if you are really unaware of the amounts and how often if the addiction is being kept a secret? And if it is an addiction, then there may be other sources that you are not aware of in fact, I would almost count on it, from people I've seen like that? That and drug induced "dissociative episodes" which falls into a different category than just ADHD by itself? That definitely looks "crazy" from an on lookers point of view. Not a lot of "sense" coming out a person, when they lose the the other 1/2 of their brain to operate with? ( missing a couple of cylinders to two or three in under those conditions ) and then return to normal, but with no memory when they do? Not a fun thing to experience on the receiving end of it. No use in reasoning with them either....logic and reason have left the building along with Elvis I'm afraid. I remember having a friend who use to do that, and we had to tackle him and hold him down, to take his keys away from him once? To give you an idea of how reasoning with a person like this, is a major waste of time. ( it was kind of funny though, he had a hissy when we hid his keys, under her own front matt of his car. He spent hours looking for them in the party...and we all laughed at him and played "hot and cold" with him until he started to get physical with us? It was like 3 against 1, and he was smaller than all of us, so that got him no where! LOL We just kept repeating that he'd never find them which only made him look harder and make of fool of himself. We knew him since we were kids so everyone was in on it, except for hims? He never found them either, until the next day when we told him where they were!! LOL That was almost the funniest moment of the entire event in the morning when we told him, after being entertained for hours with an obsessed psychotic person who was obsessed with driving somewhere? I don't even think he knew quite was just that we told him no, jumped him and stole his keys and hid them from him more than anything. The more we said no.....the more upset and hostile he became but we could care I said, we ( as in our group of friends at the party ) had known him and each other since we were about 5 or 6 years old? There wan nothing we had not seem him do, and when he drank and got hostile...he was known for picking fights and getting into trouble. He crashed at least 3 cars while driving drunk...until he crashed the 4 and last one, and they he knew his insurance would cancel him at that point? In 3 years no less? And since, his father owned a bar, and he knew everyone in town ( anyone and everyone to call for favors...less than legal that is ) and somehow, his wrecked car got stolen from the parking lot, and when recovered is was wrecked even more? But of course? A little on the ODD and conduct disorder side of things for him, I'm afraid? I had to cut him off as a friend, since he got addicted to Cocaine later as well? Alcohol and Cocaine...are not a pretty combination when aberrant behavior like that comes into play? Every time we took him to a party....some girl especially would come up to me or my other buddies and tell us that a "hey FYI.....your're friends an asshole!! Thanks a lot for bringing him, now can you take him out of here please!!" I can't even count, how many times we had to leave a party or a bar or some public place, because of an angry mob that was forming, and our friend was the source that that conflict. He was short, and had a bad case of "little Man syndrome" for sure. With a chip as big as Monatana...that he carried around on his shoulder. He was the responsible one of the two brothers....I already told the story of "Day of the Chicken" and "Chicken Polo" on a dirt bike where he destroyed the lawn and half the flower beds as well as the Chicken order to "punish" this one chicken who was faster than we were and we couldn't catch it. As he clearly stated, "it needed punishing" !! LOL I told that story somewhere here already if you want to find it somewhere ( hysterically funny as teenager but you had to be there I guess ) which highlighted his little brother...the "Menace to society" as we use to call him. It is what happens, when a child of 6 six years old, is put in charge of his younger brother who is 2 years younger? A six year old parent, is not the best role model that's for sure. Ironically, the Dennis the Menace didn't change personalities per se, since he was in a permanent state of havoc and chaos which was normal for him? All the time. LOL You could barely tell if he was high or drunk since he always was like that even when he wasn't. I would doubt, if he is not in jail as we speak? Or dead? After his 4 DUI...the gave him "Antibuse" that he was forced to take which makes you violently ill if you drink alcohol right? He would drink anyway, thow up for 15 minutes, and then continue to drink after that, which he said didn't make him sic, once he got it "all out of his sytem." " No problem" as he would say? He'd also say, " I don't know why they say I have a drinking problem, I drink, I fall down, I get back up....No problem? " LOL And he wasn't kidding in the least, nothing was going to keep these two from doing anything they wanted, since their parents were never around and they never got "parented". It was one reason I love going to their house, since the rules were so strict at my house, and there, we were free to do pretty much anything we wanted to do? Except go the jail, even that was frowned upon in his family at the very least? But that would be more likely to happen to his older brother....the one who could piss off and entire party in record time! Once he started drinking. What I'm saying is.....these two were like that as long as I ever knew them? That didn't just happen when they turned 21.... I can vouch for that having know them all my life until I had to divorce them, since I didn't want to go to jail myself? They danced a fine line, at all times and sometimes would step over and then back again which as the odds go....the odds were not in their favor that's for sure. Wreckless...would be putting it mildly. We did have fun though, hiding his keys on occasion? At least it was entertaining for us at a party since it kept him busy and out of other peoples hair. :)
My wife now says I'm Manic.
I have never been diagnosed as manic. I've seen way more psychologists than she has. I've worked on my issues and she is accusing me of crazy things. I'm the one with ADHD..... now she says after reading about ADHD she thinks she has it.
My wife is accusing me of being manic. This is complete crazy thoughts that she is believing. What can I do to save my reputation and dignity. She is trying to ruin me. Her abusive patterns are getting worse. Now she is on the internet writing false things about me.