Forum topic: So much anger towards ADHD partner

I've been with my partner for 7 years.   He has ADHD, I do not.   It has caused its trials and tribulations including seriuos sex addiction.   He lost his job last August and his unemployment runs out next month.   He did get a good paying job for the summer but it is dependent upon hot weather and it has been very rainy so , so far he is not employed.   This is causing great concerns about money because his savings is limited , partly because of bad investments but also because just not thinking about saving money.   I am so angry and am really lashing out.   Can anyone give me advice on how to control this.   I feel everything I value and have worked for is going up in smoke.   There is so much more going on than this job, but this is the latest.


I don't have any suggestions right now for dealing with your anger, but I do want to say that I understand.  My now ex-husband was unemployed for many years during our marriage, and it made me angry.  I was scared whether we would actually survive. And I was sad that he didn't care enough about me and our daughters to even try to support the family financially.  It was devastating.

LRHG, Just a note to say that I hear you. Sometimes I feel like I don't know what to do with the anger. I don't express it. I stay calm, mostly as protection against him getting mad at me. 

I have gotten past a lot of my anger by posting my hurts and frustrations on this forum. There is something about getting it off my chest that really helps me. Even if no one replies to my post, it doesn't matter. I feel better by just releasing it from inside myself. After a while of venting, I started to feel better and my anger started changing into positive thinking. Don't get me wrong. I still get angry, but I don't carry anger with me all the time.

If you're not comfortable giving specific details on a forum, you could consider writing it all down in a journal or making a private blog that only you can read. I would suggest that you do it in an anonymous way. Do it in a way that doesn't hurt your spouse.

I too, like some of the others post my anger here too, instead of taking it out on my husband. Ive felt bad about that at times too, because I wish I could post more uplifting things like some. When you are in the midst of never ending chaos, with a person in denial about theit ADHD and its effects, it can become overwhelming. I know the folks here understand, they really do.