Forum topic: The "All One" Miricle Space.........6th Demension of God

My search for an explanation of what happened to me on that fateful day when I took the accidental "Big Dose" of LSD is over....and finally figured it out.  When I first came here and started writing....I had no idea what I was doing but as anyone who has read anything I have may have recalled when I was jumping all over the place and not really following along very well....that I said  "I had a feeling"  and I was just following it but I really couldn't explain what that was?

I've said this before too, which helps explain what I was trying to say better in my own words:

"When experience becomes knowledge, and knowledge becomes knowing....then you know"

"I can tell the difference and I know what that difference is, but I can't explain it to you ( or anyone )"

"I'm back home again or I have returned home"

"The Hero's Journey......and the rise from the fall................"

When I was in High the insistence of my mother...and with my two older sisters who had gone before me.....I voluntarily went to "Jesus Summer Camp" which was a pretty cool place all said and done with water skiing, hiking, fishing you name it.  It was in a Beautiful location up in Canada that you had to get to by a 14 hour boat trip since normal access by road is not available.  I might have said this another way at the was a "Bitch'in Lo-cal"!  But  before this time happened....this organization had a youth group weekly meeting for everyone who was interested...and since it was on a week night during the school week, it was one of the "sanctioned things" that my mother would actual agree too order to get out of the house and take the car to get there since trying to escape my home during that time of my life had become problematic do to my mother and fathers restrictive attitudes.  Actually it was my mothers restrictive father just didn't want anything he had to worry about so he wasn't so interested or cared what I long as he didn't have to worry about it so as long I was home.....he didn't have to worry about me getting into trouble so that was a no brainer for him other wise as far as he was concerned...."out of sight...out of mind". He really didn't care as long as it didn't come back to him in some way.  And being that I was an escape Artist and had gotten really good at covering my ass.....I learned how to lie extremely well with a straight face so I could get out of the house and was extremely creative in order to do so.

Anyway.....I went to a few of these meetings and sat in and listened...and it sounded for the most part, stuff I had already heard before was presented in a way as if....the people talking knew something I didn't know but I was going...."yeah....I just don't know about that?  I think I've got another idea....actually, I don;t have any idea what so ever....I just have this feeling that what they are saying is wrong?"  So I stopped going..and used that as excuse to get out of the house Scott free every Wednesday night during most of my High School Days which was the perfect opportunity go and do what ever I wanted to do since I had the car ( now ) which was also like pulling teeth in order to a hold of without running the gauntlet and going before Torqemada....and the "Grand Inquisition" ie:  my father.

The way it worked in our house was to get past my mother first because she had these funny ideas about safety and danger and her "catastrophic thinking".  Not matter what you did...."death" was just around the corner....lurking and waiting for you just waiting for you to strike!  Trying to convince her that you weren't going to die....was an act of God.....unto itself?  As my friends would point out to me...every time we were pulling out the mother would stand there and watch us pull if it was the last time she would ever see me?  On the other long as it didn't cost my father any money....he really didn't care what I did which was my hole for escape every time.  Between one parent who could give a rip....and another one who gave too much of a rip ( until you started to tear in half ).....a crack in the fabric between the two opened up...and this was my means to escape by playing both side against the middle which cause such a schism....that this crack would open and I would slip right through and was free again.  It was like the feeling of coming home!!!

So not to belabor this story with too much detail ( yeah right LOL )...I use to drive each week to my two childhood friends farm and smoke pot and hang out in another beautiful location...and hang around the farm.....shoot shotguns, smoke pot, ride dirt bikes and have a ball!!  All the things of course I was not allowed to do at home since....I was not allowed to have a gun or any kind even a BB Gun.  I was not allowed to have a Motorcycle or even a mini bike or anything with a motor on it ( because that would be too scary for my now death and all? LOL ) and of course...there was Marijuana and that was like the "Devils Weed"...and a drug!!!  And of course...there was the music I use to listen to which was not very much appreciated by my father in particular?  I remember ( funny moment ) ...sitting and listening to Jimi Hendrix at Woodstock playing the National Anthem ( pretty loud in our basement with the door closed )...and I was sitting there and my father opened the door and stood there looking at with a scowl on his face which he never did that actually since that would be going out of his way?  But this time...when he recognized the music...he sat there in disbelief and scowled then said....."This is Sacraledge!!! " and then closed the door and left.  With me sitting there going "Jesus Christ you asshole....if I wanted you opinion, I would have come asked for it!!! DICK!!! " LOL  This was my life at home.....out there, anywhere that wasn't home.....was like coming home each and every time I disobeyed my parents since that was reality.....out there which was home for me.  Home was outdoors with no restrictions or boundaries.  Outdoors where it was beautiful and peaceful and calm.  Outdoors and up....always high as I could go!!  I was vertically inclined you might say...and if I wasn't swimming or at my house where I existed in only ( the stagnant cesspool of decaying matter inside the ring of repugnance and death:  The morgue or mausoleum where you go when after you die each time when you leave hom to the indoors, closed in with artificial walls an artificial boundaries ) I headed to the Mountains always and stayed there for as long as I could.  I learned to ski when I was 12 and there was never going back.  Another effective way of escape mom put me on a bus with a sack lunch and few bucks.....and I was free more time!!  And if that wasn't good enough...I started climbing to the top...which I eventually...climbed every Mountain near where I lived...and more than once right to the top.  When you're at the Top of the when you are closest to God in that sense but I didn't realize why I did it....I was just following that feeling again?  Just to point out something here as the point of law so to speak.  I wasn't trying to escape reality.....was trying desperately trying to escape into it....for real!!!  Nature is real after all in the physical world?  I spent my entire existence growing up...either outdoors or in the water?  The world as we know 2/3 rds water as you know.  I'm a water sign....water is my element.  It's why I started scuba diving when I was 17.  Vertically inclined is either up or down so to speak and I swung...both ways!!! LOL  Again, it was just a feeling I had but didn't know what that feeling was?

So when I went to Jesus camp after lying to my parents for over two years telling them I had been going to these Christian meeting youth groups every week to apiece my mother since I refused to go to Church with her anymore and since my mother was concerned for my eternal soul and that IS.... the only RIGHT way to save it ( as she thought )...I figured...what the Hell?  It should be fun and theres lots of outdoor activities and....she was paying for it!!  So I went..and it was great...but then, I found out the catch.  It was like going to one of those free dinners that you win in some bogus contest....and then they make you sit through a sales presentation for time share condos which you have to stay and listen to...or they bad vibe you if you were to just get up and leave so they make you feel guilty since they bribed you with a free now your obligated to sit there and listen their sales pitch even when you aren't about to buy in?  Cheap shot...nice try Buck Wheat!!! LOL  I was not very trusting of Church already since...I already got ejected once for asking too many questions and I learned that lesson early on.  The lesson I learned from Church was.....keep your mouth shut...and just play along and you won't get in to trouble and no one will get angry with you?  It doesn't mean you have to believe it though...because I didn't until someone was willing to give me a straight answer which seemingly.....there was some big secret that no one seemed to know the answer for but everyone was in on the joke except for me...and I was the Stooge??  That was until the day my father stopped going...and that was yet....another hole to escape back to home....outdoors where I belonged.

But there was this one moment at Jesus camp....after one of the required sales promotion meetings which were nightly and you were obligated and they had you trapped and you couldn't say no....they made us all go back to our bunk rooms...and each of us was required to tell the group our inner most spiritual feelings?  Uh oh.....I could see that one coming? LOL  But what could I do?  Shit....oh well....I'm just following orders as I was taught or obligated to do?  It just would have been nice to know that I was getting a sales pitch for time share condos...or I might not have gone if they had been honest and up front.....which they were not!  Assholes!!! LOL  So I told them what I thought...and I will remember this well!! LOL

I said....."well....I don't think that God and the Devil actually exist on the outside or us....I think they live on the inside of us and that's that's where Heaven and Hell really is?  This all kind of sounds like Santa Claus to me...and I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it to be honest?"

Click eerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

I've never been more uncomfortable in my life.....with 15 people sitting there with their mouths wide open..and the team leader looking at me with a look like he didn't know what to say which he didn't but he finally after a long uncomfortable pause said..."Well...that sounds very interesting?? " Next!! LOL

So at the end of the week....they pulled a number on me that was even more uncomfortable but I already learned my lesson from my previous encounter....."LIE!!!!"....and just go along and pretend and tell them what ever they want to hear!!!  I knew that one like the back of my hand from escaping into reality doing it that way already.  Piece of cake.....No pro-blamo! lol  Everyone was to stand up...and say "I Believe!!"...and then your a "Believer?"  Why?  Because we like you!!  M-O-U-S-E!!  Now  you are the club!!! 

And as I  thought at the time....what the Hell....the admission is free and why not just making everyone happy and avoiding the consequences of saying NO?  No skin off my nose to just lie and avoid any problems that way?  SMART!!!!!  LOL

The thing was the approach that I didn't like?  It was very dishonest and manipulative.  Put you into a position in a sale promotion meeting for time share condos...and bait you into it with a free dinner...and then make you have to stand up in front of a crowd of people all wathing you and then put you on the spot and try and guilt you into submission.  Very uncalled for and quite rude as I felt?  Why not just go in the front door and tell you straight....up front and honest?  That was it for me by golly....the last time they pull a stunt like that on me!!!  Assholes!!!!  You can take your take your stupid Mickey Mouse Club...and stick it where the sun don't shine!!! Jesus Christ!!!  I QUIT!!!  And I did...and refuse to go to Church or go back to that again?  One too many rejections of my feelings and then them trying to tell me my feelings were "wrong"!!  YOU"RE WRONG!!!  Assholes!!!!   That is ..... for disrespecting me since that is a total disrespect to anyone for arguing or tell someone that their feelings are wrong!!  As I felt back then.

Little did I know....that they were not wrong....but neither was I?  I was just coming at it...from a different direction which was why it made no sense to me what so by default....I just followed my feelings instead as I have always done?  And my feelings....have never really lead me astray except for the fact...that I didn't always know what those feelings were saying to me?  But the one place I knew or "thing" that I always knew....was my animals understood and I understood them?  A dog is mans best friend and I always had my dogs to fall back on...and keep me company.  That and our cats, my Guinea Pigs,  Rabbits, Birds, Frogs, Fish,Turtles, Ant Farm, etc etc  They new the score and I understood them completely!!!  LOL  Our next neighbor had a Goat too ...but they're kind of asshole animals to be honest with you.  Kind of mean spirited and they liked to Butt you from behind when you weren't looking!!! OUCH!!  LOL

Enough of my spiritual back ground...and where I called HOME!  FYI:  I put myself back in recall my thoughts back then just to put the context into the story once again?  That's not how I think or my thoughts at this time?  Just say'in :)

So yesterday..when I wrote about my experience with my mother dying....I realized something that had not occurred to me before?  When the nurse pulled me aside to tell me how moved she was when seeing me with my mother in her moment of death....I hadn't really thought about this again...but I was just going with that feeling again but this time...I realized what that feeling was?  When I was their with my moms hand in my hand in the moment of death.....all I could think about was my mother and what she needed from me?  I remembered all the times that my mother had done the same thing for me when I was sick and hurt or emotionally injured ..and she would come to me and sit with me and hold my hand and tell me it would be alright and she was there for me....when I needed her like that even though she was not the most affectionate person on earth....she was extremely empathetic to my pain?  And in the same moment....I just by default....did the same thing for her in return just to let her know I was there and it would be Okay?  It isn't Rocket Science you know?  Not that hard to figure out?  It was just her time to go....and it was my time to stay with her?  No problamo?  Just give them what they need?  Same thing I have always done...right from the beginning?  Tell them...what they want to hear whether you believe in it or not?

But it occurred to me....that I was neither sad or unhappy or full of grief?  I had a little guilt for feeling this way...but there was a Minister who came and told us in advance that this is not unusual for the survivors of someone with Alzheimer since...they effectively died a long time ago....and all that was left was the shell or vehicle they came in?  But it also occurred to me the thing with my middle sister who was kind of coming unglued at the seems?  She kept saying things like..."You're going to see your mother and father now...and you're going to see Jesus and completely missing the whole point?  That part of her...was gone already and she wanted or actually believed that part was still there?  That made sense but....she was so focused on that....she wasn't focused on my mothers needs?  Or the needs of anyone else in the room including me which is more to the point?  I had been talking to the staff and nurses long before that...and they confirmed that to me along the way?  When you're memory goes completely.....your gone and now your just like an animal with no human functions left at all?  But I knew that already...since intuitively...I could sense the same thing.  Just like my dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, fish, turtles, Guinea pigs, ant farm, etc etc etc....  Actually more like the Rabbits in how I sense it...which was probably pretty accurate?  Kind of ONE dimensional.....with a single solitary function.  Eat, sleep. poop, pee.  That was my that level of function?  It is what it is...and that's all that it ever is?  Acceptance of the physical world we live in?  It really isn't rocket science...and it takes no genius to figure it out?

But I realized something else in the moment of another heated moment last night with my wife....when I got so frustrated and hurt again when she walked away and dismissed me ( for the 500th time!!!! ) I walked into the room...and said...."listen carefully because I'm only going to say this once.  I don't care!!  I don't care what you do and you are free to do what ever you want.  That's what you've been asking for.....well now you got it!!! "  And I walked away to recover from my feelings being hurt and me being disrespected ....once again?

But I had already been toying with an idea... or again...that feeling I had?  It's the feeling that I am in  a different dimension and I'm on a different frequency or wave length or something than other people and especially with my wife?  I keep repeating the same thing....ONE dimensional.....or maybe TWO at best?  And then I remember the day on LSD?  I remembered writing a paper on it in a class I took on the study or History of Religion and Ancient Pagen society  Primitive religions?  And I remembered exactly what I wrote and what it felt "like" at the time?  As I wrote...."It was like I was a Radio...and I was fooling around with the tuning knob...and accidently tuned into the Universe frequency and got that station or the Radio."

So I decided to look up the word "dimension" and see what it had to say?  First time ever...and this is what I found?


Sixth Dimensional Consciousness

Oneness with God, the All That Is, --- the Miracle Space

A synopsis of the essentials of sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is

The fifth and sixth dimensions of consciousness --- are different degrees or levels of Oneness with God

As given in the material on the Golden Age transition, fifth dimensional consciousness is conscious Oneness with the Spark of God Within our very own divine eternal soul. 

Sixth dimensional consciousness is Oneness with the Sparks of God Within all souls and all life ever created by God, the All That Is, everywhere.  Sixth dimensional consciousness is Oneness with the Divinity Within all souls and all life ever created by God, throughout the Cosmos.  It is Oneness with every divine, God-created aspect within God’s Cosmic Hologram. 

Oneness with God, the All That Is --- Sixth dimensional consciousness --- can be called the miracle space.  It is the space where the Peace, which passes all human understanding, exists and can be felt and experienced.  It is the state where any can seek and find and know the absolute illumined Truth of anything upon which they wish to focus their attention.  It is the space where divine Unconditional Love for all divine souls and all life ever created by God is part of the natural ambiance.  And it is the space in which the divine Cosmic Power of God, the All That Is, is available for those in Oneness to create Peace, Truth, Love, Harmony, Abundance, and Perfection here on Earth.  Sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is, is the same state of Perfection in which Jesus effected miracles 2000 years ago. 

Jesus’ times were darker times.  Two thousand years ago only a few very special individuals had the ability to rise above the negativity of the world they could see around them and move into fifth dimensional conscious Oneness with their God Within.  Even Jesus’ disciples understood little of what he told them. 

There are differences now between this time and that time.  Much added light and a higher vibration rate has been added to our Earth’s atmosphere by the Beings of Light in the Hierarchy of God who are so vitally interested in facilitating this transition.  In those 2000 years the level of human mass consciousness has also evolved and expanded tremendously. 

The result of these changes is that as of 2001, at the beginning of this Golden Age, for the first time ever since human life began --- all of humankind now has the ability to access, to experience, and to feel for themselves the bliss of sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is. 

The space of miracles

The sixth dimension may be called the space of miracles due to the tremendous divine Cosmic power that God, the All That Is, is able to effect or cause here on Earth through any human in physical body who moves into sixth dimensional Oneness. 

Sixth dimensional Oneness with God brings to all who achieve it (even in temporary meditative states) the ability to act as conduits allowing the divine Cosmic power of God, the All That Is, to be effected through them here on Earth --- to create Peace, Harmony, and Perfection in any situation for which they see a need.  Anyone in sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is, gains the ability to cause God’s divine Cosmic Power to create harmony in any situation we see here on Earth, merely by holding a divine intention for “perfection” in that situation. 

Holding such a divine intention while in the space of Being in Oneness with God, the All That Is acts as a call to God, to all the appropriate minions of God in the divine Hierarchy of God. When we are in sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is, we are in Oneness with all the divine Beings of Light comprising God, the All That Is. 

These divine Beings of Light, who live in permanent conscious Oneness with God, respond instantly to our sixth dimensional intentions --- to design and implement a plan to fulfill our divine intention.  And their designs will create divine outcomes, which prove to be for the higher good of every soul involved in our intention. 

Moving into sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is

Moving into sixth dimensional Oneness is a tremendous leap upward in awareness and consciousness.  One's consciousness is expanded into a new and higher dimension of Oneness with God.  However, the good news is that it is as easy to move into, as was fifth dimensional Oneness. 

To be able to move into sixth dimensional Oneness, you must first be in heart consciousness and fifth dimensional Oneness.  When you are in fifth dimensional Oneness with your God Within, simply holding your intention to move into Oneness with God, the All That Is --- is all that is required. 

Your divine intention acts as a call to your attached divine soul and God Within --- and your soul and God Within are eager to carry out your divine intentions.  If you allow it, you will be effortlessly lifted into the space of sixth dimensional Oneness with the Divinity within all souls and all life ever created by God.  (Your divine soul and God Within will be absolutely overjoyed that your human personality is holding such a divine intention and that your personality wishes to experience the divine feelings of that state.) 

Our part, as harmonized humans, is just to Be in sixth dimensional Oneness, to hold an intention for Perfection for a situation, and then to step aside.  Our part is simply to hold a divine intention (for a few seconds) and then to ‘step aside’.  This allows the appropriate divine minions of God to design and implement a solution that is in total harmony with Universal Law and for the higher good of all souls involved in our intention. 

We, who are still in human bodies, need not know or understand what the divine, perfect solutions will be, what they will include, nor how they will be carried out.  The divine Beings of Light do not need any humanly qualified designs for that which we may think might be a perfect solution from our human perspective.  The minions of God can know everything related to all humans involved in the breadth of our intention and therefore they are in the perfect position to design and implement the perfect solution to our intention.  Our part is finished when we hold the intention. 

In this way we act as conduits for the divine Cosmic Power of God, the All That Is, to create miracles here on Earth.  This is how Heaven on Earth will be created later in this Golden Age, through the divine intentions of those who move into sixth dimensional Oneness with God, the All That Is.    The ALL ONE experience.  I am not God.  God is me.

And I truly believe in my heart of hearts.....this is what Jesus was trying to say when he said......"I am the son of God, because God is me.  That's my interpretation of it at least....because that's what it "feels like" he was trying to say? At least to me it is and that's ALL it is?   It ain't Rocket Science you know?  Just say'in :)


And I sat there and read this and went...."Well crap.  Hey Negro.....that's all you had to say!!!"   LOL  I just wish someone had told me this would have saved a lot of head aches!!! LOL  The joy of having ADHD...what can I say?




I wanted to make a follow up post to my own personal journey concerning the concept of "Christianity" since....this, has been a thorn in my side for I don't now how long?  Actually...I do know how long and it started....the day I got "ejected" from Sunday school for asking too many questions.  I was recalling this story to my and I remembered a few more details about this?  There were actually these two mothers running the Sunday school...and one of them had already  ( loaded her gun ) when it came to me because I simply didn't want to be there in the first place I was being my usual hyperactive self and running around and not sitting quietly?

But as I was sincerely wanting the answers to my questions since.....there were a lot...and I was questioning everything? ( as you should )....but not just saying "why?"....which is just questioning and doubting.....I was actually asking "real questions" and wanting to know the answers and seemingly.....what I was hearing sounded vaguely like...."passing the buck" and "stone walling"...and a lot of double talking and evading and a lot of defensive maneuvering?  This...I was use to that caused me to question.....that they were correct or "right" and that was just my intuition talking...and nothing more?  When the one mother...was actually tap dancing around my questions ( as I felt )...the other mother already had her bead in on me with her sights....and finally decided to pull the plug on this and took me out of the room and told my mother...I was not to return again!!

So part of this of course....was my own denial of my ADHD....but the other part...was not denial at all and it was extremely relevant to what I have recently discovered here?

So part of a "see...told you so!!!"....going out to that mother ( and my entire family starting with the Puritaqnical Domynatrix ( my grand mother )  A part of a real validation for what I have arrived at in my own resolve this "thing" that has been gnawing at me...for all these years until just recently?  That....and those who have said...."you can't be a Christian since you don't believe the ONE right answer which I don't.....but there appears to be another explanation and one I certainly can not only live with....but it makes perfect sense to me?

Liturgy (Greek: λειτουργία), literally "the work of the people", and translated idiomatically as "public service" in secular terms is the customary public worship performed by a religious group, according to its particular beliefs, customs and traditions. Technically speaking, liturgy is a subset of ritual.

When ritual is undertaken in order to participate in a divine act or assist a divine action, it is liturgy. If the ritual does not have this purpose it is not liturgy, but only ritual. Thus, the word, sometimes rendered by its English translation "Service or Divine Service", refers to a formal ritual, which may or may not be elaborate, and enacted by those who understand themselves to be participating in a divine action, such as the Eastern Orthodox Divine Liturgy (Greek: Θεία Λειτουργία), Catholic Mass, the Eucharist or Mass (Anglican Communion).

However, a daily activity such as the Muslim salah[1] and Jewish synagogue services would be ritual, but not liturgy. If the Temple were re-established, the ritual undertaken by the Judaic priesthood within the Temple would be liturgy.

As a religious phenomenon, liturgy is a communal response to, and participation in, the sacred through activity reflecting praise, thanksgiving, supplication, or repentance. Ritualization may be associated with life events such as birth, coming of age, marriage and death. It thus forms the basis for establishing a relationship with a divine agency, as well as with other participants in the liturgy. Methods of dress, preparation of food, application of cosmetics or other hygienic practices are all considered liturgical activities.

Frequently in Christianity, a distinction is made between "liturgical" and "non-liturgical" churches based on how elaborate or antiquated the worship; in this usage, churches whose services are un scripted or improvised are called "non-liturgical".  A ha!!  How convenient  to leave this part out?  That would be like....a form of denial....I do beleive?

The term "liturgy" literally in Greek means "work for the people", but a better translation is "public service" or "public work", as made clear from the origin of the term as described above. The early Christians adopted the word to describe their principal act of worship, the Sunday service (Holy Eucharist, Holy Communion, Mass or Divine Liturgy). This service, liturgy, or ministry (from the Latin "ministerium") is a duty for Christians as a priestly people by their baptism into Christ and participation in his high priestly ministry. It is also God's ministry or service to the worshippers. It is a reciprocal service. As such, many Christian churches designate one person who participates in the worship service as the liturgist. The liturgist may read announcements, scriptures, and calls to worship, while the minister preaches the sermon, offers prayers, and blesses sacraments. The liturgist may be either an ordained minister or a layman. The entire congregation participates in and offers the liturgy to God.  This all sounds way too complicated and "symbolic".....symbolically speaking?  And doing it by proxy...I might add?  How does that work?  I still don't get it...because  it doesn't;'t work for me????

The Apostles' Creed (Latin: Symbolum Apostolorum or Symbolum Apostolicum), sometimes entitled Symbol of the Apostles, is an early statement of Christian belief—a creed or "symbol".[a] It is widely used by a number of Christian denominations for both liturgical and catechetical purposes, most visibly by liturgical Churches of Western tradition, including the Roman Catholic Church, Lutheranism and Anglicanism. It is also used by Presbyterians, Methodists and Congregationalists.

The Apostles' Creed is Trinitarian in structure with sections affirming belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ his Son and the Holy Spirit. The Apostles' Creed was based on Christian theological understanding of the Canonical gospels, the letters of the New Testament and to a lesser extent the Old Testament. Its basis appears to be the old Roman Creed known also as the Old Roman Symbol.  There it is all over the place. in....a facsimile or ....representation of......but not the real deal??  I don't get it?  Why not just get to the "real deal" and not live symbolically....which appears to me as kind of......"not real"?

Because of the early origin of its original form, it does not address some Christological issues defined in the Nicene and other Christian Creeds. It thus says nothing explicitly about the divinity of either Jesus or of the Holy Spirit. This makes it acceptable to many Arians and Unitarians. Nor does it address many other theological questions which became objects of dispute centuries later.

"What is Christology?" (Christo-ligiic?  Like logic...with a Christ-o on it? LOL

Answer: The word "Christology" comes from two Greek words meaning "Christ / Messiah" and "word" - which combine to mean "the study of Christ." Christology is the study of the Person and work of Jesus Christ. There are numerous important questions that Christology answers:

Who is Jesus Christ? Almost every major religion teaches that Jesus was a prophet, or a good teacher, or a godly man. The problem is, the Bible tells us that Jesus was infinitely more than a prophet, a good teacher, or a godly man.

Is Jesus God? Did Jesus ever claim to be God? Although Jesus never uttered the words “I am God,” He made many other statements that can’t be properly interpreted to mean anything else.  I'm jumping up and down and screaming right now?  At who...I am not really sure....but I'm really angry at who ever that is!!!! Hopping mad!!!! LOL

This reminds me so much of the Movie Office Space...the car scene when Jennifer Anniston goes...."so you're stealing?

And Ron Livingston goes...."'s complicated...blah blah blah blah blah blah....and then finally concludes... "it becomes ours".  As his reasoning and explanation to actually stealing as she said?   That would be me....sitting there grilling the mothers in Sunday school...and the mothers tells me....." becomes ours" as the answers to my questions!   eeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!  It becomes ours huh?  How does that work? LOL   I think there is something rotten in Denmark...but I can't put my finger on it??

"Nor does it address many other theological questions which became objects of dispute centuries later."   Yeah!! Like Sunday school??  I'm a bottom line kind of guy....get to the point?? LOL  How does something just "become yours" magic or fall out of the sky?  I know....lets make up some miracles that are impossible by any means of explanations...that no one can figure out the trick....and confound everyone so bad....they will be dumbfounded and just have to concede!!! LOL

And who are those who had this brilliant idea?

The purpose of a creed is to provide a doctrinal statement of correct belief, or orthodoxy. The creeds of Christianity have been drawn up at times of conflict about doctrine: acceptance or rejection of a creed served to distinguish believers and deniers of a particular doctrine or set of doctrines. For that reason a creed was called in Greek a σύμβολον (Eng. symbolon), a word that meant half of a broken object which, when placed together with the other half, verified the bearer's identity. The Greek word passed through Latin "symbolum" into English "symbol", which only later took on the meaning of an outward sign of something.[13]

The Nicene Creed was adopted in the face of the Arian controversy, whose leader, Arius, was a member of the clergy of Alexandria. "Arius objected to Alexander's (the bishop of the time) apparent carelessness in blurring the distinction of nature between the Father and the Son by his emphasis on eternal generation".  What is this saying?   Ooops?? LOL

Alexander accused Arius of denying the divinity of the Son and also of being too "Jewish" and "Greek" in his thought.   How can you get any more Jewish....than being a Jew?  I might ask?  As in Jesus himself????  Makes perfect sense to me...but what do I know? LOL  I'm  with Arius on that one....actually on a lot of things?  Next>>>>>>

Both Arius and Alexander rejected Gnosticism, Manichaeism and Sabellian formulae. The Nicene Creed was created as a result of the extensive adoption of the doctrine of Arius far outside Alexandria, in order to clarify the key tenets of the Christian faith?   Extreme Adoption???  Doctrine of Arius?  Clarify the Key Tenets?  Soung likd complete and utter ambilience to me?  Two opposing doctrines trying to fit them into one?

The Person of Christ refers to the study of the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ as they coexist within one person.[50] There are no direct discussions in the New Testament regarding the dual nature of the Person of Christ as both divine and human.[50] Hence, since the early days of Christianity, theologians have debated various approaches to the understanding of these natures, at times resulting in schisms.[50]

I'll say!!!  And I'll say it again....if you wanted to mess with a persons mind ( especially mine!!!) and create a scism in my brain that has taken me almost 60 years to recover could not "Fuck With"...anyone harder than this....even if you were trying!!!! LOL  There...I said it. lol  And I might add....not just  theologians..putting it mildly!!! LOL

The Nicene Creed of 325 explicitly affirms the co-essential divinity of the Son, applying to him the term "consubstantial". The 381 version speaks of the Holy Spirit as worshipped and glorified with the Father and the Son. The Athanasian Creed (not used in Eastern Christianity) describes in much greater detail the relationship between Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Apostles' Creed makes no explicit statements about the divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit, but, in the view of many who use it, the doctrine is implicit in it.

Consubstantial??? of the same substance or essence (used especially of the three persons of the Trinity in Christian theology).  Essence? The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.  Ah ha!!!  Now we're getting somewhere??  The nature of?  Indispensable quality of.........character!!!!  Vou La!!  JUST LIKE MAGIC!!  Meaning.....NO magic at all!!!!  But it does require....abstract thought doesn't it?

The Apostles' Creed makes no explicit statements about the divinity of the Son and the Holy Spirit, but, in the view of many who use it, the doctrine is implicit in it.  Thinking...if you can only see things in black and white terms....this would account for the many here who use it as "implicit" even though Jesus said himself....."seeing".....or......"percieiving?".  Do you not understand.....the meaning of this parabole? Then how will you understand.....and of the parables?

Jesus said it.....right out of his own mouth!!!  Concrete....or....abstract?  Which one is seeing...and which one is perceiving?    AS I HOP UP AND DOWN AND SHAKE MY FIST AT THOSE WHO THREW ME OUT OF Sunday school and for all those who told me....I am not a Christian and I am wrong!!!! LOL  I guess the joke is on you!!!!  I am no stooge!!! LOL ( having fun with words...but it is very validating none the less )

Arianism, in Christianity, is a Christological .....The  concept that asserts that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was created by God the Father at a point in time, is distinct from the Father and is therefore subordinate to the Father. Arian teachings were first attributed to Arius (c. AD 250–336), a Christian presbyter in Alexandria, Egypt. The teachings of Arius and his supporters were opposed to the prevailing theological views held by proto-orthodox Christians, regarding the nature of the Trinity and the nature of Christ. The Arian concept of Christ is that the Son of God did not always exist but was created by God the Father.

In Greek mythology, a satyr (UK /ˈsætə/, US /ˈseɪtər/;[1] Greek: σάτυρος satyros,[2] pronounced [sátyros]) is one of a troop of ithyphallic male companions of Dionysus with goat-like features and often permanent erection.[3] Early artistic representations sometimes include horse-like legs, but in 6th-century BC black-figure pottery human legs are the most common.[4] In Roman Mythology there is a concept similar to satyrs, with goat-like features: the faun, being half-man, half-goat, who roamed the woods and mountains.[5] In myths they are often associated with pipe-playing. Greek-speaking Romans often used the Greek term saturos when referring to the Latin faunus, and eventually syncretized the two. (The female "Satyresses" were a later invention of poets.)

Form the Greek  concept of symbolism....the symbol itself is said to be half...of the meaning...with the other half being broken off...and need to be united again to create the full meaning of the symbol once the other half is returned to the broken other side in only the understanding of "symbolism" as said.n theological terms?

Drunk History Lesson ( taken from the show of the same name )

So let me get this straight now?  You had all these different ideas ( and where they all came from ) in different ways of interpreting the same ideas and meanings..and all these different factions were quarreling and fighting over about it...because no one could come to a concuss about it....and then you had Constantine. ( the Cesar of Rome in the east ) who said "hey...we got a problem here....these Christians are messing with the program..and we can't seem to get rid of them?  I know ( light bulb )....lets get them all together in one place and make them come up with one I can capitalize on this overwhelming "trend" ( trending now  lol ) before it goes viral....and get these people under my control again?  Brilliant idea!!  Which is exactly what he did?  Constantine...was no a ruler you might say ...all said and done?

So they rounded all these guys up.....and that locked them up in one room debate and fight this out...and came up with a Bastardized version of the two theological approaches but mainly....went with one  ( but with these mixed elements of the other ) and since no one could agree and everyone was ambivalent about it and completely indecisive ...but with Constantine breathing down their necks......they had to come up with something? One over the other....even though the one they didn't use....was the abstract version of it...and they went with the Black and White version of it....that more people could actually get a handle on?  For obviously reasons!!! LOL   And when they emerged....they said...."We got it!!  The One right version!!! "  And everyone believed them....and no one lived happily ever after?  Ooops?

No wonder I was so confused makes no sense what so ever....until you see the entire picture and the Forest from the Trees....exactly like it is?  Facts of evidence...and logic...still reigns supreme!!  At least in my book...but then again....that's just me? the end result.....manifested just as one might predict...using these terms and applying to science...which still come out...with the same terms anyway but only in manifested form...and mental health disorder or "schizoid-ism" as general rule for people in general?  That might be a better name for Christianity in scientific terms  (Schizoid-ism LOL )....after I think about this for a second more...I don't think it's that far off the mark!!! LOL

This feels right to me.... but what do I know?   I may not be a Christian....but I am a believer in the truth!! Ha!

The end.  LOL

IMHO of course.....everyone is free to believe what ever they wish to believe...and that much is a fact. Just the facts Ma'am.  If you want me to understand? LOL

"Fearless Leader"   satire

I absolutely Loved...."Rocky and Bulwinkle" when I was growing up as a kid?  And my favoroite characters were Boris ( Bad-enough ) and Natasha ( No-goodnick ) for no other reason than just their names which struck me funny.  These two of course...were the Villains since...they were Russian and it was the cold war..and they were after the Secret Rocket Formula inside Rocky the Squirrels Head?  And then of course...there was Fearless Leader....who there is no way you could not mistake as a NAZI from his appearance with ( iron cross, monocle and officer's hat to go along with it as well as his uniform which was not very Russian looking but what they hey....he was the Head Bad Guy in this cartoon which all of it...and the entire premise was really funny to watch as I remember it?  I didn't even totally get all the cold war jokes exactly....but I did in context to the Bad Guys and who they were along with what they wanted from Rocky...."Top Secret Rocket Fuel Formula" which any hard core Commi....would want to get their hands on since total world domination and the Domino effect is the goal of course.....everyone knew that and it didn't take a genius to figure that part out? Right?

All Russian are well as all NAZI's...since ..."who doesn't know that?"  ( it becomes them quite well don't you think?)   These are people that cannot be trusted?  Boris  Bad-Enough...and Natasha  No-Good-nick pretty much...spells that out if you had any doubts about this at all?  And along with Fearless Leader ( the NAZI ) kind of a no brainer ( no doubts what so ever )  LOL  It made for good entertainment and a lot of laughs for me as a kid since....everyone knows's not that hard to figure out? ( in context that is? )

But there was a side plot or non sequitur running joke within the story line....that if you didn't who the joke is really about or why it's so would not understand it as a joke.and think it to be....not very funny?

But within the story line of Rocky and Bulwinkle...we come to find out In a non sequitur on the cartoon show Rocky and His Friends, in the  story arc, Bullwinkle J. Moose becomes very upset when Boris Badenov steals his autographed picture of Sonny Tufts. Tufts is mentioned in the last sentence of the third sketch of the 48th show of the second season of the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, first aired on May 13, 1961.

Which is part of the point I wanted to make here as you here about this in the clips included in the video?  Who the Hell Sunny Tufts...and how did that get thrown into the story line?  I actually don't even recognize this actor since it was well before my time even then but to say....there must have been some personal private joke.....that had to do with Sunny Tufts that was personal to the writers of the script they put this private joke into the story along with the regular ridiculous nature of the characters for that purpose only?  You didn't find out was so personal to anyone...until you heard how important it was to Bullwinkle ( the autographed picture ) which was probably the actually joke to the writers as something to be coveted...which made it even more ridiculous which was the entire premise of the cartoon.  Used as satire....these differences were made so apparent....and so ridiculous...that their seriousness and being taken hard to do in this case which they made it a point....that there was no way to take this as serious...even though....there was nothing funny about what was happening in real life that had to do with these very topics which was the entire premise to say....."see how ridiculous this all is......what's the point in doing it?" 

But not everyone might think this is funny....especially Sunny Tufts if he himself...didn't think it was....or didn't like being used in this portrayal without his consent?  Or maybe he did..and took it as a compliment as sincerest form of flattery?  One will never know...will we?  But one might conclude...if Sunny Tufts...took himself...very seriously...then being made object or something to be coveted by a Moose and a Russian Spy named Boris Bad-Enough....might make you funny he thought that was even might also assume  that being "roasted" like that...that a person in the public eye would appreciate the attention along with being a good sport about being made fun of in this way?  It all depends...depending on how you look at it?

All I knew however.....that this show made me laugh and laugh sometimes hysterically especially of this non stop witty and clever misuse of words since it was all ridiculous to me and made me giggle?...and I was not personally invested in any of the char actors myself?  The story line itself....became less important to the reason why you watched it?  Why you watched it...was for the ridiculous quality that it had that made you laugh since non of it made any sense....which was the point....and that's it?  There is no point...other than that which is why it's funny ( for some but not all people? )  If you miss the point....then you probably will not think it's very funny like I do? And still this day...because the humor is still relevant...since many things haven't changed all that much with kind of makes this eternally funny for generations to come as long as it doesn't completely lose context...which would then loose the appeal?   Either you get it...or you don't?  Either way?

But from the origin of Satire....what is said is that you take half of a broken piece of one thing...and combine it with another half of another broken piece of something else...and put these two together to represent...and new concept or idea in the processing and taking two dissimilar things...and forcing them together in a way they do not work?  It could be not funny at all...until you make it so absurd...that it strikes you that way since it becomes too impossible for words?  When that happens....what is not "becomes funny" as long as you get it..and you get the point in doing so?  That the entire premise and point in satire used as's funny and we laugh at the ridiculous...and see what is ridiculous about what is serious...and use it with that intention in mind?

"It becomes"....some "thing" else....from what it is....or what it's suppose to be?  And what it "becomes" "more than it really is alone?"...without that context in place in order for this to happen?

So when you are talking ( or speaking in general ) there are pronouns used to help make distinction for our understanding or what that noun is?  And when it comes to speaking about people....then possessive pro-nouns are used in order to do this?

1 First Commandant in the Bible

"I am the Lord they God" or you could say  "I am your Lord and God"  Who? ( the noun ) The Lord     What ( the object ) God  The possession first person ( you ) or Me or Anyone?  Right? ( or in correct in the English language used? )

So there is You....the person here?

There is the in: someone or something having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler? A person place or thing?   A person?  That is the definition of the word Lord.

And there is God?  What is God then?  It doesn't say does it? does not say?

The clear...and unambiguous here and the words Lord...and God...are made separate and used in the same sentence?  And this was stated....long before Jesus...ever walked this Earth? In context in temporal or time form in which...the statement was made?

I am FUCK.  FUCK of the Mountain? in Me...or I am? a noun....makes no sense what so ever?  What is Fuck?  Might be the same question to ask?

The Mountain?  Which clearly and easily can be said here......what the Fuck is Fuck ?  And what the Fuck is a "person of the mountain" ..and then who is FUCK then?  Whop's on first?  I don't understand? And what does a Mountain , have to do with FUCK..or any relationship that has do with you  OR..... I...OR ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU WHAT SO EVER?   This is pure gibberish and makes no sense at all?   Which is why it's strikes' you odd and is funny because it is so ridiculous and a completely ridiculous thing to say?  And when George Carlin says makes it even more funny because of how he says it..and the way he uses the words in order to make it funny ...which most might appreciate this by it's clever or unique quality of just being creative and making a joke about nothing which is exactly the point I wanted to make here as well?  It's about nothing....really....but it still is funny?

To say....."that dress and shoes combination on you....are really "becoming"?  Becoming What you have to ask?  It might become you....if the object of interest or desire  is say....a woman's "mammalian protuberances" ie: her Breasts?  And then add in those ( come Fuck Me ) shoes...and now you've got a winning combination ( boing! )  If a man is turned on by it...for obvious reasons?

The object of not you....( a woman )...the object of the What in this case?  The shoes themselves are just shoes...but combined with an open dress...exposing these objects....the shoes tie this into to the look that says....."I want to Fuck YOU".....possibly...from a mans point of view ( and some women as well? )

This isn't saying ..."I want to Make Love to You" does it?  "I" want?  What?  To make Love?  What is making "Love" have to do with wanting to have sex simply put?  And now you are wondering...where I am going with this!! LOL  Here is where....right here.

For a woman....her Boobs ( as said ) are just things attached to her that serve a primary function.  They are the means to feed an infant...after child birth.  Period.  They are just mammary glands is al they are...and they go along for the ride...where ever a woman goes?  But many has been reported to me in person...have told me that Boobs...can really be a pain in the ass to have to deal with all the time day in and day out?  They can get in the way and bounce around and cause back pain if they are too big.....since having to lug those babies around all day long...can really put a load on your back and other parts of your body just in having them if they are too large?  And when that happens...woman....want them smaller because the become problematic and without having to wear a  "boulder sling"  to support them all day long ( getting hot and sweaty and uncomfortable  and all couped up and bound down and strap rash etc etc etc )...this, is not an asset or anything anyone would choose if you had the option and this is exactly what woman have told me I know this is a real concern and a problem for some woman...but not all?

But as far as men ( and even some women )....Boobs serve an alterative person which is more than their intrinsic value or function for which they exist as their primary function?  Boobs...or AKA:  "Fun Bags"....simply put....are Fun on almost all levels for most but not everyone which makes this an interesting and amusing things to have and possess? As an alternative...for all concerned ...whether you agree with this or not?  Whether you agree with this or irrelevant to the inherent Fun nature....that Boobs provide which could be seen in two different ways?

1.  Boobs are fun to play with and are fun to look at? ( boing! )  Infants Love Boobs as well and everyone Loves Boobs for their inherent Funn-ess. LOL  Small and or poor...child or adult...everyone Loves Boobs as an object of desire for various reasons ( personal to them ) along with fun to play with and sexual desire which is a universal phenomenon as far as others are concerned aside from you...the owner and possessor of such said....Boobs?  There is no ( boing! ) get directly speaking...unless you manipulate them for your own means...which might be fun as well?  so even for the owner of said....of the stated "object" would be a fair statement....that Boobs....or Fun Bags....are just Fun...without a doubt? LOL  ( boing! )

But Boobs are not necessarily Fun Bags all the time or Full Time....and in part...or part time....they serve to create the female human form which is both...etiquette pleasing to look and admire....and simply nice to look at which could be Fun as well....but nice to look at and admire is still and inherent quality they have for most....even not as a sexual means for the ( boing effect? )  But only in relationship to the whole of a womans figure....not withstanding...all by themselves?  Shape, size, contour, texture and context to the entire shape or a just one component or object that contributes to the whole?  So this is also a legitmate part of what Boobs represent...but now.....Fun has nothing to do with it?  It's just a part of the whole of a person as said which is a noun?

You can't use a speaking about yourself can you?  I am......"WHAT"..... a Fun Bag? LOL  This does not work?  So boobs used in context to the human female just part of the esthetic quality that Boobs possess as an object?  Do I....desire you?  Or ....Do I desire....your Fun Bags?  As an object alone....this can get you into to trouble?

For a mans ( and some women ) point of view as seeing them in the context of Fun bags?  What purpose to they serve....if you can't play with them and have Fun?  Just exposing them alone...can create this  (boing effect) most men and some women just looking at them ....then makes you want to play with them on an interactive level?  And the since the owner...needs to grant permission first....then the object of desire....then becomes something to covet or "wish" could play with them ...without permission first?

  "Excuse you mind? ( honk )"  Will usually...not go over well with most women..since the permission needed was not obtained first...which is in a sense...just an obstacle in meeting the desire to play with them and have fun with them?  Looking at them by themselves...can still be enjoyable ( and esthetically pleasing ) ..but to really have fun with those need to interact with them and touch them to actually have Fun with them to then....qualify true "Fun Bags" by definition?  And this goes along with this entire concept of Boobs in being Fun....and everyone Loves them on all level and intrinsic values they serve or provide...with the caveat...being by the owner....which might have their own entirely different way of seeing Boobs....apart from everyone else?  Which could...all be variable depending on their usefulness and the ( boing) factor they that create during this relationship to the Fun aspect...that Boobs possess...on there own...apart from the owner..or anyone else involved?  There is no denying...any of this....even if you don;t agree with it because all of it exists on its own .....and all of true?  All of it...not just ...part of it?

So within everything I just said?  Boobs ...( or Breasts ) are merely mammary glands for the function of nursing an infant after child birth and not much more than that?  Breasts are non an object...and just exist on their own plane of existence all by themselves?  But despise....every word or adjective I used here to describe breasts for all intensive purposes...they are much more than they a stand alone object by themselves?  No matter how much you don't agree with my choice or words or how offensive you might find what I have just said.....none of not true...and none of this can be denied as false or not true because it simply is.  You can accept it or not ( disagree with how I said it ) or not....but there is no arguing against anything I said...because all it is true and you know it without question....and no doubting this what so ever?  Boobs are a package deal...and they come with everything I just it or varying degrees depending on how you personably feel about the topic of general?  And the biggest determining factor on how you will personally feel about whether you own them or not...and who has possession of them? .....which would be variable depending on their usefulness or utility and the ( boing) factor they that create during this said. LOL

And man can't say....." I possess your boobs and they are mine...ior....simply....."Your Boobs are mine?"   A man would have to say to be correct in English...."I desire to play with your Boobs ( or Fun Bags ) and I need your permission first ( as I already established ) play with your Boobs and therefore.... once I have the Okay from they are mine to play with and use to have Fun with"

That's a mouthful to to might say....."Those are my Boobs"...and seeing ( literally seeing ) that the Boobs in question...are not attached to the person saying is an easy jump in order to understand that the objects in question...are there for that persons use?  And since...child nursing is not the goal function here...and Fun and playing is......then all those other   alternatives are easily dismissed as irrelevant...and you can understand this without the context necessary under normal conditions since everyone knows what Boobs are Fun for....and looking at them will only get you so far down that road? LOL 

It also eliminates the esthetic appearance aspect the whole to the woman's figure...because NOW..... the area of interest and focus is specific...with a specific goal and intention in mind?  And without saying another word...we understand this under normal circumstance...and know exactly what that person said by interesting the relationship to the context...even without the context long as everyone understand what that context is that is missing...without having to say so? 

"Those Boobs are mine"....although...incorrect...can only mean one thing coming from someone other than the owner ( of said, Boobs )...and it takes no special figure that out the meaning of the words?

Commandment number #3

No graven images or likenesses or me shall be worshipped?

This is a no brainer here...since we have no idea of what God even is...if you go back to the first commandment?  To see God ( not percieve him as Jesus directed us to do ) in to "see something?"      That you can actually picture or create an image'd have to know what it looks like ..and we don't even know what God is yet?  We don't even the what....even to start with as far as God in concerned ( there is no he or who either...and we don't even know the What?  

  Jesus...never said he was we can't use him there either?  God yet to be discovered?  God is something however....but what that is....we have no idea?  Actually...God can't be Some Thing?   So literally speaking....we don't have any idea and would have to use our imaginations since...WHAT is WHAT?  That makes no sense? in our dreams of our virtual images we create in our minds from our imaginations yes?  But those are not real and there is no substance or object involved in the word our literal understanding?  We simply do not know...and no one knows which is point here?

So when we see pictures with clouds parting...and light shining through the clouds with a big hand coming out the sky....that is an imagine of what God is that someone came up with?

And in respect to the work I do as well.....I use what are called "graver" to carve images into metal?  If I was doing the same thing on paper ..I might use a pencil instead?  A graven merely a picture carved into some represent a depiction of something ...or virtual image in physical form?  Any picture then...of anything that has to do with a graven image by definition and it's not just an idol or statue really...since a statue or and an not necessarily "graven" or carved out of something else?  It could be...or it could be just as I said....created by a graver...and carved by an artist in an artist rendering or image?  That's all a graven image is?  So how do you resolve the commandment...and say that picture books you give kids to read...are not graven images?  You can't....that;s the point?  Anything you can "see with your eyes"....cannot be God?  Neither is a person place or thing since those are all nouns and can drawn on a piece of paper of graved into some create an image?  Religious paintings, picture books, Icons and even  crucifix's  are all graven images....but those don't qualify since those aren't God?  Literally and physically by definition alone...are separated by the words  which makes these distinctions?  There is nothing that ties what Gods commandants anything of this world and nothing that we know?

So technically cannot create and image of what God is....because that image...does not exist?  That would be impossible...but yet...some people try which goes agains the 3rd commandment.....which is hypocrisy to do so?  It is literally and in everyway...impossible ...and yet....somehow....a context has been created in a visual place God into and into a context that doesn't exist since we don't even know....what God is?  We have work order to describe or define God?  And there is no context or implied context simply not saying the mouthful necessary....just to explain the first commandment...and yet....seemingly...there are a lot of people running around...who seem to know the impossible and say it like they if they really understood this beyond a shadow of a doubt?  God is....doubt and uncertainty...and that is all we really know because "IT" ( as undisclosed and unseen ) without a subject or object form without context.......just exists...and that's all we know?  At least if you read the label on the cover...and follow the rules?  With no facts of evidence or physical relationship to compare to in any context....God is nothing......but that is not saying that God doesn't exist?  We just don't know the where's, what's, when's, why's, who's, how's or anything to do with God?  We know nothing...because we have nothing to work to even say that we know what God a fabrication of the truth or the true meaning?

cognito ergo sum

Cogito ergo sum[ a Latin philosophical proposition by René Descartes usually translated into English as "I think, therefore I am". The phrase originally appeared in French as je pense, donc je suis in his Discourse on the Method, so as to reach a wider audience than Latin would have allowed.[1] It appeared in Latin in his later Principles of Philosophy. As Descartes explained, "[W]e cannot doubt of our existence while we doubt … ." A fuller form, dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum ("I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am"),[b] aptly captures Descartes' intent.

"I"...first person possessive.......doubt.....therefore...."I" think ( or believe ).....therefore "I" ( or exist )

This proposition became a fundamental element of Western philosophy, as it purported to form a secure foundation for knowledge in the face of radical doubt. While other knowledge could be a figment of imagination, deception, or mistake, Descartes asserted that the very act of doubting one's own existence served—at minimum—as proof of the reality of one's own mind; there must be a thinking entity—in this case the self—for there to be a thought.

"I am the Lord they God"

"I"....first person possessive


Lord ......someone or something having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler? A person place or thing?   A person? 

Your.......implies ownership in that you already own it and it's said to be ......"mine"

God  ( the what here which is clearly stated in context to the sentence ) which it doesn't say or that we don't know What"  What is not a person place or thing?  There can be no he or a what since what is not a noun?  What is a definition...that we don't have?  What is it?  We don't know?

And no graven image can be used to substitute in case you are trying to cheat?  Read the rules on the front of the cereal box and instructions? And follow the rules as they are said. No cheating here and nothing else is given?  God does not become anything if you don't even know what that is?

"It becomes ours"??  That dress is very becoming??  Becoming to what again?  I already explained the dress parts and all those things that might go along with that statement including Hooters, Boobs , Mammalian Protuberances, Mammary Glands,Fun Bags  or any other adjective you could use to describe the noun here?  Which are all really ways to describe the "What" in that case?

And since it doesn't say what?  Then you can't try and substitute a noun or any word other than describe or tell us what God is?  Anything or anyway or attempt to say you know or use any description in any terms say you know or even picture ( with an image ...graven or not ..meaning....if you drew it on paper instead of using a graver ....really doesn't matter what you use to created the image )...then there is nothing you can actually tie to God in any anything...other the the words that are left to describe what God is?  Which also leaves the Where?  Completely unanswered and literally...up in the air which is not to say where God;s saying....throwing your hands up in the air...because it's impossible to figure out?  The arrogance of even attempting to do in direct conflict with the primary rules given in order to know what God is can't be done.....and it is literally and by even means to say....without words to describe and you can't cheat..and use pictures it says in the rules?

So now what?  Turkey's Butt?

All it really says as I see the words at face value in the owner or is in the first person possessive .....having power, authority, or influence; a master or ruler?

of What?

That's all it says?  And anything beyond trying to make that statement...become more than it really is?  That would be like a feat of magic in order to make that happen...because the sentence is incomplete...and trying to fill in the blanks without all the cheating....the way I see it?

But more that to exist....all you need to decide if it does...or not?  If you believe in the existence of....then you are automatically a believer of something?  And in this case...all this is you believe in God?  Yes or if ands or buts?  No could would other information is necessary?

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life,

They use to give us these tests in school...and tell us to follow the directions.  But at the bottom line or everything you were told to do....there was a claus or last instructions that invalidated everything...and told you not to do anything and just hand the paper in blank with nothing on see if you would down to the bottom line and follow what it said?

And about half the people or more in class....use to flunk this test and actually term in it with everything that it said to do....without really reading this last sentence that told you to do nothing?

But as I am...and being kind of a no non sense kind of guy...who tends to start at the end of the book first...and work backwards to the beginning by default....and since I am... kind of that ...."bottom line" kind of guy....I saw that last line first....and then walk up and handed it in...while everyone else continued to waste their time....and hand in what they thought it said...without reading the bottom line most people do...but then again...I'm a little different...and that's just who I am?  Work smarter not harder....I always say?  The joke is on those who don't read the instructions and try and improvise and fill in the blanks...without the facts?  At least that's how I see it....but I know everyone is different and don't see things the same way I do?