I've just recently started reading some of these posts of about being married to someone with ADHD and the struggles others are experiencing. So many stories hit close to home for me and I feel better knowing that it's not just me and that I'm not crazy. But, I'm worried about remaining strong for my kids, and my husband, when 40% of my household has ADHD.
My husband and I have 3 children together under the age of 9. Our son (age 5 1/2) was recently diagnosed with ADHD. After his diagnosis a couple of months ago, I began doing substantial research on kids with ADHD, treatments, etc... I also read Driven to Distraction, which I initially picked up thinking it would help us with our son. Within the first chapter or two. I immediately began to realize how so many of the symptoms and stories described my husband perfectly. While I always secretly assumed my husband had ADD, he had never formally been diagnosed. I never realized until doing research because of my son, how much of my marriage (almost 12 years) had been a roller coaster ride because of Adult ADD. My husband was rather adamant he didn't need help and, while he has always felt and acknowledged himself as being different than most people, didn't think he needed to be tested for anything. Finally, after convincing him it would benefit our son, he was tested and officially diagnosed with ADHD. I have only recently started understanding why so many arguments, problems, his alcoholism, etc.. that we've had over the years are because of his ADHD. Many times, over the years, I've been at the end of my rope in wanting to leave the marriage. But with 3 kids, I've been sticking it out for their benefit.
Now being faced with a young son who has ADHD and a husband who has it, I'm feeling overwhelmed. While I love my husband very much and am proud of all of his accomplishments despite having undiagnosed ADHD and also a learning disability, the chaos, inattention, inability to start/complete chores at home, lack of consistency, help, broken promises, etc... has left the huge burden of raising 3 kids, running a house and also working full time to me. I love, hate, resent and am upset with husband all at the same time. He's always told me that I should be grateful he's not abusive or the type of spouse to sleep around, gamble, leave, etc... so I should just accept and live with his faults and flaws. But I can't anymore. I'm 36 and am just so tired of being the glue to keep our family together, our house running and our lives in some kind of order. I just want to be happy and feel like my spouse is an equal partner in our crazy lives together. (I'll also note that my husband is estranged from his family (who actually have way more issues than he does but are in denial).)
My husband has started visiting the Hallowell Center near us for help and is starting to come to terms with his diagnosis. However, even if he fully commits to getting help to recognize and change how his ADHD has impacted our marriage and our whole household, I don't know that I can wait this out. I'm not happy in our relationship and we've had many discussions about it. Now that he has been diagnosed, a lot more makes sense but I'm at a crossroads.
I don't want my son to have to go through all of the hurdles my husband has had, mostly because of having undiagnosed ADHD but I'm weary that my frustration with my husband, is going to transfer to my son. While I vow to help my son through life cope and excel with his ADHD, I'm faced with having a spouse who has the same thing and cannot understand the effects on our family. My husband believes because he has been successful in many ways, that our son automatically will too. I've tried explaining that many of the problems my husband has faced are likely attributed to his ADHD but it doesn't resonate with him.
With all of this, I also have to somehow raise 2 daughters under the same roof who (at the ages of 3 and 8) do not appear to have ADHD.
While I do love my husband, the issues that have been plaguing us because of his ADHD run very deep. I'm wondering if separating from him would make him realize that in order to improve things between us and our family, that he needs to take seriously getting treatment. I also wonder if separating would afford me the time, energy and effort it's going to take to help our young son as well as try and create a somewhat "normal" household for our daughters. I'm torn between the benefits and consequences of this long term decision. I don't want to negatively impact our children, especially if we do separate, but, wonder of the long term harm just staying with my husband will do to them and likely to me.
You need someone to be a
You need someone to be a sounding board as you work out where you stand and consolidate what you think. Glad you joined the group here. But also someone offline. Since your husband isnt along his own curve enough to be a talking partner...that denial of hiswill not help you think through your own things, it would be great if you could work through feelings and that decision whether or not to separate with a therapist dedicated to you or a relationship coach.
You sound very exhausted, friend. Much sympathy. My workload is more than I can handle, and I dont have kids, let alone three, one with ADHD. Much sympathy.
I dont think it's a good idea to separate, to try to get him to see anything. If you do separate, do it for your wellbeing. Just my two cents on that one.
I really hope he will get help...I feel for you wrinkles....
(He's always told me that I should be grateful he's not abusive or the type of spouse to sleep around, gamble, leave, etc...)
This comment is victim thinking that gets spit out of a dependent mind...And is usually a statement that is used to cover up irresponsibility and is definitely abuse...Hopefully he will get seen by a good counselor who help him to understand that....Quickly!
He should be very thankful for you! Sadly many spouses take advantage of their mates right up until the long suffering turns to hopelessness and they walk out on the abuse..Then all of sudden their just pitiful...LOL....My thoughts on separation is it can help certain things like anger, bitterness in the spouse who is aware and see's the need for change and healing...It can give time to reevaluate what boundaries must be put in place and respected in order for the marriage to continue in more healthy way...It want help mental illness.
I hope your situation gets better!
Thanks NOW and C for your
Thanks NOW and C for your thoughts and advice. I am strongly considering talking to someone (in person) who can help me work through my thoughts and feelings before things get worse. I don't want to feel like I'm abandoning my husband because of his ADHD, esp. because he doesn't have fam of his own to lean on, but I'm tired of sacrificing my happiness and life because of his situation. I feel like his diagnosis is coming at a time when i'm already ready to give up on him. I don't know that I have the strength or energy to stick through the long road of treatment attempts, esp. when I have my son to care for and 2 daughters w/out ADHD. I really do love my husband but i'm starting to think my love for him can't triumph over this. While deep down inside, he means well and is a good guy, I just need off of the roller coaster ride of inconsistency, chaos and broken promises that our lives have become because of ADHD. I feel bad saying that I think we've both been given a life sentence of a rough road because of his ADHD and being married to each other but this is really the only way I can describe how I feel.
I get it.
I'm with you, Funny girl. I
I'm with you, Funny girl. I feel lost, alone and stuck. I feel like I don't want to admit to family, friends, etc.. that my husband has ADHD and that it's drastically impacting, encompassing and drowning our lives together because I'm ashamed. I don't want to let the world know we're struggling and that I can't keep everything afloat. I've tried so hard to find the courage to keep going and I've just been telling myself that things will get better at some point. I think my son being diagnosed ADHD has been a blessing and a curse at the same time. While I'm glad I know what he has, I'm now even more overwhelmed at the thought of the long road for him (and us) and I don't want him to put anyone else through (when he gets older) what I'm going through with my husband.
There's a big part of me that keep plugging along for my kids' sake. There's a piece of me that is still here because I do love my husband and feel bad for him. But I'm also starting to realize how much of my own life and happiness I'm sacrificing by thinking this way and staying in this marriage.
You know, someday down the line, if we stick this out and our kids realize at some point what we've endured... I'd like to think they're going to put an angel of courage on their dressers and tell their spouses that it was their mother who held things together for them and tried to provide a life of normalcy.
I know it's not my husband's fault he has this but I feel like i'm being held more hostage to this than he is.
When my younger daughter was
Rosered, I commend you for
Rosered, I commend you for your strength and ability to keep things together. Clearly your daughter understood more of what you endured than I'm sure you realized. You must have been so touched by her essay. For my kids' sake, i'm trying to be that strong rock for them, despite feeling like on many days i'm crumbling inside. I guess this is what a mother does for her children.
I think it's the "being a wife" element that we're missing out on. I feel like I take on more of a "mother" role towards my husband which I don't like at all... but if I don't, he'd rarely participate in life at home.
Are there really any marriages with an ADD spouse that are happy and successful?
It touched me very much. It
It touched me very much. It also made me feel sad for my daughter, because the essay made clear how much she had been affected by her father's "falling apart."
Yes lots of happy successful marriages where adhd is part of it.
My Son-in-Law has adhd....he and my daughter are very happy...My youngest daughter has adhd...She and my Son-in-Law are very happy...One of my good friends from church is adhd, he and his wife are very close and very happy.... To be fair I must point out they were all raised in stable environments and non of the three are at the clinical level my wife is at....And non of the three struggle w/ self esteem, shame and denial either... You ladies who are keeping it together w/ jobs and small children have my respect. Our 4 children range between 25 and 36, and I still struggle at times to stay positive and count my blessings...It's so easy to be the victim and take on the "Whoa is me" mindset.....But I just can't let allow myself to go there emotionally, because all I'm saying then is "I have no life because you exist". I am blessed with life, and a good one! Loneliness is solvable!
Until I became a student of self-awareness, (my wife is to be thanked for that), I had no idea why I could be great all day or all week and in 2 minute's trying to communicate with her I was a basket case.... I had no idea how easy it is was for me to drift off into certain illusion's...
A big part of life is about "Submission"....If I'm offended by the call to submit, I want abide by the laws of the land, I will never experience what it means to be Obedient to anything, anyone, or any principle....It takes trust to submit....Trust in God, trust in the principle at hand and trust in my spouse... My wife at times seems to be teetering on the edge of a cliff when it comes to clarity of life principles. To see beyond the restraints of her mind (faith)...I can be right there floating in air saying step off, it's OK to trust...She looks intently into my eyes, and then slowly turns and walks away....If I have an aggressive word or action at that point I've drifted into an Illusion....If she looks and I am joyously living my life. She say's I missed it.... C