Forum topic: Communication Progress

I'm getting much better at initiating conversations where I feel something needs to be addressed.  This is due to a number of reasons:

1.  I feel calmer and clearer mentally, and can sustain a conversation with a little emotional weight to it better than before.  My diet, vitamins/supplements, and medication all help with that.

2.  Due to the success above, I feel confident that I either won't fly off the handle or will be able to re-route myself and apologize if I snap a bit.

3.  My husband is a better listener than I thought ;).  I believe that me taking care of my issues makes it easier for him to listen to me.




I am an emotional lass too... and I have found much better reception when I can calm that down before attempting a conversation (in every area- not just with my husband).

Have you started back with the meds? I know you found a lot of natural treatments- supplements and vitamins that were working for you... did you reintroduce meds as part of your regimen?


~ADHD wife~

Hi smilingagain,

Thank you!

I have been on 36 mg of Concerta  (1/4 of previous dosage) since December.  Not sure exactly what caused me to need meds again, nor is my ND, but we have some theories.  It's fine, though, 75% less medication is still a massive improvement.  Diet and supplements are the key.

Right now, I am a few weeks away from finishing up an experimental methylation supplmentation trial.  My ND is having me add new supplements every 3-6 days to see what works for me.  I feel really relaxed, and one thing that is helping a lot is Epsom Salt baths.  She advised me to do these 3 times a week  for 20-30 minutes because I was having a lot of side effects from the supplementation experiment.  She told me it would help me detox, and it certainly has.  I also find my insomnia is getting better, my muscles are relaxed, my hyperactivity (external/feelings of restlessness) are much improved, and I am really, really calm.  I asked her if this was a normal reaction, and she smiled and said it was, and that as I have ADHD, I really need the Magnesium!  She's not kidding :). I am finding I am so relaxed (which is utterly bizarre for me to sustain), that I have to work harder to motivate myself :).  Fortunately, in a few days, I'll be adding to my B12/folate levels so we can find a balance.  Those supplements really help with focus/sharper attention. 

The biggest lessons I have learned through this excruciatingly slow process are that: 

1) There is no magic bullet (not diet alone, not supplements alone, not medication alone, not education alone).

2) There are many stages and interdependent biochemical processes at work with ADHD. 

3) Everyone's biochemistry is different, and not everyone will respond the same way to the same treatment.

4) Proper nutrition is the foundation of absolutely everything, even if you don't have a zillion allergies like me.  If you are not eating properly, nothing else will work as well as it could or should.  If it seems to, maybe your ADHD is fairly mild.

5)  Most people with ADHD will never buy into my approach because it requires a lot of sacrifices (diet), discipline that would be difficult for most non's to adhere to, and it is slow as hell, compared to medication :).  Most people will never get far enough (even if they started the process) to see how helpful it is.  Diet is merely the beginning and foundation upon which everything else can build.  Building up your stores of vitamins and minerals and figuring out what you need or don't takes time and experimentation.

6)  I am still a work-in-progress.

7.)  It has been totally worth it, and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, knowing what I know.  I am so grateful to have such an awesome Naturopathic Doctor.

I noticed you haven't posted in 7 months, I hope all is well with you. Your sharing was always honest,  informative and was very helpful to me many times....

Merry Christmas!