Forum topic: How to rebuild TRUST when he won't stop LYING?

I am new to the forum. Like so many others on here, I am perilously close to divorce. I REALLY don't want that to happen, but I just don't know what to do. My (fairly story-independent) questions are at the end, so you can skip the background story or read it- whatever you prefer :)

I have been with my husband (recently diagnosed with ADD) for 17 years- three of those were long-distance while we were in college. After seventeen years, five cities, building a small business together, and plenty of trials and tribulations, my trust in him was truly monumental. I couldn't understand the scale or value of it until it was gone.

Eight months ago a friend emailed me to tell me that he'd found texts on his girlfriend's phone indicating that our partners were having an affair. I was stunned because our marriage was solid- affectionate and happy and good! I confronted my husband, he admitted that he did have "feelings" for this younger, prettier woman (also a friend of mine), which absolutely crushed me, but that he had never transgressed beyond some irresponsible texting the night before and a couple of secret lunches. I believed him- I didn't think he would ever lie to me directly. I actually thought my husband was so ethical that it would make him physically ill to cheat on me or lie to me. (Sigh. I know.) I thought that he'd only managed to deceive me because it had just started days before, and had only been "lies of omission."

After much tears and drama and reconciliation, we were two weeks recovered when I found out that he had in fact told me a bold-faced lie. That there HAD been physical transgressions, that one had happened over a year before, and that he had been keeping it from me and hanging out with the three of us for a year without ever batting an eye. I freaked out in a BIG way. Who was this pod-person? He swore that he'd so thoroughly put it out of his mind that he never thought about it during that year, that it had just started up again, and he'd only lied when confronted to protect my feelings. Again, I believed him!

Now the ADHD part. The stress of this whole situation made my husband's formerly mild ADHD explode- but neither of us knew what was happening. All I knew was that I needed my husband to be more sensitive and thoughtful, and instead he was way, way less. I couldn't understand why he was acting this way- I'd learned not to take his ADD (which I thought was just "spacing out when I was talking") personally years ago. I didn't understand why he'd say he was going for a five-minute walk and then come home from the grocery store and hour and a half later. He'd say maddeningly contradictory things in arguments that went in circles and veered off on tangents constantly. He told EVERYONE about his affair. He told our friends intimate details about our new sexual problems. He wrote a song about how hurt he was that the other woman moved on so fast and debuted it at a party in front of all of our friends. He broke promises, denied having made them, and almost never expressed remorse after doing these things. He started getting extremely angry and raging, often frightening me, when I would get upset because of something he'd done, no matter which way I tried to talk to him about it. He seemed to have zero empathy or compassion. He'd read the same affair recovery books that I had, but just wouldn't do any of the emotional things they said were essential for rebuilding intimacy and trust. On the contrary, he did such hurtful things with such regularity that I thought he must be doing them deliberately, and I couldn't understand why he would hate me so much to do that to me.

I finally found a marriage counselor who was highly educated, available, and on our insurance- but our visits to her actually seemed to make things worse. She clearly didn't believe me that any of these things were happening, and I got the distinct impression from her that she felt my H's affair and our subsequent problems were my fault. After a couple of months of this I just couldn't take it any more and told her it wasn't working out. She wrote us a letter where she urged me to seek individual therapy for my "anger problem". Of course, this was before we knew anything about ADHD.

One day we had a fight because my H told me he would do something, and after waiting an hour I found him on YouTube. He bought me a book on Adult ADHD, hoping that I'd get off his back about his tendency to be distracted. Instead, it explained SO MUCH MORE than either of us had ever known about ADHD. I was simultaneously ashamed and sad that I hadn't known more about it sooner (in my defense, he was really high-functioning before the affair- no money, employment, anger problems, etc), and so relieved that his behavior wasn't stemming from lovelessness or malice. I had such high hopes that we'd find a doctor, find a therapist, find a good drug regimen, and finally be able to begin rebuilding trust.

All of those things eventually happened- except for the trust. The sense of remorse, compassion, and safety that I'd been desperately craving for months never manifested. Instead my H started acting like it had been four freakin' months- I needed to "let it go" already! He started complaining that he was angry and unsympathetic because I was smothering him and was too sensitive and/or parental (because I wanted accountability and transparency, and still cried too much). He literally stormed out of every important conversation- often after becoming violent. Then, after months of truly believing that he would never lie to me again, I caught him lying, and this time there was absolutely no way it was for my benefit- just his. He chose to break an important promise- for hours- and then lied to my face about it over and over for days. I watched him do it and just stopped caring if he left me for another woman.

Eventually I told him that I knew he was lying. He was indignant, and then when he realized I had proof, made an unrepentant apology, said I was wrong to force him to make that promise anyway, and tried to sweep the whole thing under the rug. I felt emotionally paralyzed, but we were planning to move cross-country, and I suppose I still hoped that things would change in a new city. I told him to go there alone to house hunt, and not hurry back. He went, and was as un-smothered and un-parented as one could be, but the explosive anger and tantrums continued any time I said something he didn't like- including those times I was honest about my lack of trust. He would bellow at me on the phone that one teensy lie shouldn't undo all the other times he DIDN'T lie to me. If I argued he would hang up on me. I was so tired of the drama that I stopped speaking to him for a couple of weeks. When he came home he was much nicer- for a couple of months. As soon as I started to believe he really had changed, he started raging and abusing again. Two weeks ago he really scared me and I took my pet and a few things and left, driving 14 hours to my parents' house. He called me and told me to come home. When I refused, he said he wants a separation. I said I want a divorce because I don't trust him not to hurt me during a separation. He was furious- he didn't see why I shouldn't trust him- that last big lie was months ago- I'm just as deceitful as he is- there's been plenty of times he didn't lie to me- and- (this one got to me)- I'm the one who's bailing on our marriage, because all he wants is a healing separation so he can "work on himself".

I was dubious. I thought he would spend a lot of time playing video games and drinking with his buddies, but I didn't believe that my discomfort-avoiding H would actually confront his demons. But I decided to try this one last thing- provided we work out a written separation agreement so I would feel somewhat protected. Well- that's a lot easier said than done! Despite my following all of the non-violent communication rules, he still screams at me and hangs up any time I express a different opinion or refuse to give him his way. He's been dragging things out, indeed- playing video games, and who knows what else. A couple of days ago he lied to me AGAIN, and I realized that the agreement is pointless, because I probably won't know if he breaks it- and I fully expect that he will. I don't believe a word out of his mouth anymore- how can i be married to someone and feel like that?

So I'm at a loss now. To anyone who's made it through my long sob story- I have several questions.

1- I know many people on this forum are dealing with infidelity, incessant lying, or lack of empathy. Has anyone successfully dealt with all of these?

2- Has anyone found a separation to be helpful with ADHD-related marital problems?

3- Is it possible that his drug regimen is inadequate and that a different med or dose would allow more empathy?

4- Is it possible that co-morbid depression could be causing the anger and lying- even though he appears happy sometimes (such as when we go out with his friends, etc)?

5- Is there any hope with this, or do I need to accept that he will never provide the emotional reliability that I need as a result of his affair?

Thank you so much to anyone who has any advice!


If you find a med that gives someone empathy, please post it here. My experience with he meds is that they provide long periods of great effect, but aren't a magic pill.

I would never have married if I knew about my ADHD. I'm a jerk, and that won't go away.

Perhaps I should have prefaced my post with the essential information that my husband is a funny, smart, talented, creative, sensitive, generous, beautiful person whom I've loved fiercely since the first moment I saw him at age 18. Some unkind, defensive, defeatist, creature has taken over him, but I know the wonderful person I love is still there. One of the worst things he does is cling to this ugly persona and say things like "I just can't love anyone properly" or "I'm just a selfish jerk and you deserve better" etc etc. Really? Then why don't YOU make sure I have "better", by providing it yourself?

Words are powerful, and I believe that we become the stories we tell about ourselves. We can all change, we can all improve, we can all be better versions of ourselves, as long as we don't tell ourselves that we can't.

I agree that everyone has the capacity for change. My new thing is to look for stuff to do to let her know I love her. It doesn't come naturally, so I try to actively think about it. The comment I wrote was during a bad patch in life. All is good now. 

arwen's picture

Don't know how much you've read of my other posts (there are a lot, lol! but you can find most of them by searching for my tag line).  In many of them I mention that my husband did not appear to have ADHD when I met him during my college years, and he wasn't aware he had it.  Then, around age 40, he started having some peculiar and annoying behaviors that had never previously appeared, like having trouble following conversations, or losing track of important things.  The behaviors became gradually more pervasive, and there were more of them.  He began having driving problems -- accidents, moving violations -- he came within a hair of losing his license.  He began doing really unsafe things because he wasn't thinking about safety aspects, and he'd always been conscientious about safety before.  And he became incredibly forgetful.  I actually thought he was developing early Alzheimer's, although he insisted he was perfectly fine and normal and that I was the one with the problem ("perfectionist control-freak").  Things came to a head after three or four years of this degeneration, at which point I insisted we see a doctor, and he was diagnosed with his ADHD.

In checking with his birth family, it became obvious that he'd also shown a lot of ADHD symptoms as a youngster -- but with the onset of puberty, his his hormones had affected his ADHD and he "outgrew" the behaviors.  It also became evident that *all* the men in his extended family had ADHD, and they *all* had gone through a pattern of having ADHD behaviors as children,  "outgrowing" them as they grew up, and "growing back in" to the problems in their early 40s.  My conclusion has been that as their hormone levels have dropped in middle age, whatever positive effects the hormones had on their ADHD since puberty is also lost, and the ADHD behaviors naturally re-assert themselves in relation to what coping mechanisms  were developed (or not) in childhood.

To most of us non-ADHD spouses in my DH's extended family, it has seemed just as you've described -- that some "unkind, defensive, defeatist creature" had taken over our husbands around age 43.  They'd *all* been "funny, smart, talented, creative, sensitive, generous, beautiful" people when we married them.  (And those of us who have succeeded in dealing with the ADHD issues feel that way about them once again now, on the other end of the transformation process of coping.)  Which made me wonder if your experience is fundamentally the same as ours, and if you have a spouse with hormone-related ADHD.  (Are you married to a more distant relative of my husband's, lol???)

If so, there's good news and bad news in my experience.  The good news is that *all* these ADHD men in my DH's extended family did get better, whether on medication or not.  (Note, they all married, all highly sexed in their young adulthood -- but the vast majority of them did not know they had ADHD at the time they were "growing back in".)  Some couples went through divorces (including one case where the couple got back together and remarried later)  --some went through separations -- some stayed together.  It's been about 50/50 as far as working things out versus splitting up has gone  (although most of the divorces were amicable at least).    The ADHDers in this clan that have had the most success in managing their situations have either gotten on meds, or didn't have kids, or had children fairly late in life.  The bad news is that it took a whole lot of both spouses working hard to adjust over many years, to find satisfactory solutions to the relationship problems that developed. 

But here's the kicker -- *all* the ADHDers in this clan seem to reach a plateau around age 60, when their ADHD stops getting worse.  This seems to happen whether they are retired or not, still married or not.  (I've been  looking forward to this for a few years now in my own DH, lol!  Actually, I see indications that it has begun to happen this year, for which I give eternal thanks.)

So, if your DH fits this profile -- patience will help, meds will help, counseling will help, understanding will help -- there is light at the end of the tunnel, if you have the fortitude to carry on (a very big "if", I realize!  I can't count how many times I felt like I was end the end of my rope).

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore


I was diagnosed at age 43. The meds, research, exercise, therapy and posts here have combined and changed my life. I am still a "Work in Progress" :)

I don't ever want to walk back into the ADD Fog. 

I was 46 (2 years ago) when I was diagnosed. Meds, lots of exercise, drastic changes in diet, and now on my third therapist. I use a neuro/biologist for meds, and prefer therapists over shrinks. I'm optimistic that we are healing our relationship. Thanks for sharing your story.

Thanks arwen, that does sound so much like what has happened with men in my H's family too. It makes me feel so much better, to know that i might not have just been blind to huge problems somehow! And it's good to know that there's hope again later- though it's strange that having even lower hormones in late life would help. This thing is such a mystery!

I don't know if I can do it. I thought I could- but I've been realizing more and more how very much it's affecting my health and happiness and life goals. He's had almost a year to get on board with the trust rebuilding, and things are worse than ever. He treated me pretty bad on my birthday and over the holidays, coming to our mutual home town then ignoring me, mostly in favor of playing video games with his brother. Never mind the impending divorce or how much that devalues me and the marriage. And heaven help me if I try to talk to him about it.

I'm starting to realize that other people make my migraines better, rather than worse. That other people don't think I'm a controlling monster, etc. Staying in this environment is rapidly becoming too much for me to take. I am sick, tired, and lonely, and don't want to spend my last reproductive years waiting for a man who won't grow up until it's too late.

I always thought that I was so tough, and that love could conquer all. He doesn't agree.

arwen's picture

Boy, do we sound alike! 

When I was a young woman, I thought I could handle anything life threw at me -- and I have -- but  I'll admit I've paid a huge price in terms of my health and life goals for my hubris.  I also get migraines, and that's a problem my DH has definitely contributed to in the past.  I'm seriously overweight, mostly due to eating when stressed (and I've been stressed a lot for a very long time).  I had to choose between my marriage/family and my career as a fast-tracked manager (I chose the former), and while I've managed to have a pretty good career doing other work, it's not what I loved or wanted.  I have to say here again, as in other posts, that I made my choice for my children's benefit -- they are more important to me than my own life -- if we hadn't had young kids, I doubt I'd have stuck.

However, I never thought love conquered all -- I always believed that what conquered all was *hope* (which in the classic fable came out of Pandora's box).  And I guess I still think it does.  But I'm not the kind of person who can generate hope out of nothing -- I have to have some realistic basis for my hope.  Fortunately for my family and marriage, I did have that reasonable basis with my spouse.  But just barely.

No matter what you decide, you will be OK.  You seem to have a clear understanding of your situation and your own values, and no one has the right to ask you to live for their benefit, most especially if it's to your own detriment.  Keep your eyes open, your wits about you, and your desire for a better future, and you can get through this.

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

Shell10's picture

I was physically ill for a long time while married to Peter Pan (the boy who never grew up).  I did not put two & two together but can look back now and see the effects of beating my head against a wall.

Michelle D.

Wow. I found this site because I was looking for answers on whether it's a good idea to continue dating a guy with ADHD. Then I came across this last night, and my head is spinning. Tears in my eyes as I reread this post this morning, and while I feel like a wet little puddle on the floor, I realise it's because an immense burden has been lifted off my shoulders.

I'm still just starring at these sentences. Replace it with ADD, and this development describes my ex-husband to the letter. I met him when we were in our early twenties. His family would joke about how distracted he had been as a child, but that it had changed as he grew older. Well, there were still things like forgetting to fill the car or locking the front door at night, but not very often. Then, just as you say, in his early 40's, he gradually turned into someone quite different. It's just like you wrote - I was seriously worried he was developing Alzheimer's! Careless, forgetful, suddenly talking about intimate things over a dinner party, I was thinking I can't share anything private with him anymore... He didn't seem to understand the most basic things, although he'd always been very empathetic. And he still was/is, only now it requires explaining on a whole different level of my emotions if he's supposed to understand them.

Yes - the carelessness! Weird overtakings in traffic. The fact that we needed dinner was a surprise every day. And not in advance - but when hunger stroke. Fridge empty, and he was looking at me to solve the problem. It was so difficult, because I'm having severe health problems and don't have the energy to take care of everything in the household. I remember how I once lost it and yelled at the top of my lungs so even the neighbours could hear it: "I'm effin tired of living with a child!!!" Since he wasn't like that the first decade of our relationship, of course I thought he just didn't make an effort...

And exactly - all of it was my fault. I was a control freak, resembling my mother, and if I just wouldn't put such demands upon him... And I HATED the person he made me become, the nagging and irritated one, it's not really me. And no one else ever brought that side out in me, but he wouldn't listen to that argument.

Then the separation, he was the one leaving me. And this man who had always been so sensitive, would say the most blunt and hurtful things... I'm not over them yet, but if ADD is the answer, well, then at least the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. When he moved I was actually wondering how he was going to manage a household on his own, but somehow he has. Or at least it could be a lot worse.

Arwen, I hope you're reading this. It would be so interesting to learn more. When you write that it stops getting worse at around age 60, do you mean that it stops in the phase where it is, or do you mean that it's actually getting better? That they could become the person again that they were as young adults? I can't see us ever getting back together, but it would be interesting to know.

I can't believe this... It seems so clear right now... the gloves, the umbrellas, no idea for him to get them, he would forget them on the first bus ride... The pile of clothes in the wardrobe, I read this is a classic one... Yup, my head is spinning.


Then the separation, he was the one leaving me. And this man who had always been so sensitive, would say the most blunt and hurtful things... I'm not over them yet, but if ADD is the answer, well, then at least the pieces of the puzzle fall into place. When he moved I was actually wondering how he was going to manage a household on his own, but somehow he has. Or at least it could be a lot worse.



Is your ex-H living alone?  


Twice my H left (he has severe ADHD and other mental health issues).  The first time, he moved in with his brother and his wife and they took care of him.  But he began resenting their corrections of his behaviors, and then he moved back home.


The second time he left, he got his own apt.  At first he did ok, but then as things piled up, he realized that he doesn't take care of himself, and he came back home again.  He's been back home for over 2 years now and says that he'll never leave again because the last episode taught him that he just can't manage on his own.


Your ex may be living on fast food, or he's found someone to take care of him.  Before we married, I didn't realize how much my H's room-mate took care of H....paid the bills, did the shopping, made sure that there was TP in the bathrooms, etc.  

Overwhelmedwife, yes, he has lived alone for 4 years now. One of the things that brought a tiny slice of joy after the separation was me realising that now everyone would be able to see the amount of work I had been doing at home... (or is that just gloating? ;) ) He was his mother's golden boy who could do nothing wrong, and she always had a critical eye towards me... Now when she visits him, she'll be able to see exactly who provided for what in our household!

So your husband has left twice, but then decided to come back because he couldn't take care of himself? How does that make you feel? Has it been a given for you to take him back?


Overwhelmedwife, yes, he has lived alone for 4 years now. One of the things that brought a tiny slice of joy after the separation was me realising that now everyone would be able to see the amount of work I had been doing at home... (or is that just gloating? ;) ) He was his mother's golden boy who could do nothing wrong, and she always had a critical eye towards me... Now when she visits him, she'll be able to see exactly who provided for what in our household!



I don't think that's gloating.  I think it's a normal to feel some sort of satisfaction that the truth, at least some of it, has come out.  Your ex may be able to hide some of his inadequacies from his mom, but likely some have revealed in the last 4 years.   


I know that I felt a sense of satisfaction when H's brother and his wife were relieved when H left their home.  Since that time, they have barely made any contact with H.  Towards the end of H's stay with them, H's brother and his wife overheard him yelling at me on the phone.  When he got off the phone, they lectured him so much he actually cried.  And they made him call me and apologize.  So, yes, there is a sense of satisfaction.


>>>>So your husband has left twice, but then decided to come back because he couldn't take care of himself? How does that make you feel? Has it been a given for you to take him back? <<<<


It doesn't make me feel great at all.  If I could afford to financially be divorced, I would be.  However, I would lose too much if we divorced.

Wow, that's truly an awful situation. No wonder if you feel extra frustrated with him. This is, I guess, the main reason why it's a good idea that both parties in a relationship is financially independent... How would it otherwise be possible to have an objective perspective on the relationship and ones feelings? Everything becomes unequal, not only the money. How much easier everything would be if you could find the willingness to fight for the relationship coming only from the heart, and not from the feeling of being a financial slave...

I was also financially dependent on my husband, and realise now that I was quiet on too many issues because of it. Now I'm divorced and poor as a church mouse, but at least my house is tidy, lol...

Linsy's picture

I am so sorry to hear your story, and have great sympathy. In a moment of clarity, my husband from whom I have been separated for four years, said he felt like two different people. The lovely guy and the serious serial abuser. I am afraid the abuser won, and I won't go back. Please take care of yourself now, do everything you can to regain your independence and strength of mind. I have only managed to heal by not seeing him or hearing from him. This is tough as I have children, but he is so far gone that he will go for weeks I think without even remembering he is married and has children. Certainly he has not behaved as if he has these adult responsibilities really since our youngest was born 13 years ago. And there were long long periods before that too particularly after a child was born. Yes, I sound like a complete idiot to have loved and trusted through what I went through. But I have my children and I am so grateful for them. Two have ADHD and they are getting the right help and mostly doing pretty well. So my advice is, stop thinking about him if you can. I know how hard this is. And begin to do what you want for you. Then you will find peace. I think when they fall into abusive behaviour it feeds something in them and it would take heroic efforts on their part to acknowledge it and heal their relationship. They have to want to. And mine is happy drifting along at his family's and his rich girlfriend's expense, while I handle all the dull grown up stuff like mending the roof and bringing up the children. These responsibilities arouse far too much 'pain' or 'discomfort' in him and his denial is oceans deep. Good luck.

" One of the worst things he does is cling to this ugly persona and say things like "I just can't love anyone properly" or "I'm just a selfish jerk and you deserve better" etc etc. "

My ex said things like that to me .I've learned through sad experience that when a man says things like that, believe him!

...almost all ADHD men act in near the same exact way. My husband and I have had a play by play similiar situation and yet I feel as though we are starting to see the other side of the tunnel. ( hubby does the 5 minute walk/aka go to the store thing all the time)

I will say that although the physical affair was over 3 1/2 years ago, he has had a few emotional affairs as recent as 2 years ago. My husband still lies about the most retarded of things. Often times the lies are so ridiculous that I have to keep myself from laughing. On Thanksgiving he brought rolls to his parents home claiming that he made them when they were store bought and still in the packaging. Not realizing that everyone would notice that!! Beyond the point that no one would care if they were bought or store made, he still felt the need to lie and continue to lie over something as simple as bread.

I will try to address your questions...

1. I still check up on all of his stories of where he has been and I have access to all of his e-mails and his phone. So although I haven't caught him being emotionally or physically unfaithful, he also knows that I can access this information. He said that it keeps him in check and doesn't mind. 

He still lies. I would say it's a lot less frequent and he always tells me "Well, at least I am not lying to you about it." Like it automatically makes everything better.

Lack of empathy has really gotten a lot better. He understands where I am coming from a lot easier, apologizes when he has done wrong and asks for my forgiveness. This is recent behavior (less than a year) and I cannot honestly pinpoint how/where specifically this new maturity (as I call it) came from. 

2. Separation--After I found out that he was still having an emotional affair, this was helpful for us. It was about 2 years ago and I moved out for about 90 days. He realized how much he loved and needed myself and our son in his life. From that point forward he has made strides to be better. There were a lot of ground rules and issues we discussed before I moved back in. I let him know where I stood accepting him back into our lives. (my son and I) If he wanted to be a part of it he had rules to follow and changes to make. If he chose to not follow through with the rules and the commitment I required, then we would have no other choice than to go on our way. 

3. My husband has chosen to not take prescription medication. Do I think that it would help, partially yes and no? He has changed his job, diet, excercise and made life choices that has had positive affects on his behavior. What I will say is that I do not think that a drug is a magical cure all. There has to be some willingness to change and take the medication as it's intended. Since my hubby is against it I do not push the issue nor have I suggested he look into it. 

However, I also learned to let certain things go like a perfectly clean home. AND I have come to the realization that he needs video game time and time out with his friends. I have loosen the reigns and in this I feel that we are able to co-exist and thrive peacefully. On occasions those things still bother me but I have learned to accept that I am not his mother nor his care taker and I need to let him be the free spirit God intended him to be. The more restraints or demands that I place on him the worse he behaved. So, while I do think he has made great changes in his life, I've chosen to make some very important mental and emotional choices in mine as well.

4. I've noticed this with my hubby too. He is so happy to do things with his friends and does not act as enthusiastic when he goes anywhere with my son and I. When going somewhere with his friends will be prepared the night before, wake up super early and be generally chipper all day. It is almost the complete opposite when I have asked/forced him to go places with my son and I. I accept the fact that although he makes many outings miserable, that he also doesn't have to go at all. I am comfortable with explaining to our son why his father is not present and honestly I can enjoy the day without the drama..."Are we ready to go home...I don't feel well...I think I have to poop." <----Yes, he will say that he has to use the restroom and does not feel comfortable going in anyone else's bathroom...but he can crap in the woods on a guys weekend. Essentially, it's all about choices my hubby has clearly made the decision to not make this a priority in our life together.

5. My husband has a child 45 days older than our son (with an ex girlfriend due to affair).  He has had two emotional affairs. While he has come to the realization that the kid issue was wrong, he did not feel that the other two "emotional affairs" were that bad. "It's like porn and all men watch porn", he would tell me. He lately understands that his previous behavior was wrong but he still feels the need to remind me that he does not have control over his actions. 

The other day I came home and he and his friend were playing some nerdy game, that is chess but with super heros characters. I said, "Oh that seems like fun." <----trying to be positive even though I thought it was a ridiculous. He then says, "Well, I know it's nerdy but it keeps me in the house and it's either finding p*ssy or playing this game." I wasn't upset because I realized that he was responding that way because he might have sensed the fact that I thought it was childish. But in all honesty, who says that to their 7 month pregnant wife....Well if I didn't seclude myself to the house by playing this game, I'd be out chasing tail....UGH!


In all, I guess I have learned that I cannot trust a word he says or anything that he does. It's a sad realization and maybe someday I will come to the decision that I want something different in my life. If he continues to progress as he has been, I am willing to live this way. However, if he gets worse, I will not tolerate it and I will file for divorce.

I hope my ramblings helped! I wish you luck with your future.

Thank you sns for your thoughtful reply. I have to say I'm envious that your husband has made the progress that he has and doesn't seem to resent your remaining trust issues. The biggest problem with my circumstances is that my H acts as if I have NO RIGHT WHATSOEVER not to trust him, despite incessantly hurtful behavior. Lately, he blames his untrustworthy behavior on me not trusting him. This feels like a no-win situation!

The sad thing is that I was really mellow before. I didn't sweat the small stuff, or restrict his lifestyle- ever. I hated having to police him after the affair! If he could have just tolerated it for a little while- without resentment- and been a little more loving, things could have gone back to normal fairly fast. Instead they just got worse. Right now we have almost no transparency whatsoever, and I feel extremely vulnerable.

Can I ask, how much contact did you have during your separation? I've been struggling with this- we own a business together, so I can't cut things off very well, which means he'll have no chance to miss me, which, honestly, seems like a long shot at the moment.

I was very mellow before too. That is until I found out about the other child, who of course was 30 days older than our own child and the countless e-mails and texts. It took everything in my soul to not beat him senseless. I was beyond devastated and everyone kept telling me to leave...he will never will always be that way.

Oooohhh believe me after the physical affair, child and 2 other online emotional affairs we were both emotional wrecks. I was trying to control his life and he kept telling me to get off his case because all men cheat...REALLY? ALL MEN? This was an acceptable answer for his horrible and damaging behavior, which of course I was told to understand or leave! It finally got to a point that I told him I was miserable and leaving! He clearly did not get that his behavior was damaging our marriage, my mental sanity and the bond he could be developing with our infant.

I moved out for 90 days. During that time we talk to each other about every 3 days (to arrange care for our son). Towards the end it was more frequent because he was begging me to come back, saying he will change and that he understands how selfish he was. To me it was talk out the side of his face...but because he was recognizing that he in fact played THE key role in this disaster, I began to start with giving him little ounces of trust.

When I moved back in we set guidelines, boundaries and rules for not only him but me too. I wasn't perfect. I failed to provide in areas and he made those areas known. The #1 thing for my hubby was praise. He felt like I was constantly judging, criticizing and looking for him to fail. I did not appreciate enough of what he did do and made him think he was a failure for his inability to get things right...therefore he just gave up and sought attention from women who did not have those expectations or criticisms of him. I now know that he needs constant (AND I MEAN CONSTANT) reinforcement and praise of the small stuff. Yes, it has gotten frustrating sometimes to tell him thank you for flushing the toilet and removing your dirty clothes from the bathroom floor but honestly if it keeps his mind focused on remembering to do it then I will continue to provide that praise. Positive reinforcement and praise is like super fuel for men with ADHD and the opposite (nagging, arguing and unrealistic expectations) is their kryptonite.

I do not believe at this point I have trust issues with my hubby. I will say that if I ever had a doubt though I do have access to everything and he has access to mine. Trust is nothing without transparency. You cannot just blindly go about a marriage with being told something and not having the ability to see it. You have to see if their words match their actions.

My husband has changed so much in the last 2 years that I am letting my guard down and I trust my husband again. It will never be the way it was 5 years ago when I would have believed the sky was purple if he told me so, but I can say with confidence that the struggles we have conquered have made our relationship a rock.

I will also say that my hubby was the one that pushed us to work things out and he made the changes which started our relationship on it's course for health and maturity. I find that the marriages where one partner is pushing for the change of another tends to end in heartache. When I started pulling back and focusing on my own personal change, my hubby starting realizing that I was physically and emotionally slipping away. Thankfully, he wanted to keep me and make me happy by changing his outlook on commitment. I started doing the things he needed and vice versa. It was like a teeter totter of communicate, give, share and accept. (not take)

Our marriage is far from perfect and I do catch myself sometimes not trusting him because of fear or the past or of the unknown. But I make sure that fear does not rule my life. If I see something odd I talk to him about it. We communicate in a healthy manner which causes him to respond favorably.

I wish you the best. It can and will get better if both partners are willing to see that it does. I cannot stress how much positive praise, exercise, proper diet and vitamins will help the ADHD partner. Baby steps...recognize and celebrate any positive change and there will be more to follow. Start including the other things listed above...not all at one because that will cause them to reject the perceived threat of...dun dun dun..."You are trying to fix/change me!"...."What's wrong with me..." "No, you're the problem." I kinda think of ADHD like an addiction...sadly they do not see how their behavior affects their life or others until they are on the other side of it and mastering their life not just going with the flow and having ADHD control (destroy) everything.

Thanks sns- I thought at first that I did praise my H all the time- and i did (often enough to kind of give him a big ego about some things!)- but I just realized that I missed an opportunity to praise him for going to see a therapist. It's pretty hard to help with most of these things when I'm being punatively shunned. Not a lot of opportunities for much of- anything. I think he does know that I'm finally pulling away, and am done begging him to help me salvage the relationship. So far he's just acting stressed out, mysteriously ill, and, just in the last couple of days, a little sad.

He saw a therapist today. I haven't heard a peep about it. Not terribly hopeful, but I am really praying that if he's going to come around that it happens now, because his time is up.

arwen's picture

My husband and I also worked together before, during and after our separation, so perhaps I have some useful experience here.

Basically, while we were working together during the separation, we treated each other strictly as co-workers, as we would have any other co-worker that we had no personal relationship with -- friendly, fairly respectful, unemotional, professional and impersonal -- we kept our personal relationship and our business relationship absolutely separate.  This was challenging at times, we did spill over once or twice in the time we were separated (just under a year), but by and large we were able to make it work.   This doesn't automatically mean that your DH will treat you a thousand times better -- there were times when I felt my husband wasn't treating me like his co-worker, but rather as "his little wifey", and suggested such to him, saying that I didn't think he would treat anybody else that way -- and then my spouse would actually come back with examples of how he *had* treated other co-workers in just such (to my mind, bad) ways in the past!  I had to accept that he was treating me like he'd treat anybody else, and deal with it, even though I didn't like it and didn't think it was professional on his part.  We were able to manage this successfully enough that although a few people thought we were having some marital problems, none of our business acquaintances had any idea that we were separated.

Away from work, we got together three times a week, for about an hour or two each time.  During those times, we *never* talked about work, and never let issues at work or conversations we'd had at work intrude on our personal interactions.  This was generally less difficult to accomplish than the "strictly co-worker" relationship when we worked.

I hear you when you say that your DH will have "no chance to miss me", but you may be surprised in the event.  If you are able to interact impersonally like just another co-worker would, a lot of what makes you "you" is not really there.  My husband and I both missed each other while we were separated.

I'm not saying this is easy -- it requires a lot of self-discipline (on your part if nothing else), and I had to remind my spouse more than once that we had agreed to keep our business relationship and personal relationships separate.    But it's not impossible.  Good luck!

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore


Arwen, may i ask what you guys did talk about during those non-work meetings? Were you discussing relationship problems, or trying to "date" and not get bogged down with negative discourse?

We've done pretty well with keeping our business interactions clean, but i had to pitch a fit about it several times before he started honoring the business email address as business only. The thing that's sticky, is that we have disagreements about how to manage the business during the separation, disagreements about how to manage our health insurance, money, etc. (Were your finances separate- I'm thinking I need to do that somehow. My H has been driving me crazy by secretly telling clients to send him the checks, etc. What with all the lying and entitlement this behavior really stresses me out!) The really awful thing is that I have expensive pre-existing medical conditions that disqualify me from getting my own health insurance, so he knows that I need him to help me with that- and that my walking away is much, much less likely. Until now, he's been right. But I'm coming to the point where I would rather work at McDonalds and lose my health insurance than continue to live like this.

My H wants to live in a different city, wants to start an additional business (which will re-create his affair environment- YAY!), and has recently changed all his account passwords after I caught him in a lie- so, I'm not thinking the chances of this succeeding are great. I asked him to move back here, or at least wait on starting the other business until after the separation, and he accused me of trying to sabotage his life dreams (which was AWESOME considering how many thousands of hours I've directly helping him pursue his dreams in the 17 years we've been together). Meanwhile, my life dreams about being out of debt, maybe having a child, and having a respectful and loving marriage are unimportant and can wait.

I'm guessing that you and your H didn't date other people during your year apart. Did you feel like saving your marriage was your H's priority?

arwen's picture

We did *not* date during our separation, either each other, OR other people.  We didn't make any agreement to do that -- there was no third party involved in our problems in the first place, and we both wanted to save our marriage if we could (so, yes, saving our marriage was indeed my spouse's priority) --  so neither of us really *wanted* to date anyone else, yet we were too upset with each other to date each other!

Our non-work meetings dealt with both relationship problems, and the logistics of our non-work partnership, i.e. taxes, finances, other legal matters, home maintenance.  We were, however, trying to meet without negativism -- almost as if we were strangers who had been thrust into a partnership somehow without choice, and who had to find ways to work together.  Yes, that's a bit cold, but nonetheless it was actually improvement to the relationship, because previously all our interactions had become acrimonious.

Our finances were not totally separate -- we each had a personal account but also a joint account.  We live in a community property state, so our other investments and obligations were joint.  During this period of marital separation, we separated our finances even further, although we retained the joint account as a medium for transferring money between various accounts.  But my husband cannot transfer money from my individual account, and I cannot transfer money from his individual account.  We've retained that additional separation to this day, and it works extremely well for us.

Our health insurance was not separate, either, but I was in a better situation than you are.  For tax purposes, it was better for us to have all the health insurance in my name, so I wasn't dependent on him for that.  We did not change that during our separation.  Later, when I became unemployed, we switched the health insurance to his name, but by that time our troubles were over and it has not been any kind of issue.  And if I had to, I could get health insurance now with my current employer (it's just not an economical choice for us now).

I'm sorry to say, I agree your chances don't seem terribly good that your spouse is going to work with you to deal with these kinds of concerns.  From what you describe, it sounds to me  like he's not just lying to you, he's very actively lying to himself.  (I've seen this set of behaviors before, first-hand.)  If he's like the ADHDers that I've observed, deep down inside somewhere, I suspect he knows that there is something that doesn't quite add up in his view of the situation, but he is too terrified of or overwhelmed by the implications in the reality to admit it  -- it's much safer and easier to say that *you* are the problem.

The more and earlier you can prepare yourself and protect yourself from the downsides of divorce, the better off you will be.  Even if you don't divorce, your marriage will probably have fewer sources of problems with whatever changes you can implement.

My prayers are with you -- good luck!

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

you don't have children together? Why in the world are you putting yourself through all of this?

I really wanted to save the marriage for several reasons: 1) I know it may be hard to understand, but I still love him, 2) I know that my H is a good man deep down- he's just hurting too much to stop mistreating me. I hoped that with therapy & medication he would feel better and stop taking things out on me, 3) Abuse victims often have a really hard time leaving for various reasons, and 4) he was probably my last chance to have a child since I am almost past my reproductive years. Recovering from the divorce and finding another person to have a baby with in just a couple of years seems pretty unlikely.

summerwine's picture

Oh big hugs honey! I am a divorced lady and my ex husband was a cheat and liar too. Only he blamed MY ADHD for HIS lying and cheating! Since I was such a lousy wife he needed to find other women to fill his needs. Yeah right. Now I am a single Mom with a young boy with ADHD and SPD and I take care of my niece (ADHD-PI) and my nephew (AS). I was diagnosed about 5 years ago. I work with special needs kids at a daycare. I work mostly with kids with Autism and ADHD and nuerobiological disabilities. I will try to answer your questions but I'm not an expert!


1- I know many people on this forum are dealing with infidelity, incessant lying, or lack of empathy. Has anyone successfully dealt with all of these?

I was dealing with lying and cheating and I'm the one with ADHD and he was not. Goes to show. They say at least half of all men cheat. ADHD doesn't make people cheat. Maybe it makes some men who would cheat anyway more likely to cheat? My brother is also ADHD and he has never cheated he is very devoted to his wife. I never cheated. Lying to cover up stuff or to make yourself look better is common for people with disabilities. It's called Covering. You try to cover up your symptoms and screw ups with lies. You also try to build yourself up in people's eyes with lies or exaggerating the truth to make you look better. It's all about hiding that you are like barley hanging in there. For kids with ADHD and AS it starts when they are very little. Mommy and Daddy punish me for being bad but if they don't catch me then I don't get into trouble. And kids are nicer to me and want to be my friend if they think that I am better than I really am. For people with neurobiological disabilites it can be a matter of perception too. We see the world very differently than you. We think different. So we like interpret things that happen differently. and the ADHD can play tricks on you and make you think that you did something but you didn't. Its easy to get confused or overwhelmed and you just say anything to make people stop pushing at you too. That's usually why I lie if I lie. To make people go away and stop pressing me for something. But lots of people with ADHD are NOT liars. Not any more than most people. Besides normal people lie all the time, you lie and say "No that dress does not make you butt look big" to someone with a different brain that seems like the same kind of lie as saying you did a chore but didn't yet. You see the difference I really don't .


2- Has anyone found a separation to be helpful with ADHD-related marital problems?

I found kicking my lying, cheating, not supportive husband out did wonders for my stress and health and ADHD. I didn't let him come back. Is he really wanting a trial separation or does he wants out and is not saying it? Or does he feel forced to ask for one? My brother and his wife had a separation for a while and things are better now. They started over.


3- Is it possible that his drug regimen is inadequate and that a different med or dose would allow more empathy?

ADHD does not take away your empathy. We have it. It does not effect that part of the brain the way it does someone with a personality disorder. Medication will not give him more empathy. If you mean empathy in the proper clinical term. I learned when training at the daycare that people have funny definitions of what empathy really is. What do you mean by empathy? Feeling sorry for you or agreeing with you or seeing your point of view? It is harder for us to put ourselves in the shoes of other people because our brain works different but we can do it if we try and communicate with each other. We still feel bad if someone is hurt and things like that. If he really just can't see things from anyone else's point of view EVER it might be something like AS or a personality disorder. I really do try to understand where people are coming from. Most people with ADHD probably try too.


4- Is it possible that co-morbid depression could be causing the anger and lying- even though he appears happy when he goes out with friends?

Yes its possible. ADHD is almost never alone it almost always comes with something else too. If he is more happy going out with his friends is it because its more fun to go out with his friends? Do you pick the activity? Are you fun? Is it more like a chore? My brother hates going out with his wife because all she wants to do is go out for dinner and a movie but he hates doing those things. Especially the movie because its hard to sit still and focus in a theater for 2 hours. When he is out with the boys they do stuff he likes to do. Of course he still has to be nice to his wife and take her out for dinner and a movie! I keep telling my sister in law to just go play pool with him. You know do what he wants once in a while. URGH.


5- Is there any hope with this, or do I need to accept that he will never provide the emotional reliability that I need as a result of his affair?

I don't know. If he just got diagnosed then its way to soon to know. Healing form something like an affair and dealing with ADHD is going to take a lot of work. Both of you will ahve to do a lot of work. Is it worth it for you? Do you have kids?

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

Thank you summerwine- it's so helpful to hear about the other side of this. My sense is that this is not an issue of ADHD but rather entitlement and resentment. My H is used to me being little more than a sidekick and emotional crutch to him. Now that I am asserting my needs on par with his, he's not liking it so much. He grew up in a culture where men are expected to be the heads of households and that is that. His uncle preached about wifely subservience at his own daughter's wedding. I thought my H rejected that in favor of a less sexist worldview, but now I'm worried.

To respond to your responses :)

1- I think I could learn to tolerate impulsive lying about things that don't matter, but my H has lied about more significant things. He badmouthed and lied about me behind my back to a friend whom he'd PROMISED me he wouldn't talk to about me or our marriage. He did this for hours and then lied to me about it for days afterward. I'm trying to be charitable, and say that he felt emasculated etc, and couldn't help but bash me to his marriage-hating buddy. But this willingness to break a promise to me and sustain doing something that should feel wrong all the while he's doing it makes me very concerned. Does he do this all the time? What's to stop him from having another affair- he's even less content in the marriage now then when he had the other one!

2- I don't know what he wants. I think he wants to not deal with it. To screw off with his friends and watch porn and play video games and have less restrictions rather than more. But who knows.

3- The main problem is that he doesn't think about how the things he's done affect me, before or AFTER they do. I've learned that there's no benefit to trying to tell him why something hurt me, or to say something like "How would you like it if I did that to you?". Well, it'd be completely different if it happened to him. And he has been extremely cruel to me when I was crying or asking him for help. This is what scares me. The fact that even when I ask him to empathize, he seems incapable. Or maybe it's just unwilling. I don't know. But it doesn't feel like love.

4- What I mean is that he's happy sometimes. He used to be happy going out with me (well, we almost always did what he wanted to do). Since his affair he is morose and angry when he's alone with me, but if we go out with friends, he seems happy during that time. I'm unclear on whether depression can (at least appear to) lift like that. He's always been more negligent when we go out with other people- he'll walk ahead of me on the sidewalk and stop having much awareness of me at all. I thought it was just about him being excited and stimulated to be out with other less-familiar people. But he wouldn't act depressed with me at home; now he does pretty consistently.

5- I would (and perhaps already have) do more than I should to save the marriage. I've been working hard for 10 months. Him, not so much. I don't know if it's because he thinks he'll fail or be rejected, so he's just making it into a deliberate choice, or whether he just really doesn't value the relationship enough to work for it. Since I can't necessarily trust what he says, it's hard to know. His behavior has been ambiguous.

My Husband (soon to be ex) believes all of the lies he tells as truths.  I have not successfully been able to deal with that.  Separation, from my experience, does not give them time to think and work on themselves. Separation to them is continue to live the destructive life which caused the separation. My Psychologist diagnosed my Husband during my session and I shared it with him and he says nothing is wrong with him she's wrong.  But she has never met him and within 15 minutes of talking to me she diagnosed him and it fits.  I hate that you're going through this and its sad we have to deal with it.  We went to marital counseling as well and she asked us to list what we felt we negatively brought to the relationship.  I listed mine open and Husband began with SHE does this and SHE does that.  The counselor had to reiterate her question and he couldn't do it.  I am appalled your marriage counselor pretty much blamed you for being angry, wow! I know this is not advice but just know you're not alone, ADHD is something we just cannot get rid of without our Husbands getting on board to achieve mental stability.

I have to agree with the last comment that separation, from my experience, does not work.  It only validates their feelings that we are the source of their problems and stress.  My husband left last year and 6 months after he left, he tells me he is now "stress free".  Sure he is stress free, he left his wife and children behind.  All he has to focus on now is his work.  He then tells me he is not going back to the way it was (I guess he didn't like the fact that I was doing all the housework, raising the kids with no support and every other thing that needed to be done!!).  It has now been 1 1/2 years that he has been gone and he still has a minimal relationship with our son so that tells me that in his solitude he is still unable to even reflect on what a poor parent he has been.  Remember, most with ADD are mentally unable to reflect and see the part they played in their failed marriage, so why would it be any different when you are separated.  What I have read over and over from many of the comments on this site and also from what I have experienced in my own 25 years of marriage, is that we keep hanging in there in hopes of our marriage working.  I think typically, women particularly, excuse a lot of behavior that we know is not part of a loving relationship.  That is ok possibly for awhile while you see if both spouses can agree to counseling or some other help and then see if improvements are being made and last.  However, when this abusive behavior goes beyond 5 years, I think many need to make the very difficult decision to get out or at least start making some plans to get out whether that means getting a job, saving some money, etc...  5 years easily turns into 10 and then 20 and then 25.  My husband has been gone 1 1/2 years and yes, it is still very painful everyday, but looking back, I can't believe what I put up with and I know I am better without him.  In the end, my husband had an affair and left anyway.  If he hadn't left, I would still be here with all the frustration and unacceptable behavior.   Out of all that I have been through in these past 25 years (only realizing my spouse had ADD last year), I think the biggest lesson I have learned is to NEVER accept behavior towards me that I know in my heart is unacceptable, not for the sake of money, keeping the family together, or any other common reason.  I just hope more can find the strength, after you have sincerely given your marriage a chance to work, to get out of these dysfunctional marriages and not look back before you loose too many more years of your life.  Remember, ADD typically gets worse as people get older.     


summerwine's picture

"Remember, most with ADD are mentally unable to reflect and see the part they played in their failed marriage, so why would it be any different when you are separated. "

I am NOT unable to reflect. I have a different perspective and I might have a harder time at it but I am not incapable of looking back and seeing mistakes that I made.


"Remember, ADD typically gets worse as people get older. "

Only if it's not treated!

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

arwen's picture

Summerwine, I'm glad your personal experience has been so positive.  I'm sure you are able to reflect, and see mistakes you made.  But I have known many people with ADHD, and based on that fairly large population, my own experience has not been so positive.  I would say that about 20% are completely incapable of  (and not interested in) reflection and unwilling to even consider the possibility that they made mistakes;  about 35% are capable of reflecting, but only on a very superficial (and often also selective) level;  about 35% are capable of deeper reflection when they are given some specific, keen motivation, although they don't necessarily remember all that well;  and about 10% actually do so without prompting and with reasonable regularity and accuracy.  While there are also analagous groupings in the non-ADHD population, my experience has been that the percentages are skewed towards the more-reflective end (say about 5%, 25%, 40% and 30%).  Based on what I've read, I'd be surprised if this wasn't fairly representative of most people's experience.  But I can appreciate that you would not want to be lumped in with the representative statistics if your own situation diverges from them.  

I don't think the capability or inclination to reflection is necessarily intrinsic to the differences between ADHD and non-ADHD brains -- I think the way that one is brought up has quite a lot of influence on this ability, but is probably even more instrumental in the case of someone with ADHD than someone without.  

As far as whether ADHD gets worse as it gets older, or not -- I've seen cases where people were on meds and got better as they aged -- some where they got worse as they aged -- some that were unaffected by age.  And I've seen the same with people not on meds.    In my husband's family, there seems to be a hormonal component that contributes to ADHD changes, and so there does seem to be an age-related effect.  Outside my husband's family -- not so much.  I hypothesize whether there is an age-related effect is based on the specific factors in an individual's ADHD.  Of course, *all* people, whether ADHD or not, tend to experience reduced neurotransmitter activity in middle and/or old age -- it's part of the typical aging process -- so this could affect folks with ADHD, independent of other factors, and worsen their symptoms.  Unfortunately, it's not always possible to treat this degeneration, though medical science is working on it and making some progress.

In general, my experience has repeatedly shown me that it's dangerous to extrapolate from my husband's individual case to generalizations -- it's just not valid, and the incorrect assumptions often create really big problems.    The only time I feel it's reasonable to make generalizations is when I'm able to look over the entire populations of folks I know with ADHD (a considerable group, at this point), and see common patterns or threads.

Good luck to you!   I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that your efforts are worthwhile, and appreciated -- perhaps more than you know.

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

summerwine's picture

Maybe it is because we have different experiences and perspective but I'd say your figures should be switched around. In MY experience the "normals" are more likely to think that they are automatically right and will be abusive and controlling if you don't bow to their will and they will refuse to see how badly they treat you and are LESS likely to apologize. Guess we will have to agree to disagree.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

Funny that is what my dh says abou me: controllng manipulative. Im not perfect, I might not speak as quickly to get my point across as quickly as he would like...but I am trying to do everything including bills, working two part time jobs, taking care of house and chores by myself, kids homeworks, needs, without his help UNless he wants to. My self esteem is crushed and he does not understand that simply speaking to me this way (usually when we are alone in a separate room where no one else can "hear") can crush me further... Toxic and unsupportive HURTS. And its still apparently all my fault. He knows he has adhd but wont say this had any affect on our marriage. And the physical intimidation, rages, mean words and arrogance he has demonstrated towards me have been "because I made him do it". Im like a pathetic stereotype ...Im so crushed. And I still need to keep it together, not let my feelings of despair show if i can help it, and continue to interact w him because of the kids. He is a "great guy" you see...its not a good time right now...but his view is: its because of me!

summerwine's picture

My ex husband used to call me a stupid cow and a fat slob and a crazy b-word. He felt justified to yell at me and insult me and throw things because I made him angry. Once he kicked me in the butt as I walked away from him ranting. I was 6 moths pregnant and I landed on my knees and bruised them. he said it was my fault that I deserved it because I made him so angry by letting the dirty dishes pile up and not standing there and listening to him rant about how terrible I am for not doing the dishes. I was supposed to just stand there and take each verbal blow or I might get a physical kick in the ass. And it was all my fault for being a stupid and lazy cow who lost things and ran late and didn't keep the house clean. I didn't deserve love or affection or respect because I was frustrating. He used to make me stand there and list all of my screw ups in life: Pregnant by accident because I forgot to take the pill, bad at school, bad housekeeper, forgetful, lazy, stupid, disorganized, never on time etc etc etc while he stood there and gloated about how superior he was. I went and I got help I thought it was depression or maybe I really was just a stupid cow but it turned out the be ADHD. I took the meds that made me sick and tried different ones and I got a counselor and i read books and I learned abut ADHD and I went back to school. What did he do? NOTHING! More yelling and name calling. His demands got more and more as I got better. Oh you can do the laundry now well then you can iron all my shirts and take this to the dry cleaner and if you forget the dry cleaning I will scream at you for an hour. One day he got mad at me for some stupid thing I said and he punched me in the face with the baby in my arms. I called the cops and he left. I guess I deserved it huh? My ADHD drove him to abuse me right? Good riddance to rubbish. Goes to show that being ADHD doesn't automatically make you a bad person and not having ADHD doesn't automatically make you a good person.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

arwen's picture

summerwine wrote:  "Goes to show that being ADHD doesn't automatically make you a bad person and not having ADHD doesn't automatically make you a good person."

Could not agree more!!!  I've known some really awful people who definitely did not have ADHD, and some sweethearts who did.  So sorry your ex was such a rotter who abused you, glad you are out of that situation.

I can't help thinking that  it's more likely that a woman is going to be abused in a marriage or relationship where one partner has ADHD, *regardless* of whether she is the one with the ADHD or not!  Not saying that women never abuse their spouses, I know it does happen, but it seems far less frequent.  So it seems to me that whether a wife is abused or not in an ADHD relationship relates more to *gender issues* than to ADHD.

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

When I married my first husband, we belonged to one of those fundamentalist "wives be submissive to your husbands" churches. To him, that gave him the right to "discipline" (beat) me if I couldn't make things come out the way he wanted. The bank wouldn't cash his check because they couldn't read the signature? I was unsubmissive. I couldn't get ink out his pants after he broke a pen in there? I was unsubmissive. You get the picture....No one can guarantee perfect results any time.

I had major surgery because a birth defect left my knees too bad to go up and down steps. Not, Ok, you can't take steps so I'll do the laundry. It's a crappy male entitlement thing. I guess your husband felt entitled to a slave and you weren't a good enough one. Good riddance, I'm glad you had enough self-esteem to get rid of him. It took me 16 years. You're a faster learner than me.

Neither of us have ADD as far as I know, but our daughter does, so maybe he does after all. He lives alone now so I guess he's not going to hurt anyone else. Living with an ADDer can be frustrating. My current ADD husband does not work or even try to, so I'm frustrated to, but I can't imagine yelling at him about it. 


summerwine's picture

Yeah he came from that kind of background but I didn't. My family is United Church so more modern. I think if I hadn't started treating my ADHD and seeing a counselor that I would have stayed even longer. I was doing well enough that I thought I could go back to school and that gave me my escape route.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

leopardprints67's picture

Wow, what an a@@! Sounds like my ex-husband.  And my family. And a lot of the men I've dated. You're so right. Goodbye to rubbish!

When life hands you melons, it probably means you're dyslexic

leopardprints67's picture

Oh sweetie. That's a crock of sh@!. You do NOT deserve what he's doing and he's trying to toss the blame on your shoulders by saying you drive him to act like a dick. HE is ultimately responsible for HIS behavior. No one can control another person's reactions, we can only control our own. You deserve so much better than this!

When life hands you melons, it probably means you're dyslexic

So many people here... so much support for each other. It helps but wow... Never knew life could be like this. The worst, of I am allowed to say? The apathy. He doesnt care about me, the me as a person or partner- after knowing and being together (at least from my side?) dor 28 yrs. And to hear him say- "it"(our marriage?) always sucked... No! It did not! So I guess that is where MY trigger lies (hope some of the posters who have said similar things to their partner gets this..): being INVISiBLE, discounted, diminished (get to the point, i cantfollow you. Stop raising your voice. Stop repeating yourself and say something I dont already know.. And a host of other mean things) maybe I was codependent, maybe I just cared too much. Guilt I have for not getting his difficulties in life and unknowlingly hurting him over these years. But he did not know either about the add. And still refuses to deal with it. Preferring to give up leave or stay and be violent. He tried therapy yet he could not reconcile fhings- just kept being angry angry... Even without me there..angry. Excruciating pain I feel now because I cant do anything to brong my prtner back. He says its easier now- less confrontation, peace? I am not. Crazy dreams, crying, scared, and wondering if I am crazy or will ever feel safe again. Sorry again for this downer of a post...


I agree that for the moment you read that you are NOT alone, that others are on this horrible journey right along with you, for those brief moments in time you feel SANE....feel a sense of relief that it's not YOU, and YOU ARE NOT ALONE...and then time to scurry off the computer and deal with these people who have systematically destroyed us....whether by intention, or due to illness (jury here is still out on that one)

I GET THAT ALL THE TIME......all I do is repeat myself he says, and why do you always have to yell?  My simple answer would be if you listened/understood/remembered the first time, you wouldn't make me have to repeat and yell all the time.  There are stories we have gone over 20 times, and he still has no clue why I repeat myself.  Cuz ya Don't GET IT!  Every now and then, when the fighting is at a standstill, and my hands are in the air (I surrender there's nothing more I can do/say), it all sinks in.  He speaks with clarity.  Is apologetic.  Asks how to "fix" things....and I see the man I married.  Then the moment passes, and the apathy kicks in and it's all the same story different day.

I know, I will be in your shoes very soon.  That we will inevitably live apart again.  It will be the final time, this time, and the children will be off to college, so there won't be the need for the daily/weekly interactions with him.  He will have a brand new life to pursue whatever "bright and shiny thing" is next and on and on and on.  I gave him my best.  My love, my heart, my soul for the better part of the 34 years since we met.  i did date others when he moved away (early 20's ), and i know life goes on, and he will stumble through life somehow just fine without me, but like you, my friend....where will I be?  Tossing and turning and tears and pain and longing and BITTERNESS...yes, lots and lots and lot of bitterness....for giving until I lost me, and for what could have been and never will.  Please don't apologize for your posts.  YOU MAKE ME FEEL SANE.  YOU MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I AM NOT ALONE, LIKE I AM NOT STUPID FOR RUNNING AWAY BUT FOR VALUING MY MARRIAGE VOWS AND TRYING UNTIL THE VERY END TO LOVE SOMEONE WHO CLEARLY CANNOT GIVE BACK WHAT IT TAKES FOR A NORMAL, COMMITTED, CONNECTED LOVING RELATIONSHIP!!!!!  Thank you lululove......I appreciate your words, your rant, your venting MORE THAN YOU KNOW.

Please know i understand your frustrations a little bit. Ive seen and experienced them from the other side for almost thirty years. You are a brave strong person and despite the things you have trouble dealing with, the disorganization, the feelings that no matter what you do you will fail... Know that those voices can not be allowed to pull you down. Dealing with our "internal"...inside messages is rhe first challenge to be fought before we can move on to dealing with the external.

Lulu, this is something else that concerns me. If the meanness was really only a matter of impulsive speaking, then why doesn't my H do it in front of other people? Why doesn't he fly into rages and punch the wall in front of other people? This ability to control "out-of-control" behavior is one of the defining characteristics of abusive people.

I completely understand your sentiment about feeling like a stereotype- I NEVER thought I would let a man treat me the way my H treats me. It's humiliating and soul-sucking. My therapist said something to me yesterday that has provoked a lot of thought. I was saying that my H used to be so wonderful, and he responded, "You mean what you know about was wonderful". It was so shocking for someone to take that stance. And this is a therapist who thinks that marriage should be saved if at all possible.

His advice (as well as Melissa's) has been extremely helpful- get my own life together. Stop worrying about him and why he's being such a nightmare. Move on, and hopefully he will follow. If he does, then the dynamic will be very different.

So that's why I'm trying to do. Hard- very hard for me. But I'm going to succeed.

His advice (as well as Melissa's) has been extremely helpful- get my own life together. Stop worrying about him and why he's being such a nightmare. Move on, and hopefully he will follow. If he does, then the dynamic will be very different.

When I made up my mind that I would no longer allow his behavior to influence my future is when I regained the strength in myself and in my marriage. I was lucky that my partner decided to follow me and make the appropriate healthy changes. 

summerwine, do you think this could also be a gender difference? I thought i recalled reading that women tend to internalize blame and men tend to externalize it- and usually in the direction of their wives! I don't have ADHD and I apologize too much- H almost never (and never without a big ol' "BUT" and then an attack or two after the apology).

I understand what you are saying about the Non-ADDer believing they are automatically right. This belief has added to the length of our recovery period because my meds have helped me communicate better, but facing what I'm sure my DW has faced in the past, she will not budge on her perceived "Truth". Like Adderall being The Reason I've lost weight and recently I was texting a guy who was just fired at my job and trying to help him through the shock. For many months, knowing how I could disappear into my phone or laptop ignoring the people around me (Rude of me) and if my wife comes into the room I don't even get out my phone, I close the laptop and try to create a better place than I used too. On this day that I was texting my friend, I was trying to wrap up the texts as fast as possible, but my DW got mad and stormed out of the room. When I went to discuss it later, it was all "You are AWAYS texting, or on the computer". I explained that I knew this was a problem and was making a real effort to put up the devices and pay attention to her. I never brought up what I was doing as I just wanted to replace the old perception with a new one. She does not even realize how often she is the one staring into her phone while we are sitting in the room together. I have done more than my fair share of this and am not going to call her out on it. My DW just went on and on about how I ALWAYS do this to her and now I told her how for at least the last 6+ months I've been NOT doing this. It did not matter, she did not know Who I was texting and it was Rude to do so. I agreed it was and explained about my co-worker.

I guess since as an ADDer I know that I this perception was created by me, and "Perception" is a cruel B*tch to deal with... I don't expect a "Pat on Back" for making each better choice, but Maybe Not blowing up into a tirade without knowing the circumstances would help in the days of improving communications. The reasons ADDers have so much trouble communicating is because of the anger assaults we get when trying to communicate. Lose, Lose situation... I realize where the Non's anger comes from these days, of course, but Anger stalls the healing every bit as much as the ADD lies by omission (Clearly wrong as well). Learning to better communicate is not easy after 43+ years of conflict avoidance, as I'm sure trying to protect yourself from another lie by attacking for the truth out of the proven liar is difficult.

If we want improvement, both sides need to try. I know it seems like the Non's have to give more in this process, but giving up on a lifetime of coping mechanisms is not easy either.

I wish more of my ADD brothers would try to address the ADD and help change the perceptions of the ADDer being incapable of Real Change. It IS possible for the ADDer to change.

Would she not understand if you said (upon her entering the room) "hey honey, come sit with me..I am texting _____...he lost his job today and is really upset, but I am going to wrap it now...give me just a couple of minutes" ?? This would be better than saying nothing, to me. To me that leaves open more room for imagination to run wild (is it a female? is it really that important?) Just knowing you were trying to help a friend, and that it wasn't a female, might help her be more OK with it. I know you feel that you would be making excuses, but I (as a non) would not see it that way at all. I would rather have a quick explanation and reassurance that you were aware of my presence and wrapping up the conversation than to have zero information and have it feel like the same old, same old.

Although I admit I don't fully understand why the phone has to be put away immediately when either of you enters the room (even though you seem to point out a double standard where she doesn't feel obligated to do so, as you do), I guess it is a rule you guys have set for your marriage. I would suggest you somehow try to approach the subject with her of her using hers freely when you aren't "allowed" to do so without facing her wrath. That is not fair...and you 'accepting' this kind of thing will only cause you to be resentful in the long run and avoiding bringing up the issue makes it impossible to resolve it. I am not sure how you go about it, but I do think you should point out the double standard. 

Taken the situation better if I had said those things. I had been home for a while and was in the middle of the weekday school routine when she got home. We said "Hi" before she went to change clothes. When she came back into the room she already had "The look" and anything after this seems "Too little, too late"... This was also during the crazy Christmas Chaos and stress levels were already high. It all worked out and she mentioned it would have been nice knowing who I was texting. I really don't text much at all which left me puzzled at the "Always texting" comments...

There is no Rule about putting up my phone, but knowing how ridiculous it is for a family to be sitting together and all looking into their personal device drives my choice to Not be the one doing it. I know how I used to constantly be checking emails and surfing the web with my latest tech toy. I want to enjoy my family time and stop the disconnect. Believe me, when we discussed the texting incident, I told her that her perception was skewed regarding my always being on my phone and her really doing this more than I do when we are together.

Other than that day, things on the whole are improving at my house. The Adderall weight loss plan has not been brought up in quite some time and my DW has lost over 20 lbs and this has really helped her self-esteem. 

Thanks Sherri :) 

Hey I could be way off YYZ but it could be that by shutting them down when she comes in the room makes her feel like your hiding something?  I've done very similar things I know I did this a lot when I was untreated and so I make it a point to put the phone and computer aside when I am with the kids or wife.  I also lost weight when I started treating and have continued to do so but not because of the meds.  The exercise and dietary changes have helped me maintain it.

Maybe with her seeing you lose weight, focusing on your weight loss and then you shutting down devices when she is around is sending (unintentionally) the wrong message.

Just popped in my head when I read through these last couple of post.

This is a good point ADD Husband... I was doing this because I knew I had neglected my DW for so long, but did not want to make it seem like I wanted praise for putting down the "Toys" when she was around. I can see that putting things up when she comes into the room looks as bad as always being on the devices. I guess, like Sherri suggested, I should just let her know if I'm helping someone out or whatever the case may be so there is no mystery about what I'm doing.

Food was my addiction (Self-Medication) before my diagnosis and ever since then I just don't eat as much and I Really feel better when I exercise regularly. I'm glad to see that others know they have to work at keeping the weight from coming back too. I believe most of my weight loss is because I Feel Better...

Definitely the weight loss goes away after the first several months.  Appetites return and then its about choices.  

I sometimes wondered if I was only kidding myself that "I" actually was doing something to keep the weight off. I think I am stopping my food intake when I could easily eat more. Pushing the plate away, exercising and not trolling for food late at night. This argument about Adderall or "Speed" as my DW calls it has been a Big Recurring fight for a long time.  

"Dr. Kipper offers a more scientific explanation for how Adderall helps you lose weight. “The drug produces more dopamine in the brain, which is the neurotransmitter that suppresses appetite,” he says. “It keeps the dopamine from being recycled and metabolized away.” Whenever we do something that is pleasurable, our mesolimbic reward system in the brain secretes dopamine as well. This means that we connect taking Adderall with a feeling of pleasure, and can lead to the addiction."

“When you take a stimulant medication, or any abusive medication, after three or four months of taking it, the brain restructures itself,” says Dr. Kipper. “The brain becomes tolerant, so you have to take more of the drug to get the same effects.”


What I gather from it is for anyone yes there is a metabolic boost and appetite suppressant effect; that said like anything over time your body normalizes to it.  All of that said really does it matter?  If you did and still are losing weight from taking a needed prescription for ADHD does that matter?  Even if it was a "positive" side effect so what?  There is a difference between losing some fat and getting healthy.  Eating less of unclean foods regardless of the reason is not substantial any more than normal weigh fluctuation over the course of time.

My wife harped on this for the first year so in 2011 I took it to another level.  I lost 25 pounds of fat while gaining 7 pounds of muscle and started redefining my body.  Didn't finish as strong as I wanted to but will keep working at it.  Haven't heard another thing about the weight loss aspect of the meds since.  If my wife had to take a medication that had a weight loss side effect I wouldn't hold that against her or as a point of contempt.  Rather I'd be happy for her and hoped she realized she had a slight leg up in the race.

All of that said it doesn't have that profound of a long term weight loss effect.

This is exactly what I have read elsewhere... My DW and I both struggled with our weight though out our lives, mostly on the wrong side of the scales. So there were many emotions causing my DW's anger towards my "Magic Pills". I get the one disorder where the medications side affect can be weight loss and not gain. It was not fair. Exercise is key for me. When I get off track on my walking regiment I don't feel nearly as good as the days when I walk. What I eat has not changed too much, but how much I eat has changed drastically.

I don't ever want to go back to my previous weight or the ADD Fog...

Thanks for your input arwen- we share a lot of beliefs, including your Dumbledore quote :) I have a couple of quick questions-

How can we tell if our ADHD partner is truly not reflecting, rather than just not ADMITTING to realizing that s/he was wrong because they have esteem problems?

Are you saying that you've seen people sometimes get worse as they get older even if they're medicated? Considering that my H is about as aggressively ADD as one can get, that would be a terrifying prospect indeed!

This might seem out of left field, but do you think that going from being vegetarian for 12 years to hard-core carnivore could affect ADHD sypmtoms?

arwen's picture

I'll tackle your questions in reverse order, as the first is the hardest (and longest) to answer.

I do think that going from being a longterm vegetarian to hardcore carnivore can affect ADHD symptoms -- and vice versa.   This despite the fact that there isn't any clearcut evidence I know of that shows a strong correlation between diet and ADHD across the board, and I know that studies have been done, for example, that indicate that foods with high levels of tryptophan (a serotonin precursor) don't have any measurable affect on serum serotonin.  But my husband adores almost every high-tryptophan food, and I doubt that's an accident.  Our son, who has ADHD and SAD like his dad,  struggles more with seasonal depression that his dad does -- and our son turns into a simple-carb addict every winter (in effect, self-medicating with food, IMHO), but my husband doesn't.   We are what we eat, as they say!  I suspect that for *some* people with ADHD, diet may not make much of a difference, but I think it does for others.   

Yes, I'm saying that I've seen *some* people with ADHD get worse as they get older even if they are medicated -- and some that do not.  My husband was diagnosed 15 years ago and started meds and counseling -- and initially he got better at dealing with his ADHD.  But after about 5 years, his SAD started getting to be a bigger problem.  We developed strategies to deal with that, and again things got better for a while, but about 7 years ago, he stopped treating his SAD, and things got very very bad for a while.  (He resumed SAD treatment the following year, but he has not been regular about following his regime, so the results have likewise been irregular.)   Over these past 6 years, I've observed that while his *skill* at dealing with his ADHD problems has improved significantly, the frequency and severity of his symptoms has also slowly increased.     Fortunately, his skills have more than compensated for his symptoms, so that even though he forgets more, even though he thinks things through less thoroughly, even though he is more oblivious to things around him than ever, he has developed enough useful mechanisms to deal with them that the net effect is an improvement in our interactions.  Another ADHD acquaintance, about the same age as my husband, without SAD, has complained of the same general experience.  But I'm just as sure that there are others with ADHD who don't experience this slow degeneration even while on ADHD meds (even though I haven't seen this within my family and close acquaintance, only from afar).

For your last question, "how can we tell if our ADHD partner is truly not reflecting, rather than just not ADMITTING to realizing that s/he was wrong because they have esteem problems?" -- there's no easy answer.  Obviously, there's no cast-iron, guaranteed way to be sure.  In my husband's case, when he is not admitting something, he's *usually* aware of it, which makes him aware that he's not being entirely honest, and he gives off very subtle cues in his voice and body language that indicate this to me.  (I've learned to "decode" his subliminal signals correctly most of the time, I'm sure, because when I've challenged him with my conclusions, his shock at being "seen through" couldn't possibly have been faked.  In effect, I've become a human lie-detector.  I'm not saying I can't be fooled, but it's very rare if I'm face-to-face.)  There have been the very rare occasions where my husband wasn't admitting *to himself* as well as me that he was aware he was wrong (i.e. saying some things that weren't a direct admission but still clearly would not have been said if he thought he was right! while still insisting he wasn't wrong and defending his actions/words/choices) -- but the inherent conflicts in his messages are so obvious to spot that I can also tell when I'm dealing with that situation.  Usually, if I'm not getting *any* of those signals, I've learned it's very likely that he is truly not reflecting.   (This conclusion  is just based on many years now of careful observation and extreme diligence in trying to make sure that I really do understand what he's thinking/feeling/meaning through questions, conversational exploration, and reality checks conducted in non-judgmental discourse.  I don't say this would be the case for every couple.  For another person with ADHD, there might be other possible explanations for this kind of behavior.)  So, as far as *I* know, we can only hope to have a reasonable educated guess about the reason for the behavior through this kind of observation and diligence.  I do think, though, there is a second factor that I've employed that may also be involved.

That second factor is that I do a sort of "litmus test" on everything my husband tells me (that might affect me, anyway), and I *never* let an apparent contradiction remain unresolved.  I want to emphasize that I do *not* do this out of distrust!  I'm not ever trying to do a "gotcha".  I do this to *make sure* that I have a clear, complete understanding so that confusion, mistakes and problems can be avoided or minimized.  Most of the time, when I do this, we simply discover that there was something my husband forgot about, or hadn't considered, and there's no unpleasantness, we just pick up and go forward from there.  So, every statement gets subjected (in my head, not out loud) to "is this possible? reasonable? likely?  even for my husband?".  Unless I've found my spouse lying to me about a particular topic very recently, I always give him the benefit of any doubt, but I still insist on resolving anything that seems even a little out of place.  Any kind of contradictory statements is a red flag that something is out of whack.  It may be there's some key piece of info I don't know -- or it may be that my spouse doesn't realize the meaning of what he's saying -- or he may be confused, or forgetful.  I am like a bulldog about this (but nice, I don't growl, lol!) in that I *will not* let go until the body of his statements make sense, or at the very least we both agree that there's a problem with what he's saying.  And sometimes, when I'm pursuing this clarity, therefore, we do find he was not admitting his mistake, or he was not reflecting, or he was lying outright.

This approach only works because we have exactly ONE cardinal, unviolable rule in our relationship -- neither of us can simply walk away unilaterally from a conversation/argument, without setting a date/time to continue the discussion, if one of us still wishes to do so.  (We *can* *both* walk away, agree to disagree.)  So my husband knows that even if he ends the current conversation, he will still have to come back and deal with it later.   If either of us categorically refuses -- we're finished, for good.    (At one time, my husband was so beside himself that he was actually incapable of setting the date and time for a continuance -- I settled for getting a date for when he thought he *would* be able to set a date and time for a continuance.)  I refuse to be in a relationship where the other party has indiscriminate veto power and no compunction whatsoever about using it.

So, that's how *I* am nearly always sure whether my husband is reflecting, or not admitting, or lying, or forgetting, or confused, or whatever -- "litmus test" on what he says/does, persistence in resolving anomalies, and careful observation coupled with diligence in understanding.  It's a lot of work.  But it has really paid off in a big way for us.  Even so, there are times when I don't *know* what's going on, and have to try to acquire more information to try to figure it out, or just guess and keep in mind that it's only a guess. -- and about two or three times a year, I'm *totally* wrong in my analysis because I'm unaware of some intentional change on my husband's part.   I should also say that it's possible, and I have no way of knowing if it's so, that I have certain abilities that make my approach possible, that maybe another person doesn't (e.g. I'm very skilled at finding patterns, others may not be) -- and my husband may either have or lack certain abilities (e.g. he can't lie without one of his "tells" showing) that others with ADHD don't -- so our system may not work for others.  But I hope at least it can furnish some ideas.

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

Arwen- you rock :) Thank you so much for spending your time helping a sad stranger!  I may be at the end of my rope, but found so much comfort here that there are other ropes to reach for....

I am usually able to tell when my husband is lying to me. I know when something is "off". He tends to respond with explosive rage if I question any part of his (sometimes hard-to-swallow) explanations and statements. And unfortunately, while my H may have ignored most of the advice in our relationship books, he did learn some new things to accuse me of doing, such as mind-reading (when his body language doesn't match his words), invalidating his feelings when he makes a factually incorrect statement, being controlling, parental, and emotionally abusive when I don't trust, tolerate, and forgive anything, and being controlling and abusive for not liking it when he storms out of any conversation where he hears something that he disagrees with or doesn't like (and, yes, he'll do it immediately if the topic is picked back up later)- because he has decided that he has a panic disorder, which means he has a medical reason to leave these conversations.

I've tried to explain to him that he is the one being controlling when he determines the content and length of our conversations with no negotiation or concern for what I may need.

Nope- he knows that I'm the controlling one, and he can't have this conversation right now! BANG!

Sigh. I really hope to have a relationship someday where my partner actually honors a cardinal rule of any kind! That is definitely a great rule!

Thanks KM- I'm trying really hard to work on my own life and spend less time worrying about how my husband might be destroying any chance of reconciliation. I'll be extremely sad and disappointed if my husband chooses to walk the easy path and not grow with me, but I am determined to grow nonetheless. I need to be stronger regardless. I have definitely tolerated a lot of unacceptable behavior from my H and allowed a lot of boundaries to be flagrantly crossed. It has to stop. I've found a great therapist who has experience with domestic abuse, and he (and this board!) is really helping me to do that :)

summerwine's picture

Oh! have you looked into Oppositional Defiance Disorder?

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." ~ Hunter S. Thompson

This is what I'm afraid of. My H tends not to think about me when I'm not present. During the month that we've been separated that has seemed to be the case. He said he was going to see a therapist and work on himself, and he hasn't even looked up therapists in the area, much less made an appointment or started. When I ask him why this is he gets angry and says he hasn't had time or some other such nonsense. Really? You had time to go out with your friends- again- but didn't have time to look up therapists? Well, he has a right to go out with his friends! Yes, that's not the issue- I'm too parental!!! CLICK.

Even this wouldn't be so bad if he cooled off and then looked up the bleepin therapist. Instead, he'll write me angry emails about how he has a right to have "down time" and he can't be expected to work on the relationship 24/7 etc etc etc. It's exhausting, and more alarmingly, is apparently a common tactic used by abusive people to turn the criticism around, compound or fabricate it, get you defending yourself, and thereby successful distract from their own abuse.

I read recently that narcissists had a lot of trouble listing reasons why their partner might not be committed to the relationship. This made sense to me, but the more worrisome detail was that the narcissists also felt less committment to the relationship the MORE their partner was committed. In other words, they felt safe in the relationship, and so they were more inclined to step out. Ugh.

AdeleS6845's picture

I know this is an Old Post. Of course the counselor blamed her (the wife) for being angry. I went to a counseling session once with my now ex-husband and the counselor did the same thing. She could not see that he was a master manipulator and a narcissist. She had only been listening to him in counseling for a couple of weeks and I have known him for almost 20 years at that point and I lived with him for 17 of those 20.

That's the sign of a bad counselor right there they have no right to judge and they're not supposed to take sides. His counselor thought I was angry because after 13 years of abuse I was angry and I wasn't having it anymore. Aside from that I'm normally a very calm reasonable and overly giving person.

I sincerely hope life is going better for all of the people who originally posted on this thread.

leopardprints67's picture

I'm the ADHD spouse and yes, I've had a history of lying and cheating  (flirting with no intention of anything  physical, but it's cheating nontheless and JUST as painful to the other spouse). 

I've got a back history of pretty intensive sexual abuse/rape and suffer from some pretty bad anxiety/depression I'm on medication and rape counseling for. And  I've done some pretty embarrassing things that I am so not proud of out of a lack of love and respect for myself. I also took a lot of drugs during a period of my life that have caused some blackouts and I'm not too sure about what happened then, although I have my suspicions. As a result of all of these factors,  I never thought anyone "decent" would want me, that I was tainted, dirty, no good. Then, I met my now husband. He was so...different. He was the polar opposite of any man I'd ever dealt with. He was a rock and so "together".  So I tried to hide my past so that someone so acceptable would find me acceptable as well. Well, the past likes to rear it's ugly head up when you least expect it or want it to.

In the beginning of our relationship, things were great.  I never felt better and was walking on a cloud of love. About 6 months in however, I found myself, without even fully realizing it, start doing those sexually charged behaviors again. I  wore low cut tops that invited stares and flirted online with people. I posted sexy pics of myself and made it seem like I was available for more, even though I had no desire to meet any of these people. He says I even flirted with other men in front of him.  I'm not even sure why I started doing it to begin with. I was loved and in love. I had a great man who worshipped the ground I walked on. And yet, the compulsion for validation from others was still there. The more stressed out and overwhelmed I was with life, the more I ran to the internet for soothing and stimulation.  I had a man who thought I was the sexiest thing in the world and here I was, flirting with anonymous guys or even guys I knew and didn't even like one bit! One of them, I even LOATHED. I lied to my husband about past lovers who were still friends of mine. I was worried I wouldn't be able to have that friend in my life again if I told him the truth.  Basically, I put my husband thru HELL and back. He thought that I didn't love him and was just using him. We went like this back and forth for way too long. We broke up a few times and were separated for 2 extremely miserable, long weeks. We've since gotten together and while we still have our battles, I know we love each other.

It wasn't fair and I have NO excuse for my behavior. My husband didn't deserve it and I didn't respect him OR myself. I can try and lie to myself about it, but the truth of the matter is that I put him through hell with my dishonesty and my infidelity. 

There is NO excuse for anyone, ADHD or otherwise, to do this to the person they're committed to. It's taken a long time, but I can fully accept and own what I did. It was wrong.  Terribly and horribly wrong. And while every day is a struggle for us, I still love this man passionately. Because I love him and he's worth fighting for, I make it a point to stay away from chat programs, Facebook, adult sites. I don't look at other men. I make it a point to let EVERYONE know that I'm VERY married and intend to stay that way. I've shut down any man who's attempted to flirt with me immediately.  My email, etc is open to him as is my cell phone. He knows every password.  I only delete stuff on my cell with prior notice to him. I wear clothing that showcases ME, not my boobs.  I give him honesty, even if it hurts. I owned up to the past fling that I was friends with. I don't talk to that man anymore either.  And I've discovered that my past doesn't matter. He still loves ME. I never had a reason to lie at all. 

As for if there's hope, well, that depends on how humble he can make himself. It depends on whether he can admit he lied and just own it and not make excuses for his behavior. It depends on his true desire to change, to be a better person. Even with ADHD, we CAN change. We CAN make good choices, right choices. I can tell you love this man. But does he love himself? Does he love YOU enough to do it? He's got to put it all on the line and give up a lot of freedom to rebuild the trust. And he needs to grow up. I've noticed a lot of my friends with ADHD are emotionally and mentally immature. We're like little kids sometimes. But we need to grow up if we're going to be productive. There's still time for play. Of the appropriate kind, that is. He also needs to understand that the trust is not going to happen overnight. To us, 4 months seems like a year. It's been agonizing at times, let me tell you. Wondering WHEN could I get back on the net and WHEN I could be trusted to go out alone. 
But it was worth the wait, let me tell you. We're not perfect and we still have other ongoing issues that are a pain in the ass to deal with. But I will never in a million years cheat or use the tools I did before to cheat or be dishonest. I cared and wanted to get better. And if he wants to, he will. If not, well, I'm so sorry but you deserve someone who will put it all on the line for love. If he doesn't want to change, don't waste valuable time trying to make him.  He's made his choices. 



When life hands you melons, it probably means you're dyslexic

Thank you leopard- it does me a WORLD of good to hear from an ADDer who's achieved that perspective and generous love. I am so happy for you and your husband, and pray that I will reach a similar place someday with the man I love.

Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who commented- especially people with the ADHD perspective! I am so grateful to you all for commiserating, advising, and just . . . helping me feel that I'm not alone. This holiday has a lot of really painful associations, so I am really struggling. Thank you so much everyone.

arwen's picture

I've replied to other posts in this thread, addressing specific questions/situations relating to this topic, but not dealing with your initial question directly.  And I realize that by doing so I may be giving you false impressions of my perspective.  So, I'll have a go at your five questions also.

1.  I did not have to deal with infidelity, so I can't claim to have successfully dealt with it -- I did deal with incessant lying and lack of empathy, but not all three.

2.  Separation was definitely helpful to me and my spouse.  We'd both become like cats on a hot tin roof, and it was a huge relief to get off the roof.  If I didn't have to deal with his ADHD all day every day, it made dealing with it when we *were* together much more do-able.

3.  As far as I can determine, meds don't have a direct effect on empathy.  But they *can* affect the degree of mental complexity that someone with ADHD can handle, and generally empathy requires a certain amount of complex thought -- so if your spouse has any natural inclination to empathy, it could be that his meds are inadequate to helping with the complex thought that empathy requires, yes.

4.  Again, I don't think that co-morbid depression is the direct cause of anger and lying for the most part, though it may contribute somewhat -- in my experience these behaviors stem primarily from fear.  With my husband, it was a question of needing to very thoroughly break bad old habits he'd acquired for dealing with sticky situations (which was accomplished over time by consistently making the immediate consequences of anger/lying much much worse than the consequences for telling the truth -- but then, as I said, we didn't have infidelity issues, so this was probably easier for us to do than it would be for you -- my husband's lies were primarily financial, though, which was bad enough).  Then we had to create a new paradigm for telling and dealing with the truth that would continue to encourage him to tell the truth and yet not disguise the fact  that he'd done something wrong that he needed to learn not to do.   *This process was very depressing for him, for a long time*, and while it didn't make him angry or more prone to lie (that I could tell), *the depression certainly got in the way of progress*.  Co-morbid depression is not uncommon with ADHD, and if you suspect he has co-morbid depression and he is not being treated for it (or you think he is not being treated adequately for it), I would urge you to pursue treatment, even if it doesn't reduce the anger and lying.

5.  I wish I could tell you that there is or isn't hope, definitely one way or the other, because being "in limbo" can be the hardest situation to deal with (it is for me, anyway) -- but the truth is that I can't know your situation well enough to say.   In a very general way, I think there is hope because there are certain things present in your situation that are important and necessary for a positive outcome.  But there are negative signs as well.

You asked another question, unnumbered:  " I don't believe a word out of his mouth anymore - how can i be married to someone and feel like that?"  I went through that for a few years myself, as a result of my husband's financially-related lies (not that this was the only thing he lied about, but it was the main one).  I told my husband that I didn't want to be married to someone I felt I couldn't trust, but that it would be possible to regain my trust if he could change his ways.  But -- it wouldn't be a simple matter of just making promises and good intentions that I would be expected to accept at face value.  Instead, we negotiated a restructuring of our financial and other things to minimize the opportunity and motivation for lying in the first place, and I insisted on  the means to check all records, and made it clear I would be doing  so at times just in the natural course of handling our finances.  In other words, we set the situation up so that if he lied, he *knew* he would get caught -- and he knew the consequences would be pretty dire.  This gave him a lot of incentive not to lie, but it also avoided situations where he felt he needed to lie in the first place, so his chances of success were a lot higher.  How any of this might apply to *your* situation, though,  is a big question mark.  Maybe there's some general concept here that you can use -- I hope so!

Hang in there, you will make it through this tough time!

"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be."  Albus Dumbledore

leopardprints67's picture

It's not easy, hon. Let me tell you, I've almost given up so many times. Part of it is from my past of always feeling like a failure no matter what. I just kept feeling that I'd screw this up too, so why try? But it wasn't just ME I was going to give up on. It was his kids, that had come to love me and accept me as part of their permanent lives. My own kids, who are ADHD and desperately needed a good, kind, patient loving man in their lives.  And a baffled, confused man who had put his heart on the line repeatedly after I stomped on it, without even noticing.

We still have our ongoing issues. We aren't perfect. I'll never be the neat freak he is and he'll never be able to just walk past stuff on the floor that I just frankly don't see because ADHD gives you blinders. I'll wander off when we're supposed to be spending time together, or I'll start reading a book when we're supposed to be watching a movie. He does still get frustrated with me and I understand. I get frustrated with myself and I LIVE in here, lol. Sometimes we snip at each other and nag. And sometimes we  make each other so mad that we don't speak for a half a day. But regardless, we fight to make it work. Will we make it? I sure damned hope so. I won't give up, that's for sure. And I don't believe for a second that he will, either. Because we love each other and loving someone means accepting their good, their bad and inbetween. However...that being said, it doesn't mean you have to be a damned door mat either. You STILL deserve a loving, caring partner who is will to do whatever it takes to make your loving work. 

When life hands you melons, it probably means you're dyslexic

Hi 17ADDYears!  :-)

I notice your post was made almost a year ago, but I wanted to respond, as reading your story was like reading my own, there were so many similarities - and I have some more thoughts to push your way.

Like you, I was happily married to my husband for some 12 years before there were any real problems, and had known him all his life for a sweet, kind person.   About 6 years ago (if I look for the VERY first signs), he began to turn into a "pod person" (exactly describes my experience!) - affairs, horrendous lies, no empathy, apathy.  He was diagnosed with ADHD last year, after a bout of exhibitionism got him arrested by the police, who recommended that he seek a psych evaluation.  I had begged him to seek help before - but while agreeing with me, he never did.

After the ADHD diagnosis, I thought the knowledge of what his problem was, plus the therapy, would help - but he continued to deteriorate, and this year committed a sexual assault (he grabbed a passing woman - a complete stranger - for no reason other than that he 'felt like it'. :-( ). That disaster led to him being in prison for 3 days - but it also led to a much closer examination of his behavior. I had not noticed, as the changes were so slow, but his language ability and memory have deteriorated over the past year, too - as have his driving skills, and his ability to plan and organize - and all this has painted a different picture of his problems.  In short, he is now being assessed for early onset dementia.  :-(  He is 38. 

I wondered how much medical testing your husband had before his ADHD diagnosis?  ADHD has the exact same symptoms as early dementia - and other conditions like Lyme disease also have the same early symptoms.  My husband was diagnosed as ADHD without any medical tests whatsoever, and I understand this is a fairly common event.  I do think it is important to insist on other tests - such as MRI, SPECT, EEG and psychometric - before accepting an ADHD diagnosis in an older person.  My husband does have an ADHD familial history - but he ALSO has an early onset dementia history, and that was not even discussed. Basically, I wish we had considered the possibility of neurological problems earlier, as it may have spared us some of the painful consequences we have experienced.  

Your experience and mine are so similar, that I really felt I had mention this as another avenue to explore - if you hadn't already.  I hope that you and your husband find a way through this together. 

Best wishes, and I do hope things have improved since you last posted!

Alis  xxx xxx

PS. Your question 2 ("Has anyone found a separation to be helpful with ADHD-related marital problems?") I have to answer with a resounding NO!!!  We tried that - and he simply wandered off and had an affair with an ex girlfriend.  With hindsight, it was a terrible idea, as his problems actually needed more support and intervention from his family, not less.  However, as I say, it seems like my husband may not have ADHD after all - so, perhaps my answer is not so helpful! :-)


I am so glad I read your post. You are the first person who describes it: the 'Pod person'. My partner also suddenly turned into this and I didn't know what it was. Have never experienced anything like it. Also the flirting, no empathy, mechanical way of behaving..



So sorry to hear about your husband's possible diagnosis.  I have ADHD, and just had heavy metal toxicity testing today.  You should have your husband tested for this.  Heavy metals can contribute to both ADHD and dementia.  He may have difficulty processing metals, aluminum in particular being a culprit for this.  A Naturopathic doctor and some chiropractors do this testing.  

I don't want to simplify your pain.  I'm sure there is a lot more to this, but I have been studying metal toxicity (in general) and as it pertains to ADHD, and people with ADHD and dementia tend to have these issues.  

Best of luck with whatever you decide.


My husband and I are separated and almost recently went through with the divorce but I talked him into stopping it for NOW because of the things I have done over the past 14 years of our marriage. I have recently been diagnosed with ADHD and I also have bi-polar disorder. It all started when we first got married and I kissed a co-worker while at work that had been flirting with me and then I left him after we had only been married for about 4 months because I wasn't sure I was ready to be married to him and I tried hooking up with an ex-boyfriend but it didn't go anywhere at all. Just talking and a simple hug when I seen him. We were separated about a month and I realized I couldn't be without him and I wanted him back.All the while my husband came to see me from time to time at my work and I told him I wanted him back and we got back together. I told him about the ex-boyfriend I  tried to hook up with but not the other. Seven years passed and we had a daughter together and in the mean time after our daughter was born our love life and intimate time together in the bedroom was diminishing because I put our daughter first and put him on the back burner. One day we had a fight and I suspected HIM of cheating this time because he wasn't at the place he was suppose to be when I went by there and I blurted out about about me kissing my co-worker 7 years ago to get back at him and hurt him like I felt he was doing me. That made matters worse of course because I kept that from him all these years. I thought he was going to be the one to leave me for sure but he didn't, he stayed. We argued for months about it till he kind of got over it but he put up a guard after that and treated me different after that. He was colder toward me. Definitely didn't show his feelings like he used to. He was punishing basically for what I did. And we started growing apart. We weren't close anymore. Everything just snowballed after we had our daughter and I let her come between us I guess you could say. But then when I told him about the kiss that made things worse between us on top of us not being close anymore. Then a few months later I get a phone call from a womans husband telling me about his wife talking all hours of the day and night to my husband on the phone. He said they worked together.That she worked in the office where my husband works. And if I didn't believe him that he would gladly give me his user name and password to his cell phone account so I could check his bill because I kept calling him a liar and telling him my husband would never do that to me. So I decided to check the account and sure enough there was calls like crazy sometimes 4 hours at a time where they would talk on his wifes account. And they texted back and forth all the time too. And I wondered what they could be talking so much about. So when my husband got home I asked him about it and he said he went to school with her and that they just started talking and that sometimes she put him on hold! I don't believe she put him on hold that many times and for 4 hours several times a day! What did they have to talk about so much?! He eventually told me that it was revenge for what I did to him.But then I would have never found out if her husband had never called and told me about it. And I consider that cheating too. But back to me, several months later ,stupid me, talks to another ex-boyfriend on facebook and he finds out about it by going under another persons account and checking up on me. I didn't have it set to private so he could read the messages we wrote to each other which were totally innocent. I never said anything out of the way to my ex.But I still shouldn't have done what I did.I wouldn't have liked it if he did that to me. But thats my problem I don't think about the consequences before I do something.I just do it.Now we are separated.I told him I wanted the divorce because we argued all the time but now that we have been apart for several months I have thought about everything I have done and the doctor diagnosed me with ADHD and I know that may be the reason why I do the things I do because I'm not on any medication yet. Could it be? And he says that he doesn't know that he can ever trust me again because I will probably keep doing it. Even though I have realized what I am doing and thought about it these past few months and want to make a commitment to ONLY him. I love him. I always have,even when I did those things. And he also says how does he know that if it is because of my ADHD that my medicine will stop working and I will do it again.But I want him to help me.Is their hope for me, for us? I don't want to lose him.


helplessinwaiting's picture

I have been dating this guy for 3 years now. He has ADHD. He was previously married to a woman who cheated on him twice and stole thousands of dollars from his business. He is a very attractive man. We love each other but he has issues with committment. He said it is due to his first marriage. He also has a 10 year old daughter that is very jealous of me. He is a wonderful father. His daughter still hopes for them to get back together and he feels guilt from her he gives her anything she wants and cant show any affection towards me when she's around cause she goes and cries in her room if he does. She can be a sweet girl and it breaks my heart. He said he doesnt want to ever get married again cause of what happened in his previous marriage and the fact that his daughter doesnt want him to marry anybody. I love him...enough to tolerate he emotions his daughter is struggling with. He also said the main reason is he doesnt want the state to get involved with his relationships so he wont marry. Am i wasting my time?

hopelessly in love

Whether you are wasting your time depends on what you want for yourself over the long run.  If you want a functional peaceful relationship that includes a wedding ring you are likely wasting your time. If you want to stay with your guy you will have to adjust your expectations to reflect reality. Can you be happy without the official commitment? Can you be happy being scorned by the daughter, without recourse as the non-parent.    Can you be happy with an unequal partnership where you bear the brunt of the responsibilities? Loving an ADHD person over the long haul requires you to be ok that life isn't fair. Make sure the value you derive is worth the cost.

In answering your specific numbered questions above...

1.  It's pretty hard to deal with all three.  To get to the lying, you would have to get at the underlying shame that is probably underneath.  To do that, the person would have to understand why that's important (what it would do for him/her).  The lack of empathy part could be a whole lot of things - being very angry inside, for example, which has hardened the partner...or perhaps being primarily self-centered.  None of these things are easy to get past, even individually.

2.  I have had several couples work through getting back together through a separation.  This takes intent on both parts, and all of the folks who were successful used professional counselors to change specific habits each partner had.  There is a book, Should I Stay of Go? that lays out the idea of a controlled separation with specific rules that might be helpful if you are considering this option.

3.  Changes in medications can have significant impact on how you interact, including slowing the partner down enough to have time to consider your feelings better.  But that would probably have to be coupled with changes in communication methods and, possibly, counseling.

4.  Depression is a common co-existing condition with ADHD, but I wouldn't look to is as a cause of lack of empathy.  Sounds as if your situation is more complex than that.

5.  There is a good book called "I love you but I don't trust you" that might help you and your partner explore the steps required to recover the trust that is broken by an affair.  In addition, your partner needs to understand that we all heal at different speeds and in different ways.  An ADHDer may be able to "move on" more readily because he lives often in the "present" and so does not hold onto the past so tightly.  Also, having been on both sides of affairs myself, I can tell you in no uncertain terms that being the person who is not having the affair, but finds out about it, is MUCH harder than being the person who had the you have more pain to deal with.

My Husband told me when we started dating about his adhd.....there were some things that were hard to handle while dating but I said well he cant help it. Than I we got married and I got pregnant. at first he was still there with me and close to my due date I started catching him lying to my face, saying he was at work while he was out god knows where and with who getting high. When I went into labor he turned on me completely. he shut down. he hears nothing I say, doesnt support me emontionally at all or barely speaks to me. his phone goes off all hours of the night and I look over his shoulder and see him writing detailed paragraphs to someone i dont know who because it's above me to go through his personal stuff. Than he told me during a fight he had been playing at killing himself and when I made him call dr's to get help he flipped out and moved out on me and our 6mo son. since he says he wants us back. but he continues to lie over and over about things, sits at his parents playing video games and only shows up for an hour a day to zone out and ignore us. We're in counseling but nothing seems to help......Im at my wits ends taking care of a baby alone, and taking care of all our finances and everyday life for a man who doesnt even live with us.....I feel your pain


4 years married, no sex, lying, tries to convince everyone else that I say things I don't say, and hear things that he didn't say when he is the one who can't hear even one sentence he is starting out therapy with Nancie Koehlenberger with this presentation.  I think therapy with someone with ADD must be impossible.  He sabotages every time and "manipulates" the therapist, particularly females.  He enjoys doing it.  The male therapist who had him nailed  retired.  This is my first marriage at age 52...this is his failed third.  I can't stand being with him.  I have tried EVERYTHING.  If anyone with ADD slams me, you don't have a clue, then, how bad it can get.



My husband has been lying to me since day one. I always want to believe him so I never question. However, lately its like I'm finding out more things that he has hidden from me and I am furiated. I'm also pregnant with our 2nd child which makes me super emotional. He ALWAYS makes excuses about why he lies to me (my favorite is, "because I didn't want to listen to your mouth"). But he doesn't seem to understand that when I find out later, of course Im going to be upset. Ive been reading all the books, going to counseling myself and with him too, realizing that I too have contributed to our dysfunctional life but I still feel alone and I don't know how much longer I can hold on. I love my husband but is it enough?

Thank you for getting it, although I'm sorry you have to.  You are right, pregnancy is an emotional and vulnerable time, maybe not the best time to make major life decisions.  Financially, I have to stay with my husband, but maybe God has me here to shine.  Not that I have, mind you!!!  There is something here for me to learn, and yes, it hurts.  Also, if he is at the counselor's, that might be a plus.

God bless you and your family,



macdonald's picture

Boy oh boy - do I ever relate to what you say - and you know what ?  In my experience with my ADHD husband, it won't stop.  He lies all the time, about ridiculous things, it is a constant humiliation to be with him.  I am leaving the marriage, because I have done everything.  

1)  got him to a diagnosis

2) got him to a psychiatrist who provides medication (Concerta) and Wellbutrin for depression, but it does nothing because he doesn't try.

3)  purchased and read all the books available on ADHD,  (but he won't read them)

4)  got him to a cognitive behavioural therapy group for ADHD people (free of charge for 16 weeks)  (But he dumped all he learned shortly after the course)

He has stopped working and I have used a huge amount of my savings to keep us going.

You haven't asked for advice, but here is mine - GET OUT before he ruins your life -with no sex, lots of lying, what makes it worth it ? (The embarrassment in front of family and friends over a divorce I understand, it has held me longer than I should have stayed,  he has spent mot of our money so I have to wait to separate, the sadness of the whole thing when it is all so unnecessary)

One thing that really bugs me on this site is that so much is written about the non-adhd person is supposed to learn and be understanding, well I have done all of that and more, and it is worthless when the adhd person lies.  So many reasons are given for the lying and I have tried to understand but if he WON'T stop, what can I do with that ?  ADHD is not an excuse for poor behaviour and I am sick to trying when he won't.  

Oh my, we are living each other's lives!  And I always feel like I'm the only one out there.  I am financially divested of all assets since marrying my husband four years ago.  I have been to jail twice due to domestic, him once; I am 56.  He wouldn't help me with mortgage payments on my home when I was critically ill at the beginning of our marriage so my house is in foreclosure.   I have nothing in my name so as to protect him from my foreclosure.  He did make me beneficiary upon his death of his annuity and his social security which may be more than mine would be.  I am exhausted and ill from the stress, and cannot fathom starting out at 56 as if I was 17 again.  I have to find a way to survive this.  I don't like me anymore.  I am so angry and resentful.  "We" are working with Nancie Kohlenberger and her ADHD coach husband Steve.  But, of course, as you well know, my husband's ADD like yours, eliminates any and all willingness to take any initiative.  I have been trying to humiliate him into taking some responsibility, and that is wrong.  He needs encouragement.  Nancie explained it to me this way.  He grew up getting in trouble for things he didn't hear, and yet Mommy or Daddy said they told him, so everything was confusing and the coping mechanism of lying came about to try to stop constantly being in trouble for something he couldn't help.  But, don't get me wrong...he has put us in extremely dangerous situations...and if I had the money, I would not live with him.  I would like very much to have someone else in my life, but I cannot reconcile it with the vow I made to God on my wedding day.  So I am suffering as BPD people do, and trying to figure out how not to, and what it is I am in this situation to learn.  My husband is also in Stage 4 kidney failure so he is going to need help, not that he is doing anything to manage that either.  He wouldn't have this problem if he had not quit taking his medicines post open heart surgery.  He is very unhealthy mentally, and it is as if I have to take on the responsibilities of the man of the house, while he handles what a wife would do:  he can shop, cook, do laundry, and take the dogs to the park.  He can't clean, organize, do anything with the sailboat we bought after selling our house.  He isn't even managing the mechanical side which is what he excels at.  Very WEIRD.  I have wondered if he has a suicide/murder mentality in light of the dangers he has put us in...intentionally.  Sorry to say so much, but I am beginning to believe it is not possible for a non-ADHD to understand a person with ADHD, despite reading every book available.


macdonald's picture

Hello - I m sorry to read there are so many in financial trouble due to their adhd spouse.  Partly it is my own fault, because I trusted without checking in a 2nd marriage, and I should have known better.  Using humiliation ?  you are not alone there.  I have done the same when in the midst of yet another useless fight.  I find t hard to accept that an adult who admits they know lying is wrong, just continues to do it, and I am supposed to be "encouraging" and offer "empathy", while he remains unaccountable and continues to tell lies ?  Some just use the diagnosis as a license to behave badly.  It sounds as if you are stuck since his illness makes it very hard for you to leave.  I have also worked with professionals such as you mention (Nancy) but it does him little good, he just puts it aside (mentally) when the sessions are over.  I truly feel sorry for him, and still love him, but I can't live with him.  Hard at our age group, for them, for the non-adhd spouse too.  Please, what is bpd ?

Oh my dear, I'm sorry but I'm new to this site however I'm not new to your suffering.  The lying is a rationalization in the ADHD mind for their unacceptable behavior.  The cherry on the ADHD sundae is when the spouse learns of the lies (since they are never adept at hiding it or remembering which lie they told to whom) and make the suffering spouse believe that their understanding/empathy/cognitive recognition of their affliction is the very reason why they lie and cheat.  I commend you for your strength and courage in deciding to leave (I chose to stay with my spouse for 18 years rather than have him inflict his atrocious behavior on another vulnerable woman).  Sadly, although it feels like it, you are not alone.  Please do not allow this experience make you bitter.  Clearly you are intelligent and talented in your own right and I wish you well.

Hello, everyone.

This is my first post, and I hope it's not inappropriate.  I am the ADHD one in my marriage, but my husband has just filed for divorce **because he'd rather give up his marriage than his sex addiction**.

The reason I bring this up is that so many of the posts sound more like sex addiction than ADHD (to me).  Sex addicts tend to live double lives: They "compartmentalize" their "regular" life and their addictive-behavior lives, so it's as if they have two different personalities.  The "regular" personality tends to be very kind, and sweet, and even *better* looking publicly than at home.  You feel as though you have a nearly perfect husband.

And then you find out about "Mr. Hyde".  His *other* personality, the one that has affairs / online sex / sees prostitutes, etc. (and typically also causes large financial problems) HAS NO EMPATHY.

In fact, neither personality has empathy, because they aren't really two different personalities, they just seem that way.  It's just that the "Dr. Jekyll" that you've been living with knows how to fake it.  (I think this is why it tends to come out about year 16 or 17 of marriage - although some make it much longer.  My personal theory is that's how long it takes the sex addict to forget what he needs to know to fake it believably.)

I also want to mention that sex addiction is a *drug* addiction: instead of buying the drugs on the street corner, the addict buys the experience that causes their brain to *produce* the drugs.  And with the internet, now, they can get it for free.  So "watching porn" tends to actually be cybersex or even sex over web-cam.  This apparently makes the addiction get much worse, very fast.

The problems, advice, issues with therapy, and recovery process are very much the same: The behavior (that ends up becoming addictive) is a coping mechanism created in childhood; the addict and the non-addict partner/spouse both must really want the marriage to survive, or there will be no recovery; the addict has to do a tremendous amount of work on himself; the partner discovers that all his/her boundaries have been crossed, and quite without having any idea it was happening she/he has become, at least in some ways, co-dependent; therapists often either think the spouse should not be angry or the spouse isn't "giving him what he needs" so it's her fault; the marriage, if it survives, will have to be started anew.

The reason I'm writing this is that if sex addiction is the underlying problem, and not ADHD, treating for *only*  ADHD will not help.  They will both have to be treated.  (And one last word of caution: sex addicts will often use the amphetamines they are prescribed to get highER when they are performing their addictive behaviors.)

From what I've read, there is a LOT of overlap with NPD and Sex Addiction. IF the original problem is Sex Addiction, the NPD is supposed to disappear with recovery. It's caused by the addict seeing people as objects, and the rationalization he uses to justify why it's OK for him to cheat. (He's the only one with this special condition that causes him to need all this extra sex. He's unique, different, so the same rules don't apply. Other people who do this are cheating. He's not - he's (or she's) filling a need that no-one else is subject to.) As he recovers, he gives up the rationalization and starts to see people as people, and ceases to see himself as "unique and special". But if the original problem is NPD, then it stays - and treatment for the Sex Addiction won't be pursued anyway. The narcissist now is addicted to the high, but he started in the first place because of the need to always be adored, never treated like he could possibly have faults, etc. Because he's so much better than anyone else, he doesn't need treatment. (You do, since you don't see him as perfect.) And besides, he's entitled to whatever he wants! I highly recommend the book "In Sheep's Clothing". It's not strictly about sex addiction, or NPD. But it's the only thing that has any practical methods for recognizing what he's been doing to your psyche, and how. (The sex addiction books recommend "boundaries". But boundaries are really about your own values. "I would never allow a webcam into my bedroom". They are agreements you make with yourself. Boundaries "with" the sex addict, "You agree never to bring porn into the house" are completely useless. Even if he is in a real treatment program, he'll be a compulsive liar for 6 - 12 months.) The personal side (skippable): I couldn't understand why my husband had done all the things the books said sex addicts do: been a perfect husband, been sensitive, etc. He'd always been against exploitation of any kind (sexual or otherwise) and then he'd gone and done all these horrible and exploitative things. And then the kids and I seemed less and less important to him. Then the daughter and I were even less important than the son... All normal in the course of sex addiction. (At first the prostitutes are objects. Then the affair partners. Then all women. In the end, everyone is.) But then he did NOT do any of the predicted stuff after being "discovered" and agreeing to go into "treatment". (In fact, he didn't get discovered, he announced to me that he'd been doing all this stuff, and told me I was "irrational" if I thought there was anything wrong with it.) Even during his worst week of "withdrawal" when he let all sorts of things slip (in anticipation that I'd walk out when he disclosed his activities, he'd been telling people I was irrational and my therapist thought I needed a psych eval!) he still never showed any remorse or apologized. NOT typical for a sex addict. He faked treatment for / recovery from the Sex Addiction. (He found a therapist who claimed to specialize in sex addiction, but didn't do any of the normal things, like disclosure.) All this was to set up appearances so he could make me out to be the bad guy. What he said to our friends, our spiritual leaders, etc. to convince them of this, I don't know. Whatever it was, it worked. He then divorced me, with absolutely no warning. And I was completely unprepared, because I'd believed him that he was "totally committed to recovery and to rebuilding our marriage". So I had to find a lawyer in just a couple days. He even managed to get my lawyer on his side! (I don't whether that's a testament to his ability to lie and manipulate, or just an indictment of my lawyer, who truly does seem to be totally unethical.) And now he has joint custody because "sex addiction doesn't prove he isn't able to be a good parent". (Where I live, even a conviction for child molestation doesn't prove that!) So I think in my husband's case, the Sex Addiction came second. I wish I'd known that sooner. So, my advice is find a really good lawyer immediately. (How can you tell? I wish I knew. To start with, look on for a rating of no less than 10. Interview at least 5 lawyers.) Be prepared, even if you are trying to reconcile. If he's not really recovering, whether he has underlying NPD or not, he'll be *ruthless*. Don't assume he'll have any human feeling at all. And I highly recommend the book "In Sheep's Clothing".

Dear TTF,

Oh my dear, my heart goes out to you.  Yes it might seem like there is an overlap with NPD and sex addiction however there are several major differences. Sex addiction is a compulsion.  There is a commercial in my area that advertises a chain of addiction centers.  The testimonial presented by an actor for this particular site is "I was an addict.  Now I'm not."  Of course he's still an addict however the addiction is not currently active.  A sex addict is driven to have sex and any receptacle will suffice.  They know what they are doing but they cannot restrain the compulsion (much like drug addicts and alcoholics). And just like drug addiction and alcoholism, sex addiction is treatable if the addict is willing to seek help and he/she has support from the loving and suffering partner.  The sex addict is able to understand that there is a problem.  With NPD the only problem they are able to recognize is that everyone else is insane if they are incapable of seeing how special he/she is.  There is no empathy, compassion or acknowledgement of their problem; they aren't wrong but everyone else is. And just like alcoholism and drug addiction, NPD does not just "disappear".  It is a daily struggle requiring specialized care and an accurate diagnosis. Since the treatment is lifelong and time consuming, an NPD will usually just go through the motions.  Treatment is ineffective for an NPD if they are unwilling to acknowledge their problem which is unfortunately a cornerstone symptom of NPD; they are special so nothing applies to them. Although it may not seem like it, a sex addict does have personal boundaries; there are no boundaries for an NPD since, again,  rules do not apply to them. An NPD has no compassion.  The instant a transgression is committed they are arrogantly able to rationalize it away.  I didn't do anything wrong; if I did those things I don't remember it so it didn't happen; it's not cheating if everyone knows; it's not cheating/lying if feelings aren't involved.  Most important, an NPD feels no remorse; in fact they feel nothing other than their own superiority.  Perhaps it is obvious that I've had years of therapy and introspection to try to understand my own ex-husband.  He chose not to seek treatment since he felt that there was nothing wrong with him.  He also chose to punish me for seeking treatment without his permission (a true NPD).  I know you didn't ask for advice but I'm going to offer some.  Please seek independent counseling. It will help you to understand and deal with your ex-partner's affliction.  You are not alone and I wish you well.

You are absolutely right: NPD and sex addiction are two completely different things. I was not clear enough to get across what I was trying to. What I meant was that - according to what I've read - many with true NPD actually develop sex addiction as well. Whereas many with sex addiction become NPD-like. It's not true NPD, but there are overlaps in the symptoms. (Specifically, the ability to rationalize anything away, the idea that they are special, different from everybody else, and superior, their "right" - and need - to control completely everyone around them. But apparently they do feel remorse.) A full blown sex addict develops traits of NPD, but since they are side effects of the sex addiction, he does not have true NPD. That is why, IF he gets treatment for the sex addiction, and it's successful, he is able to return to his original personality. (That's probably also why he's able to take treatment seriously at all.) However, many with true NPD apparently also develop sex addiction. This site is where I read that: (I have read a lot about sex addiction, and am only now realizing it wasn't necessarily the underlying problem for my husband. I have read very little about narcissism. Thank you to dragonmom for the correction!) However, sex addiction and sexual compulsion are different: the compulsion is usually caused by a trauma, and the chemicals produced as a result of orgasm are used as a calming / coping mechanism to deal with the feelings resulting from that trauma. But much like anti-depressants, pain killers, or even cigarettes, when used often enough or in great enough quantity, these chemicals become addictive. When the sexual activity is done for the sake of getting high, or to avoid withdrawal, it is no longer being done because of the compulsion. It has become a chemical addiction. This is why the incidence of sexual addiction has recently gotten so much higher. Now, it is not just the compulsive that progresses to addiction, it is a lot of the people who hit porn sites/channels on broadband. They too are generating those chemicals in extremely great quantities - enough to cause addiction. Sex addiction used to be more like morphine addiction: most morphine addicts got "hooked" when being treated for pain after an injury or surgery. Sex addicts started out with a compulsion resulting from a trauma in their life. Now it's more like cigarette addiction: cigarettes are something you pick up because "everybody's doing it". Sex addicts *now* are more likely to have gotten hooked watching porn on the computer, and then progressed to "real life" activities. (I think that's a false distinction - and it's one most sex addicts make. "Porn" is pictures and movies. You can say "that's just pictures". But cyber-sex is real life: it's interaction with real people. Sex addicts often claim that chatting with somebody, or watching or participating in live sex over a web-cam "isn't real", but it is still sex *with* somebody. AND they'll claim that sex with a hooker or a stranger in person is still just "watching porn"! This is what I referred to in my original comment. Other people become not-real, "just objects", with no more people-hood to the addict than a sex toy. So it isn't "cheating". And it doesn't hurt ANYBODY - not the prostitute, the person he's having an affair with who thinks he loves her, not his wife, not his children - because they have all become objects, and objects don't have feelings.) Thank you, dragonmom, for the recommendation to get individual counseling. I have a counselor for the "relationship trauma" - being betrayed by the person I *thought* was my best friend and loved me as much as I loved him, but it wasn't helpful. Today, in the course of trying to find counseling for my children, I also got a recommendation for individual counseling for dealing with a narcissist. So that's two recommendations in one day! Maybe it will be of more help.

Rather sadly I read your experience and recognized myself and my own repulsive 18 year marriage to a compulsive liar and cheater.  He has a mountain of excuses as to how he isn't a liar and a cheater:  (It's not cheating; these are women I get high and have sex with.  It's not lying if I don't tell you about it. You said I could.  They are friends and I'm allowed to have friends.)    We also made multiple moves to multiple towns as a "fresh start" and he cheated in every new zip code. You can draw line after line and the liar will continue to cross it.  His complete lack of empathy and remorse is a major red flag.  Of course he is funny, intelligent and charming.  It's what attracts people to him; it's what attracted you to him.  You have two options; accept his lying cheating ways that are psychologically destroying you or learn from the experience.  I cannot tell you a correct course of action; I can only tell you my own personal decision.  I too am intelligent, charming, funny and reasonably attractive when I'm not hiding bruises.  I chose to leave my ADHD spouse after years of denied abuse, lies and financial and emotional ruin.  I have also chosen to remain "friends" with him for the sake of our blended families.  I am far more stable emotionally, financially and physically due to my decision.  It wasn't an easy one and we did get back together several times before I finally divorced him and, yes, he lied and cheated through every reconciliation.  Trust cannot be rebuilt if only one partner is trustworthy however if both are willing to work on trust issues and leave the past in the past it is possible to repair the damage.  My heart goes out to you; you are not alone and I wish you well.

>>>>Rather sadly I read your experience and recognized myself and my own repulsive 18 year marriage to a compulsive liar and cheater.  He has a mountain of excuses as to how he isn't a liar and a cheater:  (It's not cheating; these are women I get high and have sex with.  It's not lying if I don't tell you about it. You said I could.  They are friends and I'm allowed to have friends.) <<<


Did he actually claim that you said that he could have affairs?



>>>>>>  Of course he is funny, intelligent and charming.  It's what attracts people to him; it's what attracted you to him.  <<<<


Sounds like NPD.



<<<<<  I have also chosen to remain "friends" with him for the sake of our blended families. >>>>


Good strategy.  Experts say that divorcing a person like this can have a lot of revenge.  Staying friends may have saved you more grief.

Dear OverwhelmedWife,

For the "You said I could" comment:  My ex-husband is a compulsive liar however he particularly liked to phrase his lies in ways that would manipulate me. He said that he was "going out with his friends and would I mind".  My good wife answer was "Of course not.  Do you need my car and do you have enough money?"  Going out with his friends turned out to be getting high in my car with two women and having sex with one while the other watched; I said he could was his manipulative rationalization for his repulsive behavior.  I could go on but I'm sure the picture in your mind is already nauseatingly vivid.  In one of our counseling sessions he claimed that he was "a perfect husband and never cheated" and this was all in my lunatic mind.  Sadly, he really does believe he didn't cheat because his feelings were never involved.  The therapist let him know that my complaints might be legitimate and this marriage was headed for divorce yet he scoffed away her very professional opinion  since "she doesn't know what she's talking about".  

As for NPD, that is exactly what I would say he is now.  He would be outraged if anyone accused him of lying or inappropriate behavior (he was once fired from a very good job for sexual harassment but that too was not his fault) and denied he had a problem.  My sisters only tolerate him when necessary and do not want him near their grandchildren (again, this is my fault because I've poisoned their minds against him).  He has never been held accountable for anything he's done including his 17 year old son from another woman (yes we were married for 18 years but that was also not his fault; the girl got herself pregnant) and feels no remorse.  I simply decided to put the entire thing behind me which was the best decision I could have possibly made.  I managed to get a college degree after the age of 50, I speak two languages and have a very close circle of siblings and friends.  My only explanation for why I tolerated him all those years was comment number two "Of course he's intelligent and charming".  He could make me laugh until I cried; he could also just make me cry.  He could make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world; he also had the uncanny knack of making me feel worthless.  I am not unscarred both physically and mentally but I am far stronger and a much better person. I should also let you know that the ink is still wet on our divorce; he contested everything because "he is not a quitter".

I've read your whole story and it sounds like you've been very patient and very supportive.  I guess you just need to decide if you want to continue being patient and supportive with the man he really is.  Assuming that he isn't going to change.  You've been with him for a really long time and his actions tell me (an outsider) that won't change.  It's difficult but only you can make that decision.  I'm in a situation that isn't too different and am struggling with the same decisions..  Good luck, do what's right for you before you think about what's easiest for everybody

This is most definitely a problem with men who have ADHD. I have one of them too. And just recently, I 've found out so many times of his infidelities and such. Plus all of the lying. It's the Lying that's killing me. He does it straight to my face. Just asked him how many "gifts" he'd sent this woman. He said "one". I knew of the one. Then he said he had sent her something else. Right after saying he only sent one. So he doesn't Lie to me ? Ha !! Just did it right to my face, AGAIN. It's so hurtful to think he has no remorse and keeps on doing it to me.But that's how they are. They believe they are right and do nothing wrong.They have an excuse for everything they do.   I haven't gone to this woman, but somehow think I should. If for nothing, but to warn her how he is & will always be ? But why ? Why shouldn't she suffer like I do ? She's the witch that's trying to take him away from me. So let her suffer !! She recently sent him B'dy flowers, & right to MY house too.He acted mad, but didn't do what I asked him to. But he had just sent her a few days before, a necklace that I found on Etsy, & what it cost him. I guess he was just trying to keep her chasing after him ? Why else ? He said he sent it for totally odd reasons. As a friend particularly. Which did not matter to me. It was wrong. He knows it was wrong and knows that it hurt me too. He admitted to it. Said he knew she had been looking for something like that for a long time, so he found it & got it for her. Wasn't that special ???   I'm totally pissed. I didn't get any "gift" from him. And I certainly deserved one after the crap he's been doing to me. But once again, he has NO remorse. NO I'm sorry. Nothing. He's within his rights to do anything he wants to with HIS life. do you know that he just recently told me that I should check out that site, Etsy ? How stupid can he be ? I found what he did on his extra phone that he had left home when he went to work. Very accidental, as I found other things too. Mine does this to me all the time. And when I try to talk to him about his "mistakes" I get the same thing over & over. Then he'll say...I didn't think you Loved me, so I went to her again. I bought HER gifts to keep her wanting me. I didn't want to not be Loved. He felt alone without the sex he wanted. He's on the "kinky" side and likes "toys". He thought I wouldn't do anything with him. I was dull & boring. I admit, I gave him the idea for awhile. But he also told me he didn't want sex ? What was that all about ? I thought he was hurting too much. Cause he has Spinal Stenosis himself. I have Neuropathy, so I'm a bit limited. So I Went along with it. Wasn't entirely my fault. Then I find out it was just another Lie. But I'm the one who suffered, while he went out cheating. How is that fair ? I recently told him that I would now be opening all of his mail at home. His credit card bills, his bank statements, everything I let him keep private before.Not any longer, however. "Married" people do these things all the time. So now, we are too. He said. So now I'm in "Prison".I said..."YUP"....even though he really isn't. He's only showing me TRUST as far as I can tell. I guess he doesn't want me to have any Trust in him ? Well too bad, cause now he'll have to. I will be the one to see & open all of his snail mail. And he WILL like it !! I have no problems if he opens mine also. I'm not hiding anything. I've always told him this, and I meant it. So here we go. It will start tomorrow & never stop. We are going to have TRUST in this relationship, one way or the other. I don't know if anything I'm saying is going to help you at all. I hope it does. Maybe it might help to know that someone else is suffering as much as you are ? Cause let me tell you, I AM suffering !! I'm one that is trying to make this relationship work. I truly love him. A LOT. The ADHD is not going to get the best of "us" If I can help it. I or "we" are going to fight this as best we can. There is too much wonderful in this man. I have lived it once. I will live it once again. I know he is strong enough to fight it. I just have to remind him why he is here with me. It's because we have such great Love together. Just like we did in the beginning. So none of these so-called girlfriends are going to horn in on what we have. They are NOT !! I won't allow it. They have NO idea what he is made of. They only see the outer shell that he projects to the outside world. I see the "REAL" man he is. And even was. I've read & read & read. I may not understand all of it, but I certainly try to. Tonight he came home, after I yelled at him for another of his antics with another woman. He came home & was apologetic. Even though he lied to me, I yelled at him & he began to be sad somewhat. He walked over to me as I was crying, held me, took off my glasses, and told me he just was still trying to believe I actually Loved him like I did before again. And that the things he did were not telling her he wanted her. Said he told her she would never get him, as a matter of fact. But of course, there are the Lies. So what & how much can I believe ? I'll try, but the trust is another issue. He is going to be reminded endlessly, I'm sure. God help him IF I catch another thing !! God help him. Cause I will be DONE and he will be OUT OF HERE !! I even screamed loud enough at him so that his 37 yr. old son who is living in my basement had to have heard me. I don't care. I hope he did. Maybe he'll move out ? LOL I can only wish. Or maybe he'll go running to his mother & tell her "Hey Mom, you've got a chance again. They're fighting." His mother used to live with him years ago, until she left him with her kid. Who is now staying in MY house because he hates his step father. Not my guy. Him he likes. Lucky me. NOT !! I want him out fast. My guy says he does too. But not sure of his reasons. I'm not sure what I'll wind up doing or not. My heart is hurting pretty badly. He knows it is. And he's been pretty good about my constantly pushing it. I want him to toss her off intently. I want him to tell her to F--K Off !! I really do. She deserves it. I would, but I can't bring myself down to her level. My guy wouldn't like that anyway. That's one reason he got mad at her. When she sent him the flowers he was ticked. We chopped them up with My cleaver in the kitchen. But I kept the box full of the dead stems. I want to send them to her with a saying in it. I don't think he'd like that. But I would !! I know where she lives. I know her FaceBook. I know her email. ALL of it. Should I anyway ? She needs to get hurt this time. I just don't want to look like a fool, like she is. Dangit !! Anyway, getting tired now. I have a lot more to write but need to stop for now. You do a lot of thinking. Feel how you really feel inside. Be true to yourself and your heart. That's the best I can say. Good Luck to you !!