Forum topic: Partner Support Group Ideas


I am new to this forum. I am married to a wonderful woman with ADHD. Three months ago a support group for partners of people with ADHD was started in the Boston area. I have attended the first three sessions of this meetup group and have found it very validating to talk face-to-face with people who can relate to me. The few of us who are regulars are catching a vision to make this group not only a place for partner support, but also a place for us to learn together how to be better partners and foster healthier relationships.

We have started discussing possibilities like bringing in guest speakers, having discussion topics, working on something together (e.g. Melissa's book) and some other ideas. If any of you have ideas about how to make this group great, I would love to hear them. Thanks.


P.S. the group's url is


Hi - It's great that you have a meetup group!  Don't know if this fits into how you think of support, but if you would like me to come to a Fall meeting just to talk with you, give you encouragement, etc. please let me know.  I currently live in the area.  Use the contact form to send me a note.  Good luck with it!