One Reason It's So Hard to Start Things When You Have ADHD
Emotional obstacles are a very big deal in ADHD procrastination. These two fun and fast-paced videos from How to ADHD tell you why, and what to do about it.
Emotional obstacles are a very big deal in ADHD procrastination. These two fun and fast-paced videos from How to ADHD tell you why, and what to do about it.
About 50 percent of adults with ADHD suffer from an anxiety disorder. Here's the story of how Katie came to grips with hers.
Lots of ADHD spouses are uncomfortable with the idea of trying medication as treatment for their ADHD – and some number flatly refuse. If you’re stuck in a battle with your partner over the importance of medication, here are four tips for you.
Bryan Hutchinson, who wrote a memoir about growing up with ADHD called "One Boy's Struggle" has just released a support group discussion guide with Sharon St.
We all interpret the world around us through a set of filters. These can be based upon our upbringing, our family’s values, certain knowledge and, sometimes, our fears. Recently, I’ve been thinking about how the filters one chooses to use affect your relationship for better or for worse. One of the tricks, of course, is understanding your own filters.
I have read a couple of posts recently that have noted that reading all of the posts in the forum makes people frightened for the future of their relationship with a person with ADD. “Do we have a chance?” these people ask. The answer, unequivocally, is YES! Let me share one of these posts, which I think really clearly states many of the issues in ADD relationships, and then tell you why and how I think this couple can (and will) succeed.