Extreme Emotions and ADHD
Quick triggers and emotional issues are becoming more widely recognized as core components of ADHD. Learn more with these articles from top ADHD experts.
Quick triggers and emotional issues are becoming more widely recognized as core components of ADHD. Learn more with these articles from top ADHD experts.
It’s about time that we start having a conversation around using the emotional dysregulation that some with ADHD experience as a diagnostic criteria. A new research analysis suggests changing how we label what ‘sort’ of ADHD people have can improve both diagnosis and treatment.
While counselors and authors have focused on the unique problems that women with ADHD face, few have spoken specifically about the issues that men who have ADHD face in their relationships.
A recent article in ADDitude Magazine reminded me that about 20% of people with ADHD will develop Bipolar and about 70% of people with Bipolar also have ADHD. Wow! This is a huge overlap, and it’s important to know the characteristics of each, so that you can get treatment right.