What Does Having ADHD Feel Like?
Dr. Ned Hallowell has just written a terrific piece on what it's like to have ADHD for the Huffington Post. You can just feel that ADHD energy in his writing! To read it, go to this link.
Dr. Ned Hallowell has just written a terrific piece on what it's like to have ADHD for the Huffington Post. You can just feel that ADHD energy in his writing! To read it, go to this link.
This past Sunday, The New York Times ran an opinion piece by L. Alan Sroufe called Ritalin Gone Wrong. Dr. Hallowell offers a much different point of view, one based on his strength-based, whole-person approach to treating ADHD.
Dr. Ned Hallowell and I have both been asked by the editors of Psychology Today to join their ranks of bloggers. Today I created my first post there, titled "ADHD Isn't Just for Kids - Adults Feel Big Impact in Marriage." It's an overview to introduce readers to the basics of why one should be paying attention to adult ADHD. For those of you who have "curious minds," take a peek at the wide variety of offerings at the Psychology Today site home page - some very interesting ideas explored there.
Starting soon..! For those of you who are within driving distance of Boston, Dr. Hallowell and his wife, Sue (an excellent therapist in her own right) will be conducting three group therapy sessions for couples starting this June 24th. This is a great opportunity for couples where one or both partners has ADHD to get the advice of real experts, in person, and to meet others who share some of the issues. The details follow - please read them before calling to register: