ADHD and Marriage - Giving Up Control
Control issues create one of the most common Catch-22s of ADHD-impacted marriages. So how do you stop trying to control your partner, get his or her buy-in, and get out of this lose/lose situation?
Control issues create one of the most common Catch-22s of ADHD-impacted marriages. So how do you stop trying to control your partner, get his or her buy-in, and get out of this lose/lose situation?
I have been thinking a lot lately about being responsible for yourself and taking care of yourself. Too many non-ADD spouses subordinate themselves to the issues that ADD brings into their lives and, in so doing, lose themselves (or worse, become someone whom they don’t recognize and don’t like). I think of this as being a victim of the tyranny of ADD. But it doesn’t have to be this way.