Stress Highlights Our Differences – For Better or Worse
Stress exaggerates our normal tendencies. When one of you has ADHD and the other one doesn’t that can be a problem... or a blessing.
Stress exaggerates our normal tendencies. When one of you has ADHD and the other one doesn’t that can be a problem... or a blessing.
Your styles have always been different, but now that matters a lot more. Advice for couples struggling with suddenly finding themselves together 24/7, including ideas for making all that time together easier…even happy.
There are lots of worthwhile virtual resources for kids. Here are some of them.
One family's challenge to balance two full-time jobs and caring for a toddler is just the tip of the iceberg.
You’ve been asked to self-quarantine, but your partner isn’t on board. How do you effectively help a partner learn what to do without triggering defensiveness and parent/child dynamics?
On Friday I asked for input about sheltering at home and self-quarantine experiences. Your response was gratifying and moving. And the need for support is clear. So I'm going to start providing additional support for couples to help them get through this time:
Self-isolation is a hot topic at the moment, and may soon be required in parts of the U.S. So, here are some things you can do to stay sane (and hopefully healthy) during a pandemic self-isolation.