Why Isn't My Non-ADHD Partner Supportive of My ADHD Therapy?
It can be confusing when ADHD partners start learning more about ADHD and are met with a lukewarm reception from a spouse. What's going on?
It can be confusing when ADHD partners start learning more about ADHD and are met with a lukewarm reception from a spouse. What's going on?
You don't have to have stuff everywhere just because one or more of you has ADHD!
Follow this path to get started on managing your ADHD.
Are you an ADHD adult feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to do? Too many unfinished tasks floating around? Trouble focusing? Creating a Personal Kanban can help.
Does the ADHD partner in your relationship become defensive, offer excuses and deny wrongdoing when legitimate grievances are raised? Here are some reasons why this could be happening and some tips on how they can be addressed.
Wondering what it might feel like to start ADHD medications? Here are some true accounts from people who describe what it feels like to take their ADHD medications.
Don't let ADHD get in the way of having fun connecting again on a staycation. This post augments a recent NY Times article to make it more relevant for couples impacted by ADHD.