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ADHD & Marriage - Weekly Marriage Tip - August 15, 2011

Heart to Heart

Tips for Thriving in your Marriage

Quote of the Week Quick Links

“Honest failure is a badge of experience. All of you will fail at some time in your career, or in love or in life. No one ever sets out to fail. But being afraid to fail means you’ll be afraid to try.”
         - Steve Blank

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Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Sustaining a good relationship (vs. initiating one) has much to do with trying new things and, sometimes, failing at them. To keep your sex life interesting, you might add new positions or toys (and, hopefully, laugh if they don’t turn out as expected!) You might try new ways to keep your household organized, or go to a world premier play to spruce up your date night only to be horrified by the content.

If one of you has ADHD, you will undoubtedly be experimenting with how to organize yourself better, how to stay on task, and how to remind yourself to be involved rather than distracted.

This experimenting is critically important work – never be afraid to try…and also measure your success so you can answer the question “is this a keeper…or do I move on?”

The partner to experimentation is creating an environment in which trying new things is valued. That means encouragement, rather than “that’s a stupid idea”…and responding with laughter rather than tears or frustration when something doesn’t work out as planned.


NEXT COUPLES COURSE STARTS SEPTEMBER 12.  FIND OUT MORE AT THIS LINK.  The course is given by phone - what do you have to lose?

For those in marriages impacted by ADHD
If you or your spouse has ADHD, please join our forum at to ask your questions and learn from others who share your issues.  In addition, you'll find in-depth essays to help you learn how to thrive in a marriage affected by ADHD.

Hope to hear from you there!
Melissa Orlov

© 2011 Melissa Orlov