ADHD and Time


ADHD & Marriage - Weekly Marriage Tip - October 10, 2012

Heart to Heart

Tips for Thriving in your Marriage

Quote of the Week Quick Links

“When I visualize the passage of time I see before and after and during and everywhere in between all at once, and everything is forever changing.  "My wife can organize a to-do list and prioritize it and carry out each activity one at a time to completion," says Tim. "I approach a to-do list full on, with the chores or activities all needing to be done at once. I call it 'living the matrix.' I feel I can do everything while time stands still for me."”
-    Tim Hanley from a recent ADDitude Magazine article on time and couples

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Living The Matrix

It can be really hard for non-ADHD spouses to understand the typical ADHD relationship with time.  When you are used to the one-after-the-other linear type of time management, the more fluid approach of those with ADHD is confusing.

ADDitude Magazine recently published an article about differing perspectives on time in ADHD / non-ADHD couples.  If you have time issues in your relationship, it’s worth a read.  Go to this link

For those in marriages impacted by ADHD
If you or your spouse has ADHD, please join our forum at to ask your questions and learn from others who share your issues.  In addition, you'll find in-depth essays and a terrific recorded in-depth seminar to help you learn how to thrive in a marriage affected by ADHD.
Hope to hear from you there!
Melissa Orlov

© 2012 Melissa Orlov